The Jim Boeheim Show- before Georgia Tech I |

The Jim Boeheim Show- before Georgia Tech I


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


1st Hour: “Coach, SU fans were so sad to hear about the passing of Fab Melo at the age of 26. Every person deserves more of a chance at life than that. I’ll always remember Fab as the happy warrior that gave us our best ever regular season. Unfortunately, some have taken the occasion to bring up his academic troubles and even blamed him for the NCAA sanctions against the program. To what extent was Fab personally responsible for what happened and to what extent was it the actions of others that created the problem? “

2nd Hour: “Coach, We’ve had two centers die while still in their 20’s of heart problems, Conrad McRae and no Fab Melo. Sometimes these things are due to the accelerated growth rate of tall athletes. Does the university have any protocols for checking for symptoms of any possible current or future heart problems”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


Matt Park suggested that the Georgia Tech game was going to be a big one. Jim was having none of that. “It’s not a one game deal. That’s where you, (reporters), and the people get crazy. You can’t think about those things. The media gets paid to speculate. Last year they said we were all done after the Florida State game and then again after the Pittsburgh game. I guess we weren’t all done. This year we had a bad loss at Boston College and everybody had given up. We’re playing really good now. We won five games in a row. We could have lost 4 of them. We just have to get ourselves ready and keep getting better.”

Will the layoff help the team? “We’ve had 5 games in ten days or something like that” (actually 13) “ Layoffs are layoffs. You try to use them to get back to full strength. You never know what the impact will be.”

I called in my first question, as amended above. JB: “None. It was not his fault. He may have had some awareness that something may have happened. Some well-meaning people made a mistake. Even if he’d copied the paper himself this was not the time to bring it up. He was a good kid. He improved more in one year than anybody we’ve ever had. He had a very dominant year and became a first round draft choice. He was a good kid. He didn’t make a lot but he bought his mother a new house. That’s easy to do when you make $20-30 million. He wasn’t making much but he did it.“ Matt looked it up and said that Fab blocked 88 shots in one year and 10 in one game and “will forever hold those records”. He noted how many former teammates had expressed grief at his passing, including Kris Joseph and C.J. Fair.

Liam in Pompey said the Louisville game was “a tough loss – you played well enough to win.” Jims said “We really didn’t – we just played well at the end. It was an unbelievable comeback against a good defensive team.” Liam wanted to know why it was “hard to get the three point game going”. JB: “Louisville is a good defensive team. They are hard to score on.” Matt noted that the Cardinals are #1 in the conference in field goal percentage defense and three point percentage defense. But Coach said “we might have forced 3-4 threes. The other 30 were good shots. You’re going to have games like that.”

Andrew White had his 7th straight 20 point game, the most since Hakim Warrick. JB: “He got good shots. He’s been tremendous all year. he’s gotten better at defense, putting the ball on the floor and making plays I can’t say enough good things about him.” (I hate that phrase “putting the ball on the floor”. You are bouncing the ball off the floor.)

Jim said John Gillon “made a good play to get into the lane. He usually get fouled on that play. He’s had great success driving on Wake, Virginia and NC State. It just didn’t work that time.”

Matt made a remark about all the big shots that have bene going down in our wins. Boeheim laughed. “if we didn’t make big shots in the losses we’d have gotten killed. You almost never come back from a 10-12 point deficit on the road. Our comeback in overtime was bigger than the one in the second half. Andrew didn’t get a good look. We wanted to take the three for the win. Tyler got a big rebound. It was a great play,. It was tough to do against Louisville.” (Maybe Jim had heard that he hadn’t praised Robie in a long time.)

Could he have switched Roberson and Thompson depending on whether we had the ball so Thompson could have been in there for that last play? “It’s hard to go offense-defense. We had enough offense. Tyler gives us a big edge defensively over Taurean. He’s, (TT) getting better on defense and will get better on offense when he gets stronger. Big guys usually don’t score early and he’s scoring early.”

Georgia Tech “is the surprise team of the league. They are just behind Virginia and Louisville in the conference defensive standings. They have struggled on and off but they have been able to get stops. I don’t know if people expected them to win a game.” Matt repeated a story that the Tech AD, (Mike Bobinski – now at Purdue), told Coach Josh Pastner when he hired him “There’s no pressure. Don’t worry if you don’t win a game this first year.” JB: “He may or may not have said that…” Matt said that Brian Gregory, the former coach “couldn’t quite get over the hump.” JB: “Last year they had 4 games they could have won that would have put them in the NCAAs. “

Jim noted they beat Notre Dame at home. “They did it badly- that the interesting thing”. (Actually, it was 62-60. But they’ve also beaten North Carolina 75-63, Clemson also 75-63, NC State 86-76, and Florida State 78-56, probably the game Jim was thinking of.)

Josh Okogie “is having a better year than almost anybody in the league.” Ben Lammers “was pretty good last year. He’s been great this year. He’s second in the league in rebounding and blocking shots and he’s a good passer.”

Matt asked what the arc of a big player’s development was. “You never know. Fab had a huge improvement. Etan and Arinze struggled early.” Arinze recently visited practice. “It’s a tough battle to get into the NBA. When the kids come back, they talk about how hard it is to get established. Mike Gbinije will be back this week it’s his break. It’s a tough struggle.”

Tyus Battle “was not limited at Clemson. He was just starting to get sick then. The flu wears you down. He’s been cleared to play he’s not back to where he was. Hopefully he’ll be closer to being back on Sunday. He had been playing his best ball of the season.”

Frank Howard played good, made a couple of shots and got the ball into the lane. He’s got a chance to be a really good player.”

Pete in Oneida called in to suggest that Jim might need “Louie and Bouie inside to get to the NCAAs”. Jims aid “They’re gone. We’ve got good balance. Our offense is better. Our defense needs to get a little better.”

Gomez took over for the second hour. Much of his segment was in the “off topic category”, (I’ll transcribe that tomorrow). They did talk about the Louisville game. Gomez said that “the last play in regulation looked like there was contact”. Jim said “he’s been getting that call”. Gomez suggested that If he was stronger, he could have gotten the shot off. Jim: “No. they got the ball or his arm. He scored on the same play against Virginia and Wake Forest and got the shot up and made it. He’s stepped up huge and has gotten to understand the system. He dominated the games against Florida State and NC State and bad two big threes against Louisville”

Was the fact that we came close to defeating a top ten team with a sick players and a poor shooting night encouraging? JB didn’t really answer that but said “We missed open shots. Howard hit some shots. We battled as hard as you can. We let too many games get away, early (in the season). The conference is tough. We are 8-6 and could be 6-8. Clemson is 4-9 and could have won 3 more. Pitt beat Virginia and then lost 8 in a row. ”

Is Jim afraid other players might get Tyus Battle’s flu? “Tyus had a big case of the flu. We isolated him and he couldn’t return to practice until he was healthy.”

I called in my second question in the edited version above. Jim said “All players get an in depth physical every year, including their heart. If there are any concerns, the examination becomes more extensive. Fab’s father died of a heart attack so they had a family history. Some things you don’t find in a test. Fab told his mother he was a little under the weather and went to bed early. He was extremely well liked. He had no enemies. He was an extremely likeable kid.”

Jim was asked the positives and negatives of using Tyler Lydon at center. “He’s our best defensive and rebounding center and he pulls the other team’s center away from the basket. He’s good at any positon we put him in.”

There will be two games prior to the next show. “Georgia Tech is the surprise team in the league. Josh Pastner will be Coach of the year. The Duke game will be a mad house and a great night.”

(I suspected this might be the penultimate show but Matt didn't say that next week would be the alst show of the season so there might be two more.)
Somewhat interesting: FH "played good, made a couple of shots and got the ball into the lane. He’s got a chance to be a really good player.”
I suppose Lydon could play SF if you had the right combination at the other positions -- that is, if you had ball handling & slashing from other perimeter players, and the inside guys could get their own shots. But if you needed a SF who could create movement, create his shot, slash & finish -- well, Lydon hasn't shown those skills. Think he has a better chance of developing inside moves.

As to Howard, he is as young as many true frosh and still very lanky. If he can get stronger so he can finish through contact, and continue to improve his shot, he may well be a really good player. Would help if he could develop as a SG and not be expected to play the point.
JB answered your questions about Fab because he is a decent man with compassion and the common sense to understand how to comport himself in the moment. However, I still contend that asking those questions at this time in that forum was inappropriate.
I suppose Lydon could play SF if you had the right combination at the other positions -- that is, if you had ball handling & slashing from other perimeter players, and the inside guys could get their own shots. But if you needed a SF who could create movement, create his shot, slash & finish -- well, Lydon hasn't shown those skills. Think he has a better chance of developing inside moves.

As to Howard, he is as young as many true frosh and still very lanky. If he can get stronger so he can finish through contact, and continue to improve his shot, he may well be a really good player. Would help if he could develop as a SG and not be expected to play the point.
Disagree with this. I think his biggest strength is his passing. He sees the floor well. His ball handling took a step back this year. His recognition of trouble spots to dribble needs to improve. His confidence coming off the last two games looks to have improved. We need him.
Gomez , in listing the show’s phone number, said he’d have to get used to giving the area code before the number. Jim was way ahead of him. He’s always stored numbers with the area code. “I’d forge tit anyway.”

Gomez is proud of his nephew, a swimmer in the New York State championships, who won one race and came in third in another.

The NCAA Top 16 had no Big Ten teams. JB: “Wisconsin will probably play their way in. They lost some big non-conference games by a lot.” (Not to us.) “The rest of the Big Ten has not stepped up.” (Wisconsin may have to wait some more: Michigan beat them 58-64.)

“Duke has everybody back. They are playing the way people thought they would when they were ranked #1 pre-season. Jason Tatum made some long, tough shots against Virginia. Virginia was right on them. Virginia is not quite as good as they have been. Malcolm Brogdon is in the NBA. Anthony gill is playing in Europe. Mike Tobey is in the NBA.” Gomez said that Tobey is an “upstate kid”: he’s from Monroe Woodbury. JB: “You’d have to be from New York City to consider him an ‘upstate’ kid.” He added that Virginia is depending on their freshmen guards, who will be very good down the road. It sound like this was the year to beat them.

Gonzaga was the #1 overall seed in the "first 16". JB: "It doesn't matter." Gomez noted that the RPI seemed to matter more than people were saying it would. JB: "They say they don't use it much but they do. Sagarin, who is very good, had us at #37 while RPI has us at #55. It's a little arbitrary."

NC State fired Mark Gottfried. “He went to the NCAA tournament four times in five years, twice to the Sweet 16. It’s strange to fire a coach before the season is over. I don’t know why you’d do that. I’m sure Archie Miller of Dayton will be in the conversation.

Gomez said that this is, statistically the best shooting year ever. He called it “The Golden Age of Accuracy”. JB: “There’s more good shooting, more fouls being called. Scoring is up huge.”

It looks like the SU women’s team will shatter the attendance record. “Their guards are tremendous. They are pretty close to the best backcourt in the country. “

Gomez said that there’s a rumor that John Calipari will be coaching the USA under age 19 team. This was news to the head of the committee that will be making that decision: James Arthur Boeheim. “It’s not true. We all know better than that.” I guess he doesn’t want Coach Cal to get into the minds of all those top teenagers.

Kevin Love will be out for six weeks. “He was having a great year …..Russell Westbrook is a junkyard dog as a competitor. He plays as hard as he could play every night. He’d do it in a pick-up game. He’s not a fraternizer… Good friends can play hard. LeBron and Carmelo are friends and they go at it all the time.“ Draymond Green had the first ever triple-double that didn’t involve points, (rebounds, assists and steals). “He does the dirty work. Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston come off the bench. Iguodala is a star-level player. Livingston was the #1 kid coming out of high school according to some. He had some injuries. JaVale McGee has resurrected himself. I don’t see anybody beating Golden State. They have too many weapons. If they keep everybody together, they should be in the finals for the next five years and win them at least four times. LeBron is great and in good shape but he’s got a lot of mileage on him”

Green has 11 technical fouls before the All-Star break. Doesn’t he get suspended at some point? “You miss a game with your 16th technical.” DeMarcus Cousins now has 17. Steve Kerr praised Greene saying “He plays with an edge.” JB: “A lot of guys do that. Someone told they weren’t that good.” Brook Lopez had 8 blocks and 6 treys, the first player ever to get hat combination of stats.

They went back over the Carmelo Anthony dilemma: he has that no-trade clause and the teams he would agree to go to won’t give equal value in terms of a veteran player and don’t have the draft choices to give equal value there. Jim did think that the Celtics could get Jimmy Butler because they have a couple guys they might give up and they have some good draft choices. Carmelo will play in the All-Star game, replacing Kevin love. “He’s had a good year.”

“James Harden is the MVP right now. He’s come the farthest and his team is doing better than Russell Westbrook’s. Then comes Isaiah Thomas and LeBron..”

Gomez had this fun fact he’s read about but hadn’t known: before 1966, the NBA had “territorial picks” where teams had one pick before the draft of any player within 50 miles of their city. It wasn’t news to Jim Boeheim. “They wanted good local players. Chamberlain and Robertson were both territorial picks. 1966 was the year Dave Bing and Cazzie Russell came out. The Pistons wanted Russell but New York drafted ahead of them and took him so Detroit took Bing.” How would a backcourt of Dave Bing and Walt Frazier have looked? But then, there wouldn’t have bene Bing Steel and he wouldn’t have become a mayor of a major city. As Yogi said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Rick in North Syracuse wondered if the coach had seen the lacrosse opener and what he thinks of the team this year. “I missed the first game and will probably miss the second. I love lacrosse… One thing about lacrosse is that all transfers get to play right away….It’s now a little like college basketball. Denver, Notre Dame and the Big Ten are good now. The really good players have equaled out. “ Gomez asked if the trend of parents not letting their kids play football will mean more of them play lacrosse. (A gentler game…) “People will still play football. But Lacrosse could get more kids.”

Katie in Lysander note that Coach had met many famous people and asked what famous people he would still like to meet. He chose Tom Brady “Our family loves him”. He’s a cooking show fan and would love to meet “The Barefoot Contessa”.

No, not her:


“I was just getting ready to write her a letter.” Does Julie know about this?

Then, with some prodding, he listed some of the famous people he’s met, mostly because they are basketball fans or play golf. “I’m pretty good friends with Kevin Costner. I met him at the Final Four and we’ve played golf together. I’ve met Bill Murray he’s a great guy. I met Sandy Koufax. That was big. I met Floyd Mayweather last summer. I met Ali. That’s the big one. One time A guy came up to me and started talking to me. He was a short guy with a beard. He was telling me how his son played basketball. I finally realized I was talking to Denzel Washington. He’s a great actor.” Gomez expressed surprise that Denzel Washington was short. JB: “They’re all about 5-6.” According to the IMDB, Denzel is 6-1:
Denzel Washington - Biography - IMDb
Which brings up the question of whether that really was Denzel Washington that Jim was talking to.

Dennis in Syracuse said he wanted to “Bust your balls over Tom Brady. Do you deflate your basketballs before the game?” JB: “It wouldn’t help. I have no idea who inflates them. Brady did pretty well with the regular balls.” Gomez said that they are planning to make a movie of Tom Brady’s life. (spare me) Who should play Brady? Coach picked Ben Affleck. Belichick? “Pacino’s too old.” Roger Goodell? “A couple of guys. I can’t think of actor’s names.”

Drew in Syracuse wondered what coach does in his spare time. “In the summer I fish and play golf. During the season I mostly watch other basketball games but when I can’t get to sleep I watch TV shows I’ve taped: the NCIS shows, The Blacklist, Bluebloods, Quantico. I used to watch Grey’s Anatomy and The Good Wife. I read books on my tablet. I download them when they came out. I’ve read “Never Never” by James Patterson and “The Whistler” by John Grisham.” This led to a re-telling of the time that Gresham, whom the coach had never met, walked into a NYC restaurant and Jim greeted him with “High Rick” because he’s almost a double with Rick Barnes. Gresham is a basketball fan and they had a good laugh over it.

John Grisham:

Rick Barnes:

Gomez asked who would play Jim Boeheim in a movie. Jim had no idea. I’d suggest the star of a TV series that JB was a big fan of:
Last edited:
JB answered your questions about Fab because he is a decent man with compassion and the common sense to understand how to comport himself in the moment. However, I still contend that asking those questions at this time in that forum was inappropriate.

Well it established that Fab should not be blamed for our probation and that the University does as much as it can to look for possible physical problems in tall athletes but that there's a limit to what you can determine and that's what I was looking for.

People were criticizing Fab now. We just recruited a 6-11 guy and a guy who was 6-6 when we started recruiting him and is 6-9 now. How long should I have waited and what forum should I have used?
Last edited:
Somewhat interesting: FH "played good, made a couple of shots and got the ball into the lane. He’s got a chance to be a really good player.”
So that sounds like Howard will be the starting PG next season. Yikes.
Well it established that Fab should not be blamed for our probation and that the University does as much as it can to look for possible physical problems in tall athletes but that there's a limit to what you can determine and that's what I was looking for.

People were criticizing Fab now. We just recruited a 6-11 guy and a guy who was 6-6 when we started recruiting him and is 6-9 now. How long should I have waited and what forum should I have used?
You established two things that I would hope would be the case. Addressing these topics so soon after Fab's passing was my issue. And I have a feeling those questions might not have been as well received if they had been posed by someone other than you.

However, in so far as JB's responses reach those who view this message board and listen to his radio show, it is a good thing.
Gomez , in listing the show’s phone number, said he’d have to get used to giving the area code before the number. Jim was way ahead of him. He’s always stored numbers with the area code. “I’d forge tit anyway.”

Gomez is proud of his nephew, a swimmer in the New York State championships, who won one race and came in third in another.

The NCAA Top 16 had no Big Ten teams. JB: “Wisconsin will probably play their way in. They lost some big non-conference games by a lot.” (Not to us.) “The rest of the Big Ten has not stepped up.” (Wisconsin may have to wait some more: Michigan beat them 58-64.)

“Duke has everybody back. They are playing the way people thought they would when they were ranked #1 pre-season. Jason Tatum made some long, tough shots against Virginia. Virginia was right on them. Virginia is not quite as good as they have been. Malcolm Brogdon is in the NBA. Anthony gill is playing in Europe. Mike Tobey is in the NBA.” Gomez said that Tobey is an “upstate kid”: he’s from Monroe Woodbury. JB: “You’d have to be from New York City to consider him an ‘upstate’ kid.” He added that Virginia is depending on their freshmen guards, who will be very good down the road. It sound like this was the year to beat them.

Gonzaga was the #1 overall seed in the "first 16". JB: "It doesn't matter." Gomez noted that the RPI seemed to matter more than people were saying it would. JB: "They say they don't use it much but they do. Sagarin, who is very good, had us at #37 while RPI has us at #55. It's a little arbitrary."

NC State fired Mark Gottfried. “He went to the NCAA tournament four times in five years, twice to the Sweet 16. It’s strange to fire a coach before the season is over. I don’t know why you’d do that. I’m sure Archie Miller of Dayton will be in the conversation.

Gomez said that this is, statistically the best shooting year ever. He called it “The Golden Age of Accuracy”. JB: “There’s more good shooting, more fouls being called. Scoring is up huge.”

It looks like the SU women’s team will shatter the attendance record. “Their guards are tremendous. They are pretty close to the best backcourt in the country. “

Gomez said that there’s a rumor that John Calipari will be coaching the USA under age 19 team. This was news to the head of the committee that will be making that decision: James Arthur Boeheim. “It’s not true. We all know better than that.” I guess he doesn’t want Coach Cal to get into the minds of all those top teenagers.

Kevin Love will be out for six weeks. “He was having a great year …..Russell Westbrook is a junkyard dog as a competitor. He plays as hard as he could play every night. He’d do it in a pick-up game. He’s not a fraternizer… Good friends can play hard. LeBron and Carmelo are friends and they go at it all the time.“ Draymond Green had the first ever triple-double that didn’t involve points, (rebounds, assists and steals). “He does the dirty work. Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston come off the bench. Iguodala is a star-level player. Livingston was the #1 kid coming out of high school according to some. He had some injuries. JaVale McGee has resurrected himself. I don’t see anybody beating Golden State. They have too many weapons. If they keep everybody together, they should be in the finals for the next five years and win them at least four times. LeBron is great and in good shape but he’s got a lot of mileage on him”

Green has 11 technical fouls before the All-Star break. Doesn’t he get suspended at some point? “You miss a game with your 16th technical.” DeMarcus Cousins now has 17. Steve Kerr praised Greene saying “He plays with an edge.” JB: “A lot of guys do that. Someone told they weren’t that good.” Brook Lopez had 8 blocks and 6 treys, the first player ever to get hat combination of stats.

They went back over the Carmelo Anthony dilemma: he has that no-trade clause and the teams he would agree to go to won’t give equal value in terms of a veteran player and don’t have the draft choices to give equal value there. Jim did think that the Celtics could get Jimmy Butler because they have a couple guys they might give up and they have some good draft choices. Carmelo will play in the All-Star game, replacing Kevin love. “He’s had a good year.”

“James Harden is the MVP right now. He’s come the farthest and his team is doing better than Russell Westbrook’s. Then comes Isaiah Thomas and LeBron..”

Gomez had this fun fact he’s read about but hadn’t known: before 1966, the NBA had “territorial picks” where teams had one pick before the draft of any player within 50 miles of their city. It wasn’t news to Jim Boeheim. “They wanted good local players. Chamberlain and Robertson were both territorial picks. 1966 was the year Dave Bing and Cazzie Russell came out. The Pistons wanted Russell but New York drafted ahead of them and took him so Detroit took Bing.” How would a backcourt of Dave Bing and Walt Frazier have looked? But then, there wouldn’t have bene Bing Steel and he wouldn’t have become a mayor of a major city. As Yogi said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Rick in North Syracuse wondered if the coach had seen the lacrosse opener and what he thinks of the team this year. “I missed the first game and will probably miss the second. I love lacrosse… One thing about lacrosse is that all transfers get to play right away….It’s now a little like college basketball. Denver, Notre Dame and the Big Ten are good now. The really good players have equaled out. “ Gomez asked if the trend of parents not letting their kids play football will mean more of them play lacrosse. (A gentler game…) “People will still play football. But Lacrosse could get more kids.”

Katie in Lysander note that Coach had met many famous people and asked what famous people he would still like to meet. He chose Tom Brady “Our family loves him”. He’s a cooking show fan and would love to meet “The Barefoot Contessa”.

No, not her:


“I was just getting ready to write her a letter.” Does Julie know about this?

Then, with some prodding, he listed some of the famous people he’s met, mostly because they are basketball fans or play golf. “I’m pretty good friends with Kevin Costner. I met him at the Final Four and we’ve played golf together. I’ve met Bill Murray he’s a great guy. I met Sandy Koufax. That was big. I met Floyd Mayweather last summer. I met Ali. That’s the big one. One time A guy came up to me and started talking to me. He was a short guy with a beard. He was telling me how his son played basketball. I finally realized I was talking to Denzel Washington. He’s a great actor.” Gomez expressed surprise that Denzel Washington was short. JB: “They’re all about 5-6.” According to the IMDB, Denzel is 6-1:
Denzel Washington - Biography - IMDb
Which brings up the question of whether that really was Denzel Washington that Jim was talking to.

Dennis in Syracuse said he wanted to “Bust your balls over Tom Brady. Do you deflate your basketballs before the game?” JB: “It wouldn’t help. I have no idea who inflates them. Brady did pretty well with the regular balls.” Gomez said that they are planning to make a movie of Tom Brady’s life. (spare me) Who should play Brady? Coach picked Ben Affleck. Belichick? “Pacino’s too old.” Roger Goodell? “A couple of guys. I can’t think of actor’s names.”

Drew in Syracuse wondered what coach does in his spare time. “In the summer I fish and play golf. During the season I mostly watch other basketball games but when I can’t get to sleep I watch TV shows I’ve taped: the NCIS shows, The Blacklist, Bluebloods, Quantico. I used to watch Grey’s Anatomy and The Good Wife. I read books on my tablet. I download them when they came out. I’ve read “Never Never” by James Patterson and “The Whistler” by John Grisham.” This led to a re-telling of the time that Gresham, whom the coach had never met, walked into a NYC restaurant and Jim greeted him with “High Rick” because he’s almost a double with Rick Barnes. Gresham is a basketball fan and they had a good laugh over it.

John Grisham:

Rick Barnes:

Gomez asked who would play Jim Boeheim in a movie. Jim had no idea. I’d suggest the star of a TV series that JB was a big fan of:

Anthony Edwards is a good choice but I have a better one...

Google Image Result for
Boeheim being Boeheim: "They're all about 5-6." I lol'd.
Well it established that Fab should not be blamed for our probation and that the University does as much as it can to look for possible physical problems in tall athletes but that there's a limit to what you can determine and that's what I was looking for.

People were criticizing Fab now. We just recruited a 6-11 guy and a guy who was 6-6 when we started recruiting him and is 6-9 now. How long should I have waited and what forum should I have used?

Who is the 6-11 guy we recruited? Nick Richards?
Oh, ok. Sidibe is 6'10". He and his coach told me so. It is so ridiculous how these heights are exaggerated.

That's still a foot taller than I am.

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