The Jim Boeheim Show (without Jim Boeheim) 2/28/19 |

The Jim Boeheim Show (without Jim Boeheim) 2/28/19


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Carrabba's Italian Grill in Fayetteville. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question! - Syracuse University Athletics
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: TuneIn | Free Internet Radio | NFL, Sports, Podcasts, Music & News

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


I’ll start with a tribute to continuation of the streak of winning seasons, taken from my “Upside” post:

“Coach, congratulations on the team’s 17th win of the season. With that, we have clinched our 49th consecutive winning season, the longest streak in the country. The record is 54 by UCLA from 1948-2002. The record is very significant because it unites generals of players, coaches and fans who contributed to it and because it is something that puts us in the elite class of basketball programs. It’s not the ultimate goal of the season. But it is the first obtainable one and without it, any other goals are impossible. “

First Hour:

Coaches, this year Tyus Battle seems to have focused his game more on two point shots than three point shots. He’s hitting a higher percentage and his scoring per 40 minutes is about the same with fewer misses. Oshae Brissett is struggling right now. His three point percentage has dropped and teams are no longer coming out to guard him there. I’ve seen plays where he had a 15 foot jumper and didn’t take it. Would he be better off to do what Tyus did and take his jump shots form two point range, make more of them and make the defense come out to guard him there?

Second Hour:

There was a second hour so I asked how much credit we would be given for playing nationally ranked teams close, even if we didn’t beat them, by the NCAA Tournament committee.

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. The quotes may not be verbatim –they are from my scribbled notes. I have not knowingly changed the meaning. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.)

Alan Griffin was the only coach there tonight: there will be one more Jim Boeheim Show this year. It will be next Thursday and Jim is supposed to be there. Tonight’s show did go the full two hours although they seemed to have more commercials than usual, perhaps to make Griff’s job a little easier. Matt also did a chunk of the talking.

They talked about the North Carolina game. Matt said it was a game of being short by 21: in rebounds and free throws made. AG: You can’t give up that many rebounds. They snuck in with their guards to get rebounds. Oshae needs to be getting double-doubles. He and Hughes had 3 rebounds each. Tyus was our leading rebounder with 5. You don’t want Tyus to be our leading rebounder. That’s not a good sign.” Matt said that if the free throw differential wasn’t ‘historical’, we’d have been right in the game. He also said that often a bad free throw shooting night is often the product of the wrong players getting to the line. But in this case Tyus Battle and Oshae Brissett got to the line 19 times. Those are the players we normally want on the line but they missed 8 free throws between them. (And that’s what we lost by.) SG: Oshae missed the first two and then he was thinking about the next three.” (I think he was thinking about those first two, too.) “If you don’t you defense set and players are out of positon, it can elad to fouls. When the other team takes more free throws than you take field goals, it’s bad math.”

I called in my first question, above and got about 20 seconds of dead air. Matt said “Coach? You got anything?” Finally he answered, (probably after swallowing a mouthful of dinner). “Coach wants Oshae to get to the basket and the free throw line.” I asked if medium range jumpers could help him. He agreed but said that “he has to get comfortable with it. He missed a step-back at North Carolina, We’re trying to get him to step into it.” Matt said that fans expectations for Oshae get high because of his combination of size and athleticism. AG: “He’s bene struggling around the basket. He needs to slow it down and take it up strong.

Matt asked a trivia question: who was the last SU player to score a triple-double?

On Wake Forest: AG: “you can’t look at their record. There is a lot of talent on their team. We’ll have our hands full.” He said he remembered Brandon Childress’s father Randolph, who was a great scorer for Wake Forest back in the 90’s. “His son is not as good a scorer as he was but he has had some great game.”

Marek Dolezaj “is coming into his own”. Frank Howard “is starting to look better.”

Matt complained that they could have scheduled the North Carolina game for tonight and the team could have stated in North Carolina for both games. He noted that we seem to be a good road team “with some hick-ups” and could get a 6th road win if we can beat Wake. There’s one day preparation for the Virginia game, which could help us. “AG: “That’s why we do so well in the NCAAs. We’re hard to prepare for. Teams have only a couple of days to do it and that’s to our advantage.”

They talked about Virginia. Matt said “They dismantle you on defense and are surgical on offense. “ AG: They get the ball to the right spots. They have two of the bets play-making guards in the country. They build walls around the ball.” (Donald Trump’s favorite team.) “We try to spread them out and create driving lanes but it’s not easy. They are so disciplined They do turn the ball over more than they usually do.”

Matt brought up the Howard Washington situation and the role the trainer Brad Pike and public safety officer Andrew Clary had in saving his life. Matt noted that the player “seem to be at ease with the doctors and trainers. AG agreed and said that “Howard has been strong, though the ordeal and has a great attitude which enabled him to get through it”.

Pat called in to say that he was “more confident after a loss than I can remember”. He felt Tyus should have gotten the ball more down the stretch. “The defense didn’t take the ball away from him. Oshae took a couple of bad shots and Frank put up a shot”. AG: We were yelling form the bench to get the ball to Tyus. But sometimes he can run out of gas a little bit.” Pat asked if Allen had seen that on the game tapes. He said he did. “They were getting really physical on him with traps and screens and made it difficult for him to get going downhill.”

They talked about the job Mike Hopkins is doing at Washington, where they clinched a share of the Pac 12 title Saturday night and are finally ranked, which matt said was ”pretty historic for them”. Allen predicted he’s win coach of the year for the second year in a row in the Pac 12- two times in two years there. “They do a phenomenal job of covering shooters. Thuybulle is one of the best defensive guards in the country. He has really quick hands.”

Wofford was playing on TV. They are 25-4, 17-0 in their conference. Allen said that they have three teams in that conference that should be in the NCAAs, the others being Furman, (23-6, 12-5, and UNC-Greensboro, 25-5, 14-3). “But only one will make it.” (Actually he might have added East Tennessee State 22-8, 12-5.)

A 7 year old sent in a question asking when Coach first dunked. AG: 8th grade in the Rec Park league. It was an underneath out of bounds play. They called me “Bird”. I hung on the rim and got called for a technical. “ Gomez asked if he could still do that. “T can’t even touch the rin. I gained 20 pounds and it was over.”

At this point I called in for my second question but first recalled seeing Allen block a shot against St. John’s that was two feet over the rim. “Not bad for a 6 foot guard”. Allen protested that was 6-2. “Don’t cheat me of those two inches!” I suggested that it sounded even better if he’s just 6-0, (which is what it says on Orange Hoops: Allen Griffin he agreed.

I then asked the question, about how the NCAA committee will look at our close losses to Duke and UNC, (which was also asked by a later caller named Dave). AG: “They look at the overall body of work, strength of schedule and how did you fare against the best teams on your schedule. We’ve showed we can play with the best. We beat Duke at Duke and had a chance to beat UNC at UNC. We control our own destiny.”

Another texted question asked if we will see more of Jalen Carey coming down the stretch. AG predicted we would. “It’s an unfortunate situation. Frank is our leader and Tyus makes a lot of things happen. Buddy’s in the rotation because he makes shots- he’s earned it. Jalen has bene phenomenal – awesome- in practice. He’s played with both the first and second teams. He shows up every day with a smile on his face. You’re going to see a different Jalen.

Gomez wondered if the expectations for Joe Girard next year. “He’s a tough kid with the ability to score. There will be an adjustment to the speed of college basketball and find a niche. Coach will find a situation where he’s comfortable and can be successful.”

Tom said that Allen “had big shoes to fill”, doing the show for Coach Boeheim. He said that Allen reminded him of Sherman Douglas and wondered if he will be passing on his wisdom to Carey. AG said that Coach McNamara handles the guards “but we take turns”. I tell him to have poise and understand what the coach wants the game played. He needs to slow it down.” That’s a phrase AG uses a lot, apparently. He doesn’t mean slow the pace of the game down. He means the player should not try to do things too quickly.” Tom also likes Robert Braswell – “a very smart customer. Sometimes the starters could sue a blow. You forget that sometimes and that’s a shame.” AG: Coach Boeheim doesn’t forget about them. He likes to go with his five best players as long as he can.

Gomez asked Allen what game he played in that was most like the Duke game in terms of national attention. He said it was the 1999 game against Connecticut “when they were ranked 2nd or 3rd. They beat us but it was a CBS game.” Gomez asked what it was like to play his first game and take his first shot. Allen said the big thing was his first free throw in the Dome. “It’s like no other place. They can’t duplicate it.”

Gomez wondered if Coach Griffin ever looks at the attempts at half time or during time outs by the fans to make shots, like form an easy chair. “I take a peak now and then.” Monday night a guy’s going to attempt a half- court shot for “a year’s supply of bacon”. AG: “I love bacon but not a year’s worth. (Of course a year’s worth of bacon for one man is not a year’s worth of bacon for another man.) Allen said that at Ohio State a guy hit a shot for a free semester of college. Gomez said that’s even better than the bacon.

Allen recalled a statement from one our 1980 Olympians. “I’d rather play with people who hate to lose than with people who love to win.” (Those groups might over-lap.)

Allen is a big baseball fan and a bigger Yankees fan. Matt said that he moonlights as the Yankees’ assistant GM. He’s glad that the Yankees didn’t get in the Bryce Harper sweepstakes. “They are staying reasonable- hold onto you pieces. Ride Judge’s coattails. “ The Phillies signed Harper for $330 million. Matt: “You’d do it for half that wouldn’t you?” Allen said that they might have to name a team after Mike Trout to get him when he comes out. He also marveled that the Mets will be paying Bobby Bonilla even after Harper’s contract come to an end. “What a deal that was!”
I guess I missed that HW was in a life saving situation.

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