The Jim Boeheim Show |

The Jim Boeheim Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-8 or 9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from the Cavalier Room at the Marriott in Downtown Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Submit a Question!
Or on Twitter at mattpark1 or “askBoeheim”.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on: WGVA

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


“Coach, It was fun for the fans last night to see this team finally play the sort of basketball we’ve come to expect from a Syracuse team. It looked like the players were having fun, too. I don’t know if coaches have fun but I hope they enjoyed it, too. The thing is, this team has been up and down all season. What can be done to sustain this level of performance and build on it?”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject. In recent years they have started out doing one hour shows and then shifted to two hour shows in January. When they do two hour shows. I will do two posts: one on the night of the broadcast on the issues directly relating to the team on the other the next days on other things that were talked about.) –

No explanation was given for Coach Boeheim’s absence. Assistant Adrian “Red” Autry. It made for an earnest but somewhat bland show, followed by, for the first time this year, a second hour that proved to be the biggest waste of time in the history of radio.

Coach Autry agreed with Matt Park that, after the Boston College game, it felt good to beat Miami. What was the key to the win? “We made a couple of shots early. It pumped up the crowd and we got all five guys playing in unison, not just one or two guys playing well….They didn’t let up and used their defense to dictate their offense. It was the first time they understood that. ” Matt noted that it was the first game he could recall where neither team missed a shot before the first time out.

I called in my questions. AA: “We just need to continue to work, to try to understand and work on things. It’s all about mentality. Intensity on the defense was the key. We’ve got to always defend. “ Jim Boeheim had just taped an interview with Brent Axe in which he said that that the team had played hard all season . The problem was “knowing where to be” and we shouldn’t confuse a lack of efficiency with a lack of effort.

Matt asked Adrian if seeing the reward for their hard work and aggressive play would “sell” to them the value of that effort. AA: It will help them understand the effort they need to have. Offense comes and goes but you can always control your defense.”

Liam Pompey said that Miami, who had been 11-2, was a good team and a good win but wondered how good Pittsburgh was, considering that they just beat Virginia. AA: “Pittsburgh is one of the more talented teams in the conference, especially with Jamal Artis and Michael Young. Pittsburgh always gives a battle. It will be about getting the 50-50 balls and deflections. If our defense is good, we’ll have a chance. “ Matt said that Artis and Young are 1-2 in the conference in scoring. They scored 80 on Virginia who gives up 48 points a game and beat Marshall 112-108.

Liam also asked about the likelihood that we’ll see more of DaJuan Coleman the rest of the year. AA: “With Roberson and Lydon, there was no room. It’s all About match-ups. We were facing a smaller, quicker team. Every game is different. We’ll get different styles from different ACC teams. “

Pat called in, (for the first time since his run-in with JB two weeks ago). He noted that Pittsburgh came out aggressively against Virginia and didn’t allow them to dictate tempo. They are a much more offensive-oriented team under their new coach, Kevin Stallings. Pat wanted to know if this would change our approach – will we try to dictate tempo to other teams? AA: “Coach Stalllings is one of the better offensive coaches. He has the talent that allows him to do that. His players came in together and grew up with each other.”

Pat also asked about recruiting, not wanting to know about specific recruits. Instead he wanted to know if we would continue to recruit just in the northeast, which has not been producing as well as in the past and look at new regions. AA: “The ACC has brought us into new regions, like Virginia and North Carolina. We recruit wherever the good players are. If there’s a kid in Chicago who has shown interest, we’ll be in contact with him. But you want to make sure you’ve uncovered all the talent in an area before moving to another…..We have a system. It’s about who fits what we do.”

Matt looked at the ACC standings and noticed that nationally ranked Louisville is the only team without an ACC win. AA: “it’s one of the best conferences in the country”.

Tod in Sacketts Harbor started out by saying “Yo, Adrian!” and then asked who was the better “red” – Autry or Bruin. Adrian said that Tony was one of his heroes growing up and that “I wish I could have jumped like that”. I always respect my elders.” Tod pointed out that Adrian had more assists. But then he added that Autry had Billy Owens and Lawrence Moten to pass to. It prompted a discussion of what makes a team successful. AA: “You can’t win with just one guy. Even Carmelo had Gerry McNamara and Hakim Warrick. You have to have a bunch of great players playing together for one goal.”

Matt noted that we started the season with 10 guys. We were going to have all kinds of depth. Then Matthew Moyer got hurt and redshirted. Then Paschal Chukwu got hurt. Now DaJuan Coleman and Frank Howard are benched and we’re down to 6 guys. Against Miami we had two 20 point scorers and everybody else was around 10 and John Gillon had 11 assists. AA: John is fast and can get what he wants on court. He’s helping out and delivering the ball to the right places on time. He had 5 turnovers. Our goal is 2 but we put the ball in our point guard’s hand a lot.” Matt suggested our guards need to finish better. What does that take? AA: “Concentration – and play through contact. We try to simulate that in practice on every play.”

Tom in Syracuse asked Adrian what his responsibility on the team was – who does he coach? AA: “I have the forward group- Moyer, White and Thompson. I alter called in the second hour and asked if it was a problem that all our assistant coaches seem to be guards and yet the big men have to be coached. Would it be better to have someone like Derrick Coleman on the staff to coach the big men? “Just because you are a big man, it doesn’t mean you’ll be the best coach for big men. You have to have the ability to connect with players and teach people, your knowledge and IQ that matters….it’s how you communicate.”

Daniel in Fayetteville wondered how Adrian, as a point guard, would attack the Syracuse zone. “Our zone was not play as it is now back then and the athletes weren’t the same. The zone has to be active to be effective. There are different ways of attacking a zone and we work on them all the time. A lot depends on your personnel and their execution.” Matt asked if Pittsburgh, with Artis and Young, would use the double high post St. John’s did. AA: “Pitt likes to spread us out and suck us into the high post. Artis is similar to Hayes of Wisconsin and he could do that.”

They talked about how Jacquan Newton, who was only 6-2, was guarding 6-9 Tyler Lydon in the Miami game. AA: “They are so afraid of Lydon on the ball screens that they switch and he gets a guard on him. He can dribble, shoot and pass and his post game has improved.”

The women were playing Clemson and at half time they gave the audience a tour of their new arean. Matt recalled that in the old arena the home team dressing room was on the second floor and the visitors on the third floor and the teams had to use elevators. He wondered if that would be the case in the new place. Looking at the video he said “Everybody is catching up to the Melo Center.” He noted that Clemson is creating a new palace for their football team costing $55 million. It will have bowling alley and a golf course. (That should help them beat ‘Bama.)

The second hour was the first one with Gomez of the Gomez and Dave show this year. I have always found this second hour to be mostly superfluous, going back over what was discussed in the first hour and padding it with a lot of talk about non-basketball topics, many of them silly. But this first segment of the season didn’t even reach that level of interest. They would talk for about 5 minutes, if that and then have a five minute segment consisting of commercials and then some music, (the station’s normal format). Then they would return to Gomez and Autry. They could easily have put their conversation in the first half hour and then simply returned to their music format. They could also easily have just skipped the whole thing. I was the only caller in that hour, (with my question about coaching the big men).

Here’s what I got from this second hour: Adrian first dunked at the age of 14. “I suddenly realized I was pretty high and decided to try it.” When did he last dunk? “In the early 2000’s.” Adrian thinks his 31 points after halftime in the 1994 Missouri game is still an NCAA Tournament record.

Who is the dirtiest player Adrian ever played against? “Georgetown”. Then he said he was “just joking…I was big and strong and it took a lot to hurt me. I just ignored it. Some people thought I was a dirty player. “

They talked about Andrew White’s three pointer that toured the rim and finally fell in. “Things were finally bouncing our way. If you get your shots down early, your activity goes up.” Gomez said it was a much needed win. AA: “Any win is a much needed win. It’s a great group of guys. They want to win. They have a great mindset. They understand making sacrifices. Everybody can make an impact.”

Gerry McNamara is just as intense as a coach as he was as a player.

How important is it for a coach to be an SU guy? AA: “At the end of the day, it’s about the best candidate. It helps your profile to work under a Hall of Fame coach.”

Louis Carnesecca is 92 today. “I used to go to his camp. He came hard after me. I was teammates with Malik Sealy. Mark Jackson was my favorite point guard, along with the pearl. I made the right choice. To replace me, Louie recruited Jason Buchanan from Syracuse.”

What does he think of Grayson Allen? “People are tripping people all the time.”

To beat Pitt, we’ve got to “come out and make things difficult. They are a good offensive team and we need to make things hard.” Are they doing anything different? “They are pretty much the same against the zone as they were under Coach Dixon.” Artis “seems to have bene around forever” per Gomez. AA: “When a player has been productive since he was a freshman, it can seem that way.”

Coach Autry favors Clemson to win the football championship. (Brent Axe announced that Coach Babers would be on an ESPN show during the game as one of several football coaches who would comment on it as it progresses. (Sounds like “Mystery Science Theater 3000”).

Matt said that next week a new show will start, the “Q & A Show”, featuring Quentin Hillsman and Adrian Autry” and that it will emanate from a restaurant called “Prime”. He did not say when it will be one but he also said Coach Boeheim will be back on this show next week.
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What does he think of Grayson Allen? “People are tripping people all the time.”



I watch more than a bit of college basketball and I disagree.

Nice to see that Boeheim's taught something other than coaching acumen to his assistants; at least one of them's got his penchant for dismissive, out-of-this-world rationalizations.

I watch more than a bit of college basketball and I disagree.

Nice to see that Boeheim's taught something other than coaching acumen to his assistants; at least one of them's got his penchant for dismissive, out-of-this-world rationalizations.

I mean let's be honest here. The Syracuse coaches are friends with K. Specifically Boeheim and Hopkins. They work with him on the USA basketball Committee. They never are going to criticize anything Duke.
"If our defense is good, we'll have a chance against Pittsburgh."

Ugh. I hope they're giving a better message to the players in practice.

You have to expect to win. That's what we seem to have lost.
I mean let's be honest here. The Syracuse coaches are friends with K. Specifically Boeheim and Hopkins. They work with him on the USA basketball Committee. They never are going to criticize anything Duke.

As a whole, other coaches don't publicly criticize other programs, it's headlines when and if they do.
Only thing I dont understand is that there are 265 views...why arent there 265 likes?? Thank you SWC from all of us out of towners and unable to listeners :)

I watch more than a bit of college basketball and I disagree.

Nice to see that Boeheim's taught something other than coaching acumen to his assistants; at least one of them's got his penchant for dismissive, out-of-this-world rationalizations.


I was just internally celebrating that Coaches Q and A would have a new show together and you spout THAT?

"If our defense is good, we'll have a chance against Pittsburgh."

Ugh. I hope they're giving a better message to the players in practice.

You have to expect to win. That's what we seem to have lost.
As a fan that is fine.

Given the vagaries of the college basketball world, a little understatement is wise for a coach OR player.

I was just internally celebrating that Coaches Q and A would have a new show together and you spout THAT?


You have anything to offer about players tripping people? Or Duke? Or the comment from the show?

Or are you just trying to antagonize people again?
You have anything to offer about players tripping people? Or Duke? Or the comment from the show?

Or are you just trying to antagonize people again?
I posted a reply to Ithaca Matt just below yours, which I actually made quite bland.

I'm not sure why you took offense at SAY WHAT or Fascinating, except that the first two words were capitalized, hence shouted.

Matt has yet to reply to my equally bland though sans capital letters reply to him. Not that I HAVEN'T shouted and gotten snarky with him before. When I thoughtf he warranted it.

But as I've said before, I don't really care what most people here think about me.

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