Oops...Kansas players possible "pot" users ... Oh My | Syracusefan.com

Oops...Kansas players possible "pot" users ... Oh My

Great, this starts the 72 hour clock for the next hammer to fall on SU. That has been the pattern for the past year, a big scandal at a name university sports program, then within 72 hours, the same type scandal at SU breaks. Hang on to your butts.
It seems like Kansas has a relatively clean reputation for a school that seems to CONSTANTLY have issues or rumors floating around their program.
funny i just got back from amsterdam -- our society is so backward - spend some time in europe
I cant decide if i hate gtown more or the media that reports like this
Lol, Marijuana should be legal and so should every other drug. The FDA is effective at controlling distribution of anything they are told to control.

The DEA has failed in anything but making very bad people very rich. As well as making common drug users into felons.

I would much rather a crack head use his drug in his house for a dollar a day than needing to break into my house so he can steal enough to feed his habit... The laws have made a cheap drug to make a very profitable drug to sell. Empires have been created over the stupid laws concerning America's drug habits.

I would love to see this switch, and the very wealthy murderous drug dealers return to being bums and not street heroes. Prohibition taught us nothing.
Bath salts caused multiple cannabilistic attacks, is legal. There are zero reported deaths DIRECTLY related to marijuana, and it's illegal. There is a serious problem with this country and it is beyond unemployment.
Lol, Marijuana should be legal and so should every other drug. The FDA is effective at controlling distribution of anything they are told to control.

The DEA has failed in anything but making very bad people very rich. As well as making common drug users into felons.

I would much rather a crack head use his drug in his house for a dollar a day than needing to break into my house so he can steal enough to feed his habit... The laws have made a cheap drug to make a very profitable drug to sell. Empires have been created over the stupid laws concerning America's drug habits.

I would love to see this switch, and the very wealthy murderous drug dealers return to being bums and not street heroes. Prohibition taught us nothing.

The FDA is effective at controlling Oxy or vicotin?

think what you want about pot being legal, but addiction to FDA regulated pain med drugs is literally on the verge of ruining the US.
But I'm sure they were just smoking pot in a wholesome Christian kinda way...
The FDA is effective at controlling Oxy or vicotin?

think what you want about pot being legal, but addiction to FDA regulated pain med drugs is literally on the verge of ruining the US.

The ability to find crack or coke or heroin or prescription drugs is all pretty easy. Any person can ask around and find a dealer. Weed is even easier. If you were an alien and walked into a room, and didn't know any euphemism for marijuana, you could still find it in a few minutes of work. Such a culturally acceptable drug is still illegal in most places...?! So, the "war on drugs" has failed terribly. Everyone can see it. That you are using prescription drugs as a way of arguing the point actually makes it worse...

Why do we have OUR DEA operating in the wrong country? Similarly difficult to regulate drugs are being crafted in street labs instead of major companies we can control... AND TAX!

I think the US could use tax money that is currently used to pay through illegal channels money to foreign entities. Money that is currently flowing out for drugs that are currently illegal. If the US had a system of controlling drugs like (name seven), instead of illegalizing them, we as a people could benefit from control of dosage, distribution and taxation.

Right now, the biggest profit tax free income in this country is drugs. The "war on drugs" is among our most expensive government expenses.

With one tremendous swipe of the government pen, we could get all those very effective and skilled DEA cops out there fighting things like real crime and terrorism, AND we could get all those people making money selling illegal drugs into legitimate businesses or at least into welfare.

The income from legalizing drugs and then regulating and taxing them instead of "fighting" them ineffectually would fund a great deal of services instead of this current misguided effort.

Yikes, sorry about the social rant.
I still think the idea being proposed of banning sodas larger then 16 oz in ny while allowing the sale of cigarettes at any local store makes alot of sense.
I still think the idea being proposed of banning sodas larger then 16 oz in ny while allowing the sale of cigarettes at any local store makes alot of sense.
I find it interesting that NY taxes the s--- out of cigarettes ... but leaves alcohol alone. Says something about the number of drunks we have in government. Afterall aren't they both sins. If we're going to have sin taxes then tax every sin ... legalize dope and tax it. Make money ... save money. A lot fewer "dope" users in prison ... a lot less money on enforcing stupid laws and prosecuting stupid cases.
It's funny that the same people who want drugs legalized are the same people who are outraged about one and done players and want something to be done about it.
The ability to find crack or coke or heroin or prescription drugs is all pretty easy. Any person can ask around and find a dealer. Weed is even easier. If you were an alien and walked into a room, and didn't know any euphemism for marijuana, you could still find it in a few minutes of work. Such a culturally acceptable drug is still illegal in most places...?! So, the "war on drugs" has failed terribly. Everyone can see it. That you are using prescription drugs as a way of arguing the point actually makes it worse...

Why do we have OUR DEA operating in the wrong country? Similarly difficult to regulate drugs are being crafted in street labs instead of major companies we can control... AND TAX!

I think the US could use tax money that is currently used to pay through illegal channels money to foreign entities. Money that is currently flowing out for drugs that are currently illegal. If the US had a system of controlling drugs like (name seven), instead of illegalizing them, we as a people could benefit from control of dosage, distribution and taxation.

Right now, the biggest profit tax free income in this country is drugs. The "war on drugs" is among our most expensive government expenses.

With one tremendous swipe of the government pen, we could get all those very effective and skilled DEA cops out there fighting things like real crime and terrorism, AND we could get all those people making money selling illegal drugs into legitimate businesses or at least into welfare.

The income from legalizing drugs and then regulating and taxing them instead of "fighting" them ineffectually would fund a great deal of services instead of this current misguided effort.

Yikes, sorry about the social rant.

The point I argued was that the FDA was effective at controlling what they are told to control.

I actually didn't offer an opinion on legalization of drugs.
It's funny that the same people who want drugs legalized are the same people who are outraged about one and done players and want something to be done about it.

Not related at all.
Bath salts caused multiple cannabilistic attacks, is legal. There are zero reported deaths DIRECTLY related to marijuana, and it's illegal. There is a serious problem with this country and it is beyond unemployment.

I thought the face eating madman testing free of everything BUT weeeeed...:eek:

If weed causes zombies, all the better imo. Zombie apocalypse!!!
It's funny that the same people who want drugs legalized are the same people who are outraged about one and done players and want something to be done about it.
Huh!!?? What does one have to do with the other? But now that you mention there does exist considerable research and evidence that one-and-done players are only the beginning of the degradation of our social fiber... of the nation's moral character. God knows what one-and-done players may lead to ... oh my. All those kids on the street pushing one-and-done!! And those evil coaches whispering in your ear "hey, pssst, I know where you can get a one-and-done".
Well if you believe in the freedom of choice to do drugs I think should believe in the freedom of choice to leave college after one year.
Well if you believe in the freedom of choice to do drugs I think should believe in the freedom of choice to leave college after one year.
All students are free to leave (aka drop out of) school whenever they wish.

Some professions and trades, however, have education or experience requirement. Many require a degree. The NBA simply mandates a period of time (presumably gaining additional experience) before one is eligible. It is akin to an apprenticeship.

MLB, the NHL, and the NBA allow for different means to perform the apprenticeship. The NBA has at least 3 different ways. If the NBA (by way of its CBA) chooses to have different apprenticeship requirements then that's something that the NBA hopefulls and the their tradesmen (e.g. college basketball) will have to adjust to.

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