The Jim Boeheim Show (after Wisconsin) |

The Jim Boeheim Show (after Wisconsin)


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


(Some years they have started out just with an hour show and later shifted to a two hour show. I came up with two questions and sent in the first, which is the question I always like to begin the year with. If it’s a two hour show, I’ll ask the second in the second hour.)

I’m assuming that the NCAA decision will be discussed at length and that there will be some limit as to what Jim will be able to say about it so I went with two questions on different subjects, although one is tangentially related to JB’s suspension.

First hour:

“Coach, Michael Gbinije was initially credited with a three pointer last night. The officials changed that to a two pointer several minutes later, after a number of possessions and at least one dead ball during which they did nothing about it. I would think this could affect the strategy the coaches employ down the stretch of a game, which can be based on the size of a lead. Also, what if there’s no dead ball between a disputed three pointer and the end of a game? If the officials are going to review something like that, shouldn’t it take place immediately? “

Second hour: (if they have one):

“Coach, here’s something I’ve wondered about for 14 years. When you were out with your surgery in 2001, Bernie Fine was named the interim coach. But I looked at the huddles during time outs and Mike Hopkins was in the center, doing all the talking while Bernie was at his normal positon, at the side holding a clipboard. People are going to say that Saturday will be Mike Hopkins coaching debut, but didn’t that really happen 14 years ago?”


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

They announced Jim would be allowed to continue to do this show during the suspension, “as far as we know”. Jim said he wasn’t going to be breaking down the games. “If we lost because we didn’t rebound or make our foul shots, they know that.” He’s not going to give specific scouting reports on the opposing teams on the radio, “I never do.” Matt suggested the players wouldn’t be listening to the show anyway. I guess there will be plenty more to talk about besides SU basketball. It might even be more interesting. Tonight’s show was still just an hour, (which is fine with me).

What will he do during his “vacation”? “I’ve got three kids playing basketball. I’ll be at their games.” He said Jimmy is now 6-6 and Buddy is 6-4 ½. I won’t go golfing while my team is playing. That wouldn’t be right. I won’t travel around the country to go to games. It wouldn’t feel right. I probably won’t go to malls, although I do go to malls sometimes. I’ll probably increase my 2-3 days per week work outs to 4-5 and come back in great shape. It’s the Christmas season and the Christmas season tends to go by quickly.” Matt noted that the headquarters of his foundation is in his office at the basketball wing. “The NCAA statement doesn’t say you can’t go to your office. It says you can’t talk to anybody. I might go there at 10PM when nobody is there. It would be nice to say hello to the players….”

What will it be like to miss games? “Since I became a coach, I’ve probably bene involved in 2,000 games for Syracuse and the US and other teams. I’ve missed three of them….It will be tough to miss Georgetown. I’ll hate it. But the Georgetown fans will hate it more. ”

Liam in Pompey felt the penalty was excessive. ” Last year is last year and this year is this year”, (which doesn’t seem entirely relevant)” Coach: “I thought it was too harsh. We knew we were going to get some games. If they’d decided it faster I’d have been in the same boat with Larry Brown, who is missing the first nine games. They already know how to play and who the best players are. “

I decided to ask my second question, even though I’d sent in my first. “No this will be his debut. Coach Fine was in charge. Mike might have done some diagraming and things like that but now he’ll be running the team.” (Since when does someone other than the guy running the team diagram the plays?) “He’ll do fine. He’s sat there next to me for years and he played for me. Or rotation is good and he’ll expand it a little. He’ll use the same basic principles. It won’t be a referendum on his coaching ability. It’s not his team yet. It’s my team. Mike is shepherding it through. The players don’t need a whole new style.“

Dave in Syracuse wondered if “they’ll be a different attitude with Mike Hopkins in there.” JB: “He\’ll coach his way. He’s sat next to me. He’s seen the decisions I’ve made that are successful. It’s the feel of the game. I’ve encouraged him to make his own decisions. He might have played DaJuan more against Wisconsin. He’ll decide where to emphasize on defense, when to trap, etc.”

“We’re in good basketball mode. Against Wisconsin we played good defense, forcing 20 turnovers and holding them to 5 for 18 from the three point line.” They talked about some specific plays. On the trap
out of the timeout that produced a turnover and basket. “We don’t often trap out of a time out. We caught a freshman with the ball and he panicked. .” On the failed pass to Lydon with 10 seconds left in regulation: Trevor had Tyler wide open. It was a perfect pass but it was deflected. He should have hit him with a bounce pass.” (Then it wasn’t a perfect pass.) “Mike just couldn’t get there, (so they didn’t go to him).” Vito Brown, per matt, (hit a bunch of 10 footers and two threes.” JB: He’ll probably shoot 12% from there. We had two 40% three point shooters and they went 1 for 10 and the one was luck. We couldn’t quite get it done last night. “

I did make the coach laugh by expressing the hope that, after winning the Battle FOR Atlantis, that he was able to take it back home with him on the plane. It would look good in his back yard. “We had a great week, being two top 16 teams. We shot very well. But it takes a lot out of you. Wisconsin did some great things but we missed some free throws to give them the opportunity to win and they took it. The scheduling was bad.” Matt pointed out that the tournament and the ACC-Big Ten challenge were out of his hands. JB acknowledged that but still feels he shouldn’t have scheduled Georgetown for the next game. “Tyler Lydon said his legs felt like jelly.”

Matt actually liked by initial question and the coach wanted to say something about it so they answered it anyway. Matt clarified what happened: “Michael Gbinije hit a long 2. They put three points on the board. Play continued for 2 ½ minutes. The rule is they review it at the next TV time out. If there are no more TV times outs they review it at the time of the next dad ball.” Coach feels it needs to be reviewed immediately. “it has huge strategical implications..” Matt wondered if the coaches would demand reviews to get “phony time-outs”. Jims aid that they could have a rule that the coaches have to wait at the opposing foul lines so they can meet with their team. “

They talked about the NBA. Kobe Bryant ”is a shell of himself”, per Matt. JB: “He’s one of the great players in history. You’d think they’d tone him down and have him take twos instead of threes but they don’t seem to have said anything to him. It’s hard to break old habits.”

Coach never misses a Steph Curry game. “He’s getting better and better. He’s quite a show to watch. I haven’t been so excited watching a player since Pistol Pete and Calvin Murphy. Jordan and Kobe were great players but as far as excitement, he, (Curry) is taking it to another level.“ Matt noted that Davidson won’t retire Curry’s number until he graduates, a policy they have for all their players. JB: That used to be a good policy before players started leaving early. But I don’t think it’s appropriate now. He could take summer school and on-line courses. He’s not going to take January off to graduate.”

Paul George has a string of 30 point games. “He’s a great player, a little like LeBron in that he does everything.” Ben Simmons had a 43 point game for LSU. “Pete Maravich used to average than. Everybody scores like that against that team. “ Matt suggested that they used to have games like that when JB played but not these days. JB said” I don’t know that Simons is a great shooter but he does everything else well. “

Tom in Dewitt congratulated JB on all his years of success and said “he should be on the Mount Rushmore of Central New York”. (Do we have a mountain high enough?)He wanted to know if Rakeem Christmas and Tyler Ennis had enough talent to make it in the NBA. “Rakeem is good eno9ugh but he has to get the right fit. On a bad team you get to play a lot. On a good team like Indian, it’s not that easy. Tyler played well when Michael Carter-Williams was hurt earlier this year. But they have three guards and it’s hard to get playing time.”

Pat called in and wondered if we’d ever see a line up with Coleman, Roberson and Lydon in the game at the same time to improve our rebounding. JB: The problem is getting up and down the court. We can use that line-up at times, on a limited basis. The issues are pace of play and getting enough offense. DaJuan will expand his game and his playing time and give us more flexibility. I don’t know about Chinoso. Frank Howard can help us. We need to get up to 7-8 guys to win in the ACC.”

About the ACC-Big Ten challenge: the ACC won 6 games, the Big Ten 8. “We needed to win and Florida State also lost in overtime. The top teams did well. Duke and Virginia won. We didn’t do as well down the middle.”

“Georgetown will be a really good test. They lost to Duke by only 2 and beat Wisconsin by 10.” Then comes Colgate. Matt said it will be the Red Raiders 6th straight road games. JB: “We’re playing this whole November/December schedule to get ourselves ready. We’re not going to overpower anyone. We have to play a good game, move the ball well and make shots to win.”

Matt closed by saying “We’ll see you here next week- we hope.”
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Did he talk at all about the timing of the change of dates of the suspension. It just seems bizarre that the teams plays on Wednesday night and on Thursday the NCAA rules that the suspension starts immediately even though they have a game in two days. It seems odd but then again the entire charade is odd.
Did he talk at all about the timing of the change of dates of the suspension. It just seems bizarre that the teams plays on Wednesday night and on Thursday the NCAA rules that the suspension starts immediately even though they have a game in two days. It seems odd but then again the entire charade is odd.

No. he just wished it had been decided earlier. In effect, he's being punished more than Larry Brown because his 9 game suspension will include conference games, whereas Brown's began at the start of the season.
No. he just wished it had been decided earlier. In effect, he's being punished more than Larry Brown because his 9 game suspension will include conference games, whereas Brown's began at the start of the season.
I'm actually happy that he was able to coach the team in the Bahamas. I think that is such a team building trip that it would have been unfortunate if he wasn't able to attend. I'm ok with starting it on Saturday, although my preference would have been starting with Wisconsin.
Three things I was most interested in: 1. You made Coach laugh. Hooray! 2. Tyler's legs were like jelly. You know, we just forget how he and Malachi are freshmen. They are not in the best of condition. They are fallible. Often Coach scoffs at "they need rest," etc., but he did understand that his players, although elated, were also tired. Particularly the freshmen. Remember how we were going to try to find a nickname for Tyler? I hope the one we don't settle on is "Jelly Legs Lydon." 3. What Coach will be doing while he's BANNED. Sounds like he's just going to live a normal life, which will probably be very very weird for him. And he's not going to Florence!

Thanks, SWC.
Three things I was most interested in: 1. You made Coach laugh. Hooray! 2. Tyler's legs were like jelly. You know, we just forget how he and Malachi are freshmen. They are not in the best of condition. They are fallible. Often Coach scoffs at "they need rest," etc., but he did understand that his players, although elated, were also tired. Particularly the freshmen. Remember how we were going to try to find a nickname for Tyler? I hope the one we don't settle on is "Jelly Legs Lydon." 3. What Coach will be doing while he's BANNED. Sounds like he's just going to live a normal life, which will probably be very very weird for him. And he's not going to Florence!

Thanks, SWC.

He might get to like retirement. Hmmm...
I decided to ask my second question, even though I’d sent in my first. “No this will be his debut. Coach Fine was in charge. Mike might have done some diagraming and things like that but now he;’ll be ruining the team.”

Can I assume this was a typo by you SWC and not a freudian slip from JB??

As always thanks for bringing the Coach's Show to those of us who are out of town and can't hear it live.
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


(Some years they have started out just with an hour show and later shifted to a two hour show. I came up with two questions and sent in the first, which is the question I always like to begin the year with. If it’s a two hour show, I’ll ask the second in the second hour.)

I’m assuming that the NCAA decision will be discussed at length and that there will be some limit as to what Jim will be able to say about it so I went with two questions on different subjects, although one is tangentially related to JB’s suspension.

First hour:

“Coach, Michael Gbinije was initially credited with a three pointer last night. The officials changed that to a two pointer several minutes later, after a number of possessions and at least one dead ball during which they did nothing about it. I would think this could affect the strategy the coaches employ down the stretch of a game, which can be based on the size of a lead. Also, what if there’s no dead ball between a disputed three pointer and the end of a game? If the officials are going to review something like that, shouldn’t it take place immediately? “

Second hour: (if they have one):

“Coach, here’s something I’ve wondered about for 14 years. When you were out with your surgery in 2001, Bernie Fine was named the interim coach. But I looked at the huddles during time outs and Mike Hopkins was in the center, doing all the talking while Bernie was at his normal positon, at the side holding a clipboard. People are going to say that Saturday will be Mike Hopkins coaching debut, but didn’t that really happen 14 years ago?”


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

They announced Jim would be allowed to continue to do this show during the suspension, “as far as we know”. Jim said he wasn’t going to be breaking down the games. “If we lost because we didn’t rebound or make our foul shots, they know that.” He’s not going to give specific scouting reports on the opposing teams on the radio, “I never do.” Matt suggested the players wouldn’t be listening to the show anyway. I guess there will be plenty more to talk about besides SU basketball. It might even be more interesting. Tonight’s show was still just an hour, (which is fine with me).

What will he do during his “vacation”? “I’ve got three kids playing basketball. I’ll be at their games.” He said Jimmy is now 6-6 and Buddy is 6-4 ½. I won’t go golfing while my team is playing. That wouldn’t be right. I won’t travel around the country to go to games. It wouldn’t feel right. I probably won’t go to malls, although I do go to malls sometimes. I’ll probably increase my 2-3 days per week work outs to 4-5 and come back in great shape. It’s the Christmas season and the Christmas season tends to go by quickly.” Matt noted that the headquarters of his foundation is in his office at the basketball wing. “The NCAA statement doesn’t say you can’t go to your office. It says you can’t talk to anybody. I might go there at 10PM when nobody is there. It would be nice to say hello to the players….”

What will it be like to miss games? “Since I became a coach, I’ve probably bene involved in 2,000 games for Syracuse and the US and other teams. I’ve missed three of them….It will be tough to miss Georgetown. I’ll hate it. But the Georgetown fans will hate it more. ”

Liam in Pompey felt the penalty was excessive. ” Last year is last year and this year is this year”, (which doesn’t seem entirely relevant)” Coach: “I thought it was too harsh. We knew we were going to get some games. If they’d decided it faster I’d have been in the same boat with Larry Brown, who is missing the first nine games. They already know how to play and who the best players are. “

I decided to ask my second question, even though I’d sent in my first. “No this will be his debut. Coach Fine was in charge. Mike might have done some diagraming and things like that but now he’ll be running the team.” (Since when does someone other than the guy running the team diagram the plays?) “He’ll do fine. He’s sat there next to me for years and he played for me. Or rotation is good and he’ll expand it a little. He’ll use the same basic principles. It won’t be a referendum on his coaching ability. It’s not his team yet. It’s my team. Mike is shepherding it through. The players don’t need a whole new style.“

Dave in Syracuse wondered if “they’ll be a different attitude with Mike Hopkins in there.” JB: “He\’ll coach his way. He’s sat next to me. He’s seen the decisions I’ve made that are successful. It’s the feel of the game. I’ve encouraged him to make his own decisions. He might have played DaJuan more against Wisconsin. He’ll decide where to emphasize on defense, when to trap, etc.”

“We’re in good basketball mode. Against Wisconsin we played good defense, forcing 20 turnovers and holding them to 5 for 18 from the three point line.” They talked about some specific plays. On the trap
out of the timeout that produced a turnover and basket. “We don’t often trap out of a time out. We caught a freshman with the ball and he panicked. .” On the failed pass to Lydon with 10 seconds left in regulation: Trevor had Tyler wide open. It was a perfect pass but it was deflected. He should have hit him with a bounce pass.” (Then it wasn’t a perfect pass.) “Mike just couldn’t get there, (so they didn’t go to him).” Vito Brown, per matt, (hit a bunch of 10 footers and two threes.” JB: He’ll probably shoot 12% from there. We had two 40% three point shooters and they went 1 for 10 and the one was luck. We couldn’t quite get it done last night. “

I did make the coach laugh by expressing the hope that, after winning the Battle FOR Atlantis, that he was able to take it back home with him on the plane. It would look good in his back yard. “We had a great week, being two top 16 teams. We shot very well. But it takes a lot out of you. Wisconsin did some great things but we missed some free throws to give them the opportunity to win and they took it. The scheduling was bad.” Matt pointed out that the tournament and the ACC-Big Ten challenge were out of his hands. JB acknowledged that but still feels he shouldn’t have scheduled Georgetown for the next game. “Tyler Lydon said his legs felt like jelly.”

Matt actually liked by initial question and the coach wanted to say something about it so they answered it anyway. Matt clarified what happened: “Michael Gbinije hit a long 2. They put three points on the board. Play continued for 2 ½ minutes. The rule is they review it at the next TV time out. If there are no more TV times outs they review it at the time of the next dad ball.” Coach feels it needs to be reviewed immediately. “it has huge strategical implications..” Matt wondered if the coaches would demand reviews to get “phony time-outs”. Jims aid that they could have a rule that the coaches have to wait at the opposing foul lines so they can meet with their team. “

They talked about the NBA. Kobe Bryant ”is a shell of himself”, per Matt. JB: “He’s one of the great players in history. You’d think they’d tone him down and have him take twos instead of threes but they don’t seem to have said anything to him. It’s hard to break old habits.”

Coach never misses a Steph Curry game. “He’s getting better and better. He’s quite a show to watch. I haven’t been so excited watching a player since Pistol Pete and Calvin Murphy. Jordan and Kobe were great players but as far as excitement, he, (Curry) is taking it to another level.“ Matt noted that Davidson won’t retire Curry’s number until he graduates, a policy they have for all their players. JB: That used to be a good policy before players started leaving early. But I don’t think it’s appropriate now. He could take summer school and on-line courses. He’s not going to take January off to graduate.”

Paul George has a string of 30 point games. “He’s a great player, a little like LeBron in that he does everything.” Ben Simmons had a 43 point game for LSU. “Pete Maravich used to average than. Everybody scores like that against that team. “ Matt suggested that they used to have games like that when JB played but not these days. JB said” I don’t know that Simons is a great shooter but he does everything else well. “

Tom in Dewitt congratulated JB on all his years of success and said “he should be on the Mount Rushmore of Central New York”. (Do we have a mountain high enough?)He wanted to know if Rakeem Christmas and Tyler Ennis had enough talent to make it in the NBA. “Rakeem is good eno9ugh but he has to get the right fit. On a bad team you get to play a lot. On a good team like Indian, it’s not that easy. Tyler played well when Michael Carter-Williams was hurt earlier this year. But they have three guards and it’s hard to get playing time.”

Pat called in and wondered if we’d ever see a line up with Coleman, Roberson and Lydon in the game at the same time to improve our rebounding. JB: The problem is getting up and down the court. We can use that line-up at times, on a limited basis. The issues are pace of play and getting enough offense. DaJuan will expand his game and his playing time and give us more flexibility. I don’t know about Chinoso. Frank Howard can help us. We need to get up to 7-8 guys to win in the ACC.”

About the ACC-Big Ten challenge: the ACC won 6 games, the Big Ten 8. “We needed to win and Florida State also lost in overtime. The top teams did well. Duke and Virginia won. We didn’t do as well down the middle.”

“Georgetown will be a really good test. They lost to Duke by only 2 and beat Wisconsin by 10.” Then comes Colgate. Matt said it will be the Red Raiders 6th straight road games. JB: “We’re playing this whole November/December schedule to get ourselves ready. We’re not going to overpower anyone. We have to play a good game, move the ball well and make shots to win.”

Matt closed by saying “We’ll see you here next week- we hope.”
I hope the NCAA doesn't suspend you, but I trust you will sue the NCAA if they try. You are a national treasure for CuseNation. Hats off, SWC.
I am already suspended, although there is a certain amount of suspense involved.

Hey SWC.. I think you left out the part where he talked about hanging out with cusetroop! I'm sure he brought that up a few times... Right?

Oh yea right...just what we would need, not only JB suspended, but while suspended gets arrested...and for probably something dumb like stealing a table cloth or something...

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