Reffing (NBA v. College from one man's game perspective) |

Reffing (NBA v. College from one man's game perspective)


Living Legend
Aug 15, 2011
djcon57 mentioned my text to him in another thread, but I wanted to expound on it.

Yesterday I sat about 30 rows back. About a month ago, I sat in almost the exact same seats, but a little better (maybe 20 rows back) for a Knicks game.

I know this is just one college game versus one NBA game and the NBA players are more talented, but the reffing between the two games basically made them separate sports.

There is literally no allowances for cutting or making hard moves without the ball without getting body checked or grabbed. In the NBA, the spacing was much better and the effort to move without the ball was clear as day.

Riding the guards with the ball is another thing that is basically night and day.

Finally, when a shot goes up in college or there is action around the hoop, it is an absolute crap shoot what is going to be called a foul or not. It looks more like the action around a hockey net when a puck is bouncing around near the goalie than it does a basketball game. I cannot stress how easy it is to get away with basically mauling someone from 5 feet and in. There were literally people getting hit and slapped as clear as day, with absolutely no call.

The NCAA has to do something to 1) make the calls consistent and 2) make the right calls.

Separately, the NBA game is great to watch in person. Seeing a true mid-range game, better spacing utilized and better movement without the ball makes it a much better version of the sport.
the offensive rebound and putback by zanna that almost tied the game is a perfect example of the bs that goes on under the basket. cj had position for that rebound, zanna literally shoves cj away with his left hand and grabs the rebound. thats not basketball. thats not even football, that would be a pass interference penalty in football.
the offensive rebound and putback by zanna that almost tied the game is a perfect example of the bs that goes on under the basket. cj had position for that rebound, zanna literally shoves cj away with his left hand and grabs the rebound. thats not basketball. thats not even football, that would be a pass interference penalty in football.
Best part is CJ gets called for a foul on the put-back.
Earlier this year, I've seen both Jay Bilas and Seth Davis actively complain about how poor officiating has allowed the college game to devolve into a scrum, and how rule changes are needed.

Both seemed to indicate that they expected the NCAA to implement some rule changes this offseason to begin addressing the issue. Its about time.
Totally agree. The NBA game is much better to watch, IMO. A lot of that is the players are of course better, but a lot of it is also that they can actually play basketball.

Earlier this year, I've seen both Jay Bilas and Seth Davis actively complain about how poor officiating has allowed the college game to devolve into a scrum, and how rule changes are needed.

Both seemed to indicate that they expected the NCAA to implement some rule changes this offseason
to begin addressing the issue. Its about time.

Agreed. The game has been trending this way for a while, but it really seems like there is a huge groundswell of support for this now.
Earlier this year, I've seen both Jay Bilas and Seth Davis actively complain about how poor officiating has allowed the college game to devolve into a scrum, and how rule changes are needed.

Both seemed to indicate that they expected the NCAA to implement some rule changes this offseason to begin addressing the issue. Its about time.

Bilas literally does it on a daily basis. maybe hourly.
In the second half CJ was constantly being grabbed and held away from the ball. MCW was being seriously hand-checked every possession. A major concern is that with refs from different conference in the big dance games can be called completely different. We do need more uniformity.
In the second half CJ was constantly being grabbed and held away from the ball. MCW was being seriously hand-checked every possession. A major concern is that with refs from different conference in the big dance games can be called completely different. We do need more uniformity.

On the other hand, MCW pushes off regularly, as do many guards in the NCAA. In short, the NCAA has allowed BB to be a contact sport.

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