Sad state of Syracuse Football |

Sad state of Syracuse Football


Walk On
Sep 1, 2011
Let me start out by saying I will always support Syracuse Football, and at the start of every season I look forward to the games both home and away that I will attend. That being said, I am growing very tired with the way things are run and have been run for a decade now. Very soon we will be moving to the ACC where at least 3/4 of the schools in the conference feel football is damn near a religion and Syracuse treats football like a modified game. First and formost our game day environment is pitiful and thats being kind. We have no traditions worth speaking of, our band is a joke, the Dome 90% of the time is a joke. We have horrible music either being blasted over and over again, and its a sad state of affairs when the fans get more excited for kiss cam, and small town girl playing, the the action of the game, And i blame the team play for that. I dont have the answer except i think the people who run the Dome if we keep playing there ,which i assume we will do for many years to come need to look around at other college football environments and realize they laugh in comparison. Id love for us to get a outdoor stadium at some point but you need a good product to play in such a stadium, and a fanbase to care about the team I dont see it happening so its a mute point.

As for the actual play I cant ever remember seeing a team win a monster game against a rival then lose 4 strait like this team has. Our offensive play calling couldnt be more predictable, If a JV coach like me can figure out what Cuse is going to run before they do it, then any D1 def coordinator worth a grain of salt is going to pick it apart. How many times are we going to run the ball on first down no matter what? And for the defense its simple, We just flat out cant stop anybody. It dosnt matter if its 3rd and long it seems like the other team picks it up 9 times out of ten.
All i do know is some people need to lose their jobs, and if Marrone cant get this turned around by next year, I say we start fresh going into the ACC.
On the dome experience...and I know this has nothing to do with anything, but how in the hell does Syracuse have the balls to put a Bernie Fine picture with his induction into the Syracuse Hall of Fame up on the Jumbo-Tron and pay tribute to him? I know it was only up there for a second or two but come on! Look, I don't know if Bernie is innocent or guilty. I tend to think innocent, but I don't know that for a fact by any means. To run that video with all the inductees and keep Bernie in it was a joke! I'm sorry it was. And if he ends up being guilty it comes off as tasteless and downright disrespectful to the victims.

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