Never had it so good! |

Never had it so good!


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
9-0 And the team seems to be well ahead of the developmental curve that we could have reasonably expected. Cooney is having a sensational year, Ennis plays with the poise of a seasoned upperclassman and is shooting 42%+ from the 3! (ha, who said he doesn't have much of a shot?). CJ seems to be on the precipice of having adapted to his roll as being the go to guy that the Cuse never has. Rak has shown some fire in the belly, DC2 is showing improvement and seems to be turning the proverbial corner. BMK is BMK, and Grant is on the verge of becoming unstoppable.

We also have a bench filled with guys who could start pretty much on any other team in America and we have a lineup of incoming recruits that just keeps getting better every year. Not to mention it's looking like we are going to get a commitment from a 5 star player who is seen by most as a certain future pro. We play a brand of college basketball which is unique and set apart from all other teams and recent rule changes seem to make our zone more valuable than ever before!

It pretty much can't get any better than this. But... oh it will! We are in the midst of a true Syracuse Basketball Renaissance and one could easily make the argument that the state of the program has never been better.

Oh, and did I mention that it is more fun to be a Syracuse Basketball Fan than any other team in the country? So, enjoy, sit back as we crush everyone on our way to our 2nd National Championship. There can be little doubt at this point in time that the goal of doing so is within the grasp of this team!

And finally... Georgetown still sucks and !~
I just hope you all remember all this when the first L comes... I've seen a lot of posts declaring Syracuse masters of the galaxy lately. It will be interesting to see if a loss gets taken in stride or if the ebullient posters now turn cannibal.
I just hope you all remember all this when the first L comes... I've seen a lot of posts declaring Syracuse masters of the galaxy lately. It will be interesting to see if a loss gets taken in stride or if the ebullient posters now turn cannibal.
Is the Orange Juice half empty or half full? I think for 99.9% of us this season is half full? However being in the holiday spirit, we shall still welcome that .01% and their opinion (however old it may get).

Problem is, right now the glass is 100% full and if we don't get Malachi tomorrow and lose by 1 to St. John's on a last second shot, the glass will be 100% empty and on fire by 10pm Sunday.
Seems like the last time I saw a post like this was just before the Fine Mess hit......god help us.
Problem is, right now the glass is 100% full and if we don't get Malachi tomorrow and lose by 1 to St. John's on a last second shot, the glass will be 100% empty and on fire by 10pm Sunday.
Houston, do we have a problem? Don't you trust your fellow fans? We are smart and savvy! We've lived through the agony and the ecstasy. We'll be okay when we lose. (Well, at least I will be. Perhaps.)
I think evidence of SU's recent elevated status is big time recruits coming in who are prepared to wait a year for their PT. Two recent examples of this are Grant and Roberson. It would be great to see Malachi added to this impressive list.
Problem is, right now the glass is 100% full and if we don't get Malachi tomorrow and lose by 1 to St. John's on a last second shot, the glass will be 100% empty and on fire by 10pm Sunday.

After the fire, we would have a full-fledged MELTDOWN. :) That word needs to be kept alive on this newer board, it is a tradition. Those coming up need to learn what it's's important to us as a people.

Right now it seems the spirit of my favorite poster, Mantonio, from his earlier and less refined years has possessed a lot of folks. Where is he anyhow? Is he running the Matrix on here?
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Good question about Mantonio. At least with him you could be sure he would't backlash if his high expectations were not completely reached.
Houston, do we have a problem? Don't you trust your fellow fans? We are smart and savvy! We've lived through the agony and the ecstasy. We'll be okay when we lose. (Well, at least I will be. Perhaps.)
I was thinking after the Temple loss last year, "How did I ever make it through the seasons where we lost <gasp> over 10 games?" Actually I've been following SU now since 1971 and I was thinking how have I survived this long when I treat each loss like a death in the family. For following a program which barely loses 10-15% of its games, I could fill this page with the why's and wherefore's of every "tragic" loss starting from Jimmy Lee-Louisville in FF 1975, right up to Louisville BET'13.
I'm torn between my desire to see this team/program do well and my love of using this emoticon: couchburn.

Maybe I should become a West Virginia fan. I think they use that symbol to denote happiness.
I'm torn between my desire to see this team/program do well and my love of using this emoticon: couchburn.

Maybe I should become a West Virginia fan. I think they use that symbol to denote happiness.
Yes they do because they hold the world record for couch burnings.
I just hope you all remember all this when the first L comes... I've seen a lot of posts declaring Syracuse masters of the galaxy lately. It will be interesting to see if a loss gets taken in stride or if the ebullient posters now turn cannibal.

Even as great as this team is I think it is reasonable to expect at least 4 losses and maybe up to 6. There are a lot of factors that go into losing a game. Travel discomfort, player's being sick, minor injuries, etc... Even with all that my expectation is come tournament time this team is going to rock! The defense will shine and the offense will be on fire!! At least that's my hope.
I think this thread presents the perfect time to bring back a fun song I liked growing up in the 80s.
Btw, what in the heckfire is going on in this video? Lol, 80s were a weird time, hah?

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