The Downside (St. John's) |

The Downside (St. John's)


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- It was not a shooter’s day. The two teams combined were an absurd 2 for 23 from the arc, one trey in each half. Of the 131 points scored, 72 were scored in the paint and another 39 from the line. That’s 85% of the points. I wouldn’t call it an ugly game but nothing was easy for either team.

- What was ugly was most of the second half. Beginning with Baye Keita allowing Rysheed Jordan to just go around him to score at the end of the first half to the 7:20 mark of the second half we were out-scored 17-33. Ugh.

- A big part of that was that we were simply being out-hustled. A lot of 50-50 balls became 10-90 balls. St. John’s problem was keeping up that level of intensity. I think they just ran out of gas down the stretch while we still had something in the tank. We out-scored than 12-5 in that last 7:20.

- We have to find a way to get Trevor Cooney open shots when he’s being closely guarded. It’s not enough to try to make up for it with other players. I didn’t see much in the way of picks or screens. The Johnnies used some zone which can negate that but a zone should have allowed Trevor some shots. He was 0 for 3 in 27 minutes. Your shooting guard needs to shoot more than once every nine minutes.

- Yes, we have answers but three guys, (Cooney, Gbinije and Keita), played a total of 61 minutes in this game and didn’t score. Points for the “shooting” guard position: Zip.

- Again, what’s up with Keita? He’s not exactly a stat sheet stuffer but he’s become a “billionaire”, a guy who’s only statistic is minutes played followed by zeroes, or close to it. In his last 6 games, he’s played 89 minutes, scored 8 points on 6 shot attmepts and pulled down 7 rebounds. 4 on 5 anyone?
- It was not a shooter’s day. The two teams combined were an absurd 2 for 23 from the arc, one trey in each half. Of the 131 points scored, 72 were scored in the paint and another 39 from the line. That’s 85% of the points. I wouldn’t call it an ugly game but nothing was easy for either team.

- What was ugly was most of the second half. Beginning with Baye Keita allowing Rysheed Jordan to just go around him to score at the end of the first half to the 7:20 mark of the second half we were out-scored 17-33. Ugh.

- A big part of that was that we were simply being out-hustled. A lot of 50-50 balls became 10-90 balls. St. John’s problem was keeping up that level of intensity. I think they just ran out of gas down the stretch while we still had something in the tank. We out-scored than 12-5 in that last 7:20.

- We have to find a way to get Trevor Cooney open shots when he’s being closely guarded. It’s not enough to try to make up for it with other players. I didn’t see much in the way of picks or screens. The Johnnies used some zone which can negate that but a zone should have allowed Trevor some shots. He was 0 for 3 in 27 minutes. Your shooting guard needs to shoot more than once every nine minutes.

- Yes, we have answers but three guys, (Cooney, Gbinije and Keita), played a total of 61 minutes in this game and didn’t score. Points for the “shooting” guard position: Zip.

- Again, what’s up with Keita? He’s not exactly a stat sheet stuffer but he’s become a “billionaire”, a guy who’s only statistic is minutes played followed by zeroes, or close to it. In his last 6 games, he’s played 89 minutes, scored 8 points on 6 shot attmepts and pulled down 7 rebounds. 4 on 5 anyone?

Somebody suggested that Cooney might have been sick. He didn't seem to be working as hard running off the ball. Maybe the defenders got into his head, but he seemed a bit passive this game. Of course, he still has to do things other than shoot when he's out there, and this game he didn't. Didn't really drive the ball, didn't really generate any steals to speak of. Off night for him.

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