They are starting to at least put together decent running plays.. Still cant handle teams that stack the run or run power. but the RBs are starting to see some 2nd level shots. Every game has gotten better. Rex gives it his all but we miss TD and the better arm to finish some of these plays.. The oline is createing decent pass blocking, but the real isse is our Qbs just dont handle the pocket well.
Across the country QBs save plays and ours seldom do.. Tommy at least was able to tuck and run 3-4 times a game but you need slide in the pocket not panic backwards and that just kills us so many times..
Across the country QBs save plays and ours seldom do.. Tommy at least was able to tuck and run 3-4 times a game but you need slide in the pocket not panic backwards and that just kills us so many times..