The Jim Boeheim Show before Florida State |

The Jim Boeheim Show before Florida State


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


1st Hour: “Coach, in the press conference after the Wake Forest game a reporter implied that our improved rebounding in the second half was due to greater effort on the player’s part. You made it clear that there were other factors involved. Fans are quick to attribute poor performance to quantity of effort rather than quality of effort. What should we look for as we watch a game to determine the difference?“

2nd Hour: “Coach, in the Notre Dame game our players had a hard time finishing drives to the basket. It wasn’t just one guy. We missed enough lay-ups, dunks and tip-ins to have stayed in that game if we’d made them. Were these misses due to physical limitations, poor technique, indecision or something else?”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


Coach on Wake Forest: “We needed the win. Wake Forest is a solid team. We got off to a slow start on offense for 30 minutes and then played the best offense we’ve played this year. And our rebounding got better….We haven’t been in close games. We were really good in the last 10-12 minutes. But it won’t be enough. We have to be consistent for 40 minutes. We were a little better against UNC and for quite a while against Notre Dame. This has been much more difficult than would have anticipated. ”

Which was the perfect set up for my first question. JB: Loose balls are always about effort. You might not get it but you must always go after it. Rebounding is different, especially in a zone. The ball seemed to bounce right to Collins in the first half. It didn’t in the second.” (When you get good positioning, it’s amazing how often the ball bounces right to you.). Back to JB: Tyler Lydon and Taurean Thompson did a better job of getting a body on them and made them work more on defense. Taurean kept rolling down and got 16 points in the second half.”

“We’ve got Andrew White playing small forward so we’re not a great rebounding team. We need to make up for that with greater ball movement and by making our threes. You want to get mismatches as we did against Pitt and Miami. It’s hard to get lay-ups but we got some. John Gillon and Tyler Lydon did some good passing Taureen has been great at finishing. Ideally we should be 5-3, not 4-4. Our three home games have been outliers- we’ve been better at both ends than in any road game.” (Four, including Boston College).

“Our problems came in pre-season. We couldn’t get the new guys to play together. I don’t think we really don’t ever hustle. The new group doesn’t know what to do. But they’re getting better. You get two seniors form another program. It’s easier in some ways to deal with freshmen. At Colorado State John Gillon was taught “put your head down and go to the basket”. You can’t do that in our league….it’s harder to coach 5th year seniors than freshmen It’s like we have four freshmen and a sophomore. That’s pretty young. The hardest positon is point guard, where we’ve got the equivalent of two freshmen and a sophomore. Of course, if you’ve got all these new parts, you have a chance to get better. If a veteran team is struggling, they might not get better….I don’t know that it’s chemistry. Its learning different offenses and defenses. We dominated the bad teams. When you don’t dominate, you need to play right….We’ve always been a good road team. We won the most road games in big east history- by a mile.”

Liam in Pompey complained that “the officials tried to give the game to Wake. Roberson couldn’t catch a break.” JB: “You’ve got to play through the bad calls”. Liam wanted to know how the preparation for Florida State was going, noting their 56-78 loss at Georgia Tech. Coach said “It was their first bad game. They will bounce back. They are a really team and it will be a tough game.”

Matt asked about Tyus Battle’s late foul. JB: “It was a difficult situation. If you wait too long they could call an intentional foul or a shooting foul. We are trying to prevent the 3. You’d like some time to go off. It’s the best way to win a game. When Duke was here, (2014), we didn’t foul and they hit a three. I’ve seen too many shots go in. if you foul them the only way they can avoid losing is to make the first, miss the second and get the round. I’ve seen that happen, too. We used to get a lot of offensive rebounds with big guys who couldn’t shoot fouls…. We aren’t supposed to be a good free throw shooting team but over the years we’ve made more than the other teams have attempted. Derrick Coleman once dunked in three straight misses. We got 6 points on those instead of 3….Fouls are usually even at the end of games unless you have to foul late like Notre Dame. “

Matt asked some question about emptying your bench at the end of games, which I didn’t quite understand. Jim told of a game where he sent in three walk-ons to play with 2 starters. He had to send the other starters in when a 16 point lead turned into 4, so whatever Matt was suggesting wasn’t a good idea.

Matt in New York City asked how our players were doing along the back line of the zone and in the press. JB: “We’re not good in the back line of the press so we don’t do it much. Taurean is better at center than forward so we go with that. Tyler Lydon is our best defensive center and our best defensive forward. Taurean may have to play forward next year.” (Implying that either Chukwu or one of the new comers will be the center: I don’t think he expects Lydon to be back or he’d still be talking aobut playing Tyler and Taurean in tandem the way he is this year.)

Matt noted that we’d come out of a time out in the press against Wake and scored immediately. JB: “We use it sparingly. We prefer the half-court trap.”

Matt mentioned that Georgia Tech had beaten Florida State. JB: “By a lot. I don’t think people thought they could win more than a game but they are 4-4, just like us. Josh Okogie is one of the best freshmen in the country. He does everything. Their big man, (Ben Lammers), is really good, too.” Matt Park noted that we are going two see two more of the best freshmen in the country in the next two games: Jonathan Isaac of Florida State and Dennis Smith of NC State, whom Jim described as “Chris Paul at the same stage with a jump shot”.

Gomez suggested that the ACC is “one of the deepest conferences ever”. JB: “It’s pretty deep."

"Boston College beat Miami and Georgia Tech beat North Carolina and Florida State. When your bottom teams are that good it’s a tough conference.” Can the teams ranked 20-50 beat the top 20? “Easily. Georgia Tech wasn’t top 100, although I guess they will be now. NC State is top 40”

I called in my second question- about finishing drives to the basket. “”We’ve made all our lay-ups at home. The basket is the same height- 10 feet on the road. It’s the same players with the same bodies. We missed four lay-ups in the first half against Notre Dame and could have been even at halftime. The same thing happened at North Carolina and Boston College. You can’t do that and win unless you are really good and even if you are really good you’d better not do that. We missed some easy ones. Taurean missed an easy one at Notre Dame. Tyler Roberson missed a lay-up and a dunk. Tyus missed one. This is why we have a bad road record. …It’s not technique. If you are a scholarship player, you should be able to make a lay-up. We work on it in every practice. If there’s a 7 footer changing your shot that’s one thing. But he’s not there. We missed very easy ones. It would be nice if they would miss some for us, but they don’t. Kentucky missed a couple of easy ones at the end vs. Tennessee.” Gomez asked if we try to dunk more than we need to. JB: “Just get the ball in the basket.”

Drew asked how the defense is coming along. JB: “the defense is progressing but we’ve got to get better. We’re not there yet defensively. We continue to work on it. It’s bene disappointing, particularly on the road.” Drew suggested that playing good defense leads to better offense. JB agreed. “When they make a basket, you don’t get down the court very fast.”

Gomez said he’d re-watched the Virginia game and was still amazed we pulled that off. Jim: “They’d beaten us so many ways in that game and before. We got two steals from the press. They had a missed shot and a turnover. It was a huge upset. They were 16-0 when leading by 12 points at halftime.” (I’ll bet we are, too.) It’s not like coming back against a normal team. It’s the biggest upset turnaround we’ve ever had. It’s hard to get to the Final Four. If you are down most of the game, they are probably the better team. It was a great feeling to beat them”.

Todd in Oswego asked the couch to compare our defensive approach vs. Wake Forest and Florida State. JB: “Florida State has got a lot of weapons. I’d like to see another bad shooting game out of them but it’s unlikely. They are a legitimate top ten team.

Pat wondered if we can combat Florida State’s size by using out bigs to “pull them out”. Coach: We’ve played our big guys up high all year. We’ll mix it up to open up the court. They are big, strong and physical. We need to get back to keep them out of transition and make them make tough shots. “

Pat made reference to that quote from “Bleeding Orange” about how a strong fans base is important to help a strong program get over the off years:
Read Bleeding Orange
JB: “Recruits and players look at the fan base. It’s huge. I’ve talked about it after games and at banquets. “Jim and Gomez started talking about the loudness of the crowds at the Dome. Jim said that one of the loudest was for an NIT game. (This had to have been the 1981 Michigan game, when we made the first 16 shots of the second half and most of them would be three pointers today – the loudest I’ve ever heard the Dome for a basketball game and the crowd was only 16,000.) “Georgia Tech had a full house for the Florida State game. Recruits don’t come if you don’t have fans in the building.” Pat joked “It’s a good thing we don’t need the media to perform as well.” JB: “If they don’t come to the games they aren’t fans. Most fans are great 99% of them. it’s not the same with the media- maybe 98%.”

Myles in Albany wanted to know the prognosis on Paschal Chukwu and whether he could help us this season. Can he get a redshirt year? JB: “He’s already used his redshirt year. He still needs another procedure on his eye. If he came back it would be in the last week at best and he’d have to wear goggles. I wouldn’t want him to risk it if he’s not fully healthy. He had 14 blocks in 7 games playing 10 minutes a game. He can help us defensively next year.”

Someone sent in a question: “What teams do you most want to beat on the way out?” JB: “We want to beat some good teams this year. We will be OK next year. We have a couple of big guys coming in who will help us and we’ll get a couple more guys who will help us.”
Great job, SWC. It's a real treat that you transcribe this stuff for the out of towners especially.

I'm frankly tired of the excuses. It is almost Feb. Arizona (could be playing the best ball in the country), UCLA, certainly Kentucky, Gonzaga, and plenty of others are bringing in tons of new pieces to combat the losses of some major players. They don't miss a beat. We are struggling and still talking about Tyler Ennis, lol. Oy...
Matt and Jim talked about the good rivalry games this week. Xavier and Cincinnati are in the same city. Kansas and Kentucky are elite programs who are coming off a loss. Syracuse used to play a major national TV game against another power in January or February but that’s rare today. “Conference schedules got too tough. They do those games in November and December now as part of a tourney. KU-UK is part of the Big 12-SEC challenge.” They talked about #1-2-4 losing in the same day. Coach was not surprised that Kansas lost at West Virginia. “They’ve lost 4 straight there.”

Retiring Brent Musburger is “A great guy and a very good broadcaster. If you can do something until you are 77 you’re pretty darn good.” Matt noted that among the SU games Musburger has called is the 1987 NCAA victory over North Carolina.

Saturday will be ‘1980’s Day’ at the Dome. “1987-88-89 teams were the most talented teams we have had. Those were great teams. The Big east was at it’s height. When we played Georgetown both teams would have 4-5 NBA players. Georgetown might have 5-6.”

Dion Waiters had a great game in the NBA. “He hit two threes with a hand in his face including the game winner and another last night. It’s the first time he’s bene given control of the ball. In Cleveland and Oklahoma City he had to be a spot up shooter and that’s not what he is.” They also discussed Malachi Richardson who has been performing well for the Sacramento Kings. “They are not good at his positon so he’s got an opportunity.”

Carmelo Anthony won’t be on the East All-Star team. “The coaches have never picked him – only the fans.” About the trade rumors “He wants to win. His window of opportunity in New York is about closed. He would help Cleveland. But they aren’t going to be able to get anything for him….Nobody’s going to give up a star player to get another. If he goes to a team that could win and they get a draft pick, it will be a bad draft pick. When they signed him they had to surround him with good players. Porzingus still needs a couple of years and Rose has to get healthy. ”

About LeBron James’ complaints about the Cavaliers. “They’ve spent more money than anyone in the league. They are a pretty good team, a little better than last year. Golden State got a lot better. If they are shooting good, you have no chance. LeBron and Kyrie have to do more. “

The Celtics will be the first team to put corporate logos on their jerseys. “Don’t they make enough money already?

Earl in Syracuse asked how Coach K is doing. JB: “They say 4 weeks, which means he’ll be back in 2-3 weeks. They have so many young guys and so many guys have bene hurt.. it will take them 3-4-5 games to get comfortable with each other.” About his meeting with the team at his house. “In today’s world those things always get out. He’s just trying to shake them up, doing what he has to do. He’s got 8-9 good guys but you can’t play 8-9 guys. You’ve got to settle on 6-7.” Will Coach K’s tactic work? “I don’t know. It’s a coaching move. “

Tiger Woods is playing in his comeback tournament. “He couldn’t put the driver in play. The problem was he hadn’t played. You drive bad on that course, (Torrey Pines) you’re dead. Let him have a healthy 4-5 tournaments and we’ll see. “

Coach watches tennis as well. Matt said that that was “right in his wheelhouse” as the telecast was at 2AM and Coach is usually awake then. They are his “prime viewing hours”. “Federer is an artist. He’s fun to watch…..Venus plays well but Serena is stronger.”

Brad called in to ask which were the most exciting arena to play basketball other than the Carrier Dome. Pittsburgh, Clemson, North Carolina and Notre Dame were mentioned. “There are a lot of good arenas and a lot of good teams that play in them. This has been our most difficult year on the road since I’ve been in charge.” Is there any arena he wouldn’t go to? “it’s the players, not the arenas.” Gomez made reference to a woman at NC State who bothered the Coach. “She shouted at the top of her lungs the whole game from 2 feet away. The league got rid of her.”

What does the coach think of the “sneak peak” rankings the NCAA will be issuing, much like the football committee. “Things are not going to be clear for another month. There will be a lot of upsets in the next month. That’s the way it is.”

Tom Izzo is “one of the great coaches of all time. He isn’t going to listen to the fans. Marv levy said “If you listen to the fans you’ll be sitting with them. A lot of guys think they are smarter than the coach. Mad Dog and Mike always second guessed Joe Torre and he won a lot of games. If they were in Boston they’d second guess Belichick.”

Two of Jim Harbaugh’s assistants at Michigan have joined him in making $1 million or more per year. “That’s a lot of money. Really good programs make a lot of money. Clemson just opened a $60 million football facility.”

Gomez brought up a suggestion they do a show next year from Lyons NY so the people Jim grew up with could attend. Jim said: “There aren’t any good restaurants there anymore.” I guess he should know.
Loud NIT game - Butler in 2002. I assume that's what he's talking about.

Also, "Tyler Lydon is our best defensive forward." Ha, good one.

It didn't compare to the 1981 Michigan game. There was so much noise I actually felt 'high' for several hours after the game.
Hardest road schedule or most difficult season on the road because we have lost all road games?
At Wisconsin which is going to win the Big Ten was tough.
At BC, VPI, UNC, ND thus far hasn't been exactly murderers row.
Most SU teams beat BC. Also VPI on the road.
UNC we played well and couldn't rebound. ND was a buzz saw.
This team has played 3.5 tough road games. The BC loss is why we have 0 road wins.
Great job, SWC. It's a real treat that you transcribe this stuff for the out of towners especially.

I'm frankly tired of the excuses. It is almost Feb. Arizona (could be playing the best ball in the country), UCLA, certainly Kentucky, Gonzaga, and plenty of others are bringing in tons of new pieces to combat the losses of some major players. They don't miss a beat. We are struggling and still talking about Tyler Ennis, lol. Oy...
and big time teams like. Mich St, Ok , texas are struggling with new pieces. Shoot even Duke has shown issues and they have a ton of pieces. there is a reason teams dont go on 35 year runs of even .500 ball.

UCLA and Kentucky had down years several times since the 70s Gonzaga is on a nice run now but lets see if it last 10 more years.
and big time teams like. Mich St, Ok , texas are struggling with new pieces. Shoot even Duke has shown issues and they have a ton of pieces. there is a reason teams dont go on 35 year runs of even .500 ball.

UCLA and Kentucky had down years several times since the 70s Gonzaga is on a nice run now but lets see if it last 10 more years.

For sure but it's not just this year for us. Three or four mediocre seasons with an awesome yet very unexpected (based on performance) F4 to prevent the vultures from really circling overhead.
I think it also shows that when teams like UNC/Duke/Kent go 10-11 deep with talent and miss on 2-3 kids they can over come it better than a team like SU that goes 4-5 deep with talent and miss on a kid or 2. no doubt our margin is much smaller when a kid doesnt pan out. even this year a healthy Coleman and the other FR forward and the shot blocking center makes us play much smaller most of the time then we ever expected and then both point guards not being consistent.

Just Maliki alone and this team would be much different. We probably would see periods with neither point guards but bigger out front in the zone and 2 slashers attacking to help get White open shots.

you could probably add 3-4 baskets a game just on rim drives that Mali finishes that Gillum does not and add to that a few more rebounds too. 10 pts a game on offense would make this team feel much better
“We’re not good in the back line of the press so we don’t do it much. Taurean is better at center than forward so we go with that. Tyler Lydon is our best defensive center and our best defensive forward. Taurean may have to play forward next year.” (Implying that either Chukwu or one of the new comers will be the center: I don’t think he expects Lydon to be back or he’d still be talking aobut playing Tyler and Taurean in tandem the way he is this year.)

Or he could mean that with Lydon back, the best lineup is keeping him at C and by then TT will have learned the forward spot as his best chance of increasing playing time, because he will never be as good a C in the zone as TL ? I hope JB is already counseling Lydon to give him 1 more year, and he can make him a top 3 draft pick in 2018.

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