I think Syracuse would beat USC. I’ve had enough of Helton and the staff of mostly Conf USA castaways. Top 5 talent every year and we are getting physically overpowered and embarrassed by P5 non-conference other ‘blue blood’ programs. I think Syracuse could be more physical than USC. Syracuse has more physical players now than USC. I think the S&C under Babers has been remarkable. USC cannot run the ball. Trying to be a Conf USA type Spread team with this kind of talent. It puts it all on the QB where Darnold masked issues. They are getting OLineman who cannot run block and get downfield to push people back. No FB, not much TE usage, etc. Fine for Syracuse but not at USC. Alabama, Ohio St, etc., are getting maulers who love to get downfield with power and attitude. Here’s a nugget from a prominent and pretty well connected poster on the Fight On Forum. Sorry, end rant!
Let's just say I don't think you'd have a lot of Helton'19 supporters on the team. Season is 3 games in and we've heard and seen:
1. Porter Gustin give honest commentary for need to have improvements needed in terms of nutritional program and S&C program.
2. Players have gone to Gustin asking what they need to do in terms of physical improvements
3. Gustin and Cam Smith mentioned they were begging teammates to watch more film
4. Players skipping practice sessions with fake illness or pulling themselves from practices
5. Lazy/sloppy practices criticized by Ware and Vaughns only to be rebuffed by Clay Helton in a blatant lie to protect his staff.
6. The Sick 'Bhe led by Club 88 and PB17 behaving like jackasses during teammates interviews yet they contribute as much as those of us who watch the team.
7. Clay Helton openly state John Baxter is the "best in the business" and Uncle Neil Callaway is a "great coach". PHYSICAL BEATS LIVE ON!!
8. Tee Martin criticize the prep the Scout Team provided along with deflecting blame once again be it players, coaches he works with, his role as OC, etc...
9. Fancy Clancy P and The Ron Bradford Experience pulling guys from scrimmage #2 and producing a run defense ranked in the low 100's, not to mention a really poor Secondary who is busting led by veteran players. Still not playing the chains/awful in situational football--especially giving up pts before the half. Yet The Fancy one is oddly loved by many as a "great coach". Ron Bradford is terrible and we learned Jack Jones told him to go himself and didn't take to coaching yet started and was allowed to play...which makes sense because Clay wouldn't want to hurt Heisman Jack's feelings. Sadly, Heisman Jack is shockingly having some personal demons he's dealing with.
10. Clay pulled the cornball move of "talking with the families of the QB's in a decision that was obviously made after Spring Ball. He dragged it out and was fake. It's a big time program, you handle things and this guy treats it like he's the youth coach of Orange County All Stars and afraid parents will overthrow him.
More to come...and dare we replace Fight On with Physical Beat Off?