Neil Reed |

Neil Reed

One of the bravest college basketball players ever. Knight was as much a deity, if not more, than Joe Paterno. To take him on, at such a young age and as a subordinate, took a lot of courage.
It's scary when a guy a couple of years older than me dies of a massive heart attack.
The thing that bothered me the most about this incident was that Bobby Knight lied and denied choking him at all till the video was shown. Just shows that integrity for some "good people" can be so situational. Many "heroic" figures touted for their high standards think they've "banked" enough good will for their bad actions to be ignored and automatically forgiven because of the "good" they've done over the years. If Bobby had just said right away "yeah I got mad and shouldn't have done it", I could understand but the lying, denials, covering up is the real problem I have with many of our "heroes". They have a real problem ever saying "I was wrong".
The thing that bothered me the most about this incident was that Bobby Knight lied and denied choking him at all till the video was shown. Just shows that integrity for some "good people" can be so situational. Many "heroic" figures touted for their high standards think they've "banked" enough good will for their bad actions to be ignored and automatically forgiven because of the "good" they've done over the years. If Bobby had just said right away "yeah I got mad and shouldn't have done it", I could understand but the lying, denials, covering up is the real problem I have with many of our "heroes". They have a real problem ever saying "I was wrong".

Well said, Cherie.

I know he's older and gentler now and many seem to have forgiven him for all his past indiscretions, but I've never been able to stand him. He is/was the definition of a bully in every conceivable way.
I'm an IU grad from the Branch McCracken days (MA '67). Bobby Knight's treatment of Neil Reed and folding furniture is the reason I'm a Syracuse fan.-VBOF
Well said, Cherie.

I know he's older and gentler now and many seem to have forgiven him for all his past indiscretions, but I've never been able to stand him. He is/was the definition of a bully in every conceivable way.

I don't hate him. I just don't revere him, he's a flawed human being just like all of us but a very talented human, thus unlike me. He was an excellent coach who had very high expectations of his players and was tough on them. I respect that totally but he definitely had anger issues that he had real difficulty in controlling and even acknowledging . It's not the existence of flaws in most iconic figures that I think hurts them the most, it's the lying, denials and coverups in acknowledging their accountability that so many resort to that is the most destructive. Bobby Knight is far from alone either.

Weird and tragic how so many former basketball players like Neil Reed end up passing away young with heart issues.
How was he not fired when the video came out?

The incident happened in '97. Reid called him out in '00. Shortly after calling Knight out, the tape surfaced.

This is from Wikipedia.

In response, Indiana University president Myles Brand announced that spring he had adopted a "zero tolerance" policy with regard to Bob Knight's behavior. Later in the year, in September 2000, Indiana freshman Kent Harvey reportedly said, "Hey, Knight, what's up?" to Knight. According to Harvey, Knight then grabbed him by the arm and lectured him for not showing proper respect, insisting that Harvey address him as either "Mr. Knight" or "Coach Knight" instead of simply "Knight." Brand stated that this incident was only one of numerous complaints that occurred after the zero-tolerance policy had been placed on Knight. He asked Knight to resign on September 10. When Knight refused, Brand relieved him of his coaching duties effective immediately. Later that evening, a crowd of thousands of students swarmed Bloomington in protest, burning Brand in effigy.

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