The ESPN picture of Bernie sums up their guilt-before-innocence prejudice |

The ESPN picture of Bernie sums up their guilt-before-innocence prejudice


Scout Team
Aug 29, 2011
Let's just remember that Schwarz is the nobody pawn, ESPN is our enemy on this one.

The Bernie Fine picture they led with was inexcusably suggestive:


A young team manager to his right[corrected, thx Bees]. Young boy behind him. And Bernie's left eyebrow raised. Smirk on his face. JB with his back to the whole thing. ESPN obviously chose to use this picture because of the highly suggestive and prejudicial effect.

Schwarz probably doesn't have the autonomy to make very many of these ridiculously prejudicial decisions. He's just a low level employee.

ESPN ought to have some performance reviews with their content editors because of this. John Skipper ought to sit down with R.D. Rosen, Kristen Beissel, and the chain of command, and hold some people accountable. Not defending Schwarz, he should be gone. But it's bigger than him.
Yeah, a lot of anger directed at Schwarz when he is being instructed by ESPN Producers. Don't get me wrong. He's still a tool. But he's a tool that's being told what to do.
that's not a ball boy to bernies right. it is a team manager at su.
Let's just remember that Schwarz is the nobody pawn, ESPN is our enemy on this one.

The Bernie Fine picture they led with was inexcusably suggestive:


A young team manager to his right[corrected, thx Bees]. Young boy behind him. And Bernie's left eyebrow raised. Smirk on his face. JB with his back to the whole thing. ESPN obviously chose to use this picture because of the highly suggestive and prejudicial effect.

Schwarz probably doesn't have the autonomy to make very many of these ridiculously prejudicial decisions. He's just a low level employee.

ESPN ought to have some performance reviews with their content editors because of this. John Skipper ought to sit down with R.D. Rosen, Kristen Beissel, and the chain of command, and hold some people accountable. Not defending Schwarz, he should be gone. But it's bigger than him.

Wow man - I think you are chronically overthinking things and are way too paranoid. That is actually one of the nicer, most flattering pictures of Bernie that I have seen.

Now, if your post was intended to be sarcastic and you were actually making fun of the people that are excessively paranoid about ESPN, then I withdraw my comment.
I disagree on this picture, but on others it is true. How about the picture of Davis they keep showing where he is 6 or 7 (maybe younger). On today's OTL it was juxtaposed with a picture of Bernie. Even if true, he was not molested as a 6 or 7 year old, but that picture is just heartbreaking so they show it. Just insane.
Wow man - I think you are chronically overthinking things and are way too paranoid. That is actually one of the nicer, most flattering pictures of Bernie that I have seen.

Hmm, maybe. But if you run a google search for Bernie Fine, this is the only picture with young boys in it. I could not find any other pictures with Fine and multiple boys, and this picture has it all:
*young boys
* suggestive facial expression
* JB's back turned

I think it is extremely unlikely that ESPN chose this picture for any other reason than the prejudice. Typically, a national photo of Fine would include JB's face, since that is who Bernie Fine is to the nation: JB's assistant. It's pretty conspicuous that they went with this boys/smirk/eyebrow photo. As an attorney with some experience in defamation, I feel that this picture would be admissible with respect to malice and damages.
Listen, I disagree with the way ESPN and Schwarz have covered this, but I think we're overanalyzing picture selection here.
Oh, as someone who works in the industry trust me when I say they DO look at things like this. When I first saw the story running this photo, I didn't dissect the image. But I did immediately think "huh, figures there's a young guy next to him."

I did notice in some video clip out there (don't remember where) they had him slapping players butts twice. Not. Coincidence.

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