The Coach's Show |

The Coach's Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the Big East season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will do the second hour the following day.


First hour:

Coach, we have 9 recruited scholarship players on this team. Two of them are seniors. That means, theoretically we have 7 guys coming back. We have another guy redshirting and 5 guys in next year’s recruiting class. I’ve heard that a member of the 2014 class wants to re-classify to 2013. That’s 7 guys back + 7 guys coming in. I believe the NCAA scholarship limit is 13 and you rarely have more than about 10 recruited scholarship guys on your team. Do you expect to lose more than the two seniors and does what happened to Nerlens Noel make it more likely that players will want to start making money off their talents as soon as they can?

Second hour:

Coach, there was an interesting article in the Post Standard this week about the revolution in basketball statistics and how it is affecting the approaches young coaches, including Buzz Williams and Mike Hopkins, take to the game. How much do you look at statistics in deciding how to prepare for a game and what decisions to make during a game? Has Coach Hopkins tried to sell you on the new numbers people like Ken Pomeroy have come up with?

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

With Matt Park:

The place was packed for Valentine’s Day. JB: You can’t even get into the parking lot!” Matt Park apologized: “For Valentine’s Day you got us schmucks and we didn’t bring in any chocolates”.

Matt briefly mentioned the Andy Katz thing. Jim laughed and said “That’s all over and done with”. It wasn’t mentioned again on the show until a caller named Dave in the second hour who congratulated the coach on his “comments to Mr. Katz” and then lauded him for all his success on the court and his charitable activities off of it, which said often get over-looked. JB: When we lose, people definitely overlook what you’ve done. Win and they’ll all like you again.”

Matt suggested that Connecticut had this game “circled on their calendar”. JB: They made their shots from the three point line. That’s all you need to talk about. We broke down on a couple of plays and missed a couple of easy ones. We had a 4 on 1 fast break and they scored. That’s not good. They beat Michigan State, probably the best team in the country and won at Notre Dame, where they’ve only lost 1 game in the last 2-3 years, so they are good.”

John in Syracuse called in. “Tough loss.” He said that Rakeem Christmas didn’t belong in there “if he can’t score against Lowlander”, (Olander) and made a comment about losing to a bunch of YMCA players”. That set JB off. He said Connecticut has four guys on their roster who were op 40 recruits, same as Syracuse. “You’ve got to be realistic. There’s other good teams and players out there. We just didn’t shoot well. Their guards are terrific. They can make shots and space you out defensively… In all honesty, Rakeem has to help us get a few more boards and we’ve got to get him the ball more. We could have gotten 10-12 points from our centers.” John later called back in the second hour and apologized for “pissing you off with that YMCA comment”. Jim said that was OK. “I’m glad you called so I could straighten you out about that”. John said that he appreciates Jim’s efforts because “other than you, there’s nothing else in Syracuse.”

Both he and another fan asked why CJ Fair was on the bench at the end of the game. JB: “CJ was not having a big game: 10 points, 5 rebounds and Jerami had shown a lot of energy. He had 9 rebounds in 21 minutes. We needed James for the three point threat to come from behind. CJ wasn’t rebounding as well as we need him to. We can only play two of those guys at a time. You’re not going to see CJ play 40 minutes with the other two available.”

There was discussion about how the line-up could be changed to utilize CJ, Jerami and James all at once, either with Grant playing center or Southerland guard. JB: I’ve thought about those things a bit, even today. It’s very hard to put a freshman at center when he’s never played there before. Once, in foul trouble we had Ryan Blackwell play center but he was a junior at the time. We’ve tried James at the 2 and gave up two fast breaks because he’s not used to getting back. Our centers are the key to our defense. It’s also easier to do something like that in a man for man than in a zone. If we were 12-12 instead of 20-4 I might consider it but now is not the time for big changes”. (Even if you are down ten with 3:30 to go, coach?)

Matt said that Baye had a “three-four minute stretch where he was a beast”. (Actually he had three offensive rebounds in one possession where we didn’t score and one rebound the rest of the night.) JB: Offensive rebounds are only good if you score.”

I then called in for my first question. I opened by joking that that guy who was featured in an article in the paper who reads Jim’s lips and then posts the results on twitter must be frustrated when he’s on the radio. Matt said he never has any problem understanding what the coach is saying during the game as he can hear him from the broadcast table. I then backed up his point about making shots being a key to the game by saying that I figured out that if we’d shot the percentage that Connecticut did on our two point, three point and one point, (foul) shots and they’d shot the percentage we did, (with the same number of attempts), we’d have won the game 85-42. I said getting points for putting the ball in the basket was probably Naismith’s first idea and also his best one.

Regarding my question about over-recruiting and the Noel injury possibly causing more players to go early, Jim said that the reclassification, (of Chris McCullough whose name he could not mention), “wasn’t happening” so we would have no more than the NCAA limit of 13 scholarship guys next year. “It’s the world today. You have to plan for 2-3 guys going. But you can’t make money if you leave early and don’t get drafted. It’s a two year contract now- the rest is up to the club. They can send you to the D-league for two years but they will have two more first round draft picks in that time. It’s a different world in the NBA. They used to have a four year deal. You need to go to the NBA prepared and get the highest pick you can get. “

About injuries, he said that with modern rehab and weight training, players can come back actually stronger than they were before. He noted Adrian Peterson in the NFL. “Some guys don’t come back as strong often it’s that they didn’t work as hard. We had two players with torn ACLs a couple of eyars ago, Andy Rautins and Eric Devendorf. They worked 3-4 hours a day for 8 months to get back and were stronger than ever. Nerlens just came down funny, (yeah, hilarious). You wonder why it doesn’t happen more. “ I think from those comment you know what speech JB gives to guys thinking of going pro.

Matt noted that Minnesota had scored only six points with 9:40 left in the first half vs. Wisconsin. He also recalled the night earlier in the season where Georgetown had 37 points, Tennessee 36 and James Southerland 35. JB: “It’s not easy to score in modern college basketball. The defenses are a little better. With guys going to the pros, (and they are almost always your best offensive guys) there’s less firepower. I can’t remember games where 10 minutes in a team had 6-8 points. The game has changed.”

Later Pat called in and asked if there was tendency for coaches to “over-manage” games and that that might contribute to a lack of scoring. JB: “There might be some truth to that. Defenses are better. There’s less running and fast breaking and more half-court, which reduces scoring. “ Pat suggested it might also be that more teams are playing zone. JB said “there’s a little more zone”.
Matt stated that “of late, the punch has not been there.” JB: “it’s hard to overcome really bad shooting. Defenses contract and get into the paint. It’s hard to score. Defenses are tough today, especially with the amount of physical play they allow.

A caller wanted to reminisce about the old, old days. The first game he ever say was a freshman game in 1967 where the SU frosh took on Niagara with Calvin Murphy, who scored 50 points. He wondered how many more he would have scored that night with a three point line. That got Jim going. He said Calvin would have had about 10-12 three pointers and that he was two feet in the air, (from the floor to the bottom of his shoes), when he released his jump shot. “Two great unbelievable games and we beat them both times. I was helping out with that team”. He noted that Calvin got his scholarship, (I think he meant augmented it), by twirling his baton at halftime of Buffalo Bills games. “He’s the only male baton twirler I ever heard of) .

When I called in my second question, (in the Gomez segment), I recalled those games with Niagara, probably our biggest rival at the time. Our freshmen were undefeated at 16-0 and then went 15-1 the next year. The 1966-67 team had 6-8 Wayne Ward who averaged 20 points and 20 rebounds a game, (actually it was 19.8 and 16.1) and 6-0 Ernie Austin who averaged 30.0 while Murphy averaged 49.8. They really put up some numbers in those days! The next year the freshmen had 6-11 Bill Smith who averaged 21.0/13.6, 6-7 Bob McDaniel averaged 24.8/16.1 and 6-0 Tommy green averaged 14.0, (they didn’t keep track of assists) and shot 81% from the foul line. That would have made a heck of a line-up in the late 60’s but those players were never on the court at the same time. Ward was arrested for a couple of robberies while Austin and McDaniel had academic problems. I expressed my s=frustration that we never got a chance to see what those players could have done together. The problem, Jim said, was that three of those guys were centers. Actually, McDaniel was a forward all the way and Ward could certainly have played power forward next to Smith. The big problem is that somebody had to play defense and none of those guys were ever famous for that. Jim agreed.

A fan said that Michael Carter-Williams sometimes seems frustrated and commits bad fouls. “Are you working on that?” JB: “He’s pretty good about that. He knows what to do. He didn’t foul out until the Connecticut game was basically over. The Villanova game was the one that really hurt us. Unlike a lot of coaches I don’t take guys out after 2 fouls. Our defense can help them stay in the game.”

Dan Docket, when doing the St. John’s game at the Dome had pronounced the Big Ten “The best scouted conference in America”. JB: “What does that mean?” Matt said that Docket was referring to the long tenure of coaches in the Big Ten. JB felt that Big East coaches have been around for a while, too. He did acknowledge that the Big Ten had the best conference this year.

A fan in Washington DC asked what parameters Jim had for his players shot selection. “If James, CJ or Brandon get a good shot, I want them to take it. If you miss 2-3 in a row you don’t have good rhythm and you need to start driving to the basket and only take threes at the end of the shot clock. In hindsight, we could have taken 4-5 fewer threes but you don’t play a game in hindsight. You have to give players freedom. We haven’t shot well from three this year but we haven’t shot well from 2, either. We have one of the lowest figures we’ve ever had, 42%. (Actually we are hitting .505 from two and .449 overall on field goal attempts). The threes we’ve had were good- they went in and out. Brandon didn’t have good rhythm. If it doesn’t go in, it’s not necessarily a bad shot.”

Matt said he liked seeing Trevor Cooney “make a fake and go up for a 17 footer without hesitation”. JB: “He wasn’t quite set on the next two.”

Matt said that James Southerland’s 35 foot attempt was what they call in the NBA a “heat check”: too long and too early in the shot clock JB: “That was too far. But the other shots were ones he’s made before. He made them at Louisville.” (No, he made them at Arkansas.)

Matt said that the three Boatwright made at the end of the half was a big shot. JB: “It was well guarded. All three of the three she made were off-balance, difficult shots.” (Were they?)
Etan Thomas will be honored at a banquet at the Oncenter in “about two weeks”, where he’ll get the Conrad McRae Fund award.

They briefly discussed the upcoming games against Seton Hall, who has had some injuries but are “still a good team” and Providence, who “gave us all we wanted” and has won 3 games in a row.

Jim had a chance to talk to Jim Calhoun before the game. “He gets paid a lot to do nothing. He’d just come from playing golf. He doesn’t have many hobbies. He gets a little antsy. He attends practices and games.” Jim said that he won’t do that when he retires. “I’ll have an office and may do some fund raising. I’ll use the weight room. But I may not even go the games. I’ll be out of here.”
Thanks as always, Steve.

Who would've thought at the beginning of the year that you would hear any mention of Grant taking away playing time from Fair, eh? Sky's the limit for that kid. Hard not to like him even if he is able to take away PT from my other man-crush. :)
Since I don't get to listen to the show, I wonder if you could ask a question for me. Jay Bilas often talks about how rough Big East basketball has become. Defenders body up on guys with the ball and don't get called because the put their hands up. Those are fouls just like slaps and reaches are. At least 2 or 3 times a game he points out where there are obvious fouls one way or another in the lane or under the basket but nothing is called. The question is, does JB think the BE has gotten TOO physical? Are the ref's allowing too much? And how will switching leagues effect SU and Pitt when it comes to playing physical?

On another note, my brother went to school with Calvin Murphy and I later was at Bona for Lanier's last 2 seasons so I got to watch him play alot. He'd run circles around any of the guards now days. The best play I saw him do was to block a layup attemp by Lanier on a break away after the jump ball. The Olean Times Harold has a picture of Murphy over the back of Lanier. Some picture!
John in Syracuse sounds like a real treat.

Guessing he's not the actual John Syracuse.
With Gomez:

Gomez mentioned the show had been going on for a dozen or more years and that several of those came on Valentine’s Day, as this one did. JB: “And another free meal for you.”

They talked about the youth of the team. “We can continue to grow as a team. Rakeem and Michael are sophomores. Jerami and Trevor and DaJuan are freshmen. Tough games make you better. You learn to take better care of the ball. It’s not a veteran team. We lost two 1st round picks and two really good seniors.”

Regarding Connecticut: “Their backcourt is better than a lot of people thought. Their big guys are OK. They are putting everything they have into the regular season because they can’ play in the post-season.“

They talked about “greenlighting” guys like James Southerland: is it a “gamble” to do so? “He took one long shot but the rest were OK. When you make over 40% you’re OK. His defense suffered more than his offense due to the lay-off. Game speed is different than practice. You have to work him back into the flow of the team.”

They discussed the St. John’s game and CJ’s dunk that was disallowed. “A close one. They were a pretty good team. They beat Connecticut. It was a close game and then we made ten threes. It’s important to make shots. Attitude and defense helps.” They joked about Gene Keady’s new hairdo and then Gomez asked if St. John’s is a tournament team. “On the edge. In our league you can get the wins you need.”

That led to a discussion of the “mock selections” for the NCAA tournament done by the media. There was confusion about whether the teams Gomez listed are “being considered”, (the term Gomez used) or “bubble teams”, (which is what Jim thought he meant). Jim was surprised that they listed Cincinnati, which he feels will clearly be in, Kentucky, “they’ve still got 4-5 games at home and the conference isn’t that strong”, Colorado State, “they’re pretty good and just beat San Diego State, Memphis, “they’re 21-3 and will win their conference”, NC State “should be in”, UNC, “they’ve struggled this year”, Notre Dame, “makes no sense, really silly- they have 19 wins and beat Louisville” and Villanova, “they will be on the bubble, had some bad losses early”.

Mike in Mattydale wanted to know if we might finally see a #1 seed beat a #16 seed this year. “It’s getting more likely. UNC Ashville was way better than a 16 last year. There will be more 2’s and 3’s getting beat than usual.” (And we will likely be a #2 or a #3.)
George in Syracuse wanted to know when the referees will start calling illegal screens. “I kept seeing the offensive player throwing his hip out”. JB: “They screened us 100 times and it was only called once. They could have called a couple more. “ He also asked about Jerami Grant. “He’s a really good player. I didn’t think he’d play as much as he has. “ Gomez asked which player Jim has had that improved the most over the course of a season. Jim mentioned Otis Hill, Etan Thomas, Arinze Onuaku and Andy Rautins. (I would have added Hakim Warrick, who in his junior year seemed to show us something in each game we hadn’t seen him do before.)
I called in my second question about what statistics the Coach looks at after games and in preparing for the next one. “Shooting percentages and turnovers. Efficiency comes mostly out of those numbers. Last night we had a low number of turnovers but shot poorly. Shooting is not everything but it’s important. We had a couple of bad turnovers- ones that led to their scores. It’s the turn-around. When you throw it out of bounds it isn’t as bad because that doesn’t, (immediately), produce scores.”

Gomez wondered about Miami, (the Canes, not the Heat), who suddenly seems to be a powerhouse. “They were good last year and are a little better. They have 6 seniors and a really good sophomore point guard. Their league is down a bit. They got both Duke and Carolina at home.”

They discussed the referee who had to do more than two full games in one day in different states- he did the Marquette-DePaul game in Milwaukee and then drove to South bend to do the 5 overtime Louisville-Notre Dame game. “The referees typically fly in on game day and it’s very unusual that they more haven’t missed games.”

They noted that Northwestern was leading Ohio State and Duquesne was up 7 over Temple. JB was very surprised by those scores and noted that Charlotte had beaten Butler in their own place. More evidence of the balance in college basketball. (But the Buckeyes came back to win.)

A caller named Tyler asked about “the major and minor injuries on the team”. JB: “Losing DaJuan hurt. Losing James for academic troubles hurt. Everybody has something sore at this stage. You just have to play through it as best you can.” He reiterated “Rehabs these days are so good you come back stronger than you were before.”

Gomez noted that Nerlens Noel has an insurance policy with Lloyd’s of London which goes beyond what the NCAA provides. JB: “But you have to be totally unable to play any more with that kind of a policy.”

Gomez mentioned the Duke-UNO “managers” game where the team a managers played a game that presented to the public. “We have 12 team managers that use the Melo Center every night.” He said nobody was watching them there but they play a game every night. (I was amazed that teams have 12 managers now.)

Gomez asked the coach to weigh in on the Jordan vs. LeBron debate. “We’ll never know because they missed each other. When Lebron has 5-6 championships, he’ll be in the conversation.”

Jim was asked what other sports he follows. “I love all sports. I even watch ping pong, from the Olympics and curling. Most people don’t even know what that is. I watch golf, tennis, ice hockey, soccer. I think Messi is one of the great athletes in any sport.” Gomez heard that Jim is competitive in everything he does. “I used to try to win everything, even card games. But I’ve mellowed.” Gomez wondered what the bets live sporting event that Jim ever attended would be. In a classic misspeak, Jim actually said “I’ve never been to a World Series, a Final Four or a Super Bowl. I watch them all on TV. My favorite is the Masters. I’ve actually been there and played a couple of times. It’s a great place to go.”

Seton Hall “has some guys who were hurt coming back. Even when they’ve lost they’ve played close games. They have good offensive players. Like all teams, they will be tough at home.
I always wondered why Delmonico's had a parking spaced reserved for Boeheim lol, now I know.
interesting dynamic with Calhoun still attending practices. Love how JB says I will be outta here, but my guess is we will see a decent amount of JB in the stands, but nowhere near practice, or the bench.
interesting dynamic with Calhoun still attending practices. Love how JB says I will be outta here, but my guess is we will see a decent amount of JB in the stands, but nowhere near practice, or the bench.

He will most certainly be at games.
They beat Michigan State, probably the best team in the country and won at Notre Dame, where they’ve only lost 1 game in the last 2-3 years, so they are good.”
that's interesting . . . I wonder if JB really thinks the Spartans are the best team in the nation?
Steve, appreciate the solid effort here and in the game assessments...hope you really enjoy this as we all do enjoy your work!

I do but I'll be glad to get my Thursday evenings back next month. :confused:

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