The Jim Boeheim Show |

The Jim Boeheim Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

The first hour is eventually, (it can take weeks) podcasted on the SU Athletics website on this page:

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-437-7644. Or you can submit questions from this page:

I will be posting my rough transcript of the first hour the night of the broadcast and will probably do the second hour the following day.


First hour:

“Coach, you made a comment after the NC State game that people may have misunderstood. You said the problem with CJ’s shooting is that “he didn’t have his legs under him”. People have interpreted that as meaning that fatigue had become an issue for him and the team. Was that what you meant and is that our problem?”

Second hour:

“Coach, Michael Gbinije will be returning to Duke to play against his former teammates. Will that be a positive because he’ll be determined to show them he’s a good player? Or will it put too much pressure on him such that he’ll try to do too much?”


(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

Matt Park: “Well, coach, we’ve had a great start but there was a crash landing last night.”

JB: “You’re going to lose sooner or later.”

Matt: “It’s better to have it happen on February 19th.”

JB: “We’ll take that every year. Nobody in a top conference has gone unbeaten since 1976. We had a good stretch, then relaxed and gave up some shots. You aren’t always going to make plays at the end. With our shooting percentages, we shouldn’t have been in it at the end. But that’s just testimony to how our guys play hard. Rakeem Christmas has made that little jump hook. Jerami Grant was in prefect position for a tip-in but got ridden out of the play. We haven’t shot well since the Duke game. We were down 6 at Pitt and had no chance. NC State just had to hold onto the ball. I’m so impressed with the way the players have come through in tough situations. We’ve been down in the second half 7-8, maybe 10 times and were down 18 to Villanova, a top 10 team. To be able to come through and win all those games is miraculous.”

Matt said that BC was picked 8th preseason because they had so many players back, (from a 16-17 team), so maybe they weren’t so bad after all. “They’ve lost a lot of games like the one last night.” JB: BC hasn’t finished (games). In Boston, they had us down but we were playing better offense then. Our offense has just gotta get going.” (He said that either with much emotion or while clearing his throat- not sure which). I don’t think our movement was bad. It was as good as it’s been. We just didn’t shoot it very well or finish very well….BC has good offensive players and played well defensively.”

“We usually get a defensive stops late. If you have enough close games you’ll get a game when you don’t make a stop and they do. We’ve had incredible numbers at the end of games. They don’t even look real. BC went 4 for 4 from the line at the end, (from a guy shooting 56%). It seems like when we get a 10-12 point lead we relax a bit. They made some tough ones but we’ve got to defend better.”

Matt mentioned that it’s the best start for an ACC team since NC State went 27-0 in 1972-73. He asked what the attitude of the team was in practice today. JB: “Normal. Everybody was ready. We thought about what happened and what we need to do. BC can shoot but not like that. They made 9 of 14 threes after halftime. They we remaking fade-away three pointers form the corner. We’re a little challenged shooting the ball. We miss having James Southerland, Brandon Triche with CJ and Trevor coming off the bench last year. But we are better defensively in some ways. Tough games make you better. These games coming up are like NCAA games. I’m very impressed with Maryland. They had a lay-up at the buzzer to beat Duke.

I called in my question about what he meant when he said that CJ Fair “didn’t have his legs under him”: Did he mean that he was fatigued? JB: “That’s the farthest thing from what I meant. He’s a strong, physical, tough player. He’s played 26 games this year and wants to play next year for a team that will play 100. We played 3 straight games in Hawaii and he played great at the end of those games. We didn’t shoot well because we didn’t shoot well.”

What did he mean by “didn’t have his legs under him”? JB: “He didn’t get collected with his legs under him. Trevor didn’t do that last night. Shooting comes and goes. He’ll get his fair share of baskets as he goes along.”

Jim’s exact quote from the NC State press conference:

”I didn’t think he had his legs. He couldn’t get his legs under him on his jump shots. “

Matt noted that CJ was perfect from the line. He also noted that our all-time record in Carrier Dome overtime games ‘fell’ to 20-3. We’ve won 24 of 30 of them overall, (he didn’t mention over what time frame).

Vito called in and asked how they are shutting down Trevor Cooney and what is being done to develop Tyler Ennis’ jump shot.

“They are making it tough on Trevor Cooney to shoot. When you don’t get many shots it get harder to make one. Tyler missed one he normally makes. The ball was in the basket. …He needs to go to the basket more. He’s strong enough to dribble drive. Andy Rautins didn’t learn that until late in his career. This is his first year playing. (it is?) We’ll see big improvement as he goes forward.”

“Tyler practices his shot every day. His shooting percentage isn’t bad- about 37% from three point range, (.364). We want him to shot the ball and he does. Tyler passed up a couple of shots. But he’s a point guard and he’s got to get the ball to people and got to his offense when it’s there. There’s never been a time when anyone said ‘Don’t shoot it!’ We need to get Trevor more looks. We are very balanced. We just need to shoot better and we’ll be fine.” Matt noted that Syracuse and Clemson have the fewest possessions per game in the conference. JB: “They play slow on both ends.” They slow it down on defense?

They’d gotten an E-mail from “Austin in Houston”, (Now there’s a Texan!) asking about why we can’t get more possessions in a game. JB: “Teams are slowing it down so our numbers are down….We’d love to have more possessions but you just can’t make them play faster. You need a press and we’re not a very good pressing team. We used to play man to man and we could speed them up. What we need is a shorter shot clock….We’re seeing more teams slow it down on us than we’ve ever seen. Boston College and North Carolina State normally don’t slow it down. Duke is the only one who hasn’t. We usually win. We are used to it and they are compressing the time they have to score….Pressing is something we think about. But we have 6 guys. Baye is still limited. We pressed three times in the BC game. They got three fast breaks. Tyler tipped it out of bounds on one and we fouled on the other two and gave up four points….We’ve got 6 guys and I’m worried about foul trouble. Nothing wears you out more than pressing. It’s almost completely gone form the game. Louisville and VCU are the last teams that sue it. They play 11-12 guys…. Teams are taking longer to play us because they are new teams and think that this is the best way to play us. They are going to have to learn that it isn’t. Even if you press, they could still get the ball down court and slow it down. What can you do- there’s nothing you can do.”

Russ in Syracuse asked “If there would ever be any reason to top playing the zone all the time.” JB: “Unlikely. We played both defenses for 32 years. Six years ago we went all zone. And it’s gotten better and better the more we worked on it. You have to spend a lot of time on man-to-man: 45 minutes to an hour in every practice. And you have to build it up over a couple of years to make it good. It’s not off the table. Anything is possible. Personnel changes. If we had a summer trip we would have 5-6 games to work on it. But we can’t have another one of those for 4 years. “

A caller wanted to know what happened when the referees wouldn’t let Trevor Cooney back in the game, even after a made foul shot. JB: “Mike made a mistake and fouled too early, before the inbounds play. Time has to off the clock before a player who has left the game can be sent back in. That’s’ a rule.”

Tim asked about the last play of regulation. Ennis passed the ball to Rakeem when it seemed Jerami Grant was wide open. JB: When Rak caught the ball, he couldn’t make a pass. It should have been an easy tip-in but Jerami let the guy move him out. They were doubling Tyler. When it doesn’t work, you wish you’d tried something else. “

They started having technical difficulties that interrupted the broadcast. During one segment between the interruptions, they were discussing the uniforms. JB didn’t think they impacted the game at all. Matt suggested the orange shirts might go better with orange pants. JB: “We’ll try that next time.” He didn’t exhibit any displeasure with the uniforms.

Brian asked what to do about the double-teams on Rakeem Christmas, Jerami Grant and CJ Fair. (Maybe complain to the officials that the other team is using 6 guys?) JB: They are not doubling Rak yet. They double CJ. Jerami hasn’t been doubled much. Rak is getting better and needs to keep working. He never had any kind of a post game before he came here. We need to see if we have a presence inside. Rak tends to move away from the basket, (when he shoots), instead of toward it.”

Brian also asked if JB was planning any summer gold trips. Jim said he hadn’t done that in years because he spends his time watching his kids play in AAU games. Brian asked if the team will go straight from Durham to Maryland or try to come back to Syracuse. They will go straight to Maryland, due to the limited time from Saturday to Monday. They will eat at a famous place called the Angus Barn in Raleigh, where they serve record numbers of patrons record amounts of food. I hope they don’t eat too much!
... We need to see if we have a presence inside. Rak tends to move away from the basket, (when he shoots), instead of toward it.”

Now this has been a problem with Rakeem for three years. He's the master of turning a one-footer into a four-footer.

Could that be what Boeheim was aiming at (in his own curious language) during the post-game?
Angus Barn is awesome; my favorite place in Raleigh.
This is interesting:

JB: “Unlikely. We played both defenses for 32 years. Six years ago we went all zone. And it’s gotten better and better the more we worked on it. You have to spend a lot of time on man-to-man: 45 minutes to an hour in every practice. And you have to build it up over a couple of years to make it good. It’s not off the table. Anything is possible. Personnel changes. If we had a summer trip we would have 5-6 games to work on it. But we can’t have another one of those for 4 years. “

About 5 years ago, I asked Bernie Fine (on some internet chat thing) something about practice, and he said that the team plays MTM 90% of the time in practice. At first this surprised me, but it makes sense that the team needs to practice against MTM defenses because that is what they face in games. I don't know what to make of JB's statement above. Hopefully, some one who has seen recent practices can comment.

Gomez was on vacation. Jim said he was “sunning”. Matt Park did the second segment as well as the first, which made it even more redundant than usual. But there was some new material.

Matt noted that the sun came up on Thursday. The loss didn’t prevent it. JB: The first loss is tough, especially for the fans. With all the guys we lost form last year, a great non-conference schedule, the new league. It was a great run.”

Josh in Baldwinsville called in to ask why Baye Moussa Keita didn’t play more. JB: I didn’t think he was moving as well as we want him to move. His game is quickness and speed. He was a little stiff. He was better in practice today. I’m hopeful he’ll be a full go for the Duke and Maryland games.” Matt said that we lost the BC game on offense, not defense. JB: “He could have helped us. Our defense in the second half was not as good as normal. But we did lose on offense.”

Aaron in Rome wanted to know why we don’t play Tyler Roberson more as we need to develop more depth. JB: “I want to play him. He has to become a better practice player. The fans don’t get to see the practices. He’s a tremendous physical talent. I thought he’d be in a better position right now. I’d rather play Mike Gbinije or go with two big guys right now.”

I had originally sent in a question about the ill-fitting uniforms but came up with the Mike Gbinije question during the broadcast and asked that one instead. Matt Park said he was glad I had changed my question because the original one made him “cringe”. JB: We’ll find out, wont we? (How Mike will respond to playing back at Duke.) He hasn’t had any great games. We really won’t know. The fans might get on him. He’ll want to show them that he is a good player. He has had his moments…He’s made some plays. He’s gotten some good looks at shots he can make. ..He can make a substantial contribution down the stretch.” They discussed the timing of Gbinije’s transfer to Syracuse. It wouldn’t be possible now because of the rule against intra-conference transfers. We weren’t yet a conference member when Mike transferred from Duke to Syracuse. “He’s made a big change. He was a non-ball-handling forward. We’ve made him into a 1-2. He can play 1-2-3. He’s been a little slower to come along than we might have hoped.”

Ed in Syracuse asked about redshirting, suggesting that we never seem to redshirt our “bigs”. It’s a strange statement to make in a year when we are redshirting Chinoso Obokoh. JB: It’s hard to redshirt guys. We now have 10-11 scholarship players. We used to have 13-14. We’ve redshirted more players than most schools. Chino works hard. He has limited offensive skills but is a good rebounder, a physical player.”

Andrew in Jamesville is worried about our depth and wondered about “the ones we don’t play”. JB: “We’ve been pretty good down the stretch of games. We’ve played 7-8 guys most years. Most teams do. We played 9 a couple of years ago. We’re playing 6-7 right now. Duke has 8-9 McDonald’s All-Americans. They mostly play 8 guys.”

Does it help or hurt that Duke had to play North Carolina on Thursday? “They use 9-10 guys and have a veteran team so it’s less of a problem. Sometimes you get tuned up in those situations. Coach K is a really good motivator.” Matt noted that NC State “didn’t have much against Clemson” in their next game after losing to us. JB: “They had a tough loss and then had to go to a tough place to play.” (Clemson beat them 73-56.)

A caller insisted we should have pressed Boston College more, since we have “way better athletes” than they do. JB: “I don’t agree that we have way better athletes. They, (BC), can run and jump and they blocked a couple of shots at the rim.” The fan continued to insist that we had better athletes and should have pressed and played man for man. Jim remained calm but firmly told him “That’s your opinion. That’s why we have these shows. Hanlan is as athletic a point guard as you’ll see. Heckmann blocked CJ’s shot. We were fortunate to force turnovers and it kept us in the game.”

Duane from Westernville, (that’s in Oneida County), wondered if anyone from Duke was listening in on the show to get some pointers for how to beat SU. JB: “I don’t think anybody’s listening to us from Duke. They have all the info they need. Everybody watches every game. Everybody knows what everybody does. There are no secrets, although we change things from time to time.” I remember before the first Duke game, a caller asked if Jim had any “tricks and surprises” for Coach K. That’s right, two coaches with 900+ wins and the game will be decided by “tricks and surprises”.

A later caller asked if “the Duke chess games was cool.” JB: “Some things you try don’t work and there are always counters- little things you do during the course of the game. It all comes down to players making plays.” Matt asked if you go to your strengths or the opponents weaknesses. “You do both in certain situations. We have CJ and Trevor but we try to be balanced and not just go to 1-2 guys. We have four guys in double figures. That’s’ the best way to play basketball.”

Paul in Rochester asked about all the times the opposition feeds the ball into the middle and the guards follow the ball, leaving their man open on the outside. It seems to be difficult to avoid “dropping down”. JB: “We practice not doing that every day. Release and find the shooters. Stop the dribble penetration. Passes are heard to stop. We’ve faced a lot of teams with 3 shooters- it’s hard to cover them.”

Dan In Oswego was concerned about Fair and Grant getting out too far on their men and “leaving the middle open”. JB: “We want the guards to keep their men out of the middle. Fair and Grant come up high and back down. We go over scouting reports about who to cover and where. Sometimes it doesn’t make any difference how you play defense. Any defense is beatable. Duke is one of the best defensive teams in the country and we scored 91 points on them.” (And so are we and they scored 89 on us.)

They discussed the schedule, which has Maryland not having to play on Saturday and then hosting Syracuse, who has to play Duke in Durham on Monday. Matt blamed it on the unwieldy schedules you get with the expanded leagues. JB: “The Big East wouldn’t let somebody not play Saturday and play Monday. It was against the rules. It should never happen. When you play Duke on Saturday you shouldn’t have a Monday game. The better teams play Saturday-Monday for TV. We’ve done it before.” Sorry, Maryland, you aren’t one of the “Better teams”, according to the ACC. Jims aid that Pitt and BC have been set up as our “partners so we’ll play each twice a year for 6 years. The other teams we play 6 times in 6 years. We’ll play Duke once each of the next two years and then twice the year after. (It makes one pine for the good old days of the Old Big East- 9 teams that played each other twice, then again in the BET and maybe a fourth time in the NCAA).

Matt mentioned the Maryland line-up with a 6-8 guy, a 6-9 guy and four perimeter shooters. JB compared them to Duke, who they almost beat.

They discussed the tough loss the US women’s hockey team had in the Olympics where they were up by two goals with 5 minutes to play and hit the pipe on an empty net shot but lost in overtime to arch-rival Canada. JB: “I love watching hockey in the Olympics. Hockey’s a great game to watch.” Matt made a joke: “The loser keeps Justin Bieber.”

Matt in New York called in to thank JB for giving him a referral for a friend’s wife who was diagnosed with cancer. JB talked about his involvement with Coaches vs. Cancer and the Upstate cancer center, as well as the Infinti Challenge.

A young man named Gideon called in and said something I couldn’t understand. JB asked him how old he was. “Six.” JB thanked him for calling. Matt said Gideon had been alive for about 150 wins.

They briefly discussed the Pearl Washington ceremony. “Pearl might be a step slow these days but he was the best in his time.” Matt said the fan’s shot “just missed”. As I recall, it just missed the backboard. That seemed to summarize the night.

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