Should Marrone call out fans for low attendance like WVU's Holgorsen? |

Should Marrone call out fans for low attendance like WVU's Holgorsen?


Hall of Fame
Aug 20, 2011
Holgorsen blasted WVU recently for low attendance. I think it's interesting because can you imagine Marrone calling out the SU fans like that?

Should DM call out the fans in a similar (maybe less aggressive) manner? And if he did, what do you think the reaction would be?

(WVU is averaging 55 thousand and change per game so far this season. But they only had 46,000 paying customers on Saturday, and supposedly a whole lot of no-shows.)

"(We) came into last week, where (we)'ve got all kinds of excuses not to play well. No matter what the excuses were, our players didn't buy into it. But obviously our fan base did. So whatever our expectations are with our players as far as preparing every week and going to the game and playing their best, I highly encourage our students and our support to take the same approach. You only get seven opportunities a year. What's so hard about it? Is it too cold? It wasn't too cold for our players. It wasn't too cold for our coaches or managers or trainers. They were out there. So why did we have 20,000 people less at this one than we did last week?

"The funny part about it, we're all talking two weeks ago about how much difference the crowd's going to make to the LSU people. Well, LSU played well in front of 62,000 of our people and then turned around and went home and played a 1-4 Kentucky team at noon and had 95,000 people there. You want to talk about an elite program, that's one. I don't know about this place.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say what I think. I did go out there and beat the drum down. I talked about how important it is to our athletic department and our players and our coaches to have support. All I heard about was how much this meant to everybody across the state of West Virginia. This was the NFL team in town and we're going to be here to support you. Well, having 40,000 people at a game isn't doing that. ... We do our best every week to fix what the problems are offensively, defensively and special teams wise. Well what's everybody across the state of West Virginia, including the student body, doing to fix the fact that our players had to play in front of 40,000 people.

"We have a conference game coming up this week. It's at noon. I can give you some excuses now: Playing a team that's 2-3. Well, they should be 5-0. Playing at noon. Well, who cares? Get up. Mantrip's at 9:45. Are we going to have a good crowd or are we going to have nobody there? Is the weather going to be 85 and sunny or 25 and snowing? It really doesn't matter because the coaches and players and trainers and everybody else is going to be there. That's what our job is. What's the support people's job?"
Interesting that the greatest fanbase in the world only had 40k.

The guy certainly doesn't lack in confidence, especially with the "I don't know about this place" line.

If I were a WVU fan, I wouldn't get too comfortable having him as my coach. We all knew that anyway, but he could be a Lane Kiffen one and done, would only take a quick phone call.
Holgorsen blasted WVU recently for low attendance. I think it's interesting because can you imagine Marrone calling out the SU fans like that?

Should DM call out the fans in a similar (maybe less aggressive) manner? And if he did, what do you think the reaction would be?

(WVU is averaging 55 thousand and change per game so far this season. But they only had 46,000 paying customers on Saturday, and supposedly a whole lot of no-shows.)

"(We) came into last week, where (we)'ve got all kinds of excuses not to play well. No matter what the excuses were, our players didn't buy into it. But obviously our fan base did. So whatever our expectations are with our players as far as preparing every week and going to the game and playing their best, I highly encourage our students and our support to take the same approach. You only get seven opportunities a year. What's so hard about it? Is it too cold? It wasn't too cold for our players. It wasn't too cold for our coaches or managers or trainers. They were out there. So why did we have 20,000 people less at this one than we did last week?

"The funny part about it, we're all talking two weeks ago about how much difference the crowd's going to make to the LSU people. Well, LSU played well in front of 62,000 of our people and then turned around and went home and played a 1-4 Kentucky team at noon and had 95,000 people there. You want to talk about an elite program, that's one. I don't know about this place.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say what I think. I did go out there and beat the drum down. I talked about how important it is to our athletic department and our players and our coaches to have support. All I heard about was how much this meant to everybody across the state of West Virginia. This was the NFL team in town and we're going to be here to support you. Well, having 40,000 people at a game isn't doing that. ... We do our best every week to fix what the problems are offensively, defensively and special teams wise. Well what's everybody across the state of West Virginia, including the student body, doing to fix the fact that our players had to play in front of 40,000 people.

"We have a conference game coming up this week. It's at noon. I can give you some excuses now: Playing a team that's 2-3. Well, they should be 5-0. Playing at noon. Well, who cares? Get up. Mantrip's at 9:45. Are we going to have a good crowd or are we going to have nobody there? Is the weather going to be 85 and sunny or 25 and snowing? It really doesn't matter because the coaches and players and trainers and everybody else is going to be there. That's what our job is. What's the support people's job?"

It wouldn't work here. Instead of mobilizing the troops, it would just be another Buzz Shaw "Get a life" moment. People are still talking about that 10 years later.
Holgorsen blasted WVU recently for low attendance. I think it's interesting because can you imagine Marrone calling out the SU fans like that?

Should DM call out the fans in a similar (maybe less aggressive) manner? And if he did, what do you think the reaction would be?

No he should not. He knows that there is a certain amount of chicken and egg involved here. He knows that he has to win at home, and win convincingly, before fans come back.

Speaking of eggs, we laid a big one at home last week. He can't call out fans after that. He has to put "the product" on the field, so to speak. If we start winning at home, and play some solid (and entertaining) football, then he can start asking fans to come.

This isn't hoops, where a low turnout for JB is still 30-100% higher than most schools' arena capacities.
I think these coaches are relatively insulated from the overall economy. It is not a cheap endeavor to go to a football game. Airfare has gotten out of hand and gasoline is still pretty expensive, making travel pretty expensive for out-of-towners. WV isn't exactly the land of milk and honey right now either with their main source of income (coal) coming under pressure from all sides, adding to the uncertainty. Maybe DH hasn't gotten out enough to see that, but he's taking a risk by calling them out less than halfway through his first season.
Interesting that the greatest fanbase in the world only had 40k.

The guy certainly doesn't lack in confidence, especially with the "I don't know about this place" line.

If I were a WVU fan, I wouldn't get too comfortable having him as my coach. We all knew that anyway, but he could be a Lane Kiffen one and done, would only take a quick phone call.

The guy definitely has cajones.
Interesting that the greatest fanbase in the world only had 40k.

The guy certainly doesn't lack in confidence, especially with the "I don't know about this place" line.

If I were a WVU fan, I wouldn't get too comfortable having him as my coach. We all knew that anyway, but he could be a Lane Kiffen one and done, would only take a quick phone call.
his BAC was probably 40k during that interview

drunk mullet maniac too stupid to know he's bald that gets kicked out of bars and casinos every week can still manage to pull it together and gain a million yards everywhere he goes because he's just crazy enough to think "heyyyy throwing is pretty easy and spreading fast guys out makes it less likely that someone will be able to grab them... heyyy maybe it's easier for the qb to throw the ball if he doesn't have to rub some fat guys perineum first and run backwards to get away from other fatties who want to hurt him "
Enough with bashing the fan attendance already...... is what it is.
Enough with bashing the fan attendance already...... is what it is.

Can we still bash WVU fan attendance? Don't cut off my arms please.
No. Keep things positive.
Syracuse fans will use any excuse to alienate themselves from the program. We don't need another "Get a Life" type of response from the fans. Encourage them. Stay upbeat.
b!tch@ss motherfers

I do really like the "You only get seven opportunities a year." line. Which is true, I never really though about it like that, if more fans thought this way I bet we would get fans in seats.
I do really like the "You only get seven opportunities a year." line. Which is true, I never really though about it like that, if more fans thought this way I bet we would get fans in seats.

Those leaves aren't going to rake themselves.
Laying the ground work for his exit from WVU once reallignment is over since apperently they aren't on anyones want list or am I giving him too much credit?
Got to keep the moonshine away from this guy because he could be quite the character with a few in him. He might be saying this for a couple of reasons, one as someone has pointed out maybe a reason to leave especially if WV isn't in an aq conference and two...he's a little miffed because the SEC may be looking at WV and right at the moment they needed to look good draw 40K right after the little altercation after the LSU game.

I agree with him and no way could Marrone say that about Syracuse, too many people are waiting for an another excuse not to go.
DH is about 2 12'ers short of 6 pack. Everytime I see or read about this guy one word comes to mind: Unbalanced (and I don't mean his offensive blocking schemes)
On Sunday the WVU athletic director slams the SU football program.
On Tuesday the WVU head coach for football slams the WVU fans.
What happens tomorrow? Huggins burns his couch.
On Sunday the WVU athletic director slams the SU football program.
On Tuesday the WVU head coach for football slams the WVU fans.
What happens tomorrow? Huggins burns his couch.

Or makes a jump suit out of it
b!tch@ss motherfers



I could see DH having a great second career starring in a horror film.

More seriously, compare his demeanor with that of coach DM.

I would seriously turn off the TV if he was on the sidelines coaching an SU team.
God I ing love Holgorsen. But seriously, I'm really, really tired of hearing the economy , because it is not a problem whatsoever in the South.
in this economy you can't go after fans for not going. It would come off as being clueless.

Unless you are letting actual people (not students) in for free, you keep your mouth shut on the topic!

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