SU Mens Soccer @SUMensSoccer 17m17 minutes ago
#SUvPITT #DareToDream
3' Pitt try a ball over the top but Cross stands tall and wins a 50/50 challenge.
4' Alseth slips a beautiful pass through the Pitt defense to Nanco. Nanco gets a shot off but the Pitt keeper is able to get hand to it.
8' Syla tries a shot with the outside of his right foot but the Pitt goalie watches it go wide for a goal kick.
12' Nanco rockets one from distance and has it bang off the bar. Buescher collects the rebound and earns a corner for Cuse.
12' Buescher tries a shot from the top of the box but it goes just wide and out for a goal kick.
15' Pitt tries a shot from distance but it goes over the bar. Aviza collects for a goal kick.
20' Callahan tries a ball over the top to Nanco but the Pitt goalie beats him by a step and is able to clear.
21' Callahan and Robinson nearly connect on a Syracuse corner but the Pitt goalie stands tall and draws a foul.
23' Buescher floats one over the top to Nanco and he does well to collect and earn a corner.
27' Nanco tries to get in a cross but it deflects off a Pitt defender and into the hands of their goalie.
30' Jenssen enters for Syla
31' Buescher shows off some footwork and earns a corner for Syracuse. Corner count now at 7 for Syracuse
34' Buescher with a pretty touch and flick over the top to Polk. Polk collects and earns the Orange a corner
34' Rhynhart enters for Nanco
35' Pasanen crosses a ball into Buescher who forces the Pitt goalie to make a point blank save. However he's a hair offsides