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Stay classy fans

SU in Hershey

Aug 27, 2011
Having just read the twitter to Gus Edwards that was the epitome of poor sportsmanship and immaturity, I felt the need to make a general statement. (Admins may delete if they think this inappropriate, but I think this pertains more to the recruiting board than the general football board)

I don't know the demographics of any but a few of the posters here, and most posts I find informative and/or entertaining, but I am questioning the lack of adult behavior on the part of some who post. With the recent flurry of activity on the recruiting front and even starting with Doug Marrone's departure, I have read some of the basest and rudest comments spewed between fellow fans, but more dishearteningly, at the kids we are trying to recruit.

We can't speak with one side of our mouth saying what a great tradition we have here, and that we are on the verge of emerging again as a national power, when we with our next breath (or keystroke) become the petty fanatics that we so love to criticize from other teams. The worst of this comes in slamming these kids who are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives (so far, anyways). As Coach Shafer has said, we want kids that want to be here. I don't think for one second he is implying that the rest can go f*** themselves, yet that is how some are taking it.

I am sorry if this is sanctimonious, and I am all for free speech, but considering this board is an outlet for many it is imperative that we remember this is also a public forum. Recruits, their parents, family and friends can and do read our posts. It is one thing to read a post putting down another program...especially if it is backed up. But I see no reason we should ever be cutting down a kid, A KID, because he makes a decision that doesn't favor us.

Let's give kids and their families a reason to want to come here, and be proud to come here. Not a reason to look elsewhere or be glad they didn't choose to come here.

I enjoy these forums immensely, and appreciate many of your well informed insights. If you don't think this post applies to you, it probably doesn't. But if you do, please consider what I have said. If you think I am an a**hole, let me have it. But cut the kids a break.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Having just read the twitter to Gus Edwards that was the epitome of poor sportsmanship and immaturity, I felt the need to make a general statement. (Admins may delete if they think this inappropriate, but I think this pertains more to the recruiting board than the general football board)

I don't know the demographics of any but a few of the posters here, and most posts I find informative and/or entertaining, but I am questioning the lack of adult behavior on the part of some who post. With the recent flurry of activity on the recruiting front and even starting with Doug Marrone's departure, I have read some of the basest and rudest comments spewed between fellow fans, but more dishearteningly, at the kids we are trying to recruit.

We can't speak with one side of our mouth saying what a great tradition we have here, and that we are on the verge of emerging again as a national power, when we with our next breath (or keystroke) become the petty fanatics that we so love to criticize from other teams. The worst of this comes in slamming these kids who are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives (so far, anyways). As Coach Shafer has said, we want kids that want to be here. I don't think for one second he is implying that the rest can go f*** themselves, yet that is how some are taking it.

I am sorry if this is sanctimonious, and I am all for free speech, but considering this board is an outlet for many it is imperative that we remember this is also a public forum. Recruits, their parents, family and friends can and do read our posts. It is one thing to read a post putting down another program...especially if it is backed up. But I see no reason we should ever be cutting down a kid, A KID, because he makes a decision that doesn't favor us.

Let's give kids and their families a reason to want to come here, and be proud to come here. Not a reason to look elsewhere or be glad they didn't choose to come here.

I enjoy these forums immensely, and appreciate many of your well informed insights. If you don't think this post applies to you, it probably doesn't. But if you do, please consider what I have said. If you think I am an a**hole, let me have it. But cut the kids a break.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Most of the people who you probably saw on Twitter do not post here or if they did have long been banned, your intentions are good but your not going to reach your target audience by posting that here. Bnoro made the case previously about fans not tweeting potential recruits and several posters blatanly told him there doing it and are not going to stop it. In today's media world its a fact of life.
Having just read the twitter to Gus Edwards that was the epitome of poor sportsmanship and immaturity, I felt the need to make a general statement. (Admins may delete if they think this inappropriate, but I think this pertains more to the recruiting board than the general football board)

I don't know the demographics of any but a few of the posters here, and most posts I find informative and/or entertaining, but I am questioning the lack of adult behavior on the part of some who post. With the recent flurry of activity on the recruiting front and even starting with Doug Marrone's departure, I have read some of the basest and rudest comments spewed between fellow fans, but more dishearteningly, at the kids we are trying to recruit.

We can't speak with one side of our mouth saying what a great tradition we have here, and that we are on the verge of emerging again as a national power, when we with our next breath (or keystroke) become the petty fanatics that we so love to criticize from other teams. The worst of this comes in slamming these kids who are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives (so far, anyways). As Coach Shafer has said, we want kids that want to be here. I don't think for one second he is implying that the rest can go f*** themselves, yet that is how some are taking it.

I am sorry if this is sanctimonious, and I am all for free speech, but considering this board is an outlet for many it is imperative that we remember this is also a public forum. Recruits, their parents, family and friends can and do read our posts. It is one thing to read a post putting down another program...especially if it is backed up. But I see no reason we should ever be cutting down a kid, A KID, because he makes a decision that doesn't favor us.

Let's give kids and their families a reason to want to come here, and be proud to come here. Not a reason to look elsewhere or be glad they didn't choose to come here.

I enjoy these forums immensely, and appreciate many of your well informed insights. If you don't think this post applies to you, it probably doesn't. But if you do, please consider what I have said. If you think I am an a**hole, let me have it. But cut the kids a break.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Well said!!!
Most of the people who you probably saw on Twitter do not post here or if they did have long been banned, your intentions are good but your not going to reach your target audience by posting that here. Bnoro made the case previously about fans not tweeting potential recruits and several posters blatanly told him there doing it and are not going to stop it. In today's media world its a fact of life.

I read the twitter posting on the thread about Gus, and I was addressing solely what I have read here in the forums. Again, it is a minority of the posts, and other respected members usually "let 'em have it", but once it is there, it is there for anyone to see.

I appreciate your reply, and I know it won't change much. Maybe nothing at all. But it doesn't hurt to try, right?
The biggest problem I see is that it is only going to get worse when McDonald and company starts going after bigger recruits. People need to watch what they say even on the boards. These recruits read everything...

Even like the thing with Cooper where the coach who is a poster on here said basically that Cooper wasn't very impressive and surprised he got a big offer from a big school like Syracuse. Sure the coach meant no disrespect towards Cooper but if/when Cooper reads it it could change his opinion on if he wants to attend Syracuse or not. You never know what will push these kids over the edge.
I read the twitter posting on the thread about Gus, and I was addressing solely what I have read here in the forums. Again, it is a minority of the posts, and other respected members usually "let 'em have it", but once it is there, it is there for anyone to see.

I appreciate your reply, and I know it won't change much. Maybe nothing at all. But it doesn't hurt to try, right?

I dont disagree with your posts but what exactly have you seen directed toward AE on this board that is concerning or unclassy? Most posters like myself are sorry to see him likely end up someplace else, in fact I haven't seem much if any vitrol toward AE. No offense but I think you maybe confusing twitter with this board.
I dont disagree with your posts but what exactly have you seen directed toward AE on this board that is concerning or unclassy? Most posters like myself are sorry to see him likely end up someplace else, in fact I haven't seem much if any vitrol toward AE. No offense but I think you maybe confusing twitter with this board.

Clearly we are on the same side on this issue, so allow me to clarify. It was the Twitter post in the Gus thread that set me off. There were other posts in his thread that were much less nasty, and more targeted at the other schools Gus has shown interest in. But it was in other threads involving other recruits that I was referring to. See E.O.'s thread for example. It is the target of some of the posts and the vitriol (always loved that word!) spewed in these kids' direction that bothers me. That's all.
Some numbnuts leaves the forum after reading he decomitted and finds Gus Edward's Twitter... and you get something like we saw on his page...
Some numbnuts leaves the forum after reading he decomitted and finds Gus Edward's Twitter... and you get something like we saw on his page...

Bingo, all fanbases have there loose cannons, its unfortunate but not much we can do.
Serious I was think this happens everywhere but I think our fan base is especially pathetic after seeing Michael carter Williams twitter feed after Saturdays game and he's actually an all American candidate who plays here. People need to grow up. I looked at Cory coopers feed after he committed and it was almost all positive posts on him feed from Arkansas fans. Other fans seem to have more common sense either that or southern hospitality is real . We can't have these idiots blasting ant recruit who doesn't pick us, just like ebo got blasted and he was never even committed
Having just read the twitter to Gus Edwards that was the epitome of poor sportsmanship and immaturity, I felt the need to make a general statement. (Admins may delete if they think this inappropriate, but I think this pertains more to the recruiting board than the general football board)

I don't know the demographics of any but a few of the posters here, and most posts I find informative and/or entertaining, but I am questioning the lack of adult behavior on the part of some who post. With the recent flurry of activity on the recruiting front and even starting with Doug Marrone's departure, I have read some of the basest and rudest comments spewed between fellow fans, but more dishearteningly, at the kids we are trying to recruit.

We can't speak with one side of our mouth saying what a great tradition we have here, and that we are on the verge of emerging again as a national power, when we with our next breath (or keystroke) become the petty fanatics that we so love to criticize from other teams. The worst of this comes in slamming these kids who are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives (so far, anyways). As Coach Shafer has said, we want kids that want to be here. I don't think for one second he is implying that the rest can go f*** themselves, yet that is how some are taking it.

I am sorry if this is sanctimonious, and I am all for free speech, but considering this board is an outlet for many it is imperative that we remember this is also a public forum. Recruits, their parents, family and friends can and do read our posts. It is one thing to read a post putting down another program...especially if it is backed up. But I see no reason we should ever be cutting down a kid, A KID, because he makes a decision that doesn't favor us.

Let's give kids and their families a reason to want to come here, and be proud to come here. Not a reason to look elsewhere or be glad they didn't choose to come here.

I enjoy these forums immensely, and appreciate many of your well informed insights. If you don't think this post applies to you, it probably doesn't. But if you do, please consider what I have said. If you think I am an a**hole, let me have it. But cut the kids a break.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
I agree completely with what you said. Nice post. Is it alright if I still call you an a**hole? ;) :D
Having just read the twitter to Gus Edwards that was the epitome of poor sportsmanship and immaturity, I felt the need to make a general statement. (Admins may delete if they think this inappropriate, but I think this pertains more to the recruiting board than the general football board)

I don't know the demographics of any but a few of the posters here, and most posts I find informative and/or entertaining, but I am questioning the lack of adult behavior on the part of some who post. With the recent flurry of activity on the recruiting front and even starting with Doug Marrone's departure, I have read some of the basest and rudest comments spewed between fellow fans, but more dishearteningly, at the kids we are trying to recruit.

We can't speak with one side of our mouth saying what a great tradition we have here, and that we are on the verge of emerging again as a national power, when we with our next breath (or keystroke) become the petty fanatics that we so love to criticize from other teams. The worst of this comes in slamming these kids who are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives (so far, anyways). As Coach Shafer has said, we want kids that want to be here. I don't think for one second he is implying that the rest can go f*** themselves, yet that is how some are taking it.

I am sorry if this is sanctimonious, and I am all for free speech, but considering this board is an outlet for many it is imperative that we remember this is also a public forum. Recruits, their parents, family and friends can and do read our posts. It is one thing to read a post putting down another program...especially if it is backed up. But I see no reason we should ever be cutting down a kid, A KID, because he makes a decision that doesn't favor us.

Let's give kids and their families a reason to want to come here, and be proud to come here. Not a reason to look elsewhere or be glad they didn't choose to come here.

I enjoy these forums immensely, and appreciate many of your well informed insights. If you don't think this post applies to you, it probably doesn't. But if you do, please consider what I have said. If you think I am an a**hole, let me have it. But cut the kids a break.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Read this article about Michigan fans and offensive lineman David Dawson.

"In October, when Dawson and Michigan parted ways, he was still readjusting to life in Michigan again after moving to Houston for a year, and his father had just been killed in a roadside accident. But none of that seemed to matter to Wolverines supporters. Fans sent him Twitter and Facebook messages telling him they hoped he broke his leg or that he was a "piece of s---."

Worst of all, some fans took shots at his late father."
I agree with what you said Hershey, to the fullest extent, BUT it's still going to happen here an everywhere else, whether it be SU, RU, BAMA, USC, ND, WMU, and I know you addresses the fact that it probably won't help, but to at least try. I commend you for what you said and for what you are trying to do.
But now, this pertaining to both football and basketball recruiting, a lot of us here are here cause we BLEED Orange and we hang onto twitter statuses, rumor mills, and inside information that people here gather. The point that I am making is that some if these people that snap or freak out about a recruit or a game for that matter are the ones that truely BLEED ORANGE...Now what the general response is to that is this is all just a game for us/entertainment...But I can guaran-damn-tee, that to some Syracuse sports is their life, and they hang into it like a life rope. And I know it doesn't give the right to snap, I'm just making that point.
I agree with what you said Hershey, to the fullest extent, BUT it's still going to happen here an everywhere else, whether it be SU, RU, BAMA, USC, ND, WMU, and I know you addresses the fact that it probably won't help, but to at least try. I commend you for what you said and for what you are trying to do.
But now, this pertaining to both football and basketball recruiting, a lot of us here are here cause we BLEED Orange and we hang onto twitter statuses, rumor mills, and inside information that people here gather. The point that I am making is that some if these people that snap or freak out about a recruit or a game for that matter are the ones that truely BLEED ORANGE...Now what the general response is to that is this is all just a game for us/entertainment...But I can guaran-damn-tee, that to some Syracuse sports is their life, and they hang into it like a life rope. And I know it doesn't give the right to snap, I'm just making that point.

Your point is well taken, and there will always be those who are just "fans" and those that are fanatics. As with many things in life, there are those who for one reason or another lack perspective. Whether it is sports, politics, religion, or any other topic with a passionate following, some react without thinking. And as with any of those, there is the potential to further harm rather than enlighten.

I think some of it is maturity and having a greater appreciation of the relative value of things. When John Thompson II declared Manley Fieldhouse "Officially closed", I was seething mad and given the opportunity on a forum like this, probably would have said something I would now look back on with regret. I would be just as angry now, but I would have a very different frame of reference for that anger.

So, if the post gets anyone to stop and think and realize that these kids' decisions have nothing to do with them personally, maybe they will react accordingly and not attack those who have no interest in anything other than making the best decision for them. The decision is appropriately a selfish one...what is best for them. The decision to react by attacking the individual (kid) is also selfish, but if all that is to be gained is venting one's anger, I think their are better ways to do it that are without potential repercussions.

I don't know if this argument would have worked on me after Ewing et al crushed our collective hearts, but it at least plants a seed for future growth as a person. I don't think there is anymore I can say about this, but I have appreciated the "likes" and the comments and replies, and will continue to enjoy the forums and all that they represent.
Your point is well taken, and there will always be those who are just "fans" and those that are fanatics. As with many things in life, there are those who for one reason or another lack perspective. Whether it is sports, politics, religion, or any other topic with a passionate following, some react without thinking. And as with any of those, there is the potential to further harm rather than enlighten.

I think some of it is maturity and having a greater appreciation of the relative value of things. When John Thompson II declared Manley Fieldhouse "Officially closed", I was seething mad and given the opportunity on a forum like this, probably would have said something I would now look back on with regret. I would be just as angry now, but I would have a very different frame of reference for that anger.

So, if the post gets anyone to stop and think and realize that these kids' decisions have nothing to do with them personally, maybe they will react accordingly and not attack those who have no interest in anything other than making the best decision for them. The decision is appropriately a selfish one...what is best for them. The decision to react by attacking the individual (kid) is also selfish, but if all that is to be gained is venting one's anger, I think their are better ways to do it that are without potential repercussions.

I don't know if this argument would have worked on me after Ewing et al crushed our collective hearts, but it at least plants a seed for future growth as a person. I don't think there is anymore I can say about this, but I have appreciated the "likes" and the comments and replies, and will continue to enjoy the forums and all that they represent.

I think what you said in that sentence may be the BEST way to describe what these kids do, that may be the best overall termed phrase for this.

And everything else I agree with on 100%

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