One team guaranteed not to win the NC this year |

One team guaranteed not to win the NC this year


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
Is Duke. They have to be one of the most overrated top 10 teams who is capable of losing and winning against any team out there. Theyre so vulnerable and rely to much on austin rivers.
I remember how "overrated" they turned out to be two years ago.
Is Duke. They have to be one of the most overrated top 10 teams who is capable of losing and winning against any team out there. Theyre so vulnerable and rely to much on austin rivers.
Wouldn't that mean they could win the title?
What SWC said. While not the most talented team out there, they're still capable.
VCU made it to the freaking Final 4 last year. Anything is possible.
Hubert Davis made a good point (surprisingly) on Gameday this morning. They were talking about who could win the National Title, most of the convo was about UK and Cuse.

Davis said it's probably gonna be a team that we're not talking about. It's all about "navigating" you're road and getting hot. Duke is certainly capable.
I want nothing to do with Duke remember they played Thursday nite @Florida State and are playing a noon Saturday game. Coach K is getting them ready for the NCAA tournament by doing that they played like we have against Rutgers, UConn, USF. Duke didn't play well but they shoot the 3 and have big guys people basketball is about matchups. We don't matchup well against Duke.
I said the same thing in 2010 about Duke and 2011 about Uconn. There are no guarantees when it comes to Tourney time
I remember how "overrated" they turned out to be two years ago.

just like two years ago don't be surprised if the committee gives them a joke road to the final four.
True but duke is capable of losing to the bottom feeders ever so much this year. They play so up and down its crazy. They could beat kentucky then lose to binghampton.

I personally agree that Duke isn't a realistic contender to win a title. I think the national champion will come from one of 5 teams:
UK, Syracuse, Mich State, UNC, and Ohio State. I disagree with some national pundits who are saying there could be another Butler or VCU or Duke or UConn. I think this is going to be much "chalkier" than the last 2 years.

That said, I think guaranteeing it would be foolhardy. Crazy happens in March.
Someone mentioned it above, Hubert made an important, but not original point during Gameday. Match-ups matter, and if a team gets hot at the right time who knows how it all shakes out.

Just look at 2010. You can practice all year for almost anything, but how do you prepare for Matt Howard piledriving Kris Joseph with an official standing right there and the dude not blowing the whistle because gosh-darnit that Matt Howard just plays hard? You can't.

St. Mary's gets hot, gets some favorable match-ups and ends up in the Elite 8. Nova was primed to lose early, and as a 10 seed that was a dream come true.

Michigan State makes the final four that year and quite frankly the officials gift wrapped the first two rounds for them - they really f*cked over New Mexico State tbh. They should have been out in the first round (probably the 2nd as well) and they end up in the Final Four. Crazy stuff like that happens though, anything can happen in close games.

Even the seeding, Duke took our #1, who knows how things shake out if we swap spots. Maybe Cal beats us in the second round, or maybe we cruise through. You never know.

It's what makes the tourney great. It's completely unpredictable.
One reason why Duke wont win is because they are not even close to the defensive team they were when they won the title.
Explain or .

Nothing needs to be explained. A blanket guarantee that a #1 or #2 seed can't win, putting aside for the moment its GOAT coach, is beyond ridiculous.
Duke isn't a very talented team. That being said, they come to play every single night, they generally play smart, and they can get hot from 3, meaning they're a 3-game hot streak (elite 8 and on) away from having a decent shot. If they shoot average or cold, they probably won't get past the sweet 16. To say they have "no shot" though, is of course silly.
I personally agree that Duke isn't a realistic contender to win a title. I think the national champion will come from one of 5 teams:
UK, Syracuse, Mich State, UNC, and Ohio State. I disagree with some national pundits who are saying there could be another Butler or VCU or Duke or UConn. I think this is going to be much "chalkier" than the last 2 years.

That said, I think guaranteeing it would be foolhardy. Crazy happens in March.
Really? I think there are less "top" teams than there have been in years past, and I think the mid-majors this year (lead by Wichita State) are a lot better as a group of teams than in years past.
They are good at shooting the 3 and rebound very well.

That's exactly the type of team that can beat us.

It's going to have to be deep 3's, and their bigger issue would be guarding us. Who do they have to match up with KJ, CJ, Scoop, & Dion + Fab at the same time? Also, both their starting guards have assist to TO ratio of 1.1:1 and 1:1. We do pretty well when we can get steals and get out on the break.
It's going to have to be deep 3's, and their bigger issue would be guarding us. Who do they have to match up with KJ, CJ, Scoop, & Dion + Fab at the same time? Also, both their starting guards have assist to TO ratio of 1.1:1 and 1:1. We do pretty well when we can get steals and get out on the break.
I didn't say they'd beat us. But as much trouble as we'd give them on defense, they'd do the same to us.
I didn't say they'd beat us. But as much trouble as we'd give them on defense, they'd do the same to us.

Could be but I'd feel better with them as the #2 seed this year (if they drop) moreso than the other options.

Of course the great equilizer vs Duke could always be the refs as well.
Could be but I'd feel better with them as the #2 seed this year (if they drop) moreso than the other options.

Of course the great equilizer vs Duke could always be the refs as well.
Someone mentioned this in another thread, but I thought it was a valid point: If we end up in Boston, Duke is the only team that might be able to match our fans up there; as opposed to a team like Baylor or Michigan State.
Someone mentioned this in another thread, but I thought it was a valid point: If we end up in Boston, Duke is the only team that might be able to match our fans up there; as opposed to a team like Baylor or Michigan State.

You really think? I mean it could be but that seems a bit suspect. They would outdraw Baylor of course but I think Duke and MSU would have similar good support but not approaching the amount of Orange faithful in attendence. Could be a fair amount of "anybody but Syracuse" fans up there at that point though.
Some could say the same thing about Syracuse. People on this board have just about said it.

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