OT...Why Chris Paul's remark can be deemed as sexist... | Syracusefan.com

OT...Why Chris Paul's remark can be deemed as sexist...


Hall of Fame
Aug 28, 2011
In my opinion, it has nothing to do with him saying "her" vs. if it were a guy, "him" thing. It's not a simple pronoun issue as Wilburn argues and others. It has to do with the fact that he said it at all..."maybe this isn't for her."

Here is my view, If the ref happened to be a man, Paul would've most certainly not have even made that comment that maybe this wasn't for him. I imagine, by the time an individual, male or female, gets to that highest level of official/referee, etc., they've have spent many years to get there, a career milestone. If it were a male, Paul may have said something along the lines that if this guy (rookie NBA ref) wants to stay at this level, he needs to improve upon his reactions to relatively harmless remarks, etc., but I doubt that he utters, "maybe this (profession) isn't for her" (him).

I also feel this thing (as typical today in the media, culture, etc.) is being blown out of proportion. So much over sensitivity amongst us.

Chris Paul is a whiny, nut punching crybaby who chokes in the playoffs every year, yet somehow has never caught much heat for it.

Great PG and all, but all of the above is true.
In my opinion, it has nothing to do with him saying "her" vs. if it were a guy, "him" thing. It's not a simple pronoun issue as Wilburn argues and others. It has to do with the fact that he said it at all..."maybe this isn't for her."

Here is my view, If the ref happened to be a man, Paul would've most certainly not have even made that comment that maybe this wasn't for him. I imagine, by the time an individual, male or female, gets to that highest level of official/referee, etc., they've have spent many years to get there, a career milestone. If it were a male, Paul may have said something along the lines that if this guy (rookie NBA ref) wants to stay at this level, he needs to improve upon his reactions to relatively harmless remarks, etc., but I doubt that he utters, "maybe this (profession) isn't for her" (him).

I also feel this thing (as typical today in the media, culture, etc.) is being blown out of proportion. So much over sensitivity amongst us.

imo, the best move for feminists and/or #heforshe right now is to come out in strong opposition of the criticism of CP3. Not necessarily in support of CP3, just against the heat he is taking.

Use it within the strategy of "we want equality, with that comes fair criticism. we don't want men not to be able to criticize women because they are women. we want that opportunity to be criticized fairly when warranted"

Its a tough balance because they don't want to throw the ref under the bus and make it look like she clearly made mistakes. but there has to be a rational way to complain about 5 t's. Imagaine if Tony Greene was Toni Greene last year. JB would have been screwed.

Im not sure if the 100% makes sense. I currently have a babbling baby dragging a noise making toy around. but i hope you get my point. Otherwise the feminists groups that have been making good strides of late will go the Gloria Allred, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton route and lose credibility fast.
No paul fan but this is beyond ridiculous. If she wants to ref at the highest level, be ready for the heat. If women want to be treated as equals, they cant get up in arms when one gets criticized. Refs take criticism. Deal with it
The girl herself had no problem with his remarks. It's the rest of the over sensitive community. She does need to get thicker skin on the court though.
Assuming you know what someone else would have done in a hypothetical situation says more about your mindset than it says about theirs.
Paul was likely upset because there is no chance that he could give that ref a nutpunch.
"For a good time ..." read the comments posted below the vid (which I didn't listen to, btw). Although I have my own thoughts on the issue of female referees, anyone who works 6 seasons in the D-League is certainly dedicated to the job.

In between the flamers, there are a few actually interesting ones:

"Really... People need to relax! As a women, I don't think his comments are at all offensive."​

And then this caught my attention:

"Chris reacted... but everyone shoulda let her talk it out with Paul, not the male ref (the black guy) running to her rescue - I think that image is what made her look unequal."​

People like to talk as though, because they're fans, they think they know about basketball and/or referees. And remember, announcers say some stupid things about rules & refs which muddies the issue. Anyway, it's standard procedure when you T someone, you move away and your partner steps in (if necessary) so you can. No one wants to stand and argue and invite another T B2B and then someone gets tossed. So, "Talk it out with Paul" is just silliness. There are times when one can talk with a ref, and everyone who makes it to that level - player, coach, ref - knows that's not one of them. The last thing anyone wants to happen, including all the governing bodies, is to make it worse with a prolonged harangue out on the floor with refs and players/coaches arguing. Job 1 in that situation is to record the foul, shoot the FT and get on with the game.
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Well, we all pay to see the referees so I'm glad they keep finding ways to make themselves the story in basketball.

It's so much cooler than the old days when you never knew who any of them were.
Today's American society is way too easy to offend. In today's world; Yogi would be fined, suspended, and deemed a racist for his reaction to this.

I was responding to someone who asked what on earth he said that was wrong...

Then, separately said what I thought about the overreaction of the public.

But he is getting serious PR heat for being sexist.

No offense, I don't want to mean... but are you kidding me with your idiotic post?

I hope you are just clueless to this situation. But Im not sure how that is possible considering you are responding to a post about the situation.
But he is getting serious PR heat for being s e xist.

No offense, I don't want to mean... but are you kidding me with your idiotic post?

I hope you are just clueless to this situation. But Im not sure how that is possible considering you are responding to a post about the situation.

I 100% know the situation. I 100% agree there's overreaction because she's a woman.

I also know...fact...FACT...as in, I have friends that cover the Clippers...He got fined because it's standard for the NBA to fine for ref criticism and beyond that Paul KNEW he'd be fined 25K

Yes...I'm clearly clueless.
I 100% know the situation. I 100% agree there's overreaction because she's a woman.

I also know...fact...FACT...as in, I have friends that cover the Clippers...He got fined because it's standard for the NBA to fine for ref criticism and beyond that Paul KNEW he'd be fined 25K

Yes...I'm clearly clueless.

But the fine isn't why anyone here is mad. This post happened BEFORE the fine.
But the fine isn't why anyone is mad. This post happened BEFORE the fine.

I know message boards are really hard to follow, but play along with me.

I was responding to a post where someone said "Why was it a big deal"...and responded with..."well he got fined"

I was specifically clarifying that the fine had nothing to do with the sex of the ref because I thought it was implied that he was being fined because the ref was a woman.

Longisland clarified his post and that was that.
I know message boards are really hard to follow, but play along with me.

I was responding to a post where someone said "Why was it a big deal"...and responded with..."well he got fined"

I was specifically clarifying that the fine had nothing to do with the s e x of the ref because I thought it was implied that he was being fined because the ref was a woman.

Longisland clarified his post and that was that.

well i guess you kind of got me. I only read your post and not Longislands. In fairness, and only because i respect longislandcuse as much as i do, I thought he was better than that. :cool:
Its absurd, just goes to show you the pc world that we live in. It had nothing to do with gender.

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