Seems Crane Brinton understood SU hoop fans ... |

Seems Crane Brinton understood SU hoop fans ...


Sesquipedalia verba
Jun 24, 2012
In his seminal work, Anatomy of a Revolution, Brinton took the position that revolutions don't occur when things are going badly. Rather, they occur when things are going well, and expectations for continued success and improvement are not met. In each of his three case studies, The American, French and Russian revolutions, things were better politically and economically than they had been for a very long time in any of the three places. The point of "white heat" arose when expectations of, and hope for, continued improvement, greater successes and achievements were not forthcoming when the people wanted them. In other words, it was success and not destitution and squalor that caused the populace to revolt.

Think of SU's season in those terms, if you will. After Duke 1 at the dome, all th talk was understandably about 1-seeds and NCAA titles, which other teams were worthy of a similar standing, the prodigious leap forward of Ennis and Grant and their inevitable jump to the NBA, etc. Now there's a lot of doom and gloom - Ennis and Grant aren't going anywhere, we'll be lucky to get a 3 seed or to make it past the second round, and even the predictable calls for the king's head on point of pike.

Relax a little, fans. It's basketball, not our validation as human beings. Smooth out the peaks and swells and enjoy the ride a little more when it's built a little less on dizzying expectations and precipitous downturns.

And as always, "Let's go Orange!"
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I dare say that's the first time anyone has referenced that on this board.
In his seminal work, Anatomy of a Revolution, Brinton took the position that revolutions don't occur when things are going badly. Rather, they occur when things are going well, and expectations for continued success and improvement are not met. In each of his three case studies, The American, French and Russian revolutions, things were better politically and economically than they had been for a very long time in any of the three places. The point of "white heat" arose when expectations of, and hope for, continued improvement, greater successes and achievements were not forthcoming when the people wanted them. In other words, it was success and not destitution and squalor that caused the populace to revolt.

Think of SU's season in those terms, if you will. After Duke 1 at the dome, all th talk was understandably about 1-seeds and NCAA titles, which other teams were worthy of a similar standing, the prodigious leap forward of Ennis and Grant and their inevitable jump to the NBA, etc. Now there's a lot of doom and gloom - Ennis and Grant aren't going anywhere, we'll be lucky to get a 3 seed or to make it past the second round, and even the predictable calls for the king's head on point of pike.

Relax a little, fans. It's basketball, not our validation as human beings. Smooth out the peaks and swells and enjoy the ride a little more when it's built a little less on dizzying expectations and precipitous downturns.

And as always, "Let's go Orange!"
Nice!! But basketball certainly is validation...when you have to deal with fans/alums of these other schools at work etc. I surely feel validated when I can raz them and not have to take any crap.
In his seminal work, Anatomy of a Revolution, Brinton took the position that revolutions don't occur when things are going badly. Rather, they occur when things are going well, and expectations for continued success and improvement are not met. In each of his three case studies, The American, French and Russian revolutions, things were better politically and economically than they had been for a very long time in any of the three places. The point of "white heat" arose when expectations of, and hope for, continued improvement, greater successes and achievements were not forthcoming when the people wanted them. In other words, it was success and not destitution and squalor that caused the populace to revolt.

Think of SU's season in those terms, if you will. After Duke 1 at the dome, all th talk was understandably about 1-seeds and NCAA titles, which other teams were worthy of a similar standing, the prodigious leap forward of Ennis and Grant and their inevitable jump to the NBA, etc. Now there's a lot of doom and gloom - Ennis and Grant aren't going anywhere, we'll be lucky to get a 3 seed or to make it past the second round, and even the predictable calls for the king's head on point of pike.

Relax a little, fans. It's basketball, not our validation as human beings. Smooth out the peaks and swells and enjoy the ride a little more when it's built a little less on dizzying expectations and precipitous downturns.

And as always, "Let's go Orange!"

So what you're saying is there is historical research showing the team better start winning or the bourgeoisie is going to request JAB to be about 9" shorter?
So what you're saying is there is historical research showing the team better start winning or the bourgeoisie is going to request JAB to be about 9" shorter?

Either the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks will. :)

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