So Fareed Zakaria gets suspended about one month |

So Fareed Zakaria gets suspended about one month


There are FIVE letters in the name BLAIN.
Aug 27, 2011
For plagiarizing an article. He is a professional journalist and writer. It is his entire job to provide original content.

He is suspended by CNN/TIME for about one month.

James Southerland is a syracuse student athlete. His real job is playing basketball. he may have had someone help him write part of his paper. He gets suspended indefinitely.

The answers to your questions are here:
I wish I didn't feel this way but I could care less about academic integrity in college sports at this point. Is there any academic integrity when the NCAA is pimping these kids out for profit or when the school uses them for the same purpose? Is there any academic integrity when a team knowingly recruits players who will only play 1 or 2 years and have zero intention of getting a degree? Academic integrity would be if these standards were enforced by every school and not just programs who were afraid of NCAA sanctions, I'm pretty sure alot of other programs have covered up or swept under the rug alot worse than we have. No one really cares about academic integrity unless they think they might face a penalty for it.
I wish I didn't feel this way but I could care less about academic integrity in college sports at this point. Is there any academic integrity when the NCAA is pimping these kids out for profit or when the school uses them for the same purpose? Is there any academic integrity when a team knowingly recruits players who will only play 1 or 2 years and have zero intention of getting a degree. Academic integrity would be if these standards were enforced by every school and not just programs who were afraid of NCAA sanctions, I'm pretty sure alot of other programs have covered up or swept under the rug alot worse than we have. No one really cares about academic integrity unless they think they might face a penalty for it.

There's a part of me that wants to take a hard line on this stuff, cheating is wrong, etc (which it is, don't get me wrong).

But there is the other, larger, part of me that realizes what college athletics is all about at this point.
There's a part of me that wants to take a hard line on this stuff, cheating is wrong, etc (which it is, don't get me wrong).

But there is the other, larger, part of me that realizes what college athletics is all about at this point.

If you allow cheating off the court to advance your performance on the court, how do you draw the line between that and cheating that would be considered more directly related to on court performance?

Ahhh if James violated SU's honor code (I don't whether he did or didn't) lets let it slide. Well why not let UK's payments (if they occurred) to Anthony Davis slide as well.

Which rules should people be forced to live by and which ones is it ok for them to ignore? Who decides?
If you allow cheating off the court to advance your performance on the court, how do you draw the line between that and cheating that would be considered more directly related to on court performance?

Ahhh if James violated SU's honor code (I don't whether he did or didn't) lets let it slide. Well why not let UK's payments (if they occurred) to Anthony Davis slide as well.

Which rules should people be forced to live by and which ones is it ok for them to ignore? Who decides?

Well we aren't really letting it slide; he's already missed 6 games this year.

But I hear you. And there's a part of me that says let the payments slide. I can't find myself getting too worked up about it. But maybe that's just me.
Well we aren't really letting it slide; he's already missed 6 games this year.

But I hear you. And there's a part of me that says let the payments slide. I can't find myself getting too worked up about it. But maybe that's just me.
I guess one day UK will get theirs but James has already missed 6 games of his his senior season and is in danger of being done for the season in a year where he could make us a Championship favorite. Anthony Davis was praised by college basketball aficionado's, won awards, won UK a National Championship and was the top pick in the draft when anyone who knows anything about recruiting knows he got paid through various channels to play for UK. We have high school coaches with the slip of the tongue saying UK offered their player this or that. World Wide Wes is running around like the Monopoly man of college basketball...and as far as I know the NCAA hasn't even batted an eyelash at that program. It's hard to take a moral high ground when were going up against programs like that. I'm not saying Fab or James shouldn't be looked at and punished IF they did something wrong BUT we all know Fab or James wouldn't be suspended if they played at UK or UNC. That fact tends to set in a bit of apathy for me in these situations.
The only thing I'd say to this is that UK may be the worst offender, but they are far from the only one.

I assume pretty much all big time college athletics is dirty. That's probably not right, but more often than not, it probably is. Which is why I can't get too worked up about it. We often hear people reminisce about the days of Wooden at UCLA, and they had Sam Gilbert paying for abortions for players girlfriends and god knows what else.

When it comes down to it; I care about the games. So Anthony Davis getting paid? Doesn't really bother me; he's going to play college basketball for someone and he's going to be awesome wherever he goes. Southerland cheats on a paper? Same thing. I care about the games.

In a perfect world, all athletes would get all of their work done and people wouldn't get paid to go to college and play for the team, but that stuff has been going on for basically as long as there have been college sports. I don't embrace it, but it is what it is.
What did Biden get?

And that is in Law School. Should have been put in jail if JS gets canned for a year.
Well we aren't really letting it slide; he's already missed 6 games this year.

But I hear you. And there's a part of me that says let the payments slide. I can't find myself getting too worked up about it. But maybe that's just me.

We don't know the extent of the problem. If, because of this issue, his GPA has fallen below 2.0, then he's not eligible. But again, we just don't know...
For plagiarizing an article. He is a professional journalist and writer. It is his entire job to provide original content.

He is suspended by CNN/TIME for about one month.

James Southerland is a syracuse student athlete. His real job is playing basketball. he may have had someone help him write part of his paper. He gets suspended indefinitely.


Your two examples should have no bearing on each other. As you note, the context is completely different. While IMO if you are a professional writer like Zakaria, the punishment should be extreme (much more than a one month ban for FSM's sake). How CNN handles it should have no impact on how the NCAA would handle it. I have no idea what James did or didn't do, so I have no idea how to judge the situation. Sometimes things are out of your control as a fan...
What did Biden get?

And that is in Law School. Should have been put in jail if JS gets canned for a year.

That's almost fifty years ago. The rules in place at that time were different than they are now.

The law school has a stricter honor code than the one mandated by the university; someone plagiarizing a law review note in 2013 would be brought before the board and tossed out of school if found to have done so deliberately.
another issue is that had what ever he did been caught when it happened the penalty would likely have been much different and JS would also have had a chance to recover. if it was a spring course he could have taken a summer course to get the GPA back up or sat out the fall to get things straightened out. coming back a year later he has no recourse to recover.

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