SU scoreboard question |

SU scoreboard question


Moderator/ 2019-20 Iggy Winner Reg Season Rcd
Aug 17, 2011
Is there a new scoreboard? Scoreboard operator? Statistician? Yesterday's game was the 2nd game I noticed where the scoreboard was wrong through much of the game. It showed the wrong players in the game, wrong points for players etc. I hope there's another source for stats. Are stats , score etc compiled separately from the scoreboard operator? At one point the scoreboard still showed Lyndon in the game despite having sat for at least 5 minutes while Thompson showed as having only 2 points after scoring his 8th point. Suddenly in the middle of a play the scoreboard changed TT's points from 2 to 8. Anyone else notice it?
Is there a new scoreboard? Scoreboard operator? Statistician? Yesterday's game was the 2nd game I noticed where the scoreboard was wrong through much of the game. It showed the wrong players in the game, wrong points for players etc. I hope there's another source for stats. Are stats , score etc compiled separately from the scoreboard operator? At one point the scoreboard still showed Lyndon in the game despite having sat for at least 5 minutes while Thompson showed as having only 2 points after scoring his 8th point. Suddenly in the middle of a play the scoreboard changed TT's points from 2 to 8. Anyone else notice it?
Yep. Frozen for a good 5 minutes of game time. And I'm not seeing running stats on the ribbon boards in the corners lately either. Understand the need for ad revenue but how about some balance here!
Yep. Frozen for a good 5 minutes of game time. And I'm not seeing running stats on the ribbon boards in the corners lately either. Understand the need for ad revenue but how about some balance here!

I've seen the stats in the corners consistently. I couldn't make the BU game, but the stats seemed to be there when I looked for them during the other games at least.
I noticed that Roberson's number was on the board when he wasn't in the game. Or, it was the opposite? Either way, something was rotten in Domemark.
Is there a new scoreboard? Scoreboard operator? Statistician? Yesterday's game was the 2nd game I noticed where the scoreboard was wrong through much of the game. It showed the wrong players in the game, wrong points for players etc. I hope there's another source for stats. Are stats , score etc compiled separately from the scoreboard operator? At one point the scoreboard still showed Lyndon in the game despite having sat for at least 5 minutes while Thompson showed as having only 2 points after scoring his 8th point. Suddenly in the middle of a play the scoreboard changed TT's points from 2 to 8. Anyone else notice it?

new sheriff in town
Impossible! They never make mistakes at SU!

Impossible! They never make mistakes at SU!


Did we ever find out what hopelessly careless individual was responsible for this? I mean, if I was in charge of ordering the jersey even for a guy with the last name Smith, I'd do a quick Google search to make sure it wasn't spelled with a Y or something, like a normal person with an ounce of reason would... And if this was somehow a mistake by Nike, or whoever actually sewed the name on the back, how do you not at least double check the spelling? So many questions.
Did we ever find out what hopelessly careless individual was responsible for this? I mean, if I was in charge of ordering the jersey even for a guy with the last name Smith, I'd do a quick Google search to make sure it wasn't spelled with a Y or something, like a normal person with an ounce of reason would... And if this was somehow a mistake by Nike, or whoever actually sewed the name on the back, how do you not at least double check the spelling? So many questions.

just wait until the muck up the Pearl ceremony. New sheriff my ass
just wait until the muck up the Pearl ceremony. New sheriff my ass

The scoreboard is a problem- no question. But even if they have a great ceremony for the Pearl, you've been negative about it for so long, I doubt you'll admit it and still come up with something to complain about
Is there a new scoreboard? Scoreboard operator? Statistician? Yesterday's game was the 2nd game I noticed where the scoreboard was wrong through much of the game. It showed the wrong players in the game, wrong points for players etc. I hope there's another source for stats. Are stats , score etc compiled separately from the scoreboard operator? At one point the scoreboard still showed Lyndon in the game despite having sat for at least 5 minutes while Thompson showed as having only 2 points after scoring his 8th point. Suddenly in the middle of a play the scoreboard changed TT's points from 2 to 8. Anyone else notice it?
We definitely noticed it. We know board operators at other venues so we watch closely. The worst was when the board ops didn't help out with the missed 1 and 1 shooting snafu. That was very amateurish.
I don't mean to be negative, it's just obvious that something has changed. We've had scoreboard and clock issues this year that I don't recall previously.
The scoreboard is a problem- no question. But even if they have a great ceremony for the Pearl, you've been negative about it for so long, I doubt you'll admit it and still come up with something to complain about

I hope I'm wrong. But with track record of the clown show that runs the dome I'm not holding my breath.
We definitely noticed it. We know board operators at other venues so we watch closely. The worst was when the board ops didn't help out with the missed 1 and 1 shooting snafu. That was very amateurish.

For whatever reason, that stuck in my mind. For a moment, I wasnt even sure what was happening was within the rules, until it was explained better than I first heard. Hopefully the embarrasment from that will end up leaving a tiny scar as a reminder to shoot for excellence at all times. I think they have an easier path to recovery than the team :)

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