The Jim Boeheim Show- after Boston College |

The Jim Boeheim Show- after Boston College


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:
(Update: the last podcast is a preview of the first Duke game from last year so maybe they have stopped podcasting the show. )

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Or on Twitter at mattpark1.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


First hour:

Coach, as great as Rakeem Christmas has been, we seemed to operate pretty well without him on offense against BC and had our most balanced attack. Have we been relying on Rakeem too much? Can we combine his skills with the balance we showed in the BC game?

Second hour:

Coach, When Tyler Roberson and BJ Johnson shoot jump shots the results seem predictable. Tyler’s are usually short and BJ’s are usually long and to the right. Do they simply have flaws in their delivery that can be corrected or are their problems more complicated than that?

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

Matt Park did the whole two hours, joking that Gomez was either “on special assignment” or “in the witness protection program”. Jim said “He’ll go wherever there’s food- and probably money, too.”

The Clemson game “was difficult and they shot better than they usually do. They could make a shot against Florida State, (a 55-59 loss in which they hit 34%).Clemson will play all their home games in Greenville, SC next year as their arena is renovated. The old one was ”not a good situation” as the visitor’s locker room was on the third floor- the home team is on the second floor. The Tigers will be playing in the Bon Secours Wellness Arena (formerly the Bi-Lo Center) for all home games next year.

They discussed the Boston College game, where the Eagles’ first ten field goal attempts were from outside the arc. We got started at 2-9 but then had a 33-8 run the rest of the half. Jim was surprised we managed to extend the lead with Rakeem Christmas on the bench. “To get it to 17 without Rak was a tremendous accomplishment.” Matt Park joked that Rak was “dead weight”. Jim said that “we can’t afford to play without Rak.” He was prepared to keep him out of the game “until it got down to 4”. I couldn’t tell if he meant 4 minutes or a 4 point lead. “He helped us get an basket and we survived. Kaleb Joseph was much better. Teams are going to foul because they know we are so good at the delay game and now that they know we have trouble making free throws, they’re going to keep fouling us. Trevor Cooney is a great, (free throw) shooter and is missing more than he should. Patterson had a really good first half. BJ is struggling to get anything accomplished. It’s going to take time. They’re getting better.”

Mike Gbinije was the “player of the game”. “He had a really solid game with 17 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists. He was the difference in the game.”

I called in my question about achieving the balance we had in the BC game when Rakeem Christmas is available. “Trevor has been taking more shots than Rakeem. Rakeem, Trevor and Mike should take the most shots. Balance for us is all of them scoring and those are the guys we’re trying to get shots for to get them involved. The other guys need to look for their opportunities to score. They, (BC) lost their focus and left the lane wide open. They just didn’t score. Olivier Hanlan missed his first seven shots. He missed three easy lay-ups and two wide open threes. That’s not going to happen too often.”

Later I called in my second question. “The young kids are just not making shots. Tyler is an OK shooter, not great. He might at first look open but his man has backed off to cover Rak. The scouts know to leave him open. He doesn’t score off his offensive rebound s. He’s still trying to figure out where he can get his shots. He’s got to score as we move forward. BJ is just not getting enough opportunities. He’s so thin on defense he doesn’t get enough time on the court.” (I think he meant that BJ is so thin that his defense is thin.) They are both sophomores and didn’t play much last year so this is really their first year. It takes time to move into the situation.” Matt suggested that BJ is “self-defeating. He shoots as soon as he comes in. It might help him to go up and down the court a time or two.” JB agreed, saying that “He should look for a good shot because they are going ti give it to him.” I’m going to assume that JB’s failure to address their shooting technique meant that he didn’t consider that to be the problem.

He said that Kaleb Joseph has developed “a good pull-up” (jumper?). “He’s got to learn to go to the basket and finishing. He’s got to think about what he’s doing. He’s a freshman. Dion was physically mature. Tyler was 6-4 and 18190 and had a knack for playing. Kaleb is 6-1 and 165-170.

Regarding Miami, who was playing NC State, “Miami is very good on the perimeter. They have really good guard play. They are playing at a very high level. It will be a very tough game for us. They beat Duke and had Virginia beat and Virginia is the second best team in the country- maybe not even the second best. Those would have been the two best wins in the country. They started out playing poorly but are now playing great. They were good last year- we won two close games, (5 and 12 points), and now they’ve got two transfers from the Big 12, (Angel Rodriguez and Sheldon McClellan). They have six guards and a seven footer named Tonye Jekiri. Rodriguez has his best games against the top teams. “(It’s a good thing we don’t seem to be one this year.) “Miami is guard rich and they shoot extremely well form the perimeter. They’ve got some 6-5, 6-6 slashers. They will be a very challenging team to play. Early in the year they were not together. Now they fit together.” Miami was down at halftime to a very good NC State team, 26-33 but came back to win 65-60 after the show was over. “NC State is playing great. They beat Duke and could have beaten North Carolina.”

Tom in Syracuse said that Angel Rodriguez “is one of the best point guards in the country and he’s coming to kick your butt!” JB: They all want to do that and we want to do that to them, too. That’s what basketball is all about.” Tom wanted to know if we were going to use the press. JB: “Really good guards beat the press and they get lay-ups.” Tom said that we’d have “the 6th man on our side- the crowd.” JB: People have been great here. We’re very happy to be here.”

North Carolina “has some veteran guys and plenty of size. They ran away from wake Forest. They’ve won 9 of 10 games and have lost of size and depth. They get on the backboards and can run big guys at you all night. They are full of McDonald’s All-Americans and guys who were state players of the year. Marcus Paige is a great shooter, a really good finisher and one of the best shooters in the country.

Matt noted that Virginia has a streak of 41 straight games in which the opponent didn’t hit 50% of their shots. But SU only allowed 3 teams to do that last year- Virginia was one. JB: “We were the only team to shoot 50% against Wisconsin in the NCAA game- and we shot in the high 50’s.”

Coach K is nearing his 1,000 win. “He’ll probably get 1100 or 1200. He just wants to get it over with and focus on the res tof the season. Duke beat Louisville because “the controlled the inside and Louisville didn’t shoot well. It’s tough to beat a zone if you don’t score form outside.” Rick Pitino stripped Montrezl Harrell of his captaincy. “Something happened there. WE don’t have captains at Syracuse. The seniors are the captains.”

Matt mentioned that last year’s win over Maryland is looking good as the Terps are leading the Big Ten. “I’m not surprised. We had a brutal schedule at the end last year. We could have ended with 6 losses in 7 games. We had two bad losses at home and then two good road wins.” Michigan’s Caris Levert has to have his foot operated on and is out for the season- too late to matter to us, except that if they tank, our strength of schedule will look worse, (they are currently 12-7 and 5-2 in the Big 10).

The subject of the game we won at Arkansas a couple of a years back, (when James Southerland scored 35 points), came up. “That was one of the best games we ever played. That was the only game Arkansas lost at home that year.” Somehow they got to the 1988 Rhode Island team that beat us 94-97 in the NCAAs. Jimmy Salatin brags that his Duquesne team beat them twice that year. “Sherman Douglas was sick and probably shouldn’t have even tried to play in that game.”

Roosevelt Bouie and Louis Orr, the first two big stars Jim Boeheim recruited who got him off to a 100-18 start will be honored by having their jerseys posted to the rafters, (even though the numbers will still be used), at the Pittsburgh game on 2/21. “Louie and Bouie were great players and the two big reasons we had so much success right away.” Matt described them as “connected at the hip” and Jim agreed”. (Must have made it hard to play basketball.) JB: “100 wins in the first four years had never been done before.” Matt: “Of course not you wouldn’t have them for four years.” JB: Roosevelt played 14 years in Europe and Louis had 8-10 years in the NBA.” Matt asked if there were others in the pipeline to be honored. Jim: “4-5 more in the next year or two.” (He might have meant that there will be 4-5 more and the next one will be in a year or two.)

Matt checked Twitter and found a couple of questions from Doug. He asked about getting back to cover the fast break. JB: We were very slow. A couple of times we didn’t get back at all. A couple of other times we covered the wrong guy. We were using the clock well, except when Kaleb put up that follow shot instead of taking it back out. We missed a lot of free throws. Doug wondered if the problem was that the players couldn’t hear Jim from the other end of the court. “Well, they started on our end.” There was a discussion about adjustments that have to be made due to the lack of depth. “We’re not going to press sand run as much as you’d like.”

“John” called in again and Matt and Jim wondered what they were going to hear this time but it wasn’t so bad. “I’m proud you used the big guy whose name I can’t pronounce.” Jim said, slowly “Chinoso Obokoh”. John: “Yeah, Chino Ibaka. I was wondering if you could use that Sanderson guy or the kid from Rochester.” Jim: “I don’t know if we’ll use them. Chino will give his best effort and help on defense. Ron and BJ need to make some shots.”

Matt said that the ACC seemed to have “hand- made schedules” and things are going to get tough for SU. JB: “It’s not the right way to do it but you have to get ready to play.”
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I listened to some of Coach's interview with Axe on my way home from work, and he sounded sad. Just kind of sad and discouraged. How did he sound to you on the show?
Interesting point by JB about TR not finishing his offensive boards with put backs. He really doesn't. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. I like that he gets the ball back to a guard to get the offense started again instead of getting hammered on a put back. Either way, it's a huge improvement just to have someone securing offensive boards.
Interesting point by JB about TR not finishing his offensive boards with put backs. He really doesn't. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. I like that he gets the ball back to a guard to get the offense started again instead of getting hammered on a put back. Either way, it's a huge improvement just to have someone securing offensive boards.
Nothing wrong with kicking it back out at all in those unsettled situations, as it often creates an open look for someone from 3. Roberson just needs to identify when the best option is him going back up with it strongly. He'll figure it out soon.
Interesting point by JB about TR not finishing his offensive boards with put backs. He really doesn't. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. I like that he gets the ball back to a guard to get the offense started again instead of getting hammered on a put back. Either way, it's a huge improvement just to have someone securing offensive boards.
We have been playing teams with thin front lines. He needs to take the shot, draw fouls and make a living off the line. Being a garbage man is an honorable profession. I won't mind kickouts against NC or Duke.
CuseFaninVT said:
Interesting point by JB about TR not finishing his offensive boards with put backs. He really doesn't. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. I like that he gets the ball back to a guard to get the offense started again instead of getting hammered on a put back. Either way, it's a huge improvement just to have someone securing offensive boards.
I'm pretty sure he completely missed the rim on 1 from 2 feet
We have been playing teams with thin front lines. He needs to take the shot, draw fouls and make a living off the line. Being a garbage man is an honorable profession. I won't mind kickouts against NC or Duke.

I would say that's especially true if we have their big guys in foul trouble.

They talked about Kentucky spending $800,000 for their summer games in the Bahamas. Syracuse spent $80,000 on its trip to Canada last season. Kentucky players got $150 a day per diem. SU got $35. “#35 dollars doesn’t buy much in the Bahamas. In new York you can spend $75 for breakfast and $125.00 for a small steak at dinner. “ Jim pointed out that Kentucky was also bankrolling the three other teams that went with them on the trip. They sold the trip to their fans to pay for it. They probably made out all right.

The SU women’s team now has Brittany Sykes, Briana Day and Alexis Peterson injured. “ They’ve only lost to top teams and not by much.”

They went over the NBA All-Star starting line-up selections:

East- Carmelo Anthony, Pau Gasol, LeBron James, Kyle Lowery and John Wall

West- Kobe Bryant, Stephen Curry, Anthony Davis, Marc Gasol and Blake Griffin

Kobe, of course, will not be available. Curry was the #1 vote getter, (thank you, Sportscenter). JIm thinks Curry and Clay Thompson are the best backcourt in the league. The Warriors are the best team in the league. Matt noted the contrast between the situations of the two first time coaches, Steve Kerr and Derek Fisher. Curry and Steve Kerr have shooting contests after the game and Curry always wins. Matt said that Curry, with his Sportscenter commercial may be poised to become the Peyton Manning of basketball with his play on the court and his commercials off the court. Jim commented that Marc Gasol has become better than his brother, Pau. They noted how well the Hawks are playing. “Their first round picks have been good, not great. They got Millsap in a trade. Kyle Korver shoots the ball better than anybody. Cleveland will get better but Atlanta might be the best team in the East.

Jim doesn’t think much of “Deflatgate”. (Matt said that they’d lose their license as a talk show if they didn’t talk about it). Jim found Tom Brady and Bill Belichick credible. “What are they accusing them of? I don’t know who deflated the balls or why. I don’t know that it makes any difference in the world. Aaron Rodgers likes it at 15 pounds, Brady likes it at 12.5. Are they going to know the difference? Joe Theisman said he couldn’t tell the difference.” Full disclosure: JB said last week that he and his son were Patriot fans. “If it’s that important it should be handled by the league. Having each team supply its own balls opens up too many possibilities. In college basketball we play with the home team’s balls. We get to practice with them during the week.” Matt said he’s talked to players and the NBA ball is slicker than the college ball. Nike balls tend to be more tacky than Wilson balls. Ryan Nassib and Rob Long told him that the NFL ball is bigger and harder than the college ball. JB: I can’t believe it’s that much of a difference.

The Super Bowl? Jim likes the way his Patriots are playing. Seattle was ”lucky to get by.”

A fan came by the booth with a 3 by 5 foot painting he’s done of Jim Boeheim on the sidelines and had Jim autograph it.

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