Sparty in serious trouble tonight... |

Sparty in serious trouble tonight...

I hope they are able to pull it out. I really like MSU and find it refreshing that they are #1 rather than the usual suspects. And if they lose, Kansas will be #1 and I don't find that refreshing in the slightest.
Iowa is scrappy. Just about beat then #4 Iowa State a couple weeks ago. My wife was at the game tonight...I don't expect her home too early.
throughout all the years ive been watching syracuse basketball, we've been alot of things. talented, uber athletic, slick, but scrappy isnt our thing.
That's what I get for not using my sarcasm emoticon. You have to admit though, TC is pretty high on the scrappometer. G and Lydon have also been scraptacular this year.
Bornorange said:
I recall our acting head coach was a hell of a scrappy player and so was Kristoff. Jason Hart, Rautins etc

There have definitely been some scrappy players here over the years but very few scrappy teams.
Kind of hard to take any of their losses seriously without Valentine.
Iowa is scrappy. Just about beat then #4 Iowa State a couple weeks ago. My wife was at the game tonight...I don't expect her home too early.
Ill make sure not to have her home too late.
Agree that we've rarely been scrappy. '91/'92 was an exception. I remember Princeton being everyone's favorite first round upset that year. Wrong Syracuse team for that - .. we were scrappier than they were.

For most part - I'll take 'great', or even 'very good', over 'scrappy'.
Scrappy players over the years...hopkins, gmac, rautins, kristof, cooney...hey i sense a pattern

Don't forget Devo if you want to consider him scrappy
What the hell does scrappy mean? Who doesn't dive for loose balls? If scrappy means being able to fight for rebounds, DC was the scrappiest player we will ever see. Spaz Boy was also scrappy by that criteria and he had no wheels. Seikaly was a hell of a rebounder. If scrappy means being able to overwhelm your man then Flynn, Stevie Thompson and Hak are your men. If scrappy means playing while injured I'd nominate DC again and GMAC. If scrappy means not taking , then the Pearl and DC are in a class by themselves. If scrappy means finding unorthodox ways to score then Josh Pace is your man. If scrappy means being able to make something out of nothing with the pass I'd go with the General and Sweet D. If it means being able to make something out of nothing with the dribble I'd go with Pearl and Z. If scrappy means a guard that can drive I'd go with Devo and Triche and others. If scrappy means making the very best of your physical skills I'd go with Bing and Melo. They were not great just because they were well coordinated. They had guts to be creative, shake and bake and put the moves on as did Pearl. If scrappy means being a good player despite obvious physical deficiencies, well then JB is in a class by himself, a malnourished string-bean that appeared to be half blind. If scrappy means playing despite getting a bad roll of the dice, you have to go with Matt Roe and Billy Edelin. If scrappy means punching above your height - Paul Harris, Mike Lee, Jonny Flynn and Stevie Thompson. Lastly, if scrappy means playing out of position - a forward playing the point - Silent G and Stevie Thompson. Perhaps scrappy means saving the program by signing up despite sanctions - John Wallace.
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