Update: I made four attempts to get a night's sleep, each about 1 1/2-2 hours. After the second one, I woke up sweating and realized I'd had a fever. My body was punishing me for demanding too much of it. When I finally got up, I did stick a thermometer in my mouth and it read 101.4. But I didn't feel feverish: sometimes sleeping under multiple blankets can warm you up. I re-did the thermometer a half hour later and it was 98.4. I still felt drain but that changed when - sorry for this - I coughed my self into an upchuck, I correctly figured there was nothing in my tummy and the experience not only got rid of a lot of gunk but energized me. I decided to do a COVID test. It was negative. I now seem to be getting back to normal. I think I'd just expended so much energy I was wide open for whatever bug might have been out there.
The guy who sits next to me in my new seat is clearly a huge SU fan but he shows it by chugging beers and shouting strange noises at the top of his lungs, right into my ear. I do some cheering: the old-fashioned stiff like "Push 'em back...Push 'em back - WAAAYY Back!" but anything I shouted was completely drown out by Mr. Beer Breath and I wonder if I might have picked up something from him. I'm glad I won't be seeing him until next season, when I'll have a little talk with him about being more considerate to the people around him,.
Anyway that will all be forgotten when, in future years, I'll remember being there for one of the greatest SU victories off all time.