OT - Pat Knight Presser | Syracusefan.com

OT - Pat Knight Presser

Guys a total douche bag. "It's not about Xs and Os, its these seniors." read... It's not my fault, it's the players fault.

If the seniors are so bad and have been for 4 years, then why are they still on your team.

Makes for a great television, but I think it's terrible coaching. If you've got issues with guys on your team deal with them directly not through the media.
Guys a total douche bag. "It's not about Xs and Os, its these seniors." read... It's not my fault, it's the players fault.

If the seniors are so bad and have been for 4 years, then why are they still on your team.

Makes for a great television, but I think it's terrible coaching. If you've got issues with guys on your team deal with them directly not through the media.
Well in fairness this is his first year with the program and he didnt recruit any of these players. I know there has been issues with those guys off the court as well.
Well in fairness this is his first year with the program and he didt recruit any of these players. I know there has been issues with those guys off the court as well.

Didn't realize it was his first year there. I heard him talking about having had problems with these guys all four years, assumed he meant he had had problems with them, not that they had caused problems for his predecessor.
I respect that completely. He is correct in saying all that is wrong in this world is that we coddle people. If they have attitude issues hang them high and hang them in public. I applaud Little knight
I respect that completely. He is correct in saying all that is wrong in this world is that we coddle people. If they have attitude issues hang them high and hang them in public. I applaud Little knight

Coddle, as in, owing your entire career to your famous father and not having to prove yourself.
Coddle, as in, owing your entire career to your famous father and not having to prove yourself.
Don't think his Father ever coddled him. From the NYT'S

The list included things like throwing a chair, berating an N.C.A.A. tournament volunteer, appearing to kick his son during a game, intimidating other university employees, and putting his hands on a player’s throat at practice. The last outburst prompted Myles Brand, then the university president, to put Knight on a “zero tolerance” policy in May 2000.
Good for him. Athletes today are spoiled and coddled and think they're above reproach.
Kind of a doh! statement if you ask me. His entire experiecne of being "associated" with a senior class is as his Dad's assistant at Indiana and then Tex Tech and then a few years of his own as the head coach at Tech. He needs to realize he's at Lamar. Of course their players are worse than any recruited by his Dad.
I looked at the box score of the game. Lamar had four seniors play 30+ minutes. If they're such bad guys and have such bad attitudes, why did Pat Knight play them so much?

A friend emailed me an article about Pat Knight's firing from Texas Tech because it contains the following outrageous quote from Knight:

"I'd have been smart if I'd just played baseball and never got into coaching," he said. "The two things I'm most proud of that I've done: I went to Indiana and played at Indiana, for my dad. And I took over for him here. So people can write and say whatever they want about me but the one thing they can't say is that I ever took the safe or easy way out."

That's a nice sentiment, but Pat Knight got his first head coaching job because his father, one of the most famous basketball coaches in history, quit during the middle of the season and left Texas Tech almost no choice other than promoting Pat.

I have trouble taking Pat Knight seriously.
the one thing they can't say is that I ever took the safe or easy way out."
I would bet many people do say that. Usually someone who grows up in the family business and never works anywhere outside the family business for their own father and basically only became the head of the company because his father timed his retirement to ensure his son took over...well that sounds like a safe or easy way out. Now granted, his father was Bob Knight and I don't mean to intimate that working in the family business is easy. My only real point is that it is usually more difficult ot strike out on your own and create your own career than to step into your fathers shoes. usually.
Call me old school, but I appreciate a coach who holds his player's feet to the fire.
In our PC-obsessed world even a tongue-lashing is now considered "abusive". These kids know that coaches have to watch what they say/do, & IMO, that breeds a lack of discipline.
Kids need to be held accountable, & if its done in public in front of cameras, then so be it!
Call me old school, but I appreciate a coach who holds his player's feet to the fire.
In our PC-obsessed world even a tongue-lashing is now considered "abusive". These kids know that coaches have to watch what they say/do, & IMO, that breeds a lack of discipline.
Kids need to be held accountable, & if its done in public in front of cameras, then so be it!

I do too, but I think you hold their feet to the fire by putting them on the pine and reducing playing time, suspending them, making them run suicides in practice...etc, etc. not taking it to the media. Taking it to the media after having played them 30+ minutes in the game, suggests you don't have the balls to do what will really get their attention because you're afraid it might negatively impact your ability to compete in the game.
You don't take your internal issues public. Wouldn't surprise me if all the seniors literally failed to show for their next game, and he had to forfeit. End of Pat Knight.
I do too, but I think you hold their feet to the fire by putting them on the pine and reducing playing time, suspending them, making them run suicides in practice...etc, etc. not taking it to the media. Taking it to the media after having played them 30+ minutes in the game, suggests you don't have the balls to do what will really get their attention because you're afraid it might negatively impact your ability to compete in the game.

Fair enough- but who's to say he hasn't already tried these methods & gotten no results? There was apparently a long history of "stuff" going on at Lamar, & Knight was brought in as a "disciplinarian" to right the ship. There's an old adage that says it much better to go from being strict to be lenient, then from lenient to be strict (or something like that).:)
I also have less of a problem with "nepotism" etc. , than some others. I like/respect Bob Knight and, IMO, if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, then Pat Knight will be a success in coaching.
As for playing them 30+ minutes, what else is he supposed to do? He can still teach & try to instill what he wants, while also playing them. If OTOH he were to sit them down folks would be saying he's being vindictive, etc. He's not looking to hurt these kids or their futures, he's trying to teach...so why not play them?

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