OT Chip kelly rumor | Syracusefan.com

OT Chip kelly rumor

There you go, Marrone to Oregon

Peterson to Oregon, Marrone to Boise. Everyone wins. No one is more friendly than the Boise-ans.
I get all my info from fickitall blogspot said nobody ever. Is this a joke?
The post in question was from yesterday and they have Marty Shottenheimer going to KC as of last week.

So yeah - I'm guessing your statement is true.
Peterson to Oregon, Marrone to Boise. Everyone wins. No one is more friendly than the Boise-ans.

Nothing beats the Fall Potato Festival in Boise. Those guys party like rock stars.
I get all my info from fickitall blogspot said nobody ever. Is this a joke?
got it from article from the comments section so i posted it here as a rumor.
He's supposed to be interviewing after the bowl game. Can't stick around and face those NCAA sanctions.
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i love that this blog says "announcement thursday"

then they realize the fiesta bowl is thursday.

"we are now being told the announcement will be friday, not thursday as was originally thought"
I am sorry but that website is not reliable at all especially if you are dumb enough to believe the press conference his happening the day of his BCS game.
He is a good hire for Cleveland or KC who badly need some offense.

PAC 12 is a good conference too if they hadn't added the crap that is CU and UU they're clear cut #2 behind the SEC sort of think the gap between them and everyone is closing and someone will get them in conference each year and they'll always miss the NC game. (I bet they lose in Palo Alto next year.)

Will be interesting to see how they fare in the game both Kelly and Snyder were both too scared to play (got scheduled when Ron Prince was at KSU of course Snyder would never schedule that game) and mutually backed out of. There was a lot of crying on both sides when the two of them and Bama and ND were all undefeated over who was more to blame for bailing on the home and home.
Nothing beats the Fall Potato Festival in Boise. Those guys party like rock stars.

Unless Buffalo signs Kelly because they'd be having Buffalo Chips.
There is no way that's true. A 5year 35 million dollar deal as a coach? What is that? About double the highest coach salary in the NFL?
I'm surprised that Cleveland is the favorite to land Chip. It would seem that Philly's personnel is a better fit for his offensive system... even without Vick. I wonder how much of this is money?
I get all my info from fickitall blogspot said nobody ever. Is this a joke?

Everyone knows the only true college football news sources are anonymous people posting on blogs and message boards under the names 'Frank the Tank' and 'The Dude'.

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