The Downside |

The Downside


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
OK, we climbed the mountain. Now can we stay there? Will this be the first of a series of performances at or near this level, showing this young team has matured into a strong one or will we be back on the roller-coaster, looking back at tonight's game as a peak we couldn't maintain?
I hate to nit-pick after a great W, but there was one play that made me want to throw something through the TV screen:

I think it may have been in the 3rd quarter, when the outcome of the game was still very much in doubt. A short out-route by WVa on 3rd and medium-long (like 13 yds) came up a few yds short, but we were flagged for a player being lined-up in the neutral zone (which I noticed when they lined up and was screaming at the TV). I think the official said it was #95 (Torrey Ball). The Neers converted on the ensuing play, but fortunately, the drive stalled as I recall. It was one of those bone-headed, totally avoidable mental mistakes that cost the defense a chance to get off the field.

Ok, I'll go back to being happy now.
My only 'shoot out the picture tube with a shotgun moment' was that clusterbleep (non) coverage on the 63-yard TD pass. Being around the ball isn't enough if you don't actually make a play on it. I think it kinda got lost in the shuffle after the Graham return, but that really sucked.
There really isn't much of a downside to a win like that. I mean, if you're going to nit pick, IMO, you could look at the series at the end of the first half and the What are we doing throw on third down (and the throw on first down for that matter). I also still have this nagging suspicion that most of our WRs seem to struggle to get separation. We also struggle to get the ball deep enough KOs.

But ultimately you're never going to play a completely perfect game and you're not going to have a team that has absolutely no weaknesses. So I agree, last night was about as close as you're ever going to come with a game with no downside.
My only 'shoot out the picture tube with a shotgun moment' was that clusterbleep (non) coverage on the 63-yard TD pass. Being around the ball isn't enough if you don't actually make a play on it. I think it kinda got lost in the shuffle after the Graham return, but that really sucked.

Kevin Scott is going to get picked on from here on out. Wilkes was equally to blame on that fubar play by not staying ahead of the receiver but Scott is a real concern.
I thought of analyzing Kevin Scott's "technique", (the guy has absolutlely no idea where the ball is), or asking why we had to call a time out for an extra point, but I just felt it seemed petty. The real question is: can we continue to play like this?
I thought of analyzing Kevin Scott's "technique", (the guy has absolutlely no idea where the ball is), or asking why we had to call a time out for an extra point, but I just felt it seemed petty. The real question is: can we continue to play like this?
Kevin's play has been underwhelming since he got here.
Kevyn's problem is that he doesn't look back when the receiver looks back, which is what I thought these guys were taught.
Kevyn's problem is that he doesn't look back when the receiver looks back, which is what I thought these guys were taught.

Kevyn's problem is that he is too slow and often playing catchup. One juke, and he's two yards behind. Unfortunately, I think he's just a poor player.
agreed Kevyn was really picked on last week i hope he bounces back
I hate to nit-pick after a great W, but there was one play that made me want to throw something through the TV screen:

I think it may have been in the 3rd quarter, when the outcome of the game was still very much in doubt. A short out-route by WVa on 3rd and medium-long (like 13 yds) came up a few yds short, but we were flagged for a player being lined-up in the neutral zone (which I noticed when they lined up and was screaming at the TV). I think the official said it was #95 (Torrey Ball). The Neers converted on the ensuing play, but fortunately, the drive stalled as I recall. It was one of those bone-headed, totally avoidable mental mistakes that cost the defense a chance to get off the field.

Ok, I'll go back to being happy now.
I remember this play as well. It was Ball, and he was lined up on the left end at an angle. I yelled out saying"slide back, slide back", lol.

But back to SWC's question of "can we continue to play like this?"

I would love to think that they could. But the past suggests another answer. One that is frustrating. It seems that this team likes to play to it's competitions level. If it's a mediocre team(Tulane), then we play crappy, if it's a better team like WVU we seem to play at their level(or in this season's case a higher level). The team needs to learn to play and execute at that higher level every game(all four quarters as well). Until that happens we will have to bite our nails waiting to see what team is gonna show up on the field. This weekend will tell a lot about this team for sure. Can they get up and maintain that high level of play for back to back conference games. It will surely be needed come Saturday. I for one believe that they can.

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