Sloan involved in scandal... |

Sloan involved in scandal...

Very interesting. Having attended public school in a low income area and being an athlete myself, I have seen this scenario many times. There are two ways that this usually pans out.

First, a kid skates by the first few years as they develope physically (freshman/sophmore). As they get a bit older and start to understand that they need higher marks to move on, they begin to take a more serious understanding of the process and apply themselves. ala
“I really don’t know anything about that. I don’t think Coach Cipp would ever do that. I worked my ass off to get to where I am today, just like anyone else,” Sloan said.
It takes a special mature kid to understand this process and apply themselves from the get go as an athlete (I.E. Cam Lynch).

The second scenario is kids who are pushed through because who they are and might become. Thus you have scandels such as this. I remeber my Geometry teacher in 10th grade had taught Penny Hardaway at Sheffield High School back home in Memphis. It was a well know fact that other teachers had pushed him through and students would do his work for him. She even had a geometry project of his that had a huge cut out paper penny in the middle. She said, "it was the best work that he had done if he had actually done it".

I think the telling statement in this story is,

Victor Correa, president of the Board of Ed. of the South Country School District, which oversees the school, said O’Connell’s allegations were investigated and found to be untrue.
“The district reviewed that student’s record, as well as other students, to ensure that grades being transcribed were being done correctly. The review concluded that grades were accurate,” Correa said.

I can see where at the school level administrators might allow this to happen but once you get to the district level, they don't usually allow this to fly. Being on LI I would assume that this is a pretty large district and officals at the district level are pretty far removed from the school administration and have very little incentive to allow cheating to go on. I would also suggest they are very eager to swiftly correct any cheating that goes on.

Sloan had to have been approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse to attend SU and allow him to accept the scholarship. NCAA has 0 incentive to allow things like this to happen. They are actually pretty tight about admission (see some of the current players on the roster). It will be interesting to see how he did in his first semester at the University and if he is put on academic prohbation or if he was able to complete his course work with passing marks.
and thus another scholarship opens. Playing big-time football has many pitfalls we seem to be getting more than our fair share. Just lately, Adam Harris, Mikhail Marinovich, Keon Lynn, Phillip Thomas, Adonis Ameen-Moore, Micah Robinson, Kyle Foster. Tyson Gully's non football injuries, the stabbing and the shoulder, Chandler Jones, Jonny Miller, Jaston George, the Shamarko Thomas injury, Sean Hickey. In the recent past, Rob Long's bout with cancer, the arrests of Jarrod West, Marcus Sales, Malcom Cater. A while before these, Delone Carter and Ryan Gilliam's arrests at practice. There have been many others too, the linebacker who got thrown off the team in the spring.

If SU didn't have bad luck, it would have no luck at all. While we were looking for Dame Fortune we met her sister Miss Fortune.
Sloan had to have been approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse to attend SU and allow him to accept the scholarship. NCAA has 0 incentive to allow things like this to happen. They are actually pretty tight about admission (see some of the current players on the roster). It will be interesting to see how he did in his first semester at the University and if he is put on academic prohbation or if he was able to complete his course work with passing marks.

Eh, sort of.
So what can happen to Sloan in this situation?
So what can happen to Sloan in this situation?

I might be a little naive, but I can't imagine anything can happen to him unless it was found he was somehow conspiring with the teacher.
So what can happen to Sloan in this situation?

if those accusations come to be true, i can see the ncaa making him ineligible.
if those accusations come to be true, i can see the ncaa making him ineligible.
is there some sort of statute of limitations with things like this? if so, anybody know how long they might be?
and thus another scholarship opens. Playing big-time football has many pitfalls we seem to be getting more than our fair share. Just lately, Adam Harris, Mikhail Marinovich, Keon Lynn, Phillip Thomas, Adonis Ameen-Moore, Micah Robinson, Kyle Foster. Tyson Gully's non football injuries, the stabbing and the shoulder, Chandler Jones, Jonny Miller, Jaston George, the Shamarko Thomas injury, Sean Hickey. In the recent past, Rob Long's bout with cancer, the arrests of Jarrod West, Marcus Sales, Malcom Cater. A while before these, Delone Carter and Ryan Gilliam's arrests at practice. There have been many others too, the linebacker who got thrown off the team in the spring.

If SU didn't have bad luck, it would have no luck at all. While we were looking for Dame Fortune we met her sister Miss Fortune.
He's not already written off as ineligible is he?
and thus another scholarship opens. Playing big-time football has many pitfalls we seem to be getting more than our fair share. Just lately, Adam Harris, Mikhail Marinovich, Keon Lynn, Phillip Thomas, Adonis Ameen-Moore, Micah Robinson, Kyle Foster. Tyson Gully's non football injuries, the stabbing and the shoulder, Chandler Jones, Jonny Miller, Jaston George, the Shamarko Thomas injury, Sean Hickey. In the recent past, Rob Long's bout with cancer, the arrests of Jarrod West, Marcus Sales, Malcom Cater. A while before these, Delone Carter and Ryan Gilliam's arrests at practice. There have been many others too, the linebacker who got thrown off the team in the spring.

If SU didn't have bad luck, it would have no luck at all. While we were looking for Dame Fortune we met her sister Miss Fortune.

Very presumptuous. I don't think anything will happen to him, especially if he is in good academic standing after the first year of classes. At that point, I don't think the NCAA would make him ineligible. It'd be like saying "hey you got in, and you did well your first year, but because you shouldn't have gotten in you're not allowed to play."

Now if his grades are poor, then it's a different story. But if he's in good academic standing, can't see anything happening if the NCAA uses common sense.
It may depend on his SAT scores and the clearinghouse. Would they readjust his GPA and change his clearinghouse requirement, and if his SATs were then not good enough, could they make him ineligible?

This is the NCAA we're talking about, I expect the worst. They make it up as they go along.
can't see anything happening if the NCAA uses common sense.

Don't forget to tip your waitress, folks, I'll be here all week! :rolling:
It may depend on his SAT scores and the clearinghouse. Would they readjust his GPA and change his clearinghouse requirement, and if his SATs were then not good enough, could they make him ineligible?

This is the NCAA we're talking about, I expect the worst. They make it up as they go along.

If he received an inflated GPA he better have the SAT scores to make up for the drop. If not, absolutely, they could make him ineligible.

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