The Coach's Show |

The Coach's Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the Big East season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will do the second hour the following day.


First hour:

Coach, we just played the last Big East game in the Carrier Dome and had this year’s Senior Day on a Wednesday at 6PM against a last place team. The parking lots were already in use by the employees of the school and the actual size of the crowd was similar to the exhibition games at the beginning of the season. The home season should have ended with a weekend game against Georgetown or Connecticut before 35,000. Can you tell us about the decision-making process that led the game being played when it was and why it wasn’t against a traditional rival?

Second hour:

Coach, I know the upcoming NCAA tournament figures to be challenging at every level. Historically, since you’ve been the coach, we’ve done very well in the first round, (20-4), pretty good in the second round, (15-9), poorly in the Sweet 16 (5-11) and well after that (7-4, with two close losses in the title game). Are our problems in the Sweet 16 just a fluke or is there something about that round of the tournament that presents some special difficulties?

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

With Matt Park:
They discussed the ending of the three game losing streak. JB: “When you’ve lost 3 in a row you begin worrying about things and your thinking isn’t sharp. We were not much on offense but our defense was good enough. When you face a zone you are going to shoot 15-20 threes whereas against a man-to- man it will be more like 8-10. You need to get offensive rebounds, which we did. DePaul missed some free throws. They are a better team against a man-to-man than a zone. The Georgetown game and New York will be very important for us because we need to get our rhythm back and make shots.”

Matt mentioned that more and more teams are playing zones and that Syracuse is seeing more of them. JB: “Not only are teams playing it but it’s obvious they’ve been practicing it. We used to see zones that teams had just decided to play for that game and they didn’t play very well. But now they are better at it. Teams that never played zone, like Marquette, Pittsburgh and Georgetown are playing zone now.

They talked about the top teams that had suffered three game losing streaks- Michigan State, Louisville, Kansas. We are in good company.

I called in my question about having the last game of the season, the last home Big East game and our Senior Day played at 6PM Wednesday against a last place team. JB: “ Georgetown’s getting the home game this year. They’ve played last here several times. TV wanted Georgetown there. They had us start at 6PM due to the Monster Trucks, altho9ugh I don’t know what difference an hour makes. (SU basketball got moved back to they would have more time to dump dirt in the Dome for the Monster trucks: I thought the Dome was for MONSTER DUNKS). There’s been other teams, (Matt said he saw a couple of Rutgers teams on the slit of last home games). I don’t have any objection to who the opponent isI wanted a win for the seniors. You can’t always get a weekend home game. It seems like we’ve had a lot more than most teams.” Matt said “the Big East schedule is done by hand but it works out. It’s like the NFL. The best teams play the best teams. Last night was our 7th straight win on senior Night.”

Jim asked me to look up how often we’d had the last home game on a weekend and who we had played. Using the Media Guide, I came up with this: Since the Big East started in 1979-80, (the Dome was the next year), 21 of our 34 final regular season games have been in the Dome, including 14 in a row from 1987-2000. 24 times our last home game has been a weekend game, usually Sunday, including 15 in a row from 1986-2000. It’s alternated since. Our opponents have been: Georgetown 9 times, Pittsburgh 5 times, Boston College 4 times, Villanova 3 times, St. John’s, Connecticut, Rutgers and DePaul twice each and Notre Dame, Providence, Marquette and Louisville. Either we had more clout from 1986-2000 or our value and that of our rivalries was more recognized then than now. It will be interesting to see how much we are valued in the ACC.

Adam in Syracuse suggested that late surges by Cincinnati and Villanova will get them into the NCAA tournament. He wondered how many teams the Big East will get. JB: “I’m surprised we’ve gotten so many teams in over the years. Not that they didn’t deserve it. But it’s hard to do.”
John in Verona said that “the guys just don’t seem to be in the flow. Is it because of James being out and then come back? Did it affect our chemistry?” JB: “We’ve seen all zone defenses in the last 3-4 games. It’s not been a problem in the past. We’ve tightened up a little. Key guys haven’t made shots. When that happens, you aren’t going to have a flow. You are going to look out of sync when the ball isn’t going in the basket.” Matt suggested that all the fouls called in recent games affected the flow. JB: “I’d rather have them call it closer than let things go. That’s when things get physical.”

Gary in Baldwinsville wanted to know if we are going to be able to stop Otto Porter Saturday. JB: I think we’ll hold him to less than he got in the first game. We did a great job on the other guys. We were awful on offense. Porter is very clever-they move him around. We need to find him. In most of the games we’ve lost it’s been because we aren’t shooting well. I think we can make shots. That’s what we need to do. “

They discussed the Jerami Grant vs. James Southerland issue. “Jerami is better coming off the bench. James is needed vs. a zone and to create room for other people.” Matt noted James had scored a double-double. JB: “He’s never been a rebounder but is trying to do a better job. He had six offensive rebounds but I think they were all of his missed shots. He had three in one possession.”

Chris in Utica got technical: “Why do we use a high ball screen on elbow 3 rather than a high post dump down?” JB: CJ gets most of his points vs. zones from high post. But we have no effective low post scorer and we don’t get offensive rebounds down low, which we should be able to do because in a zone, it’s open.” Chris apologized for making a suggestion. JB: “Fans can make suggestions all they want. I don’t want them from the media. The fans have a clue.” He suggested CJ shoot more threes. JB: That’s a good thought. He’s our best percentage three point shooter.” Matt said “He’s not the type to miss 3-4 in a game. JB: “It’s unusual for one guy to get 10 shots like James. It’s also unusual for a “4” man to get a lot of three pointers.” Matt looked it up and CJ is 18 for 41 from the arc this year after being 7 for 27 in his first two years combined. JB: “It’s a threat. The defense has to honor it.”

A fan wished that Baye Moussa Keita could “catch the ball better at the hole”. He also wished that Rakeem Christmas was more aggressive and sue two hands on his dunks. JB: “We work with him 30 minutes a day and using two hands and tell him to just get it in the basket- it down’s always have to be a dunk. He doesn’t always go hard because he doesn’t always know where to go. He hasn’t been playing the game that long. He’s still learning. So does DaJuan. He’ll be fine but ti will take a lot of work over the summer. He’ll be a good player for us.”

Luke re-read some pre-season magazines. Gonzaga was ranked #26 and Miami #36. JB: Regarding Gonzaga?: People didn’t realize how good their big guy is. This is far and away their best team. They discussed Kentucky, which is losing tonight to Georgia and still has a home game against Florida. “Kentucky doesn’t look like a tournament team with Nerlens Noel. It will be close.” But North Carolina should be get in and Duke, with Ryan Kelly back, should be the favorite.”

Luke also wanted to know how the coaches monitored the player’s activities over the summer. JB: “We’re not allowed. We can now work with them two hours a week for six weeks during summer school. Otherwise they have to have their own schedule. We can’t even ask them to report what they’ve done. They can work with the strength and conditioning coach”.

George asked about insurance policies players can take out- who pays for them? Jim explained that they can get an insurance policy at a cost of $21,000, which they are expected to pay alter. But the policies stipulate that they can only pay if the player is so badly injured that he can never play again. “It’s not such a good deal.”

Matt ended his hour by asking what we need to do against Georgetown. JB: “We have to play better offensively and get the boards. The guards will not shoot as badly as they did here. We have to play good defense do a good job on Porter.”

Matt asked about the importance of getting a bye in New York. Jim said “It hasn’t helped us.” Matt suggested that an extra game in New York will help build momentum and “get us farther away from the slump.” Coach said “We are concerned with playing well. Even if we lose, we need to play well.”
Ahhhh...Good Ole JB...never misses a chance to take a shot at the media: "JB: “Fans can make suggestions all they want. I don’t want them from the media. The fans have a clue.”

Really gonna miss him when he does retire!!

Thanks and great job as always SWC!!!
I am anxiously awaiting part two of this to see JB's answer to the Sweet 16 question. I assume, though, that he detonated like a runaway nuclear reactor and the feed was lost.
Ahhhh...Good Ole JB...never misses a chance to take a shot at the media: "JB: “Fans can make suggestions all they want. I don’t want them from the media. The fans have a clue.”

Really gonna miss him when he does retire!!

Thanks and great job as always SWC!!!

This was my favorite part as well. JB is a basketball genius and I'm just an average fan... but I have eyes and see things that make me wonder sometimes what is going on. To have him just explain his reasoning and to see the game through his eyes is so interesting. We get glimpses of it when he's in the mood to share or consider and respond to the opinions of others. Thanks for summarizing SWC.
This was my favorite part as well. JB is a basketball genius and I'm just an average fan... but I have eyes and see things that make me wonder sometimes what is going on. To have him just explain his reasoning and to see the game through his eyes is so interesting. We get glimpses of it when he's in the mood to share or consider and respond to the opinions of others. Thanks for summarizing SWC.

Yeah, this was a good insight: "[Rakeem] doesn’t always go hard because he doesn’t always know where to go."
With Gomez:

They joked about how this is the last show of the year. JB: “No more free meals. Your wife will be very unhappy- she’s got to put up with you for two more hours a week. She doesn’t even know that you don’t even do the first hour of the show.”

They discussed DePaul. “We didn’t play great. The defense was pretty good. We did some things better. We need this week and next week in New York to get the offense going better. “ Gomez asked if seniors have greater pressure on senior night. JB: “To some extent James has never shot like that. I told him to look for better shots and I never do that. We went to the basket and got fouled. It’s not our strong point, especially vs. zones.”

Gomez asked if Coach remembered his own “Senior Day”. JB: “I don’t remember doing it back then. We’ve done it every year I’ve coached. Back then the court was in a corner of Manley Field house, a raised court on a dirt floor. The other part was the football team’s practice field. They would be practicing during games and raise so much dust it got on everything, in your uniform, on your hair. You couldn’t wait to shower after the game to get rid of the dirt. You were coughing it up. Capacity was 5500. But at the time it was a nice facility. We needed four more points or something to average 100 point a game for the season. The Coach, (Fred Lewis), wanted it in the worst way. He had the starters in to the end against Colgate, which made them mad. Gomez looked it up and the final score of that game was 122-68. Looking at the scores in the media guide, we came in with 2476 points in 25 games so we needed 124, just two more than we scored. Of course the season average includes post-season games and we scored 94 against Davidson and 81 in the loss to Duke so we really needed to score 27 more to average 100 for the season. We wound up averaging 99.0, a record that stood for 5 years. They scored a total of 2,773 points in 28 games. This year’s team has scored 2,202 in 30 games, (73.4). What would the Carrier Dome be like if we had a team scoring 100 points a game now?

Scott in Sylvan Beach asked what seed we might be able to get in the NCAA tournament. JB: “We need to play better and adjust the seed. We are a 3 or a 4 seed but could slip to a 5. Our strength of schedule is in the Top 15 and will only go up. You just don’t know. The top 4 usually gets to start in their own region, which would mean Philadelphia. Wherever we wind up will be tough. “
Talking about the early rounds of the tournament, Matt noted that you often get schools that are not regular powers but who go through 3-4 year cycles. When they have a lot of veteran players, they can be pretty good. JB: “You need to be ready to play good tournament basketball."

They got around to discussing RPI and ESPN’s stat, BPI, although both confessed not know what the difference was. Pat in Syracuse helpfully called in and explained that BPI is “more specific. It calculates who among a team’s top five players suited up and what minutes they played. Thus, not having James Southerland for those games he was suspended would not be counted against us. It actually makes more sense than RPI which doesn’t pay much attention to anything. “

Pat asked about our zone offense, noting that other teams don’t extend the zone as much as we do. JB: “If we feel we can make some shots we try to get open for threes. If we can’t do that, we work hard to get to the high post or get driving lanes for the guards. Most zones aren’t sophisticated enough to cover three pointers like ours does, although Louisville can in their match-up zone.
Tom asked if teams and players from the 80’s were better than they are now. JB: “You kept good or great players for four years. When we played Georgetown in those days, there would be about 8 future NBA players out there. Now there is a couple. The competitiveness is still there. The fans want to win just as much. Their participation hasn’t changed much. More guys are leaving than ever before.” College sports is about representing markets too small for pro sports and putting them on the amp. We’ll be rooting for Su no matter who goes to the NBA. We are SU!

Drew in Clay reminisced about past Georgetown games, including the first time we ever beat them down there, the 1/27/90 game where Derrick Coleman and Billy Owens took on Alonzo Mourning and Dikembe Mutombo and our forwards blew their centers out of their own place, (yes, your place, Dikembe!) . JB: ”Derrick Coleman dunked from half court on every member of their team.” We won 95-76. Drew also recalled a game in ’87 where there was ”a stupid offensive foul call on Sherman Douglas and we lost in overtime.” Jim said “There are a lot of games like that.”

We lost 81-83 to Georgetown in OT on 1/31/87. I don’t remember the specifics of that game. I remember we lost to them three times that year and how frustrating it was that we couldn’t beat them even after Patrick Ewing was gone. Fortunately Rick Pitino’s Providence team beat them in a regional final and then we took care of Rick in the Final Four. There was also discussion of a game against St. John’s where “Mike” kicked the ball into the stands but the referees didn’t notice that and we didn’t get a technical and went on to win a close one. I didn’t quite get when that was or who “Mike” was. I don’t think they were talking about MCW. (Mike Brown? Mike Edwards? Mike Hopkins? Mike Jones?)

I called in my second question about any special reason we have such trouble in the Sweet 16. Jim noted we’d lost to some pretty good teams there- such as Blake Griffin’s Oklahoma team, which was “way better than we were.” We lost to Michigan State’s national championship team, a good Ohio State team, (That was the round of 32 in ’83, coach.) I noted that there was a theory that the Sweet 16 team is a better team than we met in the first two rounds and that they have a week to prepare for our zone defense. Jim agreed that could be a factor, “The next team only has a couple of days to prepare. “ But “You have to look at it game by game. What were the match-ups? Were the other teams just better? Were we big underdogs or was it an upset?” he added that we were the underdog in all three national championship games we’ve played in.

After the show I checked the seeding, (and ranking before there were seeds), for all of Boeheim’s sweet 16 losers and their opposition. We were underdogs four times in the 11 losses: Missouri in 1994, Duke in 1998, Michigan State in 2000, and Oklahoma in 2009. We were favored to beat UNC Charlotte in 1977, Pennsylvania in 1979, Iowa in 1980, Virginia in 1984, Minnesota in 1990, Alabama in 2004 and Butler in 2010. Not that those were bad teams, either. UNC Charlotte, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Butler went on to the Final Four and Butler to the title game.

Mark in Syracuse wondered “what NCAA games would you like back?” I would have answered the ones we won but he meant which ones would you like to reverse the result on? Mark suggested it’s “not the Richmond Spiders or Vermont but Michigan State.” JB quickly said “Indiana. There were a lot of things going on vs. Richmond and we didn’t play well. We were better than that Indiana team even though they were favored. There’s also the Western Kentucky game. If we’d made a pass we’d have gotten a lay-up and have gone on to play Michigan State. That was the Earvin Johnson team that played Larry Bird in the finals. We might have spoiled the party.”

Jim was talking about the 3/11/78 game in the Round of 32 that we lost to Western Kentucky, 86-87 in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was like the Richmond and Vermont games in that we allowed an inferior opponent to stay in the game and they took a late lead, 85-87. Marty Byrnes got the ball and drove to the basket . As he went up for the shot, he got raked across the arms and couldn’t get it off when he wanted to but as he was going out of bounds, he managed to flip the ball up to the backboard and it bounded into the basket. So he’s tied the score at 87-87 and was going to the line to complete the three point play that would win it. Billy Packer was doing the game and started screaming at the officials that “This isn’t the NBA: There’s no continuation!” The refs leave poor Marty at the line for 5 minutes while they debate the issue. They finally agree with Billy and take the points off the board. Marty is now shooting and one and one and has to make both ends or we lose. He makes the first, misses the second. There’s no tip-in and the clock runs out. That was NOT the year of the Magic Johnson-Larry Bird Final. It was the year before that. We’d beaten Michigan State in the finals of the first Carrier Classic and hoped to do it again in the Sweet 16. Instead, Western Kentucky lost to the Spartans, 69-90, (about the margin we should have beaten them by), and then Kentucky beat MSU 52-49 on their way to the national title.

In my own view, Indiana ’87 has to be the number one game we’d like back. Howie Triche and Derrick Coleman missed the front end of one and ones that would have wrapped it up. After the first, Keith Smart went coast to coast to make it 73-72, which is why Jim had his other four players back when Derrick was at the line. We then blanketed Alford in the half court only to have Smart sink the big one. People criticized JB for making Derrick feel lonely at the line but Denny Crum did the same thing with another freshman the year before and Pervis “Never Nervous” Ellison made his free throws and Louisville won, making Crum a genius. #1A would be the Arkansas game which we had won- all we had to do was nothing - but Lawrence Moten called a time-out we didn’t have. Then comes the Western Kentucky game, then Richmond, (which was an aftershock of the previous week’s Villanova game where, as the undisputed BE regular season champs for the first time, we blew a 16 point lead with four minutes to go in the first round of the BET), and then the Vermont game and Michigan State game, where a 14 point second half lead turned into a 17 point loss to the eventual national champs. Ah, memories!

A caller said his 8 year old son likes the blue jerseys some teams are wearing and wonders if Syracuse will be wearing them. JB: “I’ve heard talk. I haven’t seen the jerseys. I’ve seen 1-2 teams wearing blue jerseys and I didn’t think they looked that good. It’s a marketing tool to sell to fans in big markets. We had the gray uniforms last year and I thought they looked good.” Gomez said they looked better live than in the pictures he’s seen. JB: “Those uniforms were worn to acknowledge that we’d become an elite program.” The caller asked if there were any changes in the permanent uniform coming up. “There might be a slight change next year. But it won’t show up in the tournament. “

Another fan wondered what exceptions to the rule about the coaches box there were, (since Buzz Williams and Rick Pitino seemed to spend the game on the court). JB: “You’re not allowed to go outside the coaching box. But it’s not enforced. I don’t know why that discipline is not enforced. It could be enforced in the tournament. If you let a coach outside the coaching box and don’t issue a T, you, (the official) won’t advance. If there’s a fight, you are allowed out to try and restore order. I also wish they would call 3 seconds. We’ve clocked it and some guys are in there for 8-10 seconds.”

John in Liverpool felt it was unfair for Connecticut not to be in the Big East Tournament, although he didn’t like coming to the Huskie’s defense. JB: I don’t like to speak up for Connecticut, either- I don’t like them much. It’s an APR problem. If you let them play and they win, there’s no automatic bid. Of course, we’ll get 6-7 bids anyway. I helped write the rule but it was never meant to be anything that would take a team out of post season play. It was about losing scholarships. Some places the coach leaves and players leave and the new guy gets penalized. At Towson, they were 3-22 last year and are 19-7 this year but can’t play in the conference tournament because of APR. If the players don’t finish the semester they get F’s. It’s meant to punish a school where the kids stayed. You can take 24 credits in anything- cinema, art appreciation, etc. and a one and done can get your APR points.”

And with that I’ve got my Thursday nights back- until next season.
SWC, Your recaps and upside/downsides are so appreciated by the entire fan base.
A big hearty THANK YOU!
With Gomez:
... There was also discussion of a game against St. John’s where “Mike” kicked the ball into the stands but the referees didn’t notice that and we didn’t get a technical and went on to win a close one. I didn’t quite get when that was or who “Mike” was. I don’t think they were talking about MCW. (Mike Brown? Mike Edwards? Mike Hopkins? Mike Jones?)

Lee, I think.

Great recap, as always!

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