The Coach's Show |

The Coach's Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the Big East season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will do the second hour the following day.


“Congratulations, coach on beating a #1 ranked and a #20 ranked team in three days time. It was the 16th time in Syracuse history that we’ve beaten ranked teams in consecutive games and 13 of those times have come in your tenure as head coach.

You mentioned that this team has to get a lot better against zone defenses. We often hear a commentator say “they practice against a zone defense all the time, so they must be good at attacking it. Is that necessarily true, or do you mostly practice against the other team’s defense, which is often a man for man? And isn’t “attacking a zone” largely a matter of the type of personnel you have, such as outside shooters and a good high post player?”


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

With Matt Park:

Matt credited the team with winning a couple of games that were “both in doubt” down the stretch.

JB: We made several unbelievable plays to win both games. That’s not easy to do. Michael got the steal and dunk with 23 seconds left. Keita and Grant knew what they were going to try to do. Then Michael got that last steal. Those were really good defensive plays. Louisville bobbled it a couple of times. They did the same thing against Villanova and also missed 5-6 free throws. “

Coach discussed the final scoring play vs. Cincinnati: “The guards were going to go first. Nobody but Jerami was open and he drew the defense to him, which created an opening for CJ. We got lucky on the tip. Our defense was good and things went our way at the end.”

With a mouthful of Delmonico’s food, Coach said “We have to play better. Cincinnati was the first team in a long while that made a lot of tough shots from outside against us. The defense wasn’t so good until the end vs. Louisville.”

A fan named Terry noted that “a lot of opponents like to flash to the high post against our zone. Who do we have who could do that? JB: CJ Fair is our first option, then Jerami Grant. Our centers aren’t really effective from there. You have to score and pass. We haven’t seen many zone, although we are seeing more this year. Cincinnati played zone the whole game. They used to be all man-to-man.

On the same subject, I called in my question about why a team that uses a zone can’t be more effective against it. “We practice against both but more against man-to-man because that’s still what most teams use. We know how to attack a zone- everybody does. Ball movement, screen up top, offensive rebounding, transition baskets so that can’t set it up, etc.” Matt noted that more and more t4eams seem to be emulating Syracuse by using zone defenses. JB: “When you see it be effective, you are going to look at it. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Georgetown, Seton Hall even South Florida and, at times, Rutgers, are using it.”

Frank called in and lauded the team, saying that the kids “seem to love each other and are working hard” this year. JB: “We’ve always had teams that play together and work hard. Each is a little different. This team has battled hard like all of our teams.”

They discussed the possibility of SU achieving the #1 ranking and what was going on with the top teams in the country. “It’s close at the top. We’ll have to keep playing and see what happens. All that matters is the end of the year.” Matt noted what had befallen #1 teams lately asked “Who wants to be #1 in January?” (We have had four teams that achieved a #1 ranking and 4 who have made the Final Four. That is 8 different teams.) JB: It’s always good to get a high seed but it doesn’t mean as much as before. Being a #1 seed makes a difference. But even a #2 seed can get a pretty good opponent in the first round and there’s not much difference between a #3 and #4. “

“Michigan has one of the best teams. Duke needs Kelly back. They aren’t nearly the same team without him. Also, they weren’t making any shots. It was just a bad night. You’ve got to forget about it and go on. Butler lost to LaSalle. LaSalle’s pretty good. They are tough in their small gym. Creighton lost to Dr5ake. You can’t over-estimate how tough it is to win on the road. The Mountain West has incredible depth. They normally have 1-2 NCAA teams but they will have 5-6 this year. They are the best league out there. Minnesota lost to Northwestern. Oregon is leading the Pac12. Cincinnati had a good win over them- 11 points.” Matt noted that Cincinnati had been undefeated away from home before Syracuse beat them. He also said that he’d read that Kansas had been the best road team in the country over the last three years. JB said “We were pretty close. We’ve played well on the road.” Matt noted that every other team in the Big East has at least one road loss. I assume he meant a league road loss, unless you count the Temple game as a home game for Syracuse, as many seem to.

Matt asked what practices were like after a national TV blow-out like the one Duke had. JB: “Not fun. We stress that you haven’t embarrassed me, that you embarrassed yourselves and your team and your school, But then you have to get it out of your mind and go on, after a big loss or even a big win. It’s not fun when you can’t make shots and they are making everything.”

Paul called in and asked about the pull-up three MCW made against Louisville, calling it a “No-no-no shot and then he made it. After some conversation it was decided that came against Cincinnati, (these close games are starting to blend in together). JB: “He’s getting good, open looks and makes big threes. Without the one against Cincinnati, we can’t win that game. He needs to be able to make the three to be able to make plays. “

Paul also asked about Rakeem Christmas’s progress, or the lack of it. JB: “You have to have patience with Rak. He has to be more aggressive, more confident, go get the ball a bit more. Arinze and Rick were just OK as sophomores and moved on from that.”

Why haven’t out big men drawn charges like Fab Melo did? “Fab was great at charges. They were huge plays. He took 28-29 of them. This year we don’t have the knack for it. We work on it more in practice but it’s hard to teach an instinct. There were more charges in the game a few years ago. You have to have a feel for it. It’s not that easy.”

Emmaline in Atlanta said she had lunch with “our friend Mutombo” who asked her if Jim will schedule Georgetown, “or is he afraid?” More seriously, she wanted to know what, if anything Jim could have done to keep the Big East together if he were commissioner. JB: “Dikembe is a good guy and a pretty good shot-blocker. We’ll play St. John’s next year and will work it out with Georgetown and Villanova. It was a small miracle to keep the Big East together for 34 years. It was just a matter of time for the football-basketball schools to break away. They might have been able to keep together for a little while longer, but not much more.”

Steve in Syracuse, (not me), said that “DaJuan Coleman is much better than I anticipated.” (What did he anticipate?) JB: “He’s getting better, making the adjustment. He has potentially tremendous tool as an offensive player to shoot and make plays. Defensively, he’s not a big shot blockers like the other guys.”

They talked about the incredible ending to the SU-St. John’s women’s game, where Brittany Sykes stole the ball and literally threw in the winning shot from 60 feet. “An incredible shot to get the ball back, turn and shoot and actually make it is incredible. As good a shot as you’ll ever see to win with that much time left. “ Matt asked coach to compare it to Pearl’s shot. JB said he had more time to access what he had to do and square himself to shoot the ball.

Matt asked how they were handling the week off. “We took a day off and rested up. At this stage of the season you want to maintain sharpness without over-doing it.”

Jerry in Rome asked if Coach K had “picked your brain about the zone dur8ing the Olympics”. JB: “We used it a little bit but he’s basically a man-to-man coach.”

The Knicks and Celtics are playing tonight. Will there be any repercussions off of the previous incident with Melo and Garnett? “They’ll move on.”

They will discuss the Super Bowl next week but Matt noted that not only are the coaches brothers and their father a coach but Indian basketball coach Tom Crean is their brother-in-law. The Braves have traded for Justin Upton and now have both Upton brothers to go along with Jason Heyward. “That’s a pretty good outfield.”

Coach refused to discuss the Manti Te’o case, saying it is a private matter. “He should have shut up and admitted he made a mistake.” (How can he do both?)

Asked about Villanova, Coach said “They have young players who are taking charge and playing well. They’ve turned it around from struggling to being a good basketball team. I was surprised we beat them like we did. Everybody played well against Villanova. “
Nobody dared ask an eligibility outlook question? Or did they screen them out?
Good to hear that a Garden visit versus the Johnnies may already be set up for next year. Also, I want to get some of that weed that "Steve in Syracuse" is smoking, regarding his comment “DaJuan Coleman is much better than I anticipated.”
I can't believe your computer's time on the DL wasn't a topic of discussion...maybe who is the bigger loss to the Syracuse program Dirty from the active roster or SWC from educating the followers. We should see if we can get Gross to allocate some of the ACC $$ haul to getting you a decent computer and maybe an internet connection for Igor down in FL....on second thought forget about the Internet connection. Great to have you back!!!
Good to hear that a Garden visit versus the Johnnies may already be set up for next year. Also, I want to get some of that weed that "Steve in Syracuse" is smoking, regarding his comment “DaJuan Coleman is much better than I anticipated.”
Talk about low expectations.
Nobody dared ask an eligibility outlook question? Or did they screen them out?

He'd already made it clear he can't discuss the Southerland case in any detail.
He'd already made it clear he can't discuss the Southerland case in any detail.

Does anyone else think that JB may be one of the bigger fans of that particular privacy law??
With Gomez:

JB ended the Park segment by saying, “Don’t wake Gomez- he’s taking a nap!” Gomez woke up to say he’d taken the Jim Boeheim Quiz on ESPN and got all but one question correct. He needed to fork up the money to become an insider to find out the correct answers but they did say he missed “the first year Boeheim won the National AP Coach of the Year” question. (I was unable to find it on the ESPN website.)

Gomez said something about it being Jim’s birthday, (which it isn’t) and how they should have the waitresses sing and bring a cake.

Andrew in East Syracuse asked, (I think) about “NCAA investigators being investigated”. I think he meant this:

JB: “Random penalties…no rhyme or reason. It’s a mystery where things are going to go, what is going to happen. It’s a long process. You just have to keep doing what you have to do. There are so many interpretations on every rule. It’s not just the number of rules. It gets crazy sometimes. It takes a long time to solve some of these things.” (Was JB talking about the Miami situation or his own?)

They talked about Rick Pitino calling Brandon Triche the most under-rated player in the country. JB agreed. Then Gomez asked what you do when the opponent is rolling the ball down the court to prevent the clock from starting. JB prefers to get his defense set and not extend it to challenge the ball because of the openings that might create. He said that on the play where MCW stole the ball vs. Louisville they’d drawn up a play he’s seen before and many times drawn up plays don’t work due to defensive adjustments. We knew what they were doing and made sure the player they thought would be open wasn’t.

A while later I called in a question about the final possession of the Cincinnati game. There were, as I recall, 2.5 seconds left. We had just committed our 6th foul so if we fouled again they’d have a one-an-one and we were up by 2. JB decided not to front the inbounds guy. I had flashes of a game years ago vs. Notre Dame where we did the game thing and they threw the ball, unimpeded, into the front court where Elmer Bennett threw in a 35 footer to beat us. I asked the coach why he doesn’t front the inbounds guy in that situation, forcing them to throw the ball sideways and the clock to start 80 feet from the basket or to throw it over the defender and up for grabs? You’ve surely told the players not to foul in that situation, so how much defense can they be expected to play, even with 5 guys on 4? Jim said he’d told Keita, (in the Cincy game), “to go wherever the ball goes and he did make that last shot difficult. In the Notre Dame game, our center didn’t get come up. You can go back and forth on the argument. I think you need the extra guy.”

A caller asked what Jim thought were the most over- and under-rated basketball statistics. Jim thought of it in terms of in what stats can a deficit be over-come. He felt that shooting percentages were very important and also turnovers. “Rebounding may be a bit over-rated”. I called in the above question after this and noted that I had done a study on this subject, listing the SU teams whose stats are in the Media Guide in order of winning percentage and then ranking them by every stat I could think of and comparing the lists. The numbers that most conformed to the winning percentage ranking were 2 point field goal percentage on offense and defense. Then came rebounding, the percentage of opponent’s field goals attempted that were three pointers and then turnovers. In last place, surprisingly, was the per4centage of made field goals that were assisted. I speculated that more assists come on jump shots than lay-ups and dunks and so a team that gets a lot of assists is depending too much on jump shots. JB wasn’t sure about that but the rest seemed logical to him. Basically, if you can make your close shots and defend the other team’s close shots, thus forcing them to shoot from father out, go get the ball when the opportunity presents itself and keep it when you get it, your chances of winning are pretty high. As Coach P used to say, it’s not rocketship science.

Gomez brought the subject of zone defense back up., suggesting the media had been hard on JB for sticking with it and yet more and more teams are playing zone now. JB: “It wasn’t the media as much as the fan base. The stats prove the zone is effective. You struggle against good zones no matter what if you are not shooting. You can get closer to the basket vs. a man-for man. Most teams attack the middle of the zone but you still have to make shots.

They talked about the season in college basketball so far. “There are no surprises at this point of the season. Conference games are a battle every time you go out. Duke is not as physical without Kelly. They depend on outside shooting and aren’t as good as they’ve been. It used to be the top 20-30 teams were similar. Now it’s the top 40.”

A fan announced his preference for Jerami Grant over Rakeem Christmas, saying “I love Grant and can see all of Christmas’ mistakes”. JB said that Christmas, “Gives us inside presence, shot blocking and physical defense…sometimes. Grant is definitely a forward.”

Another asked Jim to sum up his college basketball experience in three words. Jim thought about it and said: “A long time.” Then the fan asked what his favorite pizza was. He picked Twin Trees. He said he’d been going there since he was a student 50 years ago and used to see the Yankees there when they were in town, (the Chiefs were the Yankee’s farm team for years) because the owner was a great Yankees fan and knew all of them. Jim gets a Twin Trees Pizza once a week. (I live a short walk from the Twin Trees in North Syracuse and get one about once a month. How come he’s so much skinnier than I am?)

Gomez noted a stat that three point shooting was at its lowest, (percentage wise) since 1986-87, (the first year of Ed Steitz’s arc). JB attributed that to better defense and fewer good shooters. “There’s a big emphasis on defense now.” Gomez noted the Globetrotters were coming to town and “still going strong”. They have a new gimmick where the fans can choose the rules, such as getting 4 points for a 35 foot shot, having shots count double to increase the scoring, playing against 6 Washington Generals, using a penalty box for fouls and having teams play 5 on 4 and using two balls- giving each team one of them. JB: “That would be crazy.”

Gomez noted that Carmelo Anthony was trying to get the Player’s Association to get his money back for his suspension. He lost $176.000. JB: “He can afford it.” Forbes Magazine listed the Knicks as the most valuable NBA franchise at $1billion. “They’ve made a lot of improvements at the Garden. And those New York franchises are pretty valuable. Owner’s don’t actually make a lot of profit from franchises but they get more valuable over time and they make their money when they sell them.” Forbes also listed the Big Ten as making the most money of any college conference- $310 million. JB: “They get $25-$30 million per school. They’ve got all the bowl games lined up and everything.” The second most lucrative conference was the Pac 12 with $303 million. The SEC, surprisingly was fourth with $270 million and the ACC third with $293 million. Here is the article:

The subject of the Lakers came up again. “They are old and slow and the west has gotten better. Only Phoenix isn’t as good as they have been out there. Dwight Howard has never been a great player. He’s a great talent but not a great player.”

Gomez asked if the Olympic team was ever invited to the White House. “We never were for the Olympics, surprisingly. We were when we won the national championship. You just kind of get in there and hang around. Then the president shows up and they take pictures. You are out within an hour.”

Vito in Liverpool wondered why the team doesn’t have a shoot-around hours before a game as most teams do. He’d heard a rumor than JB doesn’t do shoot-around anymore because a player got injured. “We’ve always done shoot- a-rounds. We do it right before games, not 4-5 hours before. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the arena.” Vito also wanted to know how the development of Christmas and Coleman is coming along. “They are working hard on defense. Keita is also improving. It takes time on offense. We can play around their offense and still win.”

They ended with a sort of lightening round. Gomez noted that this Super Bowl features the quarterbacks who come from the schools that have produced the fewest NFL players in history.” JB: “They are really stretching it, (the stats they figure out), these days). A caller asked if JB had ever coached against Bob Lanier. The answer was no, but “he was a great, great player”. The PGA is banning belly putters in 2016. “I don’t know if they are really that big of an advantage. It will be a hard adjustment for some guys. Modern equipment makes the game so easy. Golf courses are not built for 350 yard drives.”

Gomez ended by asking if Jim was still doing pilates. “Twice a week for 4 months. It’s really helped my core strength and movement”. (Maybe it would help our centers.)

Bump, in case people missed my write-up of the second half of the show.

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