Re: Marrone leaving...What are you nervous about? |

Re: Marrone leaving...What are you nervous about?


All Conference
Aug 28, 2011
Interested in seeing where everyone lines up. Are you more nervous about:

A. Doug being the guy who got the program more than just back on its feet and him being a unique individual to do that (ie: extremely hard to replace). Therefore leaving SU in a place where the next coach is not likely to be as good as Marrone.

B. What his leaving says about the current state of the SU Administration's commitment to football and willingness (different than desire) to compete at a high level in College Football.

C. That the College Football landscape has passed SU by and the game (or universe) is too big for a school like SU to play in.

none of the above. more simple than that. 1 step forward, 2 steps back... almost inevitable with a change in coaches at this stage. Marrone can be replaced but the new coach will be a step back to start. I don' t think this necessarily says anything about the administration's commitment and certainly don't believe SU can't compete in today's landscape.
This would have been an ideal time to use a poll.

That said, B.
I'm more nervous that Marrone takes Shafer & Hackett with him, and we lose a couple of key recruits, and a couple of players transfer.

This program survived the loss of Coach Mac to the NFL over 20 years ago. It will do so again.
I'm more nervous that Marrone takes Shafer & Hackett with him, and we lose a couple of key recruits, and a couple of players transfer.

This program survived the loss of Coach Mac to the NFL over 20 years ago. It will do so again.
B, but I agree with this completely...would be a complete disaster if this happens
D. If he leaves, it becomes an easy excuse for people to not support the program. We need more non die-hards in the Dome for attendance to be where it should.

, my grandma used to say, What's better, fu**in, a good plate with nothin' on it... No wait, I fu**ed up. What's a good plate with nothin' on it?


Ok, probably the best response so far.

Why aren't you worried about anything? If the coach that just rebuilt the program (sry, is rebuilding) leaves something happens to the program. If he leaves because of facilities and inability to compete at the level he thinks he needs to, that's also not a concern to you.

I'd give a lot to have that perspective. How have you reached the conclusion that there is nothing to worry about?

if we lose ZA then AB likes the silver lining in that developement.
Contingency plan is to bring back P&D with AB. OK so I'm joking but it might just work.

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Contingency plan is to bring back P&D with AB. OK so I'm joking but it might just work.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

I see what you did there.

Never. Please never ever let that happen.

It's time to make the commitment to football. Buzz and Jake didn't do it...and that was the start. Marrone came in and did his it's time for the University and donors to decide if they are committing to football.

If the University and donors don't step up, no issue with Marrone leaving. But no way P and D are the answer (but its a funny joke).

Marrone came in and did his job...
2/3 of the job.

Hopefully it can be completed and won't be totally wasted. Having to start over from scratch would be a painful ride.
2/3 of the job.

Hopefully it can be completed and won't be totally wasted. Having to start over from scratch would be a painful ride.

Two-thirds is probably being generous. But I'm definitely sorry he felt the need to leave.

Wished things had worked out with him, but they didn't. So on with the next coach.



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