Presser At Noon... |

Presser At Noon...

Bill Orange

Aug 15, 2011
Adam Schefter@AdamSchefter
Bills will hold a press conference at approximately noon today in the Bills Media Room in Orchard Park, NY. Hello, Doug Marrone.
More importantly, when will TGD be holding a presser?
I hope their are some SU press guys there that ask him questions about why he left. We may get the standard coach speak response (once in a lifetime, one of 32 jobs etc) but I still hope the questions are asked.

I know when Shady left RU, the guys asked, bringing up realignment, budget cutbacks etc
Where's Tomcat ? I'll pay for the gas and tolls.
i'd hold it at 1155.
Perfect! Bees do you know if there is a buy out in place on Doug? If so any idea on the amount.
for some reason, no matter what he says now at an introductory press conference - it will sound like spin and bullsh!t to me

that being said, I'm excited to see who SU hires to replace him and hear that guy's spin and bullsh!t introductory speech
Perfect! Bees do you know if there is a buy out in place on Doug? If so any idea on the amount.

no idea
anyone know if we can see it on the net?
Maybe WSYR9.2 (Ch 890) or YNN (Ch 880) will have it also?
anyone know if we can see it on the net?
Both and indicate that they will be streaming the presser.
Cant wait to see how much the Bills brass rags on SU's accomplishments as a way to complement DM...

"In his 4 years at Syracuse HCDM took a team that in its previous 4 years had one just 10 games, not only won 25 games, but included two convincing bowl wins over KState and WVa"

Its going to be like that, only worse right?
All of these threads offering suggestions as to why Doug left for the NFL are silly. We were all wondering whether he would leave SU for the job at Univ. of Tennessee a few weeks ago. Univ. of Tennessee has significant problems and is at best a middle of the road SEC team that at present can't compete. Doug left SU for a head coaching gig in the NFL! He is one of 32 head coaches at the highest level he can achieve in this world. The head coaches at the most successful college programs are always tempted to head to the NFL. Chip Kelly, Brian Kelly, Nick Saban. Those guys are the top coaches in college with the top teams in college competing for national championships year in and year out for the next 5-10 years. None of us questioned whether Schiano would leave Rutgers last year for the NFL, because the quality of the opportunity is so much better. If the Head Coach at any other non-elite football team, or hell any other non-top 25 football team, got an NFL offer, such as the head coach at Illinois, Purdue, Arizona State, Colorado, Oklahoma State, NC State, BC, Georgia Tech, etc., we would think they'd be crazy not to take it and we would probably mostly conclude that they didn't want the stress or didn't have the cojones to do it. We certainly can't blame Doug Marrone from taking such an opportunity to go from an unranked team at a private school doing its best to keep up with the top football powers without the same resources to an NFL head coaching gig.

There have been dozens of threads and tons of news stories about the instability that has carried over from the Big East now to the ACC. We are fans of Syracuse which isn't the most stable and successful at the moment program and we will be in the unstable ACC this coming fall. We are coming off 4 years of 25-25 following the worst 4 years in our program's history. For the last 10 years, we haven't sniffed the top 25. The posts about replacing Marrone have generally acknowledged that HC of SU is not an overly desirable position at the moment and we are not getting a big name to come here. If we can't get a big name in here, why would we think a big name should stay here if he's got a chance to go be an NFL head coach? You can quarrel with whether Doug Marrone is a big name and I would, as well, but the head coach of any NFL team is instantly a big name.

Doug came to SU and righted the ship. Prior to his arrival, the program had suffered so much that we had all pretty much given up hope. We had given up hope for being able to win recruiting battles, win football games and win championships. That is the biggest change and the most positive thing Doug brought is that we now have hope again. Living without hope is a life not worth living. It costs teams fans. Certainly the new ones that should be added over time, but even die hards that have been fans for decades leave programs after they lose hope. Well we've got our hope again. If we are able to sustain the drive and maintain continuity by promoting from within or pull in a new coach that has the ability to make this team a top 25 team, we will be able to keep having hope. That's all I want.
Not looking forward to that little bit of puke that will come up when I see him with the Red and Blue of Buffalo. Was a least hoping for Iggle green.

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