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R.I.P Dan
Aug 15, 2011
Doctor's orders.

I had a shot of cortisone yesterday on my right hand because of a trigger finger. At times the whole hand goes numb and gets weak to the point it's difficult to pick up things. He said to give it a rest for two weeks. It's killing me not to post, out of instinct I tried to do a few and can tell I better back off. I will post an article or two or three from time to time but I had better listen to him if I want this thing to heal.
Get better OE...your health is far more important. You're like a starting pitcher that has been rode into the ground because the bullpen sucks, and now you're on the DL in the post season :)
OE...primarily get better...but what a time to have to shut it down...BUT, this should provide more down time for you to relax and enjoy our FF run and NC...
Wow- this is more devastating than a Jordan Taylor 3.
Get better and we look forward to a healthy return from the DL.
When we win on Saturday, we will give you until next Friday to quickly recover. If the reverse happens, you can take all summer off. We will be banking on needing you for a quick recovery.
Feel better soon.
BTW, can you use your left hand on the mouse instead??????
Dear Dan, you need to rest. I have elbow tendonitis exacerbated by keyboarding. I have been suffering a tad myself lately. It's hard not to be on the computer! We will all find articles on our own and perhaps post the ones we like best. Take care! GO SU!
What about our needs?


Just kidding OE-Feel better! Does the site provide work comp?
Dan, I've got the same thing, trigger finger, which has developed on my ring finger on my right hand. I don't doubt that its from repetitive motion of the right hand with my mouse (no jokes folks). Get yourself well and let me know how the cortisone works out. I'm going to have to do something if my condition continues to worsen.
Dan, I've got the same thing, trigger finger, which has developed on my ring finger on my right hand. I don't doubt that its from repetitive motion of the right hand with my mouse (no jokes folks). Get yourself well and let me know how the cortisone works out. I'm going to have to do something if my condition continues to worsen.
will do, so far I see no change
Take care of yourself Dan. There's nothing more important than your health. I sympathize since I go in for surgery next month for Dupuyten's Contracture on my pinkie finger. It's a b!tch getting old!
Get well OE. Your daily thread on this board has been a part of my daily routine for many years! Thank you!

With that said... kind of like losing Fab, though definitely not the same circumstances, some one should step up for the team and sub in for OE!
Bigger loss than Marshall for UNC imo

How good are you at dribbling with your left? ;)
This ripped my heart apart, man I feel guilty.

Sorry about that, I just want you get better. We all love the job you do on here. Iam sure, Iam not the only one that's gets up in the morning and checks this site out. Well get better soon
Sorry about that, I just want you get better. We all love the job you do on here. Iam sure, Iam not the only one that's gets up in the morning and checks this site out. Well get better soon
Thanks, it's killing me to have this happen now.
You and Kendall Marshall

Rest up and get well! That's a very valuable right hand.

May I make one suggestion for when you come back? Separate posts on each subject would look a little less intimidating and people would probably read more of the articles you link. Just a thought.
Rest, get bettter and let us do a little digging ourselves for articles. It helps us appreciate what you do everyday even more.

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