The Jim Boeheim Show - before Pitt II |

The Jim Boeheim Show - before Pitt II


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


1st Hour: “Coach, Pat, a regular caller to this show, invented a stat he calls “first chance points”. You take the total points a team scored and subtract second chance points, fast break points and points from the foul line. The result is intended to represent the points scored in a team’s initial offensive possessions. In our five game winning streak we’ve lost that stat four times, being outscored by 21 points, 195-216). We’ve been out-scored by 1 in second chance points, (69-70). We’ve outscored the opposition by 17 in fast break points, (54-37) and by 32 at the free throw line (93-61). The conclusion would seem to be that we need to beat teams down court and try and score before they get settled and if they do get settled, we need to be able to get to the line.”

2nd Hour: “Coach, for years teams have been attacking our zone by putting a big man who can shoot at the foul line and having him shoot from there, pass it down low or back out for three pointers. We have to big men who could be very productive in that role in Lydon and Thompson. But we rarely see them in the high post. Is that a strategy that works better against zones than man for man defenses? “

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


Matt opened the show alone and described our “impressive run in the last five games, which includes three straight comebacks from deficits of at least 12 points- maybe we should start each game 12 points down.” He played a tape of his description of the last shot vs. Clemson.

After a break the coach was there. “It’s great to win those games, especially considering who important they were. To come back against Virginia is really hard. The fans were great. The players made monster plays. The fans were so good to stay. They never faltered. We’ve had amazing support all year, even when we were struggling.” (He doesn’t read this board.) “”Everybody pays a lot of money for their tickets and they give us great support and we want to play well for them.”

Matt suggested the last play was similar to the play that won the national championship for Villanova. JB: “We wanted the ball to go to the trailers. We wanted to get a three to win. We put shooters in the corners. John couldn’t get to the basket. He got the ball to Tyler but he was covered. He had to drive. The center was in the corner and came back in.” (So Battle was one of 3 three point options on the play and he was the one that was open so he got the ball.)

I called in my question after congratulating Jim on his 900th win – or his 1,001st – or his 1,005th “in this era of ‘alternative facts’”. I told Coach that I was trying to figure out an alternative score for the St. John’s game and I’d let him know when I came up with one.

Coach felt my analysis was “interesting”, (and he didn’t say it dismissively), but “I don’t go into, (the numbers), in that depth. Matt said that it was “a lot of numbers with the obvious premise that it helps to beat the other team down court”. (This was, indeed, my main point.) Jim felt we got so many free throws because the other teams had to foul at the end. “Every game you lose- there’s a reason- if you lose and you got outrebounded, you know it. If you did one thing better, you might have done something else worse. We and Clemson played well on offense and the game came down to a shot to win the game.”

Liam in Pompey called in and said he “saw a lot of good things” and that “The NCAA was wrong” to deprive JB of those wins. Then he asked how the coach feels about how the team was playing. “Very well. The offensive attack has rally improved. It’s taken a long time to get everyone involved. Our defense has been good at times but it’s not good enough to get us where we want to go. “ Matt suggested that “a good defense was the difference between an 8-0 run and a 20-2 run and “You don’t have to come from behind”. Actually I’d say the defense was better in an 8-0 run than a 20-2, unless the defense was creating more offense, (which is often the case).

Pittsburgh ended their 8 game losing streak with a win vs. Boston College. “The games before don’t matter. Clemson had just lost by 48 points before they played us. Pitt had tough losses at Duke and North Carolina. They beat Maryland and Marquette.

Matt noted that Louisville “has personnel issues.” JB: “They are still #14 in the country so I’m not going to feel sorry for them. They are getting healthy and will have everybody back. “

Pat called in to say he “had no knowledge of” this ‘First Chance Points’. I must have mixed him up with somebody else.
It’s a good stat and maybe Pat should just take credit for it. Failing that- if anyone knows who did come up with this stat, (It wasn’t me), please let me know and I’ll properly credit them for it in my “Net Point Etc. Posts.

Pat wanted a breakdown of how we were playing Clemson and they us. It was a full x’s and o’s discussion over the radio, which is hard for the listener to comprehend, (and harder still to transcribe and then make sense of two hours later). Apparently Clemson had three guys at the top of the key because both guards will “come down and play the high post. The center can come up higher as the guard plays down.” Or something like that. He also discussed a “2 guard set with another guy flashing into the high post. We were a little late on a couple of plays. On the play before our winning shot “The guard didn’t cover the high post and Tyler had to come out but the guy was 6-8.” Pat might want to translate. I’m great with a box score but not so good with an audio blackboard.

“We haven’t bene as good as we’d like to in our zone. That’s our biggest problem- the defense has not bene there. Clemson was successful with the lob pass. They made a lot of shots: threes, bank shots, floaters, jump hooks. We missed some easy shots near the end but made a great at the end.”

Jim in Onondaga Hill is “very excited”. He didn’t think we had a chance for the NCAAs and now that we’ve climbed back into the picture the season has gotten a lot more fun. What has the coaching staff done to resurrect the team? “We try to coach them hard all the time, even when we are losing. The players picked us up and got us out of a hole.”

Did Tyler Lydon charge on that last play? “Not even close. The guy jumped into him and fell down. No ref in the country would call that.“ Did the Clemson coach call a time out he didn’t have? “He did. The ref must not have bene watching. There’s no discretion- you have to call a technical. We would have gotten two shots and the ball. But that’s no guarantee of winning.”

Vito in Syracuse had three questions:
1) Was John Gillt them. JB: “No more than any other player”.
2) Why isn’t Tyler Roberson going up to score with the ball when he gets it? JB: “He tries to go up over guys, even bigger guys. He can’t fake and go around them. His best play is to throw it back out for a three pointer. Those are the easiest to make.
3) Is there a certain number of minutes Jim wants to get out of Frank Howard each game? No – “Anybody I send into the game, it’s for a reason to help us. If he plays well, he’ll stay in.”

Who are the leaders on the team? “We have a lot of them. You always do when you are winning.” A good team needs a lot of guys who can step up and make plays. Everybody has stepped up and made good plays. You never want to be behind but you have to be able to respond to it.

Jackie in the Cavalier room wanted to know if Andrew White can play in the NBA. Jim said yes, “He has improved a lot.”

Gomez came on for the second hour and they went back over the last two games. “Two monster wins. The comeback vs. Virginia was really good because of the way they play defense. Hitting 73% in the second half was almost impossible. We played well on offense at Clemson. The press helped us. We got a couple of steals.” (Stop the presses! JB said the press worked!) “They missed a couple and we were back in the game. Taurean was very good around the basket and he kept us in it when we were struggling.. He and Tyler Lydon work well together.”

Was Jim confident that Battle would make the last shot? “Tyus is a confident kid and he’s worked hard on his shooting. He thinks he’s going to make it and I did, too.” Is it more exciting to win a game like that at home when the fans are cheering or on the road when you silence them?” JB: “It’s great to win like that anywhere.” Gomez referred to a picture of Clemson fans as the shot went up, seeming to say “Oh No!” I think he meant this one:


Gomez asked about using grad transfers again. JB: “it takes longer to get them to do what you want them to do. We play differently than a lot of people do.” (But where would we be without them?)

I called in my second question and asked if we don’t use the high post as much as other teams because it’s less effective against a man for man. Jim agreed. “The high post is where you got to attack zones. Clemson did a good job of that. We have someone in the high post against man for mans some of the time.. But we usually go outside to open things up.”

Pat also called back in the second hour, saying he and his father had been going to games for years but the win over Virginia was “a special moment- a great thing for the community. “ JB: “it was a great moment. It ranks with some of the Georgetown games and others. “

Pat asked what has happened to Pittsburgh this year- they used to be known for their physical defense. “Is Jamel Artis expending all his energy on offense?” Coach said that the difference was the new coach, who emphasizes offense. “Their offense is very good. But they are not playing defense like in the past.”

Jim was looking at Duke play North Carolina on the telly. Gomez asked how he prepares for a game in terms watching TV and film. “We look at how they attack a zone and what we think we do against them. “ Coach watched SU games at home afterwards. “I pick things out to show the players.”

We had a great first half vs. Pitt in the Dome. What can we do against them on the road? “Have a great first half and play better in th4e second half.”
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


1st Hour: “Coach, Pat, a regular caller to this show, invented a stat he calls “first chance points”. You take the total points a team scored and subtract second chance points, fast break points and points from the foul line. The result is intended to represent the points scored in a team’s initial offensive possessions. In our five game winning streak we’ve lost that stat four times, being outscored by 21 points, 195-216). We’ve been out-scored by 1 in second chance points, (69-70). We’ve outscored the opposition by 17 in fast break points, (54-37) and by 32 at the free throw line (93-61). The conclusion would seem to be that we need to beat teams down court and try and score before they get settled and if they do get settled, we need to be able to get to the line.”

2nd Hour: “Coach, for years teams have been attacking our zone by putting a big man who can shoot at the foul line and having him shoot from there, pass it down low or back out for three pointers. We have to big men who could be very productive in that role in Lydon and Thompson. But we rarely see them in the high post. Is that a strategy that works better against zones than man for man defenses? “

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


Matt opened the show alone and described our “impressive run in the last five games, which includes three straight comebacks from deficits of at least 12 points- maybe we should start each game 12 points down.” He played a tape of his description of the last shot vs. Clemson.

After a break the coach was there. “It’s great to win those games, especially considering who important they were. To come back against Virginia is really hard. The fans were great. The players made monster plays. The fans were so good to stay. They never faltered. We’ve had amazing support all year, even when we were struggling.” (He doesn’t read this board.) “”Everybody pays a lot of money for their tickets and they give us great support and we want to play well for them.”

Matt suggested the last play was similar to the play that won the national championship for Villanova. JB: “We wanted the ball to go to the trailers. We wanted to get a three to win. We put shooters in the corners. John couldn’t get to the basket. He got the ball to Tyler but he was covered. He had to drive. The center was in the corner and came back in.” (So Battle was one of 3 three point options on the play and he was the one that was open so he got the ball.)

I called in my question after congratulating Jim on his 900th win – or his 1,001st – or his 1,005th “in this era of ‘alternative facts’”. I told Coach that I was trying to figure out an alternative score for the St. John’s game and I’d let him know when I came up with one.

Coach felt my analysis was “interesting”, (and he didn’t say it dismissively), but “I don’t go into, (the numbers), in that depth. Matt said that it was “a lot of numbers with the obvious premise that it helps to beat the other team down court”. (This was, indeed, my main point.) Jim felt we got so many free throws because the other teams had to foul at the end. “Every game you lose- there’s a reason- if you lose and you got outrebounded, you know it. If you did one thing better, you might have done something else worse. We and Clemson played well on offense and the game came down to a shot to win the game.”

Liam in Pompey called in and said he “saw a lot of good things” and that “The NCAA was wrong” to deprive JB of those wins. Then he asked how the coach feels about how the team was playing. “Very well. The offensive attack has rally improved. It’s taken a long time to get everyone involved. Our defense has been good at times but it’s not good enough to get us where we want to go. “ Matt suggested that “a good defense was the difference between an 8-0 run and a 20-2 run and “You don’t have to come from behind”. Actually I’d say the defense was better in an 8-0 run than a 20-2, unless the defense was creating more offense, (which is often the case).

Pittsburgh ended their 8 game losing streak with a win vs. Boston College. “The games before don’t matter. Clemson had just lost by 48 points before they played us. Pitt had tough losses at Duke and North Carolina. They beat Maryland and Marquette.

Matt noted that Louisville “has personnel issues.” JB: “They are still #14 in the country so I’m not going to feel sorry for them. They are getting healthy and will have everybody back. “

Pat called in to say he “had no knowledge of” this ‘First Chance Points’. I must have mixed him up with somebody else.
It’s a good stat and maybe Pat should just take credit for it. Failing that- if anyone knows who did come up with this stat, (It wasn’t me), please let me know and I’ll properly credit them for it in my “Net Point Etc. Posts.

Pat wanted a breakdown of how we were playing Clemson and they us. It was a full x’s and o’s discussion over the radio, which is hard for the listener to comprehend, (and harder still to transcribe and then make sense of two hours later). Apparently Clemson had three guys at the top of the key because both guards will “come down and play the high post. The center can come up higher as the guard plays down.” Or something like that. He also discussed a “2 guard set with another guy flashing into the high post. We were a little late on a couple of plays. On the play before our winning shot “The guard didn’t cover the high post and Tyler had to come out but the guy was 6-8.” Pat might want to translate. I’m great with a box score but not so good with an audio blackboard.

“We haven’t bene as good as we’d like to in our zone. That’s our biggest problem- the defense has not bene there. Clemson was successful with the lob pass. They made a lot of shots: threes, bank shots, floaters, jump hooks. We missed some easy shots near the end but made a great at the end.”

Jim in Onondaga Hill is “very excited”. He didn’t think we had a chance for the NCAAs and now that we’ve climbed back into the picture the season has gotten a lot more fun. What has the coaching staff done to resurrect the team? “We try to coach them hard all the time, even when we are losing. The players picked us up and got us out of a hole.”

Did Tyler Lydon charge on that last play? “Not even close. The guy jumped into him and fell down. No ref in the country would call that.“ Did the Clemson coach call a time out he didn’t have? “He did. The ref must not have bene watching. There’s no discretion- you have to call a technical. We would have gotten two shots and the ball. But that’s no guarantee of winning.”

Vito in Syracuse had three questions:
1) Was John Gillt them. JB: “No more than any other player”.
2) Why isn’t Tyler Roberson going up to score with the ball when he gets it? JB: “He tries to go up over guys, even bigger guys. He can’t fake and go around them. His best play is to throw it back out for a three pointer. Those are the easiest to make.
3) Is there a certain number of minutes Jim wants to get out of Frank Howard each game? No – “Anybody I send into the game, it’s for a reason to help us. If he plays well, he’ll stay in.”

Who are the leaders on the team? “We have a lot of them. You always do when you are winning.” A good team needs a lot of guys who can step up and make plays. Everybody has stepped up and made good plays. You never want to be behind but you have to be able to respond to it.

Jackie in the Cavalier room wanted to know if Andrew White can play in the NBA. Jim said yes, “He has improved a lot.”

Gomez came on for the second hour and they went back over the last two games. “Two monster wins. The comeback vs. Virginia was really good because of the way they play defense. Hitting 73% in the second half was almost impossible. We played well on offense at Clemson. The press helped us. We got a couple of steals.” (Stop the presses! JB said the press worked!) “They missed a couple and we were back in the game. Taurean was very good around the basket and he kept us in it when we were struggling.. He and Tyler Lydon work well together.”

Was Jim confident that Battle would make the last shot? “Tyus is a confident kid and he’s worked hard on his shooting. He thinks he’s going to make it and I did, too.” Is it more exciting to win a game like that at home when the fans are cheering or on the road when you silence them?” JB: “It’s great to win like that anywhere.” Gomez referred to a picture of Clemson fans as the shot went up, seeming to say “Oh No!” I think he meant this one:


Gomez asked about using grad transfers again. JB: “it takes longer to get them to do what you want them to do. We play differently than a lot of people do.” (But where would we be without them?)

I called in my second question and asked if we don’t use the high post as much as other teams because it’s less effective against a man for man. Jim agreed. “The high post is where you got to attack zones. Clemson did a good job of that. We have someone in the high post against man for mans some of the time.. But we usually go outside to open things up.”

Pat also called back in the second hour, saying he and his father had been going to games for years but the win over Virginia was “a special moment- a great thing for the community. “ JB: “it was a great moment. It ranks with some of the Georgetown games and others. “

Pat asked what has happened to Pittsburgh this year- they used to be known for their physical defense. “Is Jamel Artis expending all his energy on offense?” Coach said that the difference was the new coach, who emphasizes offense. “Their offense is very good. But they are not playing defense like in the past.”

Jim was looking at Duke play North Carolina on the telly. Gomez asked how he prepares for a game in terms watching TV and film. “We look at how they attack a zone and what we think we do against them. “ Coach watched SU games at home afterwards. “I pick things out to show the players.”

We had a great first half vs. Pitt in the Dome. What can we do against them on the road? “Have a great first half and play better in th4e second half.”
Thank you. Love these reports.
I was calling for the press before JB put it on and argued with one person that it was working (it clearly was because it was speeding up Clemson). Glad to see JB agrees.

They talked about the t4echnical foul that was called in the Virginia Commonwealth- St. Bonaventure game:

VCU beats St. Bonaventure in overtime thanks to bizarre end of regulation

JB felt that the refs should simply have cleared the court and handed VCU the ball to inbound it.

In their next game, George Washington hit an identical theme with the same amount of time left and they made an announcement pleading with the fans to stay off the court. They did but then VCU ran a play to draw a charge on the inbounds pass, (similar to what dean Smith tried against us in ’75). They got the call and hit a couple of free throws to win that one, too:
VCU vs. George Washington - Game Recap - February 8, 2017 - ESPN

Jim felt the refs should have ignored it. “The refs usually don’t call that. It’s an irrelevant play 90 feet from the basket. It shouldn’t be called”.

About Charles Oakley: “It’s terrible optics. He was a great player for the Knicks. He and Dolan don’t get along. That’s not unusual. I don’t know who I felt worse for – Oakley or the team. It was embarrassing Not something you like to see….it’s close to time to make some changes. The Knicks are something like 70-140 under Jackson and were a .500 team before that. He’s making 4 times the salary of any other general manager. ”

Duke and North Carolina was the game on TV. Gomez brought up an amazing stats: in their last 96 games, (which, considering twice a year meetings plus ACC tourney confrontations and I think they once played in the NCAAs, probably goes back to the beginning of Coach K’s tenure) , the Blue Devils and Tar Heels are 48-48 and have scored exactly the same number of points. (No longer: Duke won this one, 86-78). JB: They are right down the street from each other and both are always good. Duke will get better now that everybody’s back. North Carolina has a good inside-outside game, with multiple good big guys in the low post.” It wasn’t enough last night.

Gomez asked what Jim can tell just watching the game on TV, in preparing for future games. “I’ve watched 7-8 of their games and we’ll be breaking down all of their games when we play them. Knowing what they are going to do is one thing and preventing it is another.”

Gomez had a trivia question: How many members of the Ohio Valley Conference are actually in the state of Ohio?

They talked about how many teams the ACC might get in this year. “The ACC has bene exceptionally strong now for a couple of years. Other leagues are not as strong. When the Big east got 11 teams we had three teams below that who didn’t win a game. Every game in this year’s ACC is tough.”

The mid-majors are not as strong as usual, according to what Gomez has read. Jim disagreed, saying that Monmouth Illinois State have “Really good teams”. He said we “can’t consider Gonzaga a mid-major any more but St. Mary’s is really good.” (What’s the definition of a mid-major? Maybe the Zags are just a very good mid major?) Can the Zags run the table? Jim thinks they are more talented than previous Gonzaga teams and has a “legitimate chance at Final Four”. (Considering what we did last year, who doesn’t?) But St. Mary’s could beat them.

Katie wanted to know Jim’s “favorite Karaoke standby. He has none. “I can’t carry a tune with ten suitcases. Nowhere…no time.“ What about in the car. “I listen to sports radio.” (In the past he’s said that he never listens to sports radio but he “gets reports” on what was said.) He likes the oldies. “I’m pretty old and pretty weak.” Bruce Springstein’s “Dancing in the Dark” is his all-time favorite.
Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In the Dark
Courtney Cox never looked lovelier.

Do any other coaches do Karaoke? Jima t first answered with a resounding “No!” but then acknowledged that Tubby Smith has a pretty good singing voice. (He must have had occasion to find that out.)

Bob Costas is cutting back his schedule and Mike Tirico will become the host for Sunday Night football and the Winter Olympics. “I’m surprised. He’s not that old.” Meanwhile Sean McDonough is doing Monday Night football . SU grads seem to be dominating the industry. Jim added that Dick Stockton and Marv Albert are still out there, too. (And many others.)

Todd in Oswego wondered if we could finish in the top 3 of the ACC for the regular season. JB: “I never predict. Worrying about where your are doesn’t help to win games. We need to worry about playing well.“ Gomez asked Jim’s opinion of the NCAA releasing their own form of bracketology prior to the tournament. “No hype is needed. Everybody wants to get into the tournament. Football needs it, not basketball.” Gomez then attempted to quote Joe Lunardi but never got a sentence out. JB: “I don’t pay attention to Lunardi. He’s got it wrong two years in a row.”

UCLA-Oregon was the second big game of the night, (UCLA did a Syracuse-like comeback from 15 points down in the second half to win 82-79). “It should be a great game. Oregon was in the Sweet 16 last year but UCLA almost beat them up there. They should probably be favored on their home court.”

The younger brother of UCLA’s Lonzo Ball, LaMelo Ball, scored 92 points in a high school game. JB was not impressed. “He stood at half court and his teammates got the ball for him. That team beats everybody in a bad league by 40-50 points.” (Coach even knows how good a high school league in California is.)

The Bucks have shut down Jabari Parker. “He tore his ACL. He wouldn’t be able to play until the middle of next season anyway.”

What did Jim think of the Super Bowl? “I’m a Patriots fan. It was hard to watch for a while. Atlanta would probably like to go back and run the ball.” Was it a comeback or a collapse? “I think it was more comeback than collapse. Brady was spectacular. That was fun to watch. It’s a great team with a great coach and great players.”

Major league baseball is thinking of starting extra innings with a guy on second base to speed things up. They are going to experiment with it in the minors. JB: “They need to try to figure out how to speed up the games in regulation.“

Can you believe that Mookie Wilson just turned 61? “That’s not old!”

A fan is going to try a three point shot for big money at half time. Any advice? “Practice.”

Against Pitt: “We need to have another great first half and play better in the second half.”
I was calling for the press before JB put it on and argued with one person that it was working (it clearly was because it was speeding up Clemson). Glad to see JB agrees.

In the practice thread you mentioned JB was not a big film guy, so I thought this quote was interesting and timely:

"Gomez asked how he prepares for a game in terms watching TV and film. “We look at how they attack a zone and what we think we do against them. “ Coach watched SU games at home afterwards. “I pick things out to show the players.”

I would think that for teaching his brand of zone, film study would be indispensable. You could show the wing how much farther away he is than he should be, and how much sooner he needs to react to the corner 3 on a ball reversal for instance, by giving visual only provided by film study. Hakeem's block in the NC game Good, Andrew White's early season rotations Bad! So I'm not surprised to hear he does use it, but how much so is up for debate. In this day and age you would think the Athletic department could put together a series of clips to show each player on a tablet in a matter of minutes.
In the practice thread you mentioned JB was not a big film guy, so I thought this quote was interesting and timely:

"Gomez asked how he prepares for a game in terms watching TV and film. “We look at how they attack a zone and what we think we do against them. “ Coach watched SU games at home afterwards. “I pick things out to show the players.”

I would think that for teaching his brand of zone, film study would be indispensable. You could show the wing how much farther away he is than he should be, and how much sooner he needs to react to the corner 3 on a ball reversal for instance, by giving visual only provided by film study. Hakeem's block in the NC game Good, Andrew White's early season rotations Bad! So I'm not surprised to hear he does use it, but how much so is up for debate. In this day and age you would think the Athletic department could put together a series of clips to show each player on a tablet in a matter of minutes.

That is contrary to what we've heard in the past. JB himself has said he catches games on tv but doesn't pour over opponents film (for NCAA tourney prep, fox example). JB watches our games on dvr (that Julie or his kids no doubt record for him), which is pretty funny in a way.
That is contrary to what we've heard in the past. JB himself has said he catches games on tv but doesn't pour over opponents film (for NCAA tourney prep, fox example). JB watches our games on dvr (that Julie or his kids no doubt record for him), which is pretty funny in a way.

I'm sure he is old school, but somebody has to be dragging him into the 21st century on some of this stuff. Hopefully the coaching staff is sharing the religion of the digital age with him.

They talked about the t4echnical foul that was called in the Virginia Commonwealth- St. Bonaventure game:

VCU beats St. Bonaventure in overtime thanks to bizarre end of regulation

JB felt that the refs should simply have cleared the court and handed VCU the ball to inbound it.

In their next game, George Washington hit an identical theme with the same amount of time left and they made an announcement pleading with the fans to stay off the court. They did but then VCU ran a play to draw a charge on the inbounds pass, (similar to what dean Smith tried against us in ’75). They got the call and hit a couple of free throws to win that one, too:
VCU vs. George Washington - Game Recap - February 8, 2017 - ESPN

Jim felt the refs should have ignored it. “The refs usually don’t call that. It’s an irrelevant play 90 feet from the basket. It shouldn’t be called”.

About Charles Oakley: “It’s terrible optics. He was a great player for the Knicks. He and Dolan don’t get along. That’s not unusual. I don’t know who I felt worse for – Oakley or the team. It was embarrassing Not something you like to see….it’s close to time to make some changes. The Knicks are something like 70-140 under Jackson and were a .500 team before that. He’s making 4 times the salary of any other general manager. ”

Duke and North Carolina was the game on TV. Gomez brought up an amazing stats: in their last 96 games, (which, considering twice a year meetings plus ACC tourney confrontations and I think they once played in the NCAAs, probably goes back to the beginning of Coach K’s tenure) , the Blue Devils and Tar Heels are 48-48 and have scored exactly the same number of points. (No longer: Duke won this one, 86-78). JB: They are right down the street from each other and both are always good. Duke will get better now that everybody’s back. North Carolina has a good inside-outside game, with multiple good big guys in the low post.” It wasn’t enough last night.

Gomez asked what Jim can tell just watching the game on TV, in preparing for future games. “I’ve watched 7-8 of their games and we’ll be breaking down all of their games when we play them. Knowing what they are going to do is one thing and preventing it is another.”

Gomez had a trivia question: How many members of the Ohio Valley Conference are actually in the state of Ohio?

They talked about how many teams the ACC might get in this year. “The ACC has bene exceptionally strong now for a couple of years. Other leagues are not as strong. When the Big east got 11 teams we had three teams below that who didn’t win a game. Every game in this year’s ACC is tough.”

The mid-majors are not as strong as usual, according to what Gomez has read. Jim disagreed, saying that Monmouth Illinois State have “Really good teams”. He said we “can’t consider Gonzaga a mid-major any more but St. Mary’s is really good.” (What’s the definition of a mid-major? Maybe the Zags are just a very good mid major?) Can the Zags run the table? Jim thinks they are more talented than previous Gonzaga teams and has a “legitimate chance at Final Four”. (Considering what we did last year, who doesn’t?) But St. Mary’s could beat them.

Katie wanted to know Jim’s “favorite Karaoke standby. He has none. “I can’t carry a tune with ten suitcases. Nowhere…no time.“ What about in the car. “I listen to sports radio.” (In the past he’s said that he never listens to sports radio but he “gets reports” on what was said.) He likes the oldies. “I’m pretty old and pretty weak.” Bruce Springstein’s “Dancing in the Dark” is his all-time favorite.
Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In the Dark
Courtney Cox never looked lovelier.

Do any other coaches do Karaoke? Jima t first answered with a resounding “No!” but then acknowledged that Tubby Smith has a pretty good singing voice. (He must have had occasion to find that out.)

Bob Costas is cutting back his schedule and Mike Tirico will become the host for Sunday Night football and the Winter Olympics. “I’m surprised. He’s not that old.” Meanwhile Sean McDonough is doing Monday Night football . SU grads seem to be dominating the industry. Jim added that Dick Stockton and Marv Albert are still out there, too. (And many others.)

Todd in Oswego wondered if we could finish in the top 3 of the ACC for the regular season. JB: “I never predict. Worrying about where your are doesn’t help to win games. We need to worry about playing well.“ Gomez asked Jim’s opinion of the NCAA releasing their own form of bracketology prior to the tournament. “No hype is needed. Everybody wants to get into the tournament. Football needs it, not basketball.” Gomez then attempted to quote Joe Lunardi but never got a sentence out. JB: “I don’t pay attention to Lunardi. He’s got it wrong two years in a row.”

UCLA-Oregon was the second big game of the night, (UCLA did a Syracuse-like comeback from 15 points down in the second half to win 82-79). “It should be a great game. Oregon was in the Sweet 16 last year but UCLA almost beat them up there. They should probably be favored on their home court.”

The younger brother of UCLA’s Lonzo Ball, LaMelo Ball, scored 92 points in a high school game. JB was not impressed. “He stood at half court and his teammates got the ball for him. That team beats everybody in a bad league by 40-50 points.” (Coach even knows how good a high school league in California is.)

The Bucks have shut down Jabari Parker. “He tore his ACL. He wouldn’t be able to play until the middle of next season anyway.”

What did Jim think of the Super Bowl? “I’m a Patriots fan. It was hard to watch for a while. Atlanta would probably like to go back and run the ball.” Was it a comeback or a collapse? “I think it was more comeback than collapse. Brady was spectacular. That was fun to watch. It’s a great team with a great coach and great players.”

Major league baseball is thinking of starting extra innings with a guy on second base to speed things up. They are going to experiment with it in the minors. JB: “They need to try to figure out how to speed up the games in regulation.“

Can you believe that Mookie Wilson just turned 61? “That’s not old!”

A fan is going to try a three point shot for big money at half time. Any advice? “Practice.”

Against Pitt: “We need to have another great first half and play better in the second half.”
During last night's game, when the stats showing how dead-even the Duke-UNC rivalry had been over the previous 96 games, Jay Bilas commented that somehow the two had never played in the NCAA tournament--and how unusual that is, considering they both are in the tourney practically every year. SU has faced each of them at least 3 times in the big tournament.

They talked about how many teams the ACC might get in this year. “The ACC has bene exceptionally strong now for a couple of years. Other leagues are not as strong. When the Big east got 11 teams we had three teams below that who didn’t win a game. Every game in this year’s ACC is tough.”


Jim, they all play each other at least once. Someone's got to win the game in those head-to-heads.

Boeheim says things, part 897.
Jim, they all play each other at least once. Someone's got to win the game in those head-to-heads.

Boeheim says things, part 897.
He left out (against the top teams). This season, BC beat SU, Pitt beat UVa.

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