Overall NCAA Officiating | Syracusefan.com

Overall NCAA Officiating


Sep 8, 2011
Some will say this is sour grapes after a questionable call at the end of the SU game, but l seriously think the officiating in the NCAA is awful and has been awful for the past few years! Year after year, game after game, regardless of what teams are involved these officials make terrible calls, ignore obvious fouls, and change the way they are officiating at the end of games. I especially love the times that the ball is obviously out of bounds off of a team, but they give it to that team because "it could have been called a foul." If it's a foul, call it! It makes watching college basketball games unbearable. Next time you watch a game pay attention to three things (that have been "points of emphasis" in past years). 1- defenders grabbing and shoving players who are cutting without the ball 2- players setting moving screens. 3- games being called inconsistently, (ie. a reach being called at half court, when guys are getting tackled under the hoop without a call)... I could list about a hundred other things that refs consistently miss in games, but the fact that these games turn into football games makes it tough to watch.

I have decided that until this is addressed in a real way I will only watch SU games and only because it is my alma mater.

Let it be known I didn't think the SU-Duke game was poorly officiated, not because it was well officiated, but because the refs sucked equally for both teams. However, I did find it odd that Gbinjie was called for a block against Parker in almost the identical scenario that Fair got called for a charge. Duke probably would have come down and made a basket to win anyway since there was quite a bit of time left.

My last thought and proposal is to get rid of officials completely and to let players call their own fouls. Add a 5 second clock for out of bounds plays and ten second clock for getting the ball across half court, which would also lead to better consistency since I doubt these refs are very accurate with their five and ten second counting.
"Let players call their own fouls"

I wish you put that line at the beginning of the post so I would know to stop reading.
"Let players call their own fouls"

I wish you put that line at the beginning of the post so I would know to stop reading.

You're a fast reader to get through it that quickly. That was posted as a joke, but some if these games could it be any worse?!
Why not have replay official? Let coaches burn a TO if they want a second look.
Replays slow the game down. Bottom line is that these are treated as union jobs. There are no reprecussion at all. Trust me, there are thousands of people waiting in line at a possibility of being a ref and are given no chance because of the whole seniority system. Higgins and Burr made upwards of 300K a year. Are you telling me there are few people who'd be willing to do this kind of job?

Their performance should be tracked just like every decent non government job in this country. I'm sorry but if you're bad, especially in a 300K a year job, someone else needs to be in your place.

We get screwed this time, our opponent might get screwed next time but at the end the whole game is becoming a joke. You never know what to expect and what might or might not be called game to game. 0 consistency.

There is a new rule this year that says that the defensive player needs to be in position before the offensive player leaves the ground for it to be an offensive foul. That rule was completely ignored tonight. How can you possibly coach correct offense and taking charges if rules are not being called?
Yep, slow the game. They said that about football too. Make a coach burn a TO if he wants it looked at. If he's wrong he loses a TO. If he's right well I think it's worth slowing the game down to get it right. Thinking otherwise is foolish. Who is going to say, "well that was a crappy officiated game but I'm glad it moved along quickly."
Yep, slow the game. They said that about football too. Make a coach burn a TO if he wants it looked at. If he's wrong he loses a TO. If he's right well I think it's worth slowing the game down to get it right. Thinking otherwise is foolish. Who is going to say, "well that was a crappy officiated game but I'm glad it moved along quickly."
Good points, people sit through forty minutes to see the last minute and ten seconds, a few extra minutes here or there for a replay shouldn't be that big of a deal.

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