The Blind Side |

The Blind Side


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
I did "The Blind Side" with Brent Axe this afternoon. It's a daily feature where Brent gets asked 10 questions he hasn't been given in advance. Every Friday it's done by a listenter instead of his producer and I got the gig this week. I’ll post this on the football, basketball and pro sports boards because different questions applied to all of them.
1) Regarding all the stories of football concussions and their aftermath. Has this always been the problem it is now but it just being reported now. Or is it, as Bud Poliquin says, the result of players getting bigger and thus producing more violent collisions? Or is the game being played differently than it used to be?
Brent feels it’s primarily the first choice: it’s always been a problem and is now being recognized an reported. He also thinks the feeling of “machismo” has lessened and ex-players are more willing to admit they are vulnerable to this problem.
2) If the game is being played differently, is that because it’s being coached differently or are players simply deciding to go for the big hit to get on the highlight films?
He felt that it is being coached differently by some coaches as demonstrated by what happened in New Orleans. He didn’t want to indict coaches across the board.
3) Coaches can’t recruit unless the players think the coach will be here if they decide to come here. Doug Marrone is in the fourth year of a five year contract. What does he need to accomplish this year to get a contract extension so the kids will know he will be here?
He thinks it’s possible that Doug could get an extension without going to a bowl but thinks a bowl is necessary to ensure it. (I had made the point that both Pasqualoni and Robinson were “left hanging” late in their career and their recruiting slowed or stopped and it really hit their successors in about the third year, when the last good recruits from the previous regime had graduated and the new guy had to go with his own very young recruits. It could be a vicious circle if Doug can‘t get an extension.)
4) Will the major conferences split from the NCAA at some point in the future, create their own ruling body and run their own championships?
He believes this will happen but is not sure when. He thinks it might happen “twenty years from now”.
5) We are one of seven schools to have won both an NCAA football and basketball title. We have high hopes of winning another basketball title but our football title was won in another era- that of one platoon football. With the move to the ACC and the additional money and a conference with it’s footprint in so many prime recruiting areas, is it reasonable for SU football fans to think their team could win a second national football championship someday?
He still thinks a football title is extremely unlikely, especially with the SEC, Big 12, Big 10 and Pac 12 looking like the dominant conferences in the future.
6) We view Syracuse as a top national power in basketball. We’ve got one championship. Connecticut and Kansas have three, Duke 4, UNC 5, Kentucky 8 and UCLA 11. What is there about those schools vs. SU that allow them to get to so many more Final Fours and win more championships? Why can’t we be like them?
He doesn’t really know the answer to this. “We do all the things they do”. He thinks it’s just worked out that we’ve have a tougher road in the tournament and that’s the way it’s played out. I mentioned that we might do better if we still had our centers.
7) Syracuse had produced two NBA superstars: Dave Bing and Carmelo Anthony. With all our success over the years, why haven’t we had more NBA stars?
He “can’t figure out” this one, either. “It’s Jim Boeheim’s job to win at Syracuse. WE have an uptempo system and that should prepare kids for the NBA but the zone and other personality traits Syracuse has may hold them back”. He also said that we may be more willing to take a chance on developing less than 5 or 4 star prospects than other schools.
8) The Syracuse Chiefs haven’t made the playoffs in 14 years, haven’t won a pennant in 23 years and haven’t won the Governor’s Cup in 36 years. Why haven’t they had more success and is there anything different about their current situation that suggests this will change?
He said that it’s all about the Blue Jays whose emphasis was on developing prospects, not winning in the minor leagues. He feels that things have definitely changed with Washington and that they want to win on all levels, as shown by the winning records “and almost winning records” that the Chiefs have had since they switched.
9) The Indianapolis Colts have a history of drafting Syracuse players, creating interest among Syracuse fans. Why haven’t the Buffalo Bills had more former Syracuse players on their roster over the years?
He said it was from no lack of effort by him. He asks the Bills all the time why they don’t draft Syracuse players. The Colts have a scout at every SU game. The Bills occasionally send a scout but not for every game. He’s hopeful that Russ Brandon can change this, even though he’s more on the business side. The guys who have been running the Bills have no connection with and no interest in SU. I pointed out that the Colts like our guys because they like players who have played in a Dome. Maybe if we played out doors the Bills would have more interest.
10) Science Fiction: Years a go Freeman Dyson, a “futurist” said that the ultimate achievement of an intelligent life form would be to surround it’s star with a sphere capable of collecting and using all the energy produced by it’s star. Soccer is a sport that had constructed it’s own “Dyson Sphere” around the world. It draws it’s talent from everywhere. If there’s a great goalie in Mongolia, a great attack man in Zaire or a great midfielder in Chile, he’s been exposed to the sport and is likely playing it. Basketball has increasingly constructed it‘s own Dyson Sphere and the NBA is getting players from all over the world.. What other American sports have the potential to become popular around the world and draw their talent from the entire human race?
Brent is hopeful lacrosse could be a big international sport someday. He mentioned that baseball has made a few beachheads. American football has not. I suggested that expense was a problem. Our football and hockey require a lot of equipment. Brent thought that might be a problem for lacrosse, too but I didn’t feel that way. The Indians who invented it didn’t have a lot of money. You just have to construct a stick and a goal out of something. The level of violence might be a factor holding back football and hockey, too. Hockey will also probably be limited to the northern hemisphere as it’s a winter sport.

I don't normally react to a lack of reactions, (like Yogi said: If people don't want to come to the ballpark, how are you gonna stop 'em?), but this surprises me.

This post touches on several subjects that I know have been of interest to this board: football concusions, Doug Marrone's future, conference realignment, SU's potential to win football and basketball championships, our lack of NBA stars, the failures of the Chiefs over the years, why don't the Bills have more SU players and what American sports could "go international". I expected a lot of discussion of of these issues to enimate from this post, which I repeated on the basketball, football and pro sports boards. As of now, they have gotten a total of 375 hits and not one comment. I'm not looking for "attaboys" here, just some interest in the topics. The only reaction I've gotten so far, (in another thread) was Stern saying that he hates all the shows on The Score 1260 and hopes they will go out of existance.

All I can say is: Wow. :confused:
I don't normally react to a lack of reactions, (like Yogi said: If people don't want to come to the ballpark, how are you gonna stop 'em?), but this surprises me.

This post touches on several subjects that I know have been of interest to this board: football concusions, Doug Marrone's future, conference realignment, SU's potential to win football and basketball championships, our lack of NBA stars, the failures of the Chiefs over the years, why don't the Bills have more SU players and what American sports could "go international". I expected a lot of discussion of of these issues to enimate from this post, which I repeated on the basketball, football and pro sports boards. As of now, they have gotten a total of 375 hits and not one comment. I'm not looking for "attaboys" here, just some interest in the topics. The only reaction I've gotten so far, (in another thread) was Stern saying that he hates all the shows on The Score 1260 and hopes they will go out of existance.

All I can say is: Wow. :confused:
I think the reaction (or lack of same) says more about Brent Axe than it does you, SWC.
I too wonder if JB will again go 9 deep next year.

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I know there is a logjam at F but I think Grant will be too good to keep off the floor. Not out of the realm of possibilty that his handle will be better than Dirty/CJ by Jan. Dirty/Cooney/Grant/BMK off the bench. 9 it is.
I did "The Blind Side" with Brent Axe this afternoon. It's a daily feature where Brent gets asked 10 questions he hasn't been given in advance. Every Friday it's done by a listenter instead of his producer and I got the gig this week. I’ll post this on the football, basketball and pro sports boards because different questions applied to all of them.
1) Regarding all the stories of football concussions and their aftermath. Has this always been the problem it is now but it just being reported now. Or is it, as Bud Poliquin says, the result of players getting bigger and thus producing more violent collisions? Or is the game being played differently than it used to be?
Brent feels it’s primarily the first choice: it’s always been a problem and is now being recognized an reported. He also thinks the feeling of “machismo” has lessened and ex-players are more willing to admit they are vulnerable to this problem.
2) If the game is being played differently, is that because it’s being coached differently or are players simply deciding to go for the big hit to get on the highlight films?
He felt that it is being coached differently by some coaches as demonstrated by what happened in New Orleans. He didn’t want to indict coaches across the board.
3) Coaches can’t recruit unless the players think the coach will be here if they decide to come here. Doug Marrone is in the fourth year of a five year contract. What does he need to accomplish this year to get a contract extension so the kids will know he will be here?
He thinks it’s possible that Doug could get an extension without going to a bowl but thinks a bowl is necessary to ensure it. (I had made the point that both Pasqualoni and Robinson were “left hanging” late in their career and their recruiting slowed or stopped and it really hit their successors in about the third year, when the last good recruits from the previous regime had graduated and the new guy had to go with his own very young recruits. It could be a vicious circle if Doug can‘t get an extension.)
4) Will the major conferences split from the NCAA at some point in the future, create their own ruling body and run their own championships?
He believes this will happen but is not sure when. He thinks it might happen “twenty years from now”.
5) We are one of seven schools to have won both an NCAA football and basketball title. We have high hopes of winning another basketball title but our football title was won in another era- that of one platoon football. With the move to the ACC and the additional money and a conference with it’s footprint in so many prime recruiting areas, is it reasonable for SU football fans to think their team could win a second national football championship someday?
He still thinks a football title is extremely unlikely, especially with the SEC, Big 12, Big 10 and Pac 12 looking like the dominant conferences in the future.
6) We view Syracuse as a top national power in basketball. We’ve got one championship. Connecticut and Kansas have three, Duke 4, UNC 5, Kentucky 8 and UCLA 11. What is there about those schools vs. SU that allow them to get to so many more Final Fours and win more championships? Why can’t we be like them?
He doesn’t really know the answer to this. “We do all the things they do”. He thinks it’s just worked out that we’ve have a tougher road in the tournament and that’s the way it’s played out. I mentioned that we might do better if we still had our centers.
7) Syracuse had produced two NBA superstars: Dave Bing and Carmelo Anthony. With all our success over the years, why haven’t we had more NBA stars?
He “can’t figure out” this one, either. “It’s Jim Boeheim’s job to win at Syracuse. WE have an uptempo system and that should prepare kids for the NBA but the zone and other personality traits Syracuse has may hold them back”. He also said that we may be more willing to take a chance on developing less than 5 or 4 star prospects than other schools.
8) The Syracuse Chiefs haven’t made the playoffs in 14 years, haven’t won a pennant in 23 years and haven’t won the Governor’s Cup in 36 years. Why haven’t they had more success and is there anything different about their current situation that suggests this will change?
He said that it’s all about the Blue Jays whose emphasis was on developing prospects, not winning in the minor leagues. He feels that things have definitely changed with Washington and that they want to win on all levels, as shown by the winning records “and almost winning records” that the Chiefs have had since they switched.
9) The Indianapolis Colts have a history of drafting Syracuse players, creating interest among Syracuse fans. Why haven’t the Buffalo Bills had more former Syracuse players on their roster over the years?
He said it was from no lack of effort by him. He asks the Bills all the time why they don’t draft Syracuse players. The Colts have a scout at every SU game. The Bills occasionally send a scout but not for every game. He’s hopeful that Russ Brandon can change this, even though he’s more on the business side. The guys who have been running the Bills have no connection with and no interest in SU. I pointed out that the Colts like our guys because they like players who have played in a Dome. Maybe if we played out doors the Bills would have more interest.
10) Science Fiction: Years a go Freeman Dyson, a “futurist” said that the ultimate achievement of an intelligent life form would be to surround it’s star with a sphere capable of collecting and using all the energy produced by it’s star. Soccer is a sport that had constructed it’s own “Dyson Sphere” around the world. It draws it’s talent from everywhere. If there’s a great goalie in Mongolia, a great attack man in Zaire or a great midfielder in Chile, he’s been exposed to the sport and is likely playing it. Basketball has increasingly constructed it‘s own Dyson Sphere and the NBA is getting players from all over the world.. What other American sports have the potential to become popular around the world and draw their talent from the entire human race?
Brent is hopeful lacrosse could be a big international sport someday. He mentioned that baseball has made a few beachheads. American football has not. I suggested that expense was a problem. Our football and hockey require a lot of equipment. Brent thought that might be a problem for lacrosse, too but I didn’t feel that way. The Indians who invented it didn’t have a lot of money. You just have to construct a stick and a goal out of something. The level of violence might be a factor holding back football and hockey, too. Hockey will also probably be limited to the northern hemisphere as it’s a winter sport.


I actually heard you on the show earlier this week and was planning on tuning but some things came up. Thanks for posting the questions and answers.

These are some big topics but I'll have at one of them:

6) We view Syracuse as a top national power in basketball. We’ve got one championship. Connecticut and Kansas have three, Duke 4, UNC 5, Kentucky 8 and UCLA 11. What is there about those schools vs. SU that allow them to get to so many more Final Fours and win more championships? Why can’t we be like them?

Here are a couple reasons why we don't have more championships:

1) Bad luck - DC misses the front end and Smart makes a very difficult shot when we lost to Indiana in 1987 - we were the better team.

- Possibly the best two teams in our history lose their starting centers for the NCAA tournament. Championship caliber teams may have lost critical players at points in the year and still won the tourney...but not RIGHT before the tournament with no time to really adjust and not TWICE.

2) We had our greatest talent when college bball was stacked. From 1986-1990 there were some tremendous teams in the NCAA. We had a shot one year and, as mentioned, got a little unlucky. Since that point the truth of the matter is that we have not had an elite collection of talent on our team other than 2003 (we had a transcendent talent in Melo, a future NBA player in Hak surrounded by tremendous role players), 2009 (this is debatable but we had two NBA level talents in Wes and Rautins supplanted again by tremendous role players and last year where we had at the absolute least two probably first round draft picks in Dion and Fab.

-We won in 2003 and would have at least made it I think last year with Melo.
SWC you are one of my fav posters on the board... you almost never provide an opinion not suported with at least some tangible data.

With that said I bet you would have had more reaction if there were 2 additions; 1.) include your response to the questions, as longtime metioned we (I) would be much more interested in your take than Brents. 2.) put spaces between the questions for easier reading :)

Oh one more thing i though of about your posts in general... they are so comprehensive and multidementional i think people get overwhelmed with which part to respond to and we, being lazy, just enjoy the reading and move on.

on the flip side you see posts like how long till UK has title revoked.. discuss... and you see a million hits. We are dumb animals (well maybe its just me)
5) We are one of seven schools to have won both an NCAA football and basketball title. We have high hopes of winning another basketball title but our football title was won in another era- that of one platoon football. With the move to the ACC and the additional money and a conference with it’s footprint in so many prime recruiting areas, is it reasonable for SU football fans to think their team could win a second national football championship someday?
He still thinks a football title is extremely unlikely, especially with the SEC, Big 12, Big 10 and Pac 12 looking like the dominant conferences in the future.
This one probably provoked the most emotion from me. he is projecting what conferences will be dominating in the future when one of them (B12) almsot didnt exist 6 months ago. Im sure he wasnt able to predict that outcome so how the hell can he predict what the future of cfb and our position in it be? did he predict the rise of oregon or stanford or boise , the fall of florida state or miami or nebraska,

This is what many said about CBB chip as well before 03. You cant predict sports which is what makes it great

I see a few definitive reasons why we can be top 25 competetive in football over the long term:

The school is showing committment ($$$) to FB, other major conferences see us as a valuable commodtity which will allow us to maintian our committment, we have great tradition (reason to maintian committment among alums/locals), have a unique facility,

I see a few somewhat realistic wild cards that could enable us to become what we became in basketball:

What if we end up with the football version of boeheim; what if NYC turns out FB players like it does BBall; What if we end up with a program donor like Boone or phil knight (or even what carmelo has done for Bball); what if a perfect storm of players happens (i really thought in 97 or 98 we had it);

i just really, really, really hate when people say things can never happen or have very little likely hood of happening when really they are just keeping their expectiations low so they can never be let down (take me out of my misery if i ever turn into that)

Given our tradition and school/alumni committment to being relevant in football again, i see a national championship as much more likely (not very likely mind you) than most are ever willing to admit

i screamed like a 14 year old girl in my frat house and on marshall street in 03 and i look forward to screaming like a 14 year old girl with my family when our other sport provides one, whenever that day may be!
I don't normally react to a lack of reactions, (like Yogi said: If people don't want to come to the ballpark, how are you gonna stop 'em?), but this surprises me.

This post touches on several subjects that I know have been of interest to this board: football concusions, Doug Marrone's future, conference realignment, SU's potential to win football and basketball championships, our lack of NBA stars, the failures of the Chiefs over the years, why don't the Bills have more SU players and what American sports could "go international". I expected a lot of discussion of of these issues to enimate from this post, which I repeated on the basketball, football and pro sports boards. As of now, they have gotten a total of 375 hits and not one comment. I'm not looking for "attaboys" here, just some interest in the topics. The only reaction I've gotten so far, (in another thread) was Stern saying that he hates all the shows on The Score 1260 and hopes they will go out of existance.

All I can say is: Wow. :confused:
These are all outstanding questions, but seeing them in a single post is a bit over overwhelming. I think if you broke out each of the 10 topics and posted them on the most appropriate forum you would get a great response.
1) Regarding all the stories of football concussions and their aftermath. Has this always been the problem it is now but it just being reported now. Or is it, as Bud Poliquin says, the result of players getting bigger and thus producing more violent collisions? Or is the game being played differently than it used to be?
Brent feels it’s primarily the first choice: it’s always been a problem and is now being recognized an reported. He also thinks the feeling of “machismo” has lessened and ex-players are more willing to admit they are vulnerable to this problem.


It may have gotten worse with players getting bigger, stronger, faster - but our very own John Mackey is proof its nothing new. There are a ton of older players that suffered the same consequences. Bud is a moron.

a good comparison is WW1 or 2 vets vs Iraq/Afgan vets. Are the recent vets more screwed up or is it just reported more? By all counts, its just reported more.
I don't normally react to a lack of reactions, (like Yogi said: If people don't want to come to the ballpark, how are you gonna stop 'em?), but this surprises me.

This post touches on several subjects that I know have been of interest to this board: football concusions, Doug Marrone's future, conference realignment, SU's potential to win football and basketball championships, our lack of NBA stars, the failures of the Chiefs over the years, why don't the Bills have more SU players and what American sports could "go international". I expected a lot of discussion of of these issues to enimate from this post, which I repeated on the basketball, football and pro sports boards. As of now, they have gotten a total of 375 hits and not one comment. I'm not looking for "attaboys" here, just some interest in the topics. The only reaction I've gotten so far, (in another thread) was Stern saying that he hates all the shows on The Score 1260 and hopes they will go out of existance.

All I can say is: Wow. :confused:
Regarding the Bills not drafting Cuse football players. In 1994 Tim Greene was an All-American graduating from S.U. He made it know through his rants and his agents that he would not play for the bills if selected by them. T he bills did not draft him. The Bills went on to play in four consecutive SUPER Bowls.

Oh yes,Greene went on to play for the inept Atlanta Facons... and therest is history
These are all outstanding questions, but seeing them in a single post is a bit over overwhelming. I think if you broke out each of the 10 topics and posted them on the most appropriate forum you would get a great response.
I disagree. From a basketball perspective the alledged questions were more thinly disguised criticisms than anything else. Why doesn't SU have more championships (and he uses 1 vs the 3) and why aren't there more NBA superstars. These don't elicit good discussion, but instead make a person get either defensive or bash. So, not surprisingly, Brent sidestepped the issues.

IMO, better questions which may have prompted a better response would have been:
Do you consider SU BBall elite? If not, what do they need to do to get to that level?
Has JB/SU done enough to insure a seamless transition to Hop? What more do you think can be done? Do you want Hop to keep the zone?
Do you think JB changed his ways the last 3 years with his starting/sub patterns (having a better player come off the bench)? If so, why and do you like it?

IMO, not SWCs best questioning. Not up to his standards that he has set with the weekly JB show.
To the question of superstars, we've only had 4 superstars coming out of high school. Pearl,DC, Billy,Melo, Pearl was great in college, but not a great athlete or shooter, and never fit well in the NBA. For DC remember Drazen Petrovich, probably the greatest shooter i've ever seen. The Nets under Chuck Daley were young, and very talented Kenny Anderson, Chris Morris could jump out of the gym,Sam Bouie and dudley at center, Terry Mills, and Raf Addison, Petro and DC . They had 3 all stars, and then petro got killed on the Autobahn, and the team fell apart. DC was part of Dream Team 2 with Shac,Mourning,Kemp,Johnson,Wilkins,Miller,Dumars in 1994 world championship in Canada. DC and Kenny Anderson, were never the same after Drazen's death. As for Billy injuries, and never being in the best shape hurt his career.
I disagree. From a basketball perspective the alledged questions were more thinly disguised criticisms than anything else. Why doesn't SU have more championships (and he uses 1 vs the 3) and why aren't there more NBA superstars. These don't elicit good discussion, but instead make a person get either defensive or bash. So, not surprisingly, Brent sidestepped the issues.

IMO, better questions which may have prompted a better response would have been:
Do you consider SU BBall elite? If not, what do they need to do to get to that level?
Has JB/SU done enough to insure a seamless transition to Hop? What more do you think can be done? Do you want Hop to keep the zone?
Do you think JB changed his ways the last 3 years with his starting/sub patterns (having a better player come off the bench)? If so, why and do you like it?

IMO, not SWCs best questioning. Not up to his standards that he has set with the weekly JB show.

I don't think that was SWC's intent with his basketball questions, but I can't speak for him. I get your point though, and your questions would make for potentially good threads as well. But you have to realize that almost any thread on here can quickly deteriorate into a JB/Melo/Lebron/fill-in-the-blank storm, no matter how well-intentioned. I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps it's because we've been exposed to all those images of Laurie Fine since November.
Well, that's more like it. I did have spaces between the questions, (and the answers, too), but when I hit "enter", they disappearred!

My answers? I don't have them for every quesiton. That's why i asked them.

1) I think there may have been unreported problems in the apst and the players are bigger, stronger sna faster but this "headhunting" style of play is a new development. Danny Parkins once claimed Dick Butkus made his living with helmet to helmet hits. I then looked at three different highlight films of Butkus, (from different seasons) and never saw a single helmet to helmet hit. Dick always had his arms out to control the man. The rough stuff came afterwards, when Butkus woudl roughly throw hit man to the ground. But none of this "flying missle stuff".

2) Some coaches may have bounties but I think players are trying to get on Sportscenter with their hits.

3) I think Doug needs to get back to a bowl game to get a contract extetnion this year. I'm scared of the impact of him being left hanging the way P and G-Rob were. We cold be in a vicious cirle where the way one coach was dealt with sewed the seeds for the failure of the next guy.

4) I think when the current round of raids fainlly come ot an end, the big conferecne will kiiss the NCAA goodbye. it won't take 20 years.

5) It may have been easier to win a title in the Big East than it will in the ACC. Virginia Tech played competitively for the title in 1999. West Viringia wopuld have played for it in 2007 if they had beaten a medicore Pitt team in their own place. And they would have played Ohio State, not LSU. Cincinnati would have played for the title in 2009 if Texas hadn't been given a second chance at a game winning field goal vs. nebraska in the Big 12 title game. Brian Kelly might have stuck around for that one. The current system, as unsatisfactory as it is, only requires that you win one game. That Auburn team that beat Oregon looked an awful lot like our teams of the 90's if Freeney had been at his peak at the same time as McNabb. Now we will be in a tougher conference, (I think), and we may be heading into a playoff that will require winning multiple games.

6) We've had some bad lucky with injuries, match-ups and missed free throws but I still think our record over the years should have been more like those other schools. We have the alrgest arean and crowds, no competion from pro sports and lots of prime recruting areas nearby plus a hall-of-fame coach.

7) It's true that we don't recruit a lot of 5 star guys, at least not as much as the other powers. I think the probation held us back. We were recruting on eggshells for years afterwards, not wanting to get in trouble a second time, (even though the other schools were doing worse things than we'd been rung up for). I think the zone defense has helped us win a lot of college games but probably isn't the best preparation for the pros.

8) The Nationals may be more committted to winning here than the Blue Jays but I'll beleive it when I see it. I also think it sucks to be in a 6 team division when the others are 4 team divisions.

9) I might have been a Bills fan if they'd cultivated this area by favoring SU players for at least late round draft choises or free agents. But they haven't. It's all about who they think can win games for them and I guess that's the way it should be. The Colts like our guys because they are used to playing in domes. They will continue to interest me more than the Bills for that reason.

10) I think American football and hockey are too expensive and violent to someday have the entire human race as their talent pool. Hockey is also limited to the nrothern hemisphere because it's a winter sport. Baseball and lacrosse have potential because they are not expensive or very violent. Poor people can play the sports with makeshift balls and sticks. Football might solve it's injury problems if the players wore less equipemtn and played the game more like rugby. Then it might have a shot at becoming a truly international sport.
[quote="9) The Indianapolis Colts have a history of drafting Syracuse players, creating interest among Syracuse fans. Why haven’t the Buffalo Bills had more former Syracuse players on their roster over the years?
He said it was from no lack of effort by him. He asks the Bills all the time why they don’t draft Syracuse players. The Colts have a scout at every SU game. The Bills occasionally send a scout but not for every game. He’s hopeful that Russ Brandon can change this, even though he’s more on the business side. The guys who have been running the Bills have no connection with and no interest in SU. I pointed out that the Colts like our guys because they like players who have played in a Dome. Maybe if we played out doors the Bills would have more interest.

One Rochester sports show host pointed out how Nix & Gailey really used their southern connections in this years draft. Both have extensive contacts in the south and you can see that the first 5 picks are from southern schools. Of course it doesn't hurt that the best conference is the SEC either. One point may be that the Bills don't think there are mulitble players on the SU Team to warrent sending a scout to every game. If SU gets to that point, more than one guy being draft worthy, then they may start sending more scouts.
[quote="9) The Indianapolis Colts have a history of drafting Syracuse players, creating interest among Syracuse fans. Why haven’t the Buffalo Bills had more former Syracuse players on their roster over the years?
He said it was from no lack of effort by him. He asks the Bills all the time why they don’t draft Syracuse players. The Colts have a scout at every SU game. The Bills occasionally send a scout but not for every game. He’s hopeful that Russ Brandon can change this, even though he’s more on the business side. The guys who have been running the Bills have no connection with and no interest in SU. I pointed out that the Colts like our guys because they like players who have played in a Dome. Maybe if we played out doors the Bills would have more interest.

One Rochester sports show host pointed out how Nix & Gailey really used their southern connections in this years draft. Both have extensive contacts in the south and you can see that the first 5 picks are from southern schools. Of course it doesn't hurt that the best conference is the SEC either. One point may be that the Bills don't think there are mulitble players on the SU Team to warrent sending a scout to every game. If SU gets to that point, more than one guy being draft worthy, then they may start sending more scouts.[/quote]

Even when we've been to that point, they seemed to have little interest in SU players. Al Bemiller...Keith Moody...anybody else?
Brent is hopeful lacrosse could be a big international sport someday. He mentioned that baseball has made a few beachheads. American football has not. I suggested that expense was a problem. Our football and hockey require a lot of equipment. Brent thought that might be a problem for lacrosse, too but I didn’t feel that way. The Indians who invented it didn’t have a lot of money. You just have to construct a stick and a goal out of something. The level of violence might be a factor holding back football and hockey, too. Hockey will also probably be limited to the northern hemisphere as it’s a winter sport.

When lacrosse was invented, I don't think there was much of an emphasis on safety. The padding is more likely to be required now than it was in the past (although maybe not in developing nations) thus making it a necessary expense.
One Rochester sports show host pointed out how Nix & Gailey really used their southern connections in this years draft. Both have extensive contacts in the south and you can see that the first 5 picks are from southern schools. Of course it doesn't hurt that the best conference is the SEC either. One point may be that the Bills don't think there are mulitble players on the SU Team to warrent sending a scout to every game. If SU gets to that point, more than one guy being draft worthy, then they may start sending more scouts.

Even when we've been to that point, they seemed to have little interest in SU players. Al Bemiller...Keith Moody...anybody else?[/quote]
Also referring back to the Colts interest in SU. Bill Polian, the former GM of the Colts was a GM for the Bills, so he had upstate connections. Just a point the these guys go with what they are fimilar with. And if one is to get into bashing the Bills, with their huge draft failures, one could say that for the Bills to show little interest in SU is ACTUALLY a good thing.
Even when we've been to that point, they seemed to have little interest in SU players. Al Bemiller...Keith Moody...anybody else?
Also referring back to the Colts interest in SU. Bill Polian, the former GM of the Colts was a GM for the Bills, so he had upstate connections. Just a point the these guys go with what they are fimilar with. And if one is to get into bashing the Bills, with their huge draft failures, one could say that for the Bills to show little interest in SU is ACTUALLY a good thing.[/quote]

Polian was in charge of the Bills in the 90's and SU was a winning program. Were there any orangemen on the Bills in those days?

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