SU getting a lot of disrespect (Hoosier's Daddy) |

SU getting a lot of disrespect (Hoosier's Daddy)


All Conference
Sep 11, 2011
Michigan lost to Indiana twice and split with Mich State and Ohio State. They lost in the 2nd round to Wisconsin of their tournament. Did the pundits forget what happened in regular season and B1G conference tourney?

Who was Hoosier's Daddy last weekend?

Mich crushes a SEC Florida team who played only 4-5 ranked teams all season and now MIch is considered "a hot team" because they beat a SEC team?

Kansas fails in last 3 minutes and Mich luck shots out to win. I would rather have us play Michigan than Kansas so I thank Mich for that miracle win. Kansas lost that game versus Mich winning it imo.

Mich is even a shorter version of Indiana - I would say even less talented too. They are shorter at almost every position. Indiana matched up against us better than Michigan.

I remember how they said Indiana had so many 3 point and inside threats too - Syracuse had no chance against their defense! Did the pundits forget this?

Mich is far less of a defensive team than either Marquette or Indiana. Who is going to stop SU from scoring?

Why is Mich the 2 point favorite? What is Vegas thinking?

SU is getting a lot of disrespect in my opinion. If I were the SU players, I would be and play angry!

How can you not predict that we roll Mich! Go Orange!
Mich is even a shorter version of Indiana - I would say even less talented too.

Don't know if i agree with this. Indiana had guards that could not create their own shot. Burke and Co definitely can.
Michigan has a good ball club, now is not the time to be cocky ( not saying you are) . Cuse needs to be humble and hungry
Some of it's name recognition and family history. Burke's been hyped all year and is good (maybe not good against the zone - we'll see), while Hardaway Jr and Robinson are "name" players and pretty good. I wouldn't say they are overrated - but sometimes pundits fall in love with the stars and lose their minds.

I'm welcoming the disrespect - makes the win a bit sweeter. See exhibit A: Indiana.
Mich and Indiana aren't a good comparison.
Not to mention Boeheim said that Syracuse more or less played a perfect defensive game against Indiana. I think we can expect Syracuse to play very well defensively, as they have done all tournament, but I don't think you can necessarily expect the pinnacle of that IU game again.
Burke and Hardaway Jr. both were 3 star players. Surprising. Robinson III a 5 star frosh, McGary and Stauskas both 4 stars. I was surprised how well Stauskas put the ball on the floor yesterday. That could be a problem. He's a more athletic Sheehey, perhaps.
Not to mention Boeheim said that Syracuse more or less played a perfect defensive game against Indiana. I think we can expect Syracuse to play very well defensively, as they have done all tournament, but I don't think you can necessarily expect the pinnacle of that IU game again.
But, the other 3 games, our defense played nearly as well as in the Indiana game. Our opponents are averaging less than 46 points against us in the tourney.
But, the other 3 games, our defense played nearly as well as in the Indiana game. Our opponents are averaging less than 46 points against us in the tourney.
I'm confused - are you disagreeing with me? Your post more or less echoes mine.
I'm confused - are you disagreeing with me? Your post more or less echoes mine.
It seemed like you were indicating that our offense would have to be better to beat Michigan because we can't expect our defense to be as good as it was against Indiana. I was pointing out that it has been extremely stout all four games and probably good enough to beat Michigan in all of them. We just have to maintain the current level.
I'll start getting worried whenever we become the favorite.
I don't know maybe its just me, but we're in the Final what point does the "we're getting overlooked/dissed/ignored" narrative start becoming redundant?
IMHO, at some point anyone TRYING to diss a team in the FF is either a hater or an idiot, so why even give it the time of day? Making the FF is considered an achievement in itself. Of course we wanna win it, but honestly, who cares what some critic thinks about us right now?
Any team that gets this far is dangerous, & capable of beating any of the others.

Syracuse needs to go in respecting the Wolverines, & playing as if Michigan is the best team in America, keeping up the intensity until 0:00.
Michigan has good players I knew they were better than Indiana and was mad KU choked. Burke and Stauskas will launch long 3s late in the clock and Robinson and Rice will try and drive. McGary is a decent player. This is a game where we will need to score to win. If we play well on both ends we will win.
Mich and Indiana aren't a good comparison.
Don't know if i agree with this. Indiana had guards that could not create their own shot. Burke and Co definitely can.

Agree it's not a good comparison. However, broad strokes, the main differences are (1) Like Lawrinson said, their guards can't create their own shot, whereas both ours can, and (2) McGary is a totally different animal from Zeller. Zeller has sophisticated post moves and tries to create contact for whistles. McGary is a high-energy bruiser who is much more likely to outhustle you to the ball and tip it in than back you down in the post.
- but sometimes pundits fall in love with the stars and lose their minds.

I'm welcoming the disrespect - makes the win a bit sweeter. See exhibit A: Indiana.

How can you lose something you never had.
Our Orange were well regarded until we slumped. The bandwagon pundits have not gotten back on our wagon and probably won't until our boys cut down the nets in a dome away from Dome.
Burke has been an AA all year and after he hit that "lucky" 30 ft bomb to beat Kansas and UM beat a very over-rated Florida you just knew the media would all get on the Michigan train.

Agree it's not a good comparison. However, broad strokes, the main differences are (1) Like Lawrinson said, their guards can't create their own shot, whereas both ours can, and (2) McGary is a totally different animal from Zeller. Zeller has sophisticated post moves and tries to create contact for whistles. McGary is a high-energy bruiser who is much more likely to outhustle you to the ball and tip it in than back you down in the post.

The "high energy bruisers" usually give us fits, fwiw, as the zone does allow for O rebounds. Marq even out-rebounded us.

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