The Coach's Show |

The Coach's Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the Big East season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.
The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will do the second hour the following day.


First hour:

Coach, as you know fans, sportswriters and talk show hosts live in a different universe than coaches and players. Yesterday before the game the most comment phrase I heard was “trap game”. Everyone was worried we’d be looking past Providence toward the Georgetown game. It turned out we were the trap and we caught Providence in it. I know coaches are always looking at the next game and nothing beyond that but what about the players? Do they sometime have a tendency to look beyond games and under-estimate their current opponent the way the fans and media fear they might or shouldn’t we worry about that?

Second hour:

Congratulations Coach, on winning a nation-leading 38th straight home game. We also have traditionally been a good road team, a team that plays about as well on the road than at home. This team, however has a recent trend of playing very well at home, (Notre Dame, St. John’s and Providence), and struggling on the road, (Villanova, Pittsburgh and Connecticut). Is that a trend or a fluke and if it’s a trend, what contributes to that?

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

With Matt Park:

Matt congratulated the coach on the big win over Providence, saying “you put it on them early.” JB: Sometimes basketball is simple: We made shots and they didn’t. We made four straight open shots and they missed four straight open shots. It was one of those games. Nothing went right for them and almost everything went right for us. You’re thankful for a game like that every once in a while, although it’s hard to keep the intensity going in the second half.”

John in Syracuse wanted to know the timetable for DaJuan Coleman’s return and whether he would return to his spot in the starting line-up. “He started to work out today, ready to practice. He looks good, feels good and there is no pain. He did a good job in rehab. It was relative small operation not a major one. He won’t start. We’ve got a pretty good set rotation now- we will try to work him back in. Rautins and Devendorf had more serious knee operations.

Shane wanted to know about Carrier dome seating- not the perennial question about putting the court on the 50 yard line but can we put the student section in a more prominent place? JB: “The people along the court are season ticket holders who have had those seats for a long time. You can’t move them out. The reason we won’t go to the 50 yard line is that you can only seat 41,000 that way and the extra 6,000 isn’t worth having a not great atmosphere.” (Why would it be limited to 41,000? I would think you could use all the football seats and put more on the field?)

I called in my question about “trap games”. “If you work hard every day in practice and you’ll play hard in games. You can have a bad game but it won’t necessarily be a “trap” game. The other team is practicing and playing hard. The good teams- Duke, Kansas, Indiana and Michigan State- when they come out to play they are ready to go. “Trap games” are a media thing. It’s more likely to happen in the NBA. It shouldn’t happen to college players.” Matt suggested that “Inequities in rest in pro sports” may cause a team to be sub-par vs. an opponent. “One team may have been on the road for a while the other stayed home.” JB: Real good teams find ways to overcome that.”

Vito in Liverpool had three questions on three topics: the zone, Rakeem Christmas and Trevor Cooney.
THE ZONE: “Teams are using the 3-4 players on the zone to their advantage. Fair and Southerland are not quick enough to cover the corners. Even providence was doing this but they missed their shots.”
JB: “The forward holds the guy off. With Bryce Cotton we cheat on him. We make sure the guy in the corner is not named Cotton. We send the center out to cover the corner. We are still leading the league in three point field goal percentage defense. Villanova was the only game we gave away, just as Louisville gave away the game to us. I don’t buy that Providence didn’t have a good shooting night, (even though he said that to open the show), Cotton did not have good looks. If teams can’t get inside to score and we score then we’ll win.”
CHRISTMAS: “I know Christmas has no post-up game but…” JB: “I agree”. Vito began to suggest that we should give Rak the ball more anyway. JB: “Look at what you said. I agree with you.” Vito didn’t press it further.
COONEY: “He’s not letting the ball roll off his fingers.” JB: “He may look like he’s not shooting it properly but he is, although he does tend to release the ball on the way back down. Gary Player, the golfer, was once playing an exhibition. It being an exhibition, a fan felt free to telling him that , from where the fan was standing, he didn’t look like he was lined up right. Player responded: “But from where I am standing, I do.” Trevor is a tremendous shooter. He just hasn’t gotten enough shots. You need 4-5 a game to get a rhythm. He’s started to go by people to shoot. That will open up the outside shot.” Matt observed that Cooney was very good on the defensive end. JB: “I don’t listen to talk shows but after one game I heard someone say that Trevor “hasn’t helped the team”. (While he was not listening to a talk show.) What do you mean he hasn’t helped the team? He’s not going to score 20 points. That’s like saying Miss America should cook.” Matt suggested ordering a pizza instead. “That would be a good move.”

They talked about the often suggested use of Jerami Grant at center or James Southerland at the “2” spot. “Grant could play center for a few minutes. James could play the 2. We did play him at the two but he didn’t get back on defense. It might help in certain situations. But when you start playing people out of position it doesn’t help your team.”

Jim in Syracuse remembered when Jim was a player that he played for Fred Lewis who sued the zone press for whole games. How much did Lewis influence JB as a coach? “Our line-up went 6-6, 6-5, 6-5, 6-4, 603. He believed in pressure and we had to use it. Dave Bing was one of the best reactors, a tremendous ball hawk. It’s harder to press today. Whenever you double team, somebody’s open. He worked you hard. He probably over-worked us. He was a tough guy. But a great recruiter. Dave Bing was going somewhere else but Fred changed his mind. His first 2-3 recruiting classes would have been ranked 1-2 in the country. “ Matt noted that there was no Rivals back then. JB grunted and agreed. I think he liked it better that way.

They talked about the big crowd expected for the Georgetown game. Matt said that it’s the only basketball game in Dome history where they have cut off ticket sales. “Although Miss America could probably get in.”

Ted in Sauqoit noted that Brandon Triche “follows his shot”, (tries to rebound his own misses), but that Southerland and Fair don’t seem to. JB: “One thing I’ve never believed in is following your shot. Many =coach, including some great ones, keep saying “follow your shot”. But it’s been studied and 65% of rebounds go to the opposite side. I want players to follow through and not go to rebound too soon. It would have to be along rebound that comes directly to you. That might happen 1-2 times a game. A 5-6 footer is a good time to try it but not a 15-20 footer. Carmelo is the best I’ve seen at it. Sometimes it looked like he missed on purpose so he could get it.”

A fan noted that “CJ shoots the ball 95% of the time when he gets it. JB: “If he gets the ball within 15 feet we want him to shoot. A coach’s job is to get a player a good shot within 15 feet.”

Another fan asked about use of time outs. Matt noted that Providence coach Ed Cooley used all of his first half time-outs. “Time outs don’t make a difference when you are down that much.” Matt asked about using a “use it or lose it” time out. Jim said that “if your team is in a good rhythm you let it go.”

Jeff in Manlius complained about our shooting “too many threes with 5 seconds left in the shot clock”. JB: “I haven’t seen it happening. You must be watching different games than I do. We got good looks against Connecticut. Against Temple we missed too many inside shots. If Trevor, James, CJ or Brandon get good looks at threes it’s a good shot. Michael Carter-Williams hasn’t shot that much. We aren’t a great shooting team. The defenses in the league are very good. We probably have 6-7 teams who are in the top 30 in the country on defense. James’ 35 footer against Connecticut was a little out of range but he tried it again against Providence and it went in, so he’s 1 of 2. If you can shoot 35% on threes that’s like shooting 50% on twos.

Mark in Rochester noted “the team has had trouble getting out on the fast break”. JB: “We’re not rebounding quite as much as we’d like. Most fast breaks come off of turnovers and the good teams don’t turn the ball over.”

Joe in Clary, (?) talked about what a great series the Georgetown series has been. JB: “It’s a great series for guys like you and me and a lot of people. “

Ed In Syracuse wanted us to have another player like Andre Hawkins. (Andre Hawkins?) He wondered if DaJuan Coleman could be another Andre Hawkins. “DaJuan is a much better offensive player. Also he’s bigger. Andre was really about 6-6.”

They talked about Jay Bilas’s insistence that referees should call more fouls. “We’ve been trying for years to get them to call more fouls. Once the game gets physical they don’t call fouls. They called it close yesterday. Veteran officials call fewer fouls.

Matt asked if Jim had ever met the late Jerry Buss. He had not but was impressed by him. “He had an unbelievable impact on the NBA. He obtained Kareem, Magic, Shaq and Kobe. Even now they have plenty of talent but just don’t play well together. He also put on great halftime shows.”

They wanted everyone to know about the upcoming Hardwood Club Dinner at the ONCenter on March 10th. Etan Thomas will be honored. Tickets can be obtained by calling 315-443-1419.
SWC, thanks for these posts. I always read your Coach's Show post in one sentence snippets between patients...makes my Friday mornings that much better!
SWC, thanks for these posts. I always read your Coach's Show post in one sentence snippets between patients...makes my Friday mornings that much better!

Then you snip at the patients?
With Chris McManus, (in for Gomez):

Chris introduced the second hour of the show and suggested that maybe they should do a three hour show because it’s the last home game vs. Georgetown. JB: “I’m getting too old for 2 hours.”

Jim on Georgetown: “This is the game everybody talks about or thinks about. There’s other really good rivals but nothing like Georgetown. There’s only a handful of games out of 40 that haven’t been close. Georgetown is playing great basketball. DePaul pressures you and gives up a lot of points. Georgetown is normally more patient. They’ve got a couple of really great guards. They are very physical. They could have beaten Indiana. They are playing as well as any team in the country. Nate Lubick is a bigger version of Mike Hopkins. “

Rob in Camillus asked which was the most physical team Jim has coached against over the years. “Georgetown was for a long time under John Thompson II. They are more of an offensive team under John III. Both are great coaches. Pitt and Marquette are the most physical now. Connecticut was right there at one time. This is the most physical league. There are fewer fouls called than any place else.”

Pete in Solvay asked a similar question and Jim continued. “We were as physical as we needed to be with Derrick Coleman. Those guys were as physical as Georgetown. They had to be to beat them. Some of that is over-rated a little. It’s harder to be physical in a zone because you don’t have to get up into people like you do in a man-to-man. We trap. Most coaches feel that we are physical enough. “

Jim discussed the move to the ACC: “We’ll have big rivalries within 4-5 years. Before the Big East our rivals were Niagara and St. Bonaventure. Conference games make rivalries. We played Pitt for years but it didn’t become a rivalry until the Big East…. We’ll have rivalries with whoever is good. Nobody cares who wins the 8-9 game… When you don’t play twice it discourages rivalries. There will be some former Big East schools in there like Pitt, Louisville and Boston College. When Pitt decided to leave we had to leave or they’d have taken Connecticut or Louisville instead…. The Catholic Seven would be a good conference.” (Interesting that Pitt decided to leave first and we decided we had to as a result.)

They talked about the NBA prospects for our seniors, James Southerland and Brandon Triche. “James has improved as a passer and putting the ball on the floor. He has to work on rebounding and defense. He missed a lot of time and the work on defense that he needed….Brandon can absolutely play on the next level. He’s physical and has the tools to make it. He’ll be a point guard in the NBA. He handles the ball well and makes plays. It’s not easy though.”

Keith in Syracuse asked about Trevor Cooney. JB: “Trevor’s stats don’t bear him out. Nobody’s letting him shoot. The scouting reports on him are intense. His defense is excellent.”

Pat in Syracuse wanted to know if JB would be “holding back little wrinkles” in the Georgetown game because we will be playing them again in a couple of weeks. JB: “Not really. By this time of year they’ve seen everything. We are not a team that runs 1-2 patterns. We run a lot of plays and sets and they won’t be ready for all of them. We try to counter what they’ve done. Most people do a lot of the same things to attack a zone. “ Chris asked if there was a tendency for a team to be tougher the second time you play them. JB didn’t think so. We did better vs. Providence than the first time and worse vs. Villanova. “Connecticut is a pretty new team and they didn’t do well against us last year.”

I called in my second question about how well we play at home vs. the road. JB: “Good teams don’t like to lose at home. You look to win 4-5 conference games on the road if you can. We were spoiled last year. Most teams have losing records on the road. Missouri has won no more than one 1-2 games on the road. Arkansas has won one road game. We’ve played pretty well on the road. We are the only team to beat Arkansas and Louisville on the road. We should have won at Villanova. It’s all about kids, crowds and the way the game is called. It’s difficult to win on the road. “ Chris noted that Marquette has not played well on the road. Jim noted that they have more road games than home games left.

Someone wanted to know if the coach has “definite patterns as to how he does things on the road.” He does. “You want to be consistent.”

Gary in Cicero wanted to “test your memory”. JB: “Be careful”. Gary wanted to know if the throwing of the orange took place in the same game where the cheerleader fell. (No: Michelle Munn fell on 1/17/82: the orange was thrown on 1/28/85.) JB: “It was a good shot, right onto the backboards. When the cheerleader fell, it was a quiet moment in the Dome. So quiet you could hear her scream. There was another situation like that at Marquette. They don’t let them do that anymore, at least not that high.”

Magic Johnson and Tim Hardaway, commenting on Kyrie Irving, compared him to pearl Washington. “A lot of people watched Pearl growing up. He did the cross-over and fake cross-over before anybody else had it.”

A fan said that he’d had two dreams about pearl’s shot to beat Boston College in which he did that to beat Georgetown Saturday. He remembered what John Thompson II said about the last game at Manley. He asked what feeling Coach had about the game. JB: “That was the last game at Manley. This isn’t the last game in the Dome. I hope it turns out well….I remember many memorable games. Even some of the loses were memorable”

Steve in Liverpool remembered what he said was Georgetown’s first appearance in the Dome. “It was the first 30,000 crowd and the fans made plenty of noise. We were down 23 in the second half but came back as the crowd got louder and louder. We took the lead but Georgetown got it back and won it.” (He’s actually talking about Georgetown’s third visit to the Dome. We won Georgetown’s first two visits to the Dome, 66-64 on 2/9/81 and 75-70 on 1/17/82. On 1/10/83, we lost 92-97 before 31,327, the first 30,000+ crowd in Dome history.) JB: I used to be more vocal about the fans (not being vocal enough). It helps our team and bothers the other team. We need all the noise we can get.

A fan wanted to know what the coach can do to “get the team to the next level” for the post season. JB: “You get ready like you do for a big game in the regular season. You are going to have to win four tough games to get to the final four. Even if you are a #1 seed. UNC Ashville turned out to be a tougher game than Kansas State was in the second round last year. You could win in the first round by 2 points and go to the Final Four or you could lose in the first round by 2 points. The tournament is more balanced than ever before. “

Chris asked Jim to talk about Carmelo Anthony, who will be honored at the Dome. “I’m excited. He did so much for us in one year and then contributed to the Melo Center, which is why we’ve won more games in the last four years than in any other period of our history. “ They went on to talk about the Knicks. “They can beat anybody in the East except Miami. I don’t think anyone can beat Miami. The Knicks have got to get better. Their defense has slipped a bit. Their team is built around defense and him, (Carmelo) having big games.

Somebody wanted to know if Jim tries to recruit players for his system or does he try to get “great players”. JB: “You always want great players. We look for length a bit. Dion Waiters didn’t fit the mold but he was a great player.”

Chris closed by asking what the keys were to beating Georgetown. “I have to laugh when people ask for the keys to the game. The keys to winning any game are always the same: Play good defense, rebound and make shots.”
Gary in Cicero wanted to “test your memory”. JB: “Be careful”. Gary wanted to know if the throwing of the orange took place in the same game where the cheerleader fell. (No: Michelle Munn fell on 1/17/82: the orange was thrown on 1/28/85.) JB: “It was a good shot, right onto the backboards. When the cheerleader fell, it was a quiet moment in the Dome. So quiet you could hear her scream. There was another situation like that at Marquette. They don’t let them do that anymore, at least not that high.”

Throwing of the orange?
Thanks, SWC! I always read your write ups with intense interest. I know how laborious it is to write them, and you do such a good job with the flow!

Did you call into the Bud and Manchild show yesterday? And they were joking around that you were so good, when one of them goes on vacation, you should fill in?
Thanks, SWC! I always read your write ups with intense interest. I know how laborious it is to write them, and you do such a good job with the flow!

Did you call into the Bud and Manchild show yesterday? And they were joking around that you were so good, when one of them goes on vacation, you should fill in?

Yeah, that was me. But don't expect me to start a career in radio. It would be too much like work. :rolleyes:

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