The Jim Boeheim Show - before Virginia |

The Jim Boeheim Show - before Virginia


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


1st Hour: “Coach, you’ve described the difficulty of re-training graduate transfers to play in your system. Our grad transfers scored 71 of our 100 points against NC State. What role, moving forward, will grad transfers play in this program? Will we be active in that market or will we focus on freshmen who can be more easily trained and could be here for four years? “

2nd Hour: “Coach, one trend we’ve had all season is that if the other team has an outstanding jump shooter, he’ll have one of his best games against us. I would think they would be our #1 defensive priority and we’re usually pretty good at shutting down one guy. Where are the breakdowns coming from?”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)


Matt asked how the team was feeling the day after a great win. JB: “We’ve moved on and are getting ready for Virginia….It was a game for the ages. Unprecedented. Spectacular. We needed every bit. It was almost not enough. They gave John threes and he was happy to take them…We made a lot of good plays on offense but were woeful on defense. We’d have a good possession and then an awful one. NC State is a good offensive team but we aren’t stopping anyone… There’s no reason we should be worse than last year. Tyler Lydon and Tyler Roberson were here last year. Andrew White is as good on defense as Malachi Richardson. The guard play has bene the problem…I heard that Ken Pom has had us no worse than 20th in the country in defensive efficiency over the last 8 years. Now we are 106th. (He paused). Incredible. I can’t get my arms around it. (Why would you want to get your arms around it?) We’ve spent more time on defense than normal. Extra preparation. Extra drill…We’ve had some really good defensive games at home. South Carolina and Connecticut weren’t too bad defensively. The others have bene woeful. We were good against the not so good teams and that saves us from being ranked #200. I’d be happy with the Top 20. If we are worse than 40th-50th, that’s not too good.“

I decided to switch the order of my questions since Coach obviously had defense on his mind. I asked him what he was seeing on film when we left guys open. “Every game is different. Sometimes we didn’t get back and they got an open shot. On one play both guards were back and they stood and watched as a guy scored. Sometimes a guy dribbled into the middle of the defense and gets a shot. We’re not challenging shooters. Against Florida State they were either 1 for 8 from three in the first half and then we stopped challenging them. They went 8 for 17 in the second half. Boston College had 100 threes against us in Boston, (actually 16 – it just seemed like 100). That freshman, (Ky Bowman), had 8 threes, (actually 7 in 8 attempts), and in the Dome we were up and challenging them and they got zero, (actually 8 of which Bowman had only 1 in 6 attempts). We haven’t got it done on a consistent basis. The offense is better. Pont guard is a whole lot better. The defense is not good enough. It was good in overtime. They should have gotten only two points. They got a four point play when we should have gotten the rebound. …We gave up too many high percentage three point shots and let the ball get inside, too. We can’t focus on just one spot. It’s both inside and out….The constant bashing of Trevor Cooney and, for a long time Michael Gbinije…People don’t understand that defense is ½ of the game. They were 1-2 in the league in steals. They knew the defense. Trevor was here for 5 years and Michael for four. They had experience in the front of the zone. That was over-looked….We are the same in back but nowhere as good out front, if you want to know the X’s and O’s of the thing.”

Liam in Pompey wanted to know where Gillon’s performance ranked in SU history. Jim remembered that Dave Bing scored 46 points vs. Vanderbilt and 45 vs. Cornell. “To make the last shot and on an incredibly tough shot…NC State is a good offensive team but they get beat badly when the shots don’t fall.” Gillon’s 43 points were the most by a Syracuse player since Gerry McNamara had that number against BYU in the 2004 NCA’s. Jim remembered “That was a close game – they had a shot at the end to win it and missed.” Matt said Gillon scored 20 Syracuse and 12 game points in a row at one point. He’d scored our last 13 points vs. Florida State. He also recalled that Alexis Peterson had had her 45 point game against the Wolfpack so they must be sick of our point guards.

Jim in Central Square thanked the coach for remembering Trevor Cooney. His question was about players who score on one end but give up points on the other. JB: “If you don’t have depth, your options are limited. Andrew White isn’t necessarily guarding Rowan so you can compare his output to Rowan’s. Everybody gives up something. Tyler Lydon is out best player because he scores and he stops people. Last year Mike and Trevor covered people, got steals and tipped balls. This year the two guards are first year players….Baye Moussa Keita didn’t score much but he dominated the middle on ‘D’. if we had a guy like him we’d have a great record. (I thought Tyler Lydon was one of our best defensive centers- doesn’t that make him “a guy like that”?), Paschal was going to be that guy. He had 2 blocks a game playing 10 minutes. if he could play 20 minutes he’d have 4 blocks. With a few rebounds and a couple of lay-ups, we’d be happy with him.“

Matt suggested that the press “in small doses” was effective. JB laughed and said the success of the press was ”almost a matter of luck”. Smith fell down. I think we got two turnovers. I don’t remember how they came about.“ Matt suggested that there was a foul deficit in State’s favor and the refs were doing some make-up calls and that helped the comeback. JB: “Because we play zone, we should commit fewer fouls. WE were driving. Getting to the line is a big part of the game. If we’d bene just good shooting free throws we’d have lost 3 in a row rather than winning three in a row.

Pat called in to ask about our slow starts. We always seem to give up 15 points in the first five minutes. Then we put Tyler Lydon in the middle. JB: “Tyler Lydon is out best middle defender but we’ve gotten off to good starts with Taurean in there. When Tyler Roberson plays well, he’s our best defensive forward. “

Pat was also concerned that Gillon didn’t have the size to match up against Virginia’s London Perrantes, (who is listed at 6-2). JB: “We haven’t matched up well against them before. Now they have more shooters and better ball handlers. Louisville is beating everyone at home by 30 and Virginia beat them there and had a 20 point lead. They beat Notre Dame by 15. They’ve been the best team in the league for four years and they are the best this year, too.

Jim on Onondaga Hill said that “This was the first year you said how great our team was going to be.“ JB: “That was in the summer and I was talking about the parts we had available. I didn’t say we would have a tremendous team. I said we’ve got as much talent as we’ve had. Talent doesn’t always work out. Paschal got hurt and our defense really struggled. “

Jim also wanted to know “why the shortest person on the team doesn’t play defense with his hands up.“ JB: “It’s not just him. I haven’t gotten it across to them. It’s hard to move with your hands up. The zone is more effective when players have their hands up but when you move from side to side you usually have your hands down for balance. A player’s hands are usually down for most of the game.“

Matt read an E-mailed question from Roger in Boston asked about what the coaches were doing during the replay review of the out of bounds play at the end of regulation. He noticed that Mark Gottfried used that time to plot out his inbounds play- did JB do anything in that time? Yes he set up his defense, but “I hate that…I hate it. Players should go to midcourt. It’s an awful abuse of a rule and nobody seems to care. Tyler Roberson left his positon but it turned out to be a good thing. I think he bothered the shot a bit. I didn’t want a lob to the rim. It’s unfortunate we ticked the ball. We would have had it under our own basket.” Could Roberson have guarded the inbounds pass? “Roberson followed the ball under the basket . I wanted no lay-up. If they throw it into the corner, that’s a tough shot.

Matt brought up the Grant Hill to Christian Laettner play and noted that we duplicated it with Mike Hopkins to Conrad MacRae on the same floor the next season. “The had a good shooter and we had a bad one but he made it.”

Vito in Syracuse congratulated the coach on “a nice run”. He said he likes watching the coach’s reaction to a big shot like Gillon’s – the ’English’ he puts on it. JB: “I wasn’t’ sure he’d get the shot off but when it got halfway there I thought it had a chance to go and it did. The odds aren’t good on that kind of shot.“ How are they going to guard London Perrantes? Vito noted “he has a quick release- like Curry’s” Can Gillon guard him? JB: “It doesn’t matter whose side he’s on. Some of the shots against us have come from the forward positon, some form the guards on either side. . Some have been against John and some against Frank. Perrantes is a funny player. He’ll get 26 one night and 4 the next. They have more shooters, a couple of freshmen and a couple of upperclassmen.” He’s averaging 2 treys out of 5 per game. “2 for 5 would be bad against us.”

Gomez took over for the second hour. He wondered what happened after halftime. JB: “In the second half missed 2-3 threes and got no offensive rebounds and no stops. That’s what’s happened all year. If you can’t get stops sooner or later you’re going to stop making jump shots. John made four straight threes . But that’s not the recipe. I’m happy we won but I’m so disappointed in the way we won, although we were good in overtime. Rowan had a good night but went 8 for 18. 9 for 10 is unheard of. …Rowan’s shot was hard but not as hard as John’s. He’s a stationary shooter. They don’t normally make it on the move…it was a miracle three with a great overtime. Our defense isn’t good enough. That’s the story of the year. St. John’s and Boston College were the two worst. We’ve always bene good at limiting the top guy. We’re not recognizing him. We’ve had 2 freshmen and 2 new guys. That’s what upsets me the most. “

Jim in Utica wondered about DaJuan Coleman- how is he handling not playing? JB: “I watch him in practice and he’s not able to move as well as he did last year. He might be OK on offense but he can’t cover ground or get off the ground on defense. It’s painful not to be able to use him. He was struggling to get off the bus last night. That’s the one thing I don’t like about coaching. People talk about recruiting or whatever. I don’t like when I have a great kid who has worked hard and can’t play him. He supports his teammates and they are bitterly disappointed for him.” Jim, 9the caller), said “Syracuse loves him.” Jim (the coach) said “And they should.”

Brad in Lysander asked about home court advantage. JB: “Crowd noise matters. The players move more quickly and get inspired. I try to use it as a motivation on the road I tell them to make good plays and quiet the crowd. They will settle down. It’s a talent. Some teams play better on the road than at home. We had one team that was 4-5 at home and 5-4 on the road. We led the Big East in road wins by a mile. We won 61% and no one else was at 50%.“ Brad suggested “strong leadership from the bench helps”. Coach laughed and said “Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. Playing good defense helps, too.”

Gomez admired how Gillon “took charge” down the stretch of the game. JB: “They left him open. I don’t know what they were thinking. It takes him a long time to get his shot off and they gave him time. He was in perfect rhythm.” Jim was asked if he could remember a better performance at the foul line. He recalled that Johnny Flynn was 16 for 16 in the 6OT game – and we needed every one of them.

I called in my second question, (actually my first) about the future use of grad transfers. He said it was a good question. “There’s a place for grad transfers. We were going to take one and then Andrew became available and you have to take him. He was a highly productive player playing in a major conference. We are still recruiting for next year. We will get 1-2 more guys. There were about 100 grad transfers available last year and there will be again this year. We’re all right on the front line but could need somebody in the back court. It’s hard to know for sure. (It’s interesting that he doesn’t seem to be worried about the front line: is Tyler Lydon staying?)

Gomez wondered what the recruiting guidelines were for grad transfers. “Once he declares and gets a signed release, you can talk to him. You hear about these players through the grapevine. You make contact with people who know him, like his high school coach. Ideally you’d be set and wouldn’t need a grad transfer. If Malachi Richardson had come back we wouldn’t have recruited Andrew White. We’d have just taken Gillon. Once Mal left, we were looking for someone else.”

Jim was asked for his “time out philosophy”. “Under ten seconds, it’s better to go. if we’d taken a time out, they might have reminded their players to foul. We were hoping to be tied or only 2 down. But we needed the three. “

Pat called again. “We’re shooting threes 3% better than last year. but shooting less of them.” He wants Gillon to “push the ball more” bringing it downcourt. So does JB. “Sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes you can’t and you’ve got to run your offense.” We made a little more of a point of shooting threes last year because we had four guys who could do it. It turns out we’ve got four guys who can do it this year, too.”

Drew in Syracuse congratulated the coach on “a great win and said the team is understanding how to play together. What do we do to focus on Virginia.” JB: Virginia “will not go under screens like NC State did. They will push up. We’ll have to go to the basket and then throw it back out. They are the best defensive team in the league and much better on offense.”
It’s interesting that he doesn’t seem to be worried about the front line: is Tyler Lydon staying?)
I doubt it, but they'll have Moyer, Chukwu, Brissett, Bourama, and Thompson. That's five guys for two positions. They need a PG and a wing/SG.
What a great write up as always, SWC! Now that "the world" knows about Gillon, don't you think he'll be guarded very closely? Like, so closely he may never make another basket again??! Photobucket burning couch

-Calm Beadle, Seldom Given to Hyperbole
I doubt it, but they'll have Moyer, Chukwu, Brissett, Bourama, and Thompson. That's five guys for two positions. They need a PG and a wing/SG.

Battle could always play the 3. He's just as capable as Malachi was there. Who knows who we get from the 5th year pool. Could be a 1/2.
Thanks for the synopsis. The description of DCII's mobility and the difficulties he is having is really sad. Seems like a great kid, wish he could have made a full recovery for basketball. I really hope that he will be able to make a full recovery in order to lead a relatively pain free life post basketball.
JB's comment -- "Pascal was going to be that guy." The defensive presence, akin to BMK. I wonder what he was seeing in practices, or projecting with additional improvement. Aside from what PC might offer on the defensive end (questionable, aside from a couple of blocks), the offense would be operating 4 on 5, or worse (with Roberson also on the court).
Battle could always play the 3. He's just as capable as Malachi was there. Who knows who we get from the 5th year pool. Could be a 1/2.
Oh definitely, Put Battle at the 3 if they can pick up a dead eye SG. All depends on who commits before next August. My only point was that they'll have plenty of PFs and Centers without Lydon.
What a great write up as always, SWC! Now that "the world" knows about Gillon, don't you think he'll be guarded very closely? Like, so closely he may never make another basket again??! Photobucket burning couch

-Calm Beadle, Seldom Given to Hyperbole

That would open things up for his drive and dish game. He's so quick. One thing I noticed even over the Florida State performance was that he seemed more instinctive in his decision making in the NC State game. He wasn't asking what the coach would want him to do. He wasn't putting his head down and driving like the CSU coach wanted. He wasn't dishing because JB told him to or tossing up the awkward floater because he didn't knwo what else to do. He was driving when he saw that was the bets thing to do, dishing when that was there or shooting outside jumpers when that was open. That instinctive play will make him very hard to stop. And if they double-team him ,someone would be open.

But if anyone can stop him, it would be Virginia. Keep in mind Boeheim's comment about how long Gillon needs to get his shot off and NC State gave him the time he needed. Virginia won't.
Thanks for the synopsis. The description of DCII's mobility and the difficulties he is having is really sad. Seems like a great kid, wish he could have made a full recovery for basketball. I really hope that he will be able to make a full recovery in order to lead a relatively pain free life post basketball.

JB's comments confirmed for me that he must have re-injured a knee this year because he did look like he was getting better late last year and I had hoped for a good senior year from him. The kid just never had a chance.
JB's comment -- "Pascal was going to be that guy." The defensive presence, akin to BMK. I wonder what he was seeing in practices, or projecting with additional improvement. Aside from what PC might offer on the defensive end (questionable, aside from a couple of blocks), the offense would be operating 4 on 5, or worse (with Roberson also on the court).
It's revisionist history. Before he got injured he was already essentially pulled from the lineup. Everyone was B&M'ing that he looked so lost on both ends.
It's revisionist history. Before he got injured he was already essentially pulled from the lineup. Everyone was B&M'ing that he looked so lost on both ends.
What are you smoking? He was originally injured in the Holy Cross game, i.e. the 2nd game of the regular season. Afterwards he had trouble with his vision and ultimately had to have surgery because he couldn't see.

I'm not saying Chukwu is the 2nd coming of Wilt Chamberlain, but put a contact in backwards in one eye and try to play basketball through it - Boogie Cousins would look like a spazz out there. There's no question he struggled, but hey, maybe trying to block shots with impaired vision is kinda difficult.
Yeah the Chukwu comments are interesting. Either he truly believes he could/can still perform or he is just making those things up deflecting the possibility of another missed recruit and evaluation. Hard to say. Maybe Chukwu did look good in practices. Then again we don't have any real centers on the roster and guards who loved to drive into traffic early on. But, some things Boeheim said in pressers early in the season regarding him made me think Chukwu is a bust. I forgot which one it was (South Carolina?) but someone asked him about Chukwu being able to contribute postively moving forward. Boeheim responded with something like, "...maybe sometime in my lifetime." Ouch.
What are you smoking? He was originally injured in the Holy Cross game, i.e. the 2nd game of the regular season. Afterwards he had trouble with his vision and ultimately had to have surgery because he couldn't see.

I'm not saying Chukwu is the 2nd coming of Wilt Chamberlain, but put a contact in backwards in one eye and try to play basketball through it - Boogie Cousins would look like a spazz out there. There's no question he struggled, but hey, maybe trying to block shots with impaired vision is kinda difficult.
I think you're in the minority thinking that an injury was the main thing holding him back, but I guess you'll believe whatever sounds good to hear. The extent to which the injury affected his coordination and overall court awareness is highly questionable.
What a great write up as always, SWC! Now that "the world" knows about Gillon, don't you think he'll be guarded very closely? Like, so closely he may never make another basket again??! Photobucket burning couch

-Calm Beadle, Seldom Given to Hyperbole
Pick your poison. If they guard him closely, he has the speed to blow by them.
A player with Chukwu's height can be a force not only by blocking shots but just by altering shots.
I think you're in the minority thinking that an injury was the main thing holding him back, but I guess you'll believe whatever sounds good to hear. The extent to which the injury affected his coordination and overall court awareness is highly questionable.
You posted "Before he got injured he was already essentially pulled from the lineup" -which is not true, correct?
You posted "Before he got injured he was already essentially pulled from the lineup" -which is not true, correct?
Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong but whatever happened to his contact lense in the Holy Cross game seemed like it was more of a nuisance than a serious injury - and it would seem kind of ridiculous that anyone would point to that as a legitimate excuse. My recall was that there was a more significant injury that occurred later in the season that ultimately sidelined him, although it took awhile for the coaching staff to shed light on things. Regardless, the board was near consensus that his performance on the court prior to this was mostly attributed to him not being ready or just not being good enough at this level. And it was quite disappointing. I wish, more than anyone, that he does in fact have a very good excuse and that he'll come back next year as the center we deserve and the center we need. But I just don't see it in him. Some players have it. Some don't.
Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong but whatever happened to his contact lense in the Holy Cross game seemed like it was more of a nuisance than a serious injury - and it would seem kind of ridiculous that anyone would point to that as a legitimate excuse. My recall was that there was a more significant injury that occurred later in the season that ultimately sidelined him, although it took awhile for the coaching staff to shed light on things. Regardless, the board was near consensus that his performance on the court prior to this was mostly attributed to him not being ready or just not being good enough at this level. And it was quite disappointing. I wish, more than anyone, that he does in fact have a very good excuse and that he'll come back next year as the center we deserve and the center we need. But I just don't see it in him. Some players have it. Some don't.

In 2011 Fab didn't have it. In 2012 he did. I still have hopes that Chukwu can be the player we envisioned. He sure wasn't that player this year. He needs to get a lot stronger and he needs to sty in front of the basket and make the defense come to him.
Chukwu didn't look very good during his limited action this year, but I think it took Gbinije about one and half seasons before he reached his potential. After 13-14, I thought his ceiling was being a decent spot-up shooter and good defender. He became much better, so I'm not counting Chukwu out.

With respect to SU's defense on the final play in regulation, I think it's pretty bad to give up an open shot to the opponent's best shooter off a simple screen considering there were only 1.1 seconds left. Plus, going by JB's explanation, it seems like the only reason SU had anyone in Rowan's area was because Roberson broke his normal assignment.
Baye Moussa Keita didn’t score much but he dominated the middle on ‘D’. if we had a guy like him we’d have a great record. (I thought Tyler Lydon was one of our best defensive centers- doesn’t that make him “a guy like that”?)
I think Boeheim means we wouldn't have to play Lydon at center (and an unproductive Roberson at all) if we had a Keita.

Coach K will be back on the sidelines in Duke’s next game “It’s good to see him back. They played much better at Notre Dame.”

Katie from Baldwinsville wanted to talk about T-shirts: Does Coach ever wear any special SU-related T-shirts? “I never had one. I do have regular SU and USA T-shirts. Somebody’s got to support the T-shirt industry. “ (You won’t see JB wearing one of those Duck Fuke” shirts.) Gomez wondered what kind of memorabilia Jim keeps at home. “What is your coolest memorabilia?” JB: “I don’t keep much – some watches and rings. I was a big Warren Spahn fan. I had an autographed ball and lost it. I also had a ball autographed by Stan Musial. I think that’s still around somewhere. “

Is this it, Jim? Warren Spahn Signed Baseball, Autographed MLB Baseballs

Doug in North Syracuse wondered if Jim would be there for the Siena game that will open the SU Lacrosse season. “If we don’t have a game, I’ll be watching. I’ve been watching SU lacrosse since I was a student. I had never seen a lacrosse game until I became a student here and I fell in love with it. It’s my favorite game to watch. I’d rather watch a lacrosse game than a basketball game.” Jim agreed with Doug that SU “plays the toughest schedule of anybody in lacrosse.” (The Siena game is Saturday February 11 at 4PM. The basketball team plays at Pittsburgh at 1PM so don’t look for JB at the lacrosse game.)

Jim on Onondaga Hill asked if “our new AD, from ESPN, had anything to do with the pre-season hype” for the basketball team. Jim just said that Mr. Wildhack was “A great Athletic director. He went to school here and came back and we’re lucky to have him.” The Onondaga Hill Jim also wanted to know “What happened to Delmonico’s?” Coach Jim said “I don’t have any say. But the hotel is a great place.”

Drew in Syracuse wondered what he misses about being a player. “That was so long ago – I can’t remember….I loved playing. I even loved practicing. I loved the scrimmages. Coaching isn’t nearly as much fun.” I wanted to be a pro player at one time. I wanted to be a basketball player from aobut age 5. These days everybody thinks they are going to be an NBA player. “

Gonzaga “has their best team. They’ve had under-rated players before but now they’ve got three guys who were top 20 recruits. It’s a higher level of talent. They’ve got a young big guy and an older big guy. They might have trouble with a UCLA or a Kentucky. I’d love to see them in the Final Four. Mark Few is a good friend. “

The Hardwood Club will honor Adrian Autry this year. “He was a great player for us.”

Tiger Woods shot a 77 in Dublai. Gomez said he did something he hasn’t done in 20 years – he flew commercial to get there. JB: “It was a big jet. It’s probably better in first class than in a private plane. And he must have saved $200,000.” (As I type this they announced on the radio that Tiger has withdrawn from the tournament citing back problems. Tiger’s back and DaJuan’s knees!)

Gomez asked about a Sudanese kid who is playing for Iowa and his concern over the immigration situation. (Peter Jok). JB: “I hope we get settled back to normalcy. He’s (Trump) trying to show how tough he is. It’s going to be an interesting road ahead.”

Gomez asked about Carmelo Anthony’s situation: could he help Cleveland or the Clippers? “Carmelo would make a difference against the Warriors but they aren’t going to trade Kevin love, who is a younger player. They have nothing else to trade for him. The Clippers are getting beat by 30 so he could help them. He has a couple good years left. Chris Paul would get him easier shots. The Knicks have too much work to do and they need to have all their players available. Rose plays and then he doesn’t play. “

Could the Celtic’s Isaiah Thomas win an MVP? “The little guy finds ways to score. He’s ahrd to guard. There are so many great guards in the league.” Will the NC State guard, Dennis Smith become one of them. “He’ll play in the league. So will (Markelle) Fultz and (Lonzo) Ball.

What about Dino Baber’s new class? “It’s looking like a better group. They’ve done a good job of evaluating people. I remember people like Art Monk and Marvin Harrison were not highly recruited. When I was a student we had a 6-4 200 freshman who became a 6-6 310 pound pro who played for 8 years. “ I looked through the football media guide showing SU’s “All-Time Professional Players” to try to determine who that might have been. The closest I found was Steve Chomyszak, who I don’t think ever got to 310 pounds: Steve Chomyszak Stats |
Walt Sweeney?
In 2011 Fab didn't have it. In 2012 he did. I still have hopes that Chukwu can be the player we envisioned. He sure wasn't that player this year. He needs to get a lot stronger and he needs to sty in front of the basket and make the defense come to him.
Steve, I love your optimism but even as a freshman Fab oozed potential that gave us reasons to be very hopeful for the following season. He came in overweight and his poor conditioning was the biggest thing holding him back. Those issues were correctable over the summer. We haven't seen those flashes from Chukwu.

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