Rak gets a little respect from ESPN College game day | Syracusefan.com

Rak gets a little respect from ESPN College game day

These last 9 games will tell a lot about Rak. He will be going head to head with the top centers in the league and have a chance to seriously increase his draft status. It is been laughable though how the officials have been allowing him to get murdered inside. I guess they have to let it go because he has had the potential to foul out complete teams since about game 1o. I forget which team it was when Elmore announced and Rak was getting hammered and chirping about it every time down the court. Elmore was commenting over and over how Rak is hurting himself by wolfing at the refs. Since then, Rak has done an amazing job about keeping his mouth shut as he has continued to get hammered. I think if this team had Wes J, Rak would be having a silly stupid year as he is now picking up triple and quadruple teams and we have very little else in the way of a constant secondary scoring threat.

I think he dominates Okafor and shows the young pup how the big dogs roll. I think it is Harrell who is going to show how good Rak is as I think they will have to have him drop down and guard Rak.
Possibly the post season ban will in the long run benefit Xmas. It most definitely will make him more of a topic of discussion since he is the one person that loses the most this year on the team. In addition, maybe the zebras will have slight feeling sorry for him as they decide when/when not to call fouls. Only a though.
I believe that the silver lining to this year's ban is that Rak will get more and more individual recognition, and if he finishes strong he could make a run at first team all american and slide into the first round of the draft.
He's a first team great person also!
I couldnt agree more, after we beat UConn in the BET a few years ago , my son and i ran into Rak, MCW , CJ and a couple other guys outside MSG closer to their hotel. All of them couldnt have been nicer but Rak and MCW especially made a huge effort w my son, talking to us, signing autographs, and just pumped up about The Cuse. I was very very impressed.
I think I heard Rak's name about 50 times on Gameday. He's become the poster boy for the unfairness of the NCAA.
If the stupid 'Orange Strong' shirts had to be made, I'd rather they read, 'Christmas Strong' or something like that (I'm no wordsmith). He's the one that needs the support right now, not the program.

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