Season in review/Look ahead to '13 |

Season in review/Look ahead to '13


All American
Aug 29, 2011
Figure this might be a distraction while I consider the distinct possibility that my favorite team will be playing no closer than 5 hours from my house in DC. Awesome. Happy to be in the ACC.

Anyway, stuff on the field. I'll skip the two-deep since many others have contributed to a nice thread on the matter. I'll stick to the the general themes of what we've learned and what lies ahead.

Biggest storyline -- Sustainability
What jumps out at me with this season, even though it was "only" a 7-5 campaign, is the fact that for the first time since the late 90s I get the feeling that we are building and truly have a foundation to go forward and compete. Will we win more games next season? I don't know, but I like the coordinators we have in place. I like the "new" offensive system (I put "new" in quotes b/c I know that some will argue that we didn't technically add anything to the playbook). I think DM has a solid handle on most things and the recruiting appears to be at least OK (more on this later). The baseline has been raised and whether or not we've truly "turned the corner" there is at least plenty of legitimate reasons to feel good about this program.

Many questions re: DM's recruiting were answered
I know there are some here who are going to lose sleep at night about the number of commits we have and how many stars they have and what states they come from. But, realistically, the kids we are going to land are more often than not going to have 3 stars or fewer and take at least a year or two to get on the field. So, while I agree that DM hasn't blown the doors off on recruiting, he's built some pretty good depth here with his early classes which have yielded a bunch of kids who've actually arrived on campus and stayed in the program. This is different from P's last three classes, which is not a shot at P, whom I consider a good recruiter, as much as a statement of fact -- a huge chunk of those guys never arrived or transferred after a year. Consider:

Players who played big roles this season
WR -- West
TE -- Wales
RB -- Smith/Gulley/Moore
OL -- Chibane/Pugh (depending on who you credit him to)/Macky/Hickey/Foy/Trudo
DL -- Bromley/Crume/Sharpe/MPB/Goggins
LB -- Spruill/Diabate/Davis/Lynch
DB -- Lyn/Anderson/Reddish/Eskridge

Players poised to play big roles next season
QB -- Loeb/Hunt/Allen
RB -- Morris
WR -- Foster/Flemming/Kobena/Clark/Funderburke
TE -- Prince/Thompson
OL -- Knapp/Palmer
DL -- Robinson/Simmons
LB -- Broyld?
DB -- Whigham/Morgan

That's just a quick and dirty accounting, but that's a pretty good haul of at least decently talented players. If Loeb ends up being a decent option at QB, there's really no reason this team shouldn't be a bowl contender again next year and, hopefully, things continue to get better. Sure, we'd love to see more big-time offensive playmakers, but I honestly think the ability to put together solid classes where the kids generally arrive on campus and stay on campus is the bigger issue. DM has done that.

Lingering concerns?
Yes, there are some. Specials improved over the course of the season but remain a question mark in a general sense. DM's in-game decisions are sometimes puzzling. We need to be more consistent and more disciplined. Will be interesting to see how those four are addressed next season.

Looking ahead
I think this is the more interesting subject. So here are a few things I'll be watching, for whatever that's worth, as we move toward '13.

What to do with Ashton Broyld?
I keep hearing that Broyld is our most dangerous player and too good with the ball to put on defense. But I don't know. If he's either of those things he should be starting somewhere, yet on the projected two-deeps in the other thread he's rarely even mentioned. My thought is this -- and I don't claim to really know what I'm talking about -- I give him a loooooooonnnnnnnggggggg look at QB if I have any belief that he could even possibly play there. I'd watch all spring, put him on a summer throwing program and even give him some time in the fall. I want to rule him out there before I think of another position. If QB doesn't work out, or doesn't look like it will work out, I think about LB (as long as AB is into it). I know you'd love to have the ball in his hands but if you already like your WRs, RBs and TEs and he can't play QB, then why not let Shafer turn him loose on defense? I mean, he can have an impact. We saw that with Hogue and Smith and Spruill and Davis made a bunch of plays this year as well.

The QB quandry
If we assume Broyld doesn't end up at QB, I have a hard time believing anyone other than Loeb starts Week 1. The interesting thing will be if we see a bit of the 09 treatment with Paulus/Nassib splitting time. If they like Allen/Hunt as the future, do they make an effort to get them some legit snaps? Interesting debate.

Are we still as aggressive offensively?
It's pretty obvious that DM trusted Nassib/Lemon/Sales/Pugh, etc. to play a more up-tempo pace. Will he have that same trust with a pretty new cast of characters?

The RB question
I can't really remember a time when we had four legit options at RB. Maybe back when we were all excited about Tebucky/Ali Culpepper/Mungro and company? Regardless, the hype on Morris is that he could be a home run threat. Hard to imagine Gulley losing PT since he's good in pass protection, a good receiver and a slippery runner. Moore to me is clearly down the list as an option at starter but could still fill a role as a short yardage guy. Which leaves Smith -- a guy coming off a 1,000-yard season and a 5.1 ypc. BUT, and I know people will hate this, he looks slow in the open field. He's quick and powerful through the hole but a bit on the slow side in the open field. Does that leave this spot open for some other guys to grab some carriers -- most notably Morris? Will be interesting to watch I think. Good problem to have.
DE and LB are bigger questions than QB. I think we can survive with who ever wins at QB. But we a stronger D next year with the likely drop in O production. That cannot and will not happen with weak DE and LB play. We don't have depth at either spot and the starters are nothing great.
DE and LB are bigger questions than QB. I think we can survive with who ever wins at QB. But we a stronger D next year with the likely drop in O production. That cannot and will not happen with weak DE and LB play. We don't have depth at either spot and the starters are nothing great.

You don't like the trio of MPB as a speed rusher with another year in the weight room along with Spruill/Davis? I actually like all three of those guys quite a bit. Thought MPB struggled a bit at times with the speed of the game, but has some pretty good potential. I'd also guess we'll see Davis/Spruill closer to 80 tackles and both over 10 TFLs next season. That's pretty good production. MLB is certainly a bit of a concern.
You don't like the trio of MPB as a speed rusher with another year in the weight room along with Spruill/Davis? I actually like all three of those guys quite a bit. Thought MPB struggled a bit at times with the speed of the game, but has some pretty good potential. I'd also guess we'll see Davis/Spruill closer to 80 tackles and both over 10 TFLs next season. That's pretty good production. MLB is certainly a bit of a concern.

Spruill and Davis did very little in our base D. When they were attacking they made plays. When they were in base they were invisible. There is a reason why we stink against rushing teams and it is the LBs. IMO both are good athletes but not really good LBs. MPB had ONE sack on the year. As a team we got very little pressure on the QB besides that one game vs Pitt where Sharpe went nuts. So yeah that is a huge concern. The DEs and LBs did not produce last year nor this year. We need better production.

At some point it needs to show on the field. All three are SRs next year. No more room for potential.
nice recap...

ill be the 1st to say, i have officially changed my mind on marrones recruiting.

i think you hit the nail on the head, he hasnt knocked the doors off - but he has upgraded the talent significantly.
DE and LB are bigger questions than QB. I think we can survive with who ever wins at QB. But we a stronger D next year with the likely drop in O production. That cannot and will not happen with weak DE and LB play. We don't have depth at either spot and the starters are nothing great.

I'm not nearly as worried about LB or DE as you right now.
Re: Broyld: Did he play defense in HS? Was he all state? Someone with his athleticism should have been the best player on the field on either O or D. I am in the camp that wants Broyld with the football and that his talent would be wasted on defense. If hes never played defense before, forget about it; he would never contribute on defense.
I'm not nearly as worried about LB or DE as you right now.

Based on? At some point don't we need to see production on the field from these guys? They were a weakness the past two seasons. Hey I hope that next year they are Smith and Hogue but thus far they have given zero indication that will happen. Also it doesn't worry you that we have no heir at MLB and have basically no 2nd team at DE or LB? We have a ton of depth everywhere else on the team. So much so that IMO we should play 5 DBs all the time next year and rotate Spruill, Davis, Lynch at the 2 LB spots. Also it doesn't bother you that our DEs rarely make plays? I would kill for Wyche and Lacasse right now. It is hard to have a strong D when you get little production from DE and LB.

BTW just for comparison, of the eligible players returning next year in the ACC Davis would be 23rd in tackles, Spruill 30th. Lynch would not be in the Top 12 (as far as I could find ranking wise) in sacks. MPB would not be in the Top 10 (cut off again) in TFL. So compared to our peers our returning starters are lacking.
I don't ever post... I just read here a lot. I wanted to say I say Broyld play in high school and YES he was a monster on defense (in a safety/linebacker capacity). I too hope he gets a shot at QB... but if he isn't the guy he can still be a great LB or TE in my opinion.
Couldn't Spruill move back to MLB letting Lynch take his place at OLB?
There is a reason why we stink against rushing teams and it is the LBs.

Our run D wasn't stinky. We completely shut down UConn, Pitt & Rutgers on the ground. Those are pretty good run teams.
Our run D wasn't stinky. We completely shut down UConn, Pitt & Rutgers on the ground. Those are pretty good run teams.

Our run defense is "stinky" against spread offenses who have mobile QBs. Against pro style running games our defense looked pretty good.
Our run defense is "stinky" against spread offenses who have mobile QBs. Against pro style running games our defense looked pretty good.

Yeah where you need the LBs to make plays. BTW Pitt was #87 rushing, RU #94, UConn #114.
Spruill and Davis did very little in our base D. When they were attacking they made plays. When they were in base they were invisible. There is a reason why we stink against rushing teams and it is the LBs. IMO both are good athletes but not really good LBs. MPB had ONE sack on the year. As a team we got very little pressure on the QB besides that one game vs Pitt where Sharpe went nuts. So yeah that is a huge concern. The DEs and LBs did not produce last year nor this year. We need better production.

At some point it needs to show on the field. All three are SRs next year. No more room for potential.

I don't know, I get what you're saying but that strikes me as a harsh review. I mean Spruill and Davis combined for 22 TFLs and 130 tackles on a top 50 defenses. We've seen much, much worse here. MPB was a first-year player. There is some transition. Does he become a great or even good pass-rusher next year? I'm not sure but he has some quicks and saying he had one sack is a bit misleading since he was part of rotation and did manage to post 8 TFLs.

And Davis will only be a junior and a third-year player. IMO, if this program is running smoothly, 2013 would have been the first time DD was a starter. A redshirt year followed by a year on specials with some work, perhaps in a rotation or in blowouts, on D. I honestly really like him. Spruill I'm less enthused about but he's been a solid player too, IMO.

I agree that LB is a question b/c we still have no answer in the middle and, yes, consistent pass rush has been a tough thing to cultivate for a while now. Both are questions, I suppose, but I wouldn't rank them above QB where we're replacing a 3,600 yard passer who took basically every single snap for three years with either a 5th-year senior most of us couldn't pick out of a lineup, a third-year player who has talent but hasn't come close to seeing the field or a true frosh. It's not the end of the world, but seems like a far greater potential liability to me.
Yeah where you need the LBs to make plays. BTW Pitt was #87 rushing, RU #94, UConn #114.

Cincy was the 25th best rushing offense in the country and 40th overall
NW was 14th
USC was 68th in rushing, but averaged 5 ypc and 30th in total offense
Louisville was 44th overall despite being a terrible rushing team (we didn't give up much on the ground in that one)

Honestly, you can certainly point to USF as a disgrace and Missouri as a less-than-stellar performance, but otherwise we gave up yards to good teams who put up yards against basically everyone. That's not unusual in CFB these days.

And as for TFLs -- we had 90 of them as a team. You point to individuals, but we had a good total as a team. 8.3 a game? Pretty solid. ND had a rock solid defense and they only had 60 (5/game) as a team.

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