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New thread - Gross & Marrone


Watching you.
Aug 15, 2011
Rocco, if they say go 6-6 next year and go to Beef bowl and lose by a score. What would you do if you were in Gross's shoes? I am just curious on what you think.

That is a loaded question. You would have to look at the whole season, rather than them losing by a score in the Beef Bowl. 6-6 would be an improvement over this year, even though this year we took a step back from 2010's 8-5. If we finished 6-6, I can't see how Gross could fire DM. This program was set back so many years when he took over that he should get his full 5 years to prove his worth. I realize Gross has to satisfy the SU fans and alumni. It is a difficult position for him to be in, especially since this is the 2nd FB coach he's hired.

With SU headed into the ACC, I think now is the time more than anything for Gross to really support DM. He has started to make inroads recruiting (I know some bozos on here think we should be consistently landing 4 and 5 stars by now). By giving DM his support, even more so publically, shows recruits/parents that he isn't going anywhere. Kids commit to play for a coach and his philosophy. Not everything to every recruit comes down to the fact that it snows in Syracuse for 4 months each year. DM is a likeable person who people can be drawn to. Go to one of his luncheons.

All in all, if I were Gross next year after a 6-6 season with a bowl berth, I would continue to support DM. I think an extension would go a long way. Would certainly limit Doug from constantly looking over his shoulder, which he might be starting to do. DM needs to focus on his own operation, including but not limited to, coaching moves, recruiting, the offense and player discipline.
All in all, if I were Gross next year after a 6-6 season with a bowl berth, I would continue to support DM. I think an extension would go a long way. Would certainly limit Doug from constantly looking over his shoulder, which he might be starting to do. DM needs to focus on his own operation, including but not limited to, coaching moves, recruiting, the offense and player discipline.

IMO you cant wait for that and should extend Marrone in the Spring. On paper a 6-6 season next year might be a stretch. So what happens if we only get 4-5 Ws? Do you extend him then?
to me, this is an easy answer. At 6-6 with a loss in the Beef O' Brady bowl means Marrone goes into year 5 on the hot seat. Maybe Gross gives him a 1 year extension pending year 5 performance...but that's it.

Another sub .500 season would seriously damage all the positive momentum that HCDM has created.
That is a loaded question. You would have to look at the whole season, rather than them losing by a score in the Beef Bowl. 6-6 would be an improvement over this year, even though this year we took a step back from 2010's 8-5. If we finished 6-6, I can't see how Gross could fire DM. This program was set back so many years when he took over that he should get his full 5 years to prove his worth. I realize Gross has to satisfy the SU fans and alumni. It is a difficult position for him to be in, especially since this is the 2nd FB coach he's hired.

With SU headed into the ACC, I think now is the time more than anything for Gross to really support DM. He has started to make inroads recruiting (I know some bozos on here think we should be consistently landing 4 and 5 stars by now). By giving DM his support, even more so publically, shows recruits/parents that he isn't going anywhere. Kids commit to play for a coach and his philosophy. Not everything to every recruit comes down to the fact that it snows in Syracuse for 4 months each year. DM is a likeable person who people can be drawn to. Go to one of his luncheons.

All in all, if I were Gross next year after a 6-6 season with a bowl berth, I would continue to support DM. I think an extension would go a long way. Would certainly limit Doug from constantly looking over his shoulder, which he might be starting to do. DM needs to focus on his own operation, including but not limited to, coaching moves, recruiting, the offense and player discipline.

I would give him a one year extension and start seriously evaluating my other options on the TQ.
How bad would things have to be for TGD to consider releasing HCDM after next season?
I think we would have to take another step backwards next year for Gross to seriously have to question HCDM. 4 wins would be a brutal scenario for DM.
How bad would things have to be for TGD to consider releasing HCDM after next season?

Worse than 4-8 for it to even be considered. Our last coach got 4 years and was decidely worse. If Marrone goes 4-8 or 5-7 he get's his 5th year, he may regardless. If he goes 6-6 or better I think he needs to be extended. I dont think the school will be willing to pay Marrones 5th year while paying a new coaches salary as well unless the team is horrid (winless) or there are some major off the field issues. With Marrones attention to all things non football related, I don't see that as a possibility.
Have we stopped to think that a 7-5 regular season with bowl game invite should be considered a very good season for Syracuse football? Don't get me wrong but I'm not so sure how high the bar needs to be set anymore. Are 10+ win seasons really ever in our future again? I really don't know considering things will certainly not be getting any easier in the ACC. We just don't have the resources, and when I say resources I mean money, to build a consistant BCS Bowl contending team.
We finished last in the worst BCS conference - there is no positive momentum.
Anything post-GRob is positive momentum. He was the epitome of negative.

Yes, this year finished terribly, but you can not deny the fact that Marrone has the program moving upwards. 1-6 in the BE sucks, no doubt. I would like to see someone else turn around a program that had 65-70 scholarship players in his 1st year.
IMO you cant wait for that and should extend Marrone in the Spring. On paper a 6-6 season next year might be a stretch. So what happens if we only get 4-5 Ws? Do you extend him then?
That is the catch-22. Gross is in a tough spot. It will come down to whether he believes in Marrone or not. Heading into the ACC with a brand new coach isn't ideal.
IMO you cant wait for that and should extend Marrone in the Spring. On paper a 6-6 season next year might be a stretch. So what happens if we only get 4-5 Ws? Do you extend him then?

TGD has a sense of loyalty to HCDM for what he's done to rebuild the program.

However, does this mean he should allow back-to-back non bowl seasons to undue all the positive momentum Doug has built?A better question is whether the program can afford the damage that back to back non-bowl seasons would cost in terms of reputation and progress?

If 4-8 happens next year, do you cut ties with whatever momentum exists and hire the biggest name you can?

Or do you just raise your hands and say "we are no longer big time...this is who we are" and accept that we are a mediocre football program?
If 4-8 happens next year, do you cut ties with whatever momentum exists and hire the biggest name you can?

SU isn't willing to spend that kind of money to get a big name here, and a big name wouldn't necessarily want to come here.
this is the messed up thing about this all Coach P got fired for 6-7 win seasons. However, now and I would say 85% of the fanbase would take that for Syracuse Football nowadays. This is my team and the program I support more then any other sport and would love to consistently get a 9-10 win season every year.

However, being realistic and how college atheltics is changing I'd take 6-7 wins spinkled in with a 9 win season every couple of years and that would suit me just fine. Our program would be relevant and hopefully we can notch a few big wins under marrone (florida st, clemson, notre dame, penn st) We will be playing these teams consistently for years. Next year is a very telling year like it or not. If we win 3 games I can't see Marrone here, and I want Marrone here 20 years, but those are the facts and cold harsh reality of college athletics.

This may not make sense to a lot of you, but I see us an "Iowa" type program. We will be good for 7 wins every year and then once and awhile we have a magicial season. We have a coach that will be here a long time (Marrone to Ferentez) and we both are college towns that crave a winning football program. I don't care what anyone says this town is a FOOTBALL town and 80% of our fans are fairweather, but the sport that drives the sports bus is FOOTBALL. I don't see Gross not making some sort of announcement about future plans for a football facility. Recruits need to see we are heading in the right direction, the football fan base needs their spirits raised and we want to know that Syracuse football will not be down forever. I know Gross and Cantor are yearning for this football program and trying their damndest to get us relevant. The end justifies the means and in this case next year is one of the biggest in the last century of SU football to see where we stand.
Looking forward (when we get the ship sailing forward again), I see 8 wins as the baseline for a "good" season. Any less in a 13-game season would be mediocre at best.
That is a loaded question. You would have to look at the whole season, rather than them losing by a score in the Beef Bowl. 6-6 would be an improvement over this year, even though this year we took a step back from 2010's 8-5. If we finished 6-6, I can't see how Gross could fire DM. This program was set back so many years when he took over that he should get his full 5 years to prove his worth. I realize Gross has to satisfy the SU fans and alumni. It is a difficult position for him to be in, especially since this is the 2nd FB coach he's hired.

With SU headed into the ACC, I think now is the time more than anything for Gross to really support DM. He has started to make inroads recruiting (I know some bozos on here think we should be consistently landing 4 and 5 stars by now). By giving DM his support, even more so publically, shows recruits/parents that he isn't going anywhere. Kids commit to play for a coach and his philosophy. Not everything to every recruit comes down to the fact that it snows in Syracuse for 4 months each year. DM is a likeable person who people can be drawn to. Go to one of his luncheons.

All in all, if I were Gross next year after a 6-6 season with a bowl berth, I would continue to support DM. I think an extension would go a long way. Would certainly limit Doug from constantly looking over his shoulder, which he might be starting to do. DM needs to focus on his own operation, including but not limited to, coaching moves, recruiting, the offense and player discipline.

Thanks for answering Rocco, Good idea on new thread and appreciate your opinion and do somewhat agree. If they go 6-7 next year, I think there will be a lot of pressure on Gross to fire him, but he will not. And neither would I. BUT I would not give him an extension. Do not make him feel comfortable, make him win for the new money. In 2013 he would be on the hot seat BIG TIME. Going into the ACC he would need to go atleast .500 hundred to save his job in my book. This is all hypothetical ofcourse and I truly like DM. I hope he rattles off ten wins next year. I just want us to all hope for more than 6 or 7 wins every year. Maybe i am crazy.
p.s. Sorry for the loaded question. my bad.
Thanks for answering Rocco, Good idea on new thread and appreciate your opinion and do somewhat agree. If they go 6-7 next year, I think there will be a lot of pressure on Gross to fire him, but he will not. And neither would I. BUT I would not give him an extension. Do not make him feel comfortable, make him win for the new money. In 2013 he would be on the hot seat BIG TIME. Going into the ACC he would need to go atleast .500 hundred to save his job in my book. This is all hypothetical ofcourse and I truly like DM. I hope he rattles off ten wins next year. I just want us to all hope for more than 6 or 7 wins every year. Maybe i am crazy.
p.s. Sorry for the loaded question. my bad.
The reality is that if we don't extend his contract after next year he'll have a lot of negative recruiting used against him.
The reality is that if we don't extend his contract after next year he'll have a lot of negative recruiting used against him.
Agreed. Giving him an extension now would go a long way to put out those fires. Coaches already negative recruit against SU with the weather, lack of fan support, yadeee yadeee dah. Don't need to also have them include "well Marrone is going to get fired soon anyways" line to their bullshit box.
The reality is that if we don't extend his contract after next year he'll have a lot of negative recruiting used against him.

The reality to me is that he (meaning both him and his staff) hasn't proven capable of recruiting well enough to have "negative recruiting" against him matter.

Hopefully he'll prove me wrong on the recruiting front with a great stretch drive leading up to signing day.

The reality is that if we don't extend his contract after next year he'll have a lot of negative recruiting used against him.

My worry is that this is the reason you are extending him would be a terrible mistake. What amazing recruits are we getting? Where are these outstanding recruits that DM is bringing in that we are afraid to lose if he is not here?

IMO he has done an average job on the field and in the recruiting field. If SU and the fans are happy with being average and maybe once every 10 years but something great out there then DM is the guy. If you want to turn this program around and make it a national program again then you are going to have to bite the bullet and spend the money on facilities and a new big name coach and that is the bottom line IMO. So DG needs to decide what kind of football program he wants to run.

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