The Coach's Show |

The Coach's Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the Big East season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will do the second hour the following day.


First hour:

Coach, we often seem to have trouble with very physical teams like Pittsburgh. Is the answer to get the players stronger, (or recruit stronger players) or is it a question of mentality? Do our players simply have to learn to stand up to the rough stuff, (as they will in the NBA), not be intimidated and find a way to make plays anyway?

Second hour:

Coach, we all know Trevor Cooney can shoot but he’s struggled this year. 76% of his shots have been three pointers. He’s kind of like a football kicker who, because of his strong leg has been designated only to kick long field goals. He never gets to try the 30 yarders that might help his confidence. Wouldn’t it help Trevor to basically ignore the 3 point line and just look for open jump shots from any distance? If they happen to be threes, I’d bet he’d make more of them and he could score a lot of points on medium shots.

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

With Matt Park:
Matt summarized results from around the conference and the country without engaging with Coach Boeheim, (I suspect he was not there quite yet). After the first commercial break the coach was present and they went right into taking calls.

John in Syracuse asked where he might obtain tapes of some vintage games, such as the Missouri and Illinois games in the 1989 NCAA tournament and the 1990 Virginia game.(Why them?) JB suspected they were unavailable and Matt suggested he try asking about it on social media. (Anybody got those games?)

I called in my first question. Let’s see if you buy his answer: “There’s nothing you can do about it. We’ve played against physical teams and beaten them. Pitt has beaten us 4-5 times when they were better than we were and we’ve lost some close ones. They’ve been the best team in the league for a decade. They probably should beat us. It’s not something I even think about. ” Matt pointed out that Pitt is 15-1 in the abuilding vs. ranked teams. Do you believe that losing 14 of the last 18 games vs. Pittsburgh is something Jim Boeheim doesn’t even think about? I don’t.

A caller named Dave wondeedr how we are doing in coming up with the best combinations of players and peaking at the right time “when it counts”. JB: “You can play better at the end of the year and still lose because you are playing better teams. Obviously, we’d like one more guy. James is a great shooter. Then there’s the depth situation. If you don’t get in foul trouble you can get by with 7 guys.”

Matt mentioned that CJ Fair has played every minute of the last 5 games. JB: we get TV time outs every four minutes. When I played we all played 40 minutes. Sometimes we didn’t call a time out in the first half and played 20 straight minutes. And those were 90-100 point games. (And he walked 10 miles through the snow to get there!) These kids can play that many minutes.” Matt remembered that James Southerland had that big game vs. Arkansas, (he played 32 minutes), “and was still jumping up and down on the bus afterwards”.

They talked about the national scene, agreeing that the Big Ten had the best conference. JB: “The Big East has more depth. We’ve got 8-10 teams. But their top 4-5 are really top teams. It’s their year.” Michigan has just played Ohio State and Indiana and now has to play Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan State, (actually they don’t play Minnesota next). It shows what a tough conference that is. “You try to keep a two game losing streak from becoming 3-4.” (Like Syracuse just did.) He didn’t think Kansas would be that good this year, “talentwise. They just didn’t look like they were in it after the Oklahoma State loss."

They discussed our next opponent, St. John’s, who just beat Connecticut. “They’ve won 6 of 7 and have the best shot-blocker in America, (6-9 Chris Obekpa), De Angelo Harriosn, who came off the bench to clinch the UCONN game, Jakaar Sampson is playing well and they have a find in that French kid Marco Bourgualt, a real gunner.”

Matt in New York wanted to know if the refs will ever call Pitt for their illegal screens. JB: “They are close, (to being illegal). Their offense doesn’t beat us. They shot 3 for 14 from three and not great from two, (actually they did, 60%). Offensive rebounds killed us. If you hit a guy once the way they do, the refs will call it. But if you do it constantly, they don’t. That’s just the way it is.” (Exactly my theory: the refs call what is unusual. If a team is usually rough, they don’t get called for it.)

The mentioned that the time of the St. John’s game has been switched from 1PM to 3Pm, although some published schedules may still say 1PM. “TV switched it to 3. I like it a little alter.” Matt: “The answer would always be the same: TV.” JB: “If we refused to play then, they’d just find another TV spot. You have to co-operate with TV. Anything before 1PM is crazy, though.”
Illinois was playing Indiana and had fallen substantially behind. “They got off to such a great start. They pounded Butler and USC in Hawaii and beat Gonzaga by 11. Indiana has such good depth, experience and good shooters.”

A caller wished Trevor Cooney “had a purpose about hunting for his spot.” JB: Teams are playing zone. He has to find his spot. I tell him to shoot with confidence.” Another asked “What do you do when Trevor Cooney throws up 6 air balls?” JB: “I don’t remember that and don’t remind him of that. Hopefully his comfort level will rise. If he plays and gets shots he’ll make his share. It’s not unusual for a shooter who’s not playing a lot to struggle.” Matt noted that he’d seen Trevor and Gerry in practice going 30-40 shots without missing. They use a machine that feeds them the balls. JB” They are 85 of 100 form the three point line.”

Matt mentioned that we went two weeks between home games. JB: It’s more fun to play at home.” Matt noted the wild start, going up 10-0 and falling behind 0-11. JB: “That happens in basketball. We weathered the storm and got back on it.”

Matt referred to the fact that the Grant bothers played against each other and their uncle wore a suit with both Syracuse’s and Notre Dame’s colors. JB: “Both played well. Jerami had a big, big game.” That led to a discussion of the “Harbaugh Bowl”. JB: The Super Bowl must have been very difficult for their family. They can’t get any joy. At least it was a good game. When the Super Bowl isn’t a good game it’s a disappointment because so many people are watching.”

Tomorrow: The Gomez segment.
Dear SWC, yes. Boeheim thinks about it. And his subconscious thinks about it even more.

Thanks for the great write up!
actually 85 of 100...damn, maybe Cooney can hit the Ocean, okay the Mississippi, okay Lake Ontario...ok Casanova Lake...ok maybe his bath tub...but sure would like to see him not air ball one shot in a game.
As usual, great write up SWC.
I can't believe that one he clanged off the front rim went in vs ND.
I was never a good basketball player, but I could easily hit 60% plus taking college 3-pointers in an open gym situation. I never drew iron one time in an actual game situation though...
Dear SWC, yes. Boeheim thinks about it. And his subconscious thinks about it even more.

Thanks for the great write up!

Interesting that he tried in the presser to pretend that our losses to Pitt were a "cyclical thing" and quoted the University's all-time record vs. Pitt, (which dates back to 1914), to suggest the current problems were nothing to worry about. He clearly wants to avoid any public discussion of the difficulties beating Pitt in the Howland/Dixon era, even to the point of just saying that they were better than we are, so what would you expect?
With Gomez:

Jim said “Notre Dame can be a very tough opponent. We made it hard to get the shots they wanted and did a good job on Cooley. Our front court guys did a good job and we survived Brandon and Michael going 3 for 12.”

They talked about Arkansas’ win over Florida. Gomez said they “just took Florida apart”. JB: “That was a case where you’re not going to stop a team like that on their home court. To be effective, you’ve got to score points. We didn’t at Pitt.” On the TCU-Kansas game: “That’s what can happen if you allow a team to think they can win by not scoring.” On the 10-0, 0-11 start to the Notre Dame game: There are tremendous swings in games. That’s why you can go by head-to-head scores.”

A fan wanted to know how we replace James Southerland: “does it come down to one player or do you go to the hot hand?” JB: “You always look to the hot hand. Everybody has to pick it up. You can’t ask one guy to score 10 points per game more than he has been. Good defenses adjust to one guy and the other guys have to be ready to get their shot goi9ng. As individuals get better, the team gets better. I’ve never believed in goals. Why make a goal that you want to score 14 points a game when you could get more? You take what you can get.”

Gomez said he “wasn’t a big fan of Notre Dame’s uniforms- you couldn’t read the names or the numbers”. JB: “They try different things. It’s a marketing tool. There are so many different styles. But that one was a bust. Michigan also seemed a bit too bright, (laughed).” Gomez mentioned several teams that used ‘bright’ uniforms. JB: “They all lost”.

Jay Bilas has said that the over-all play in college basketball is not “up to snuff” because the refs were not calling enough fouls. Jim agreed. “It’s knocking people off their game. There’s increased scoring in the NBA: touch him and it’s a foul. The NBA calls in the refs to review each game they called. There’s not standard in college. But we’ll never go back to the quality of play we had when everybody played four years. Draymond Greene is playing in the NBA because he stayed for sour years. Superstars can go. NBA contracts are only guaranteed for two years. That’s why you see a lot of 10th-12th picks gone in a couple of years.

They talked about the Cavalliers. “They’ve got a great young backcourt in Cleveland. T hey’ve been in most of the games that they’ve lost and are headed in the right direction.” Regarding the Lakers: Dwight Howard is laid back. Kobe Bryant is fiery. They won’t ever get along. Gasol should be playing center. They won 4-5 straight with him. They’ve got their work cut out to make the playoffs and then would open with Oklahoma City. Calling Howard out will not change things. He has too big and ego.”

They talked about the cost of the new arenas. The Barclay’s Center cost $1 billion and the renovations to MSG will cost the same. The Carrier Dome cost $26 million back in 1979.

They talked about next year’s World Championship tournament. They are trying to get Coach K to come out of his retirement from international basketball to coach the team again. Jim says that he’s “definitely considering it” but “I don’t know what I’ll do. It’s always a great experience. It really just a month. It’s harder on the head guy. Coach K is a real detail guy but he’s got it all down by now. Only a couple guys will come back to play in the Worlds. But even the young players have been around us. Kevin Durrant will play. He’d play in the East Orange Invitational or whatever. Any team with him on it will have a chance to win the Worlds. He’s the one guy in international play they can’t guard. They just kind of give up and shake their heads at the bench to indicate it’s not their fault because nobody can guard this guy. “

Illinois was falling behind Indiana by double figures. They talked about their great 12-0 start and now they are 2-8 in the Big Ten. JB: “They weren’t great last year. The games in Hawaii are in a high school gym. A gym is a more contained environment and it’s easier to shoot better. ….They got rid of Bruce Weber because he wasn’t good enough and he’s got Kansas State in the Top 15.”

I called in my second question about Trevor Cooney. “He’s not getting easy baskets. It’s a tough league. Before the Big East games he got some break-aways. We aren’t running plays for him. He’s primarily around the three point line. Most of his shots will be for three points. He needs to learn to catch and fake and get by guys and pull up. He did it once in a recent game, I don’t remember which. He tries to get to the basket. But he’s not strong enough. Those things take time.” I brought up Lawrence Moten as a guy who could hit three pointers but was really just looking for the open shot, which I thought Trevor might be better off doing. JB: “Lawrence Moten knew how to play without the ball better than any player we’ve ever had. We ran more motion then. It’s a little bit different set.”

John in Liverpool wanted to know about our strategy at the end of games: Do we want Brandon or Michael to get the ball?” JB: “Brandon has made some mistakes. Any team with a 10-12 point lead with 3-4 minutes to go will try to slow it down and the deny the other team opportunities. You still look to score. (Against Villanova) we had a mis-communication and one turnover when we tried to split the defense. We had a 3 point lead with 20 seconds to go and they fouled us. We just missed the free throw. Even a good free throw shooting team will miss one from time to time.” (If we only slowed it down with a 10-12 point lead with 3-4 minutes to go, I’d be very happy.)

John wanted to know if it’s better to have multiple players handle the ball: Carter-Williams, Triche, Fair, grant- four great athletes in motion. (I’m glad he asked that because that was my question from last week which I didn’t get to ask because I got mixed up on what day it was. ) JB: “The game has gone away from the motion offense. There are greater opportunities for turnovers against pressure. We run a lot of pick and roll these days. By mike holding the ball we aren’t opening ourselves up to turnovers. Also you could end up with Jerami Grant winding up with the ball at the end of the shot clock. No matter what you do it might not work. There’s not a lot of motion is not in the game anymore.” Gomez suggest it’s almost like the NBA game now. JB: “In only in the last 2-3 minutes. We did have better motion and execution vs. Notre Dame and we made shots. When the ball is going into the basket, your offense is a lot better.” (I always thought the offense makes the shot go in, not the other way around.)

Paul wanted to know what Jim said to Mike and Brandon after they missed the front end of a one and one late in the game. JB: “ Nothing heated about missing a free throw. There was a heated time out after Mike tried to split the defense. I was really upset with that.” Paul also asked if Brandon would be drafted. “Yes, definitely. He’s physically ready. It depends on how he finishes and the work outs. The work-outs are probably the most important thing.”

Gomez noted that Kris Joseph is back home after briefly playing abroad and is back in the D league. “Some players don’t like it abroad or they don’t like them.” They talked about former SU players who are playing well in the D league: Demetris Nichols, Rick Jackson, Paul Harris, Fab Melo. (Fab is now back with the Celtics and has scored his first NBA basket.)

Jim said that St. John’s will be a tough game because they have the best young players in the league.

Meanwhile, Illinois was getting back in the game with Indiana. They went from down 10 with 3 minutes ago and, now with 1:14 left they were down 2. JB: “Indiana didn’t hold the ball!”
Interesting that he tried in the presser to pretend that our losses to Pitt were a "cyclical thing" and quoted the University's all-time record vs. Pitt, (which dates back to 1914), to suggest the current problems were nothing to worry about. He clearly wants to avoid any public discussion of the difficulties beating Pitt in the Howland/Dixon era, even to the point of just saying that they were better than we are, so what would you expect?

He deflects. He does this a lot on Syracuse Sidelines, too. Whenever the moderator asks him a question about is this hard/difficult/challenging/whatever, he always says, "No, it's not a problem whatsoever." He's a terrible interview, in the sense that you just can't get anything out of him. And how would we feel if he responded to a question, "Oh my god, that team drives me crazy! We can't seem to beat them. I lay awake nights plotting my revenge! One of these days, I'm goin' around the bend, and I ain't comin' back!"

Nah, we don't want that.

Do we?
He deflects. He does this a lot on Syracuse Sidelines, too. Whenever the moderator asks him a question about is this hard/difficult/challenging/whatever, he always says, "No, it's not a problem whatsoever." He's a terrible interview, in the sense that you just can't get anything out of him. And how would we feel if he responded to a question, "Oh my god, that team drives me crazy! We can't seem to beat them. I lay awake nights plotting my revenge! One of these days, I'm goin' around the bend, and I ain't comin' back!"

Nah, we don't want that.

Do we?

Perhaps something in between?

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