The Jim Boeheim Show |

The Jim Boeheim Show


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Jim Boeheim’s radio show is on Thursdays from 7-9PM on ESPN Radio in Syracuse, which is AM1200 or FM 97.7 on the dial. The show originates from Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse on Erie Boulevard in Syracuse. The first hour, hosted by Matt Park, the Voice of the Orange, is on their general network. The second hour, which begins with the conference season, is hosted by Gomez, a local radio personality.

You can call into the show locally at 315-424-8599 or nationally at 1-888-746-2873. For Gomez’s portion, use 315-424-8599. Or you can submit questions from this page:
Or on Twitter at mattpark1.

The show can be heard in Syracuse on FM 99.5. It’s sometime simulcast on AM 1200 or FM 97.7. You can also get it on:

I will be posting my rough transcript the night of the broadcast focusing on my questions, the team and their last and next games and then a second post the next day on other things that were discussed.


First hour:

“Coach, I’d like to con graduate you and the team on securing our 16th win and thus assuring that our streak of consecutive winning seasons at 45. UCLA has the all-time record of 54 straight and that is still in sight. It would be a great tribute to the coaches, players and fans of this program if we could accomplish that.

You made a comment after the Pittsburgh game that you weren’t cornered about the Pittsburgh fans because you’d never seen a fan make a basket. I’m wondering how much the fans have contributed to the success of Syracuse basketball and how much could we contribute to a victory in the Duke game? Is it that the fans have more impact on the home team than they do on the road team? “

Second hour:

“Coach, just a comment here. We finally saw both Kaleb Joseph and BJ Johnson have big games. Fans sometimes get down on young players who are struggling. They talk about wasted scholarships, being “recruited over”, who should transfer, etc. They have to realize that Rakeem Christmas and Michael Gbinije weren’t always the players they are now and that Kaleb Joseph and BJ Johnson and the rest were recruited to come here because they are talented players. If you criticize them it’s not because they don’t have ability but that they aren’t using it. With hard work and maturity and some patience from the fans, those struggling young players could become the Christmases and Gbinijes of future SU teams.”

(I have, in some instances, put together statements from different parts of the broadcast on the same subject)

Boston had more snow than Central New York. “They don’t know what to do with it. They’re just waiting for it to melt. The piles of snow were very high. Attendance was down but the SU fans got there.”

“When they double-team Rak on every play, guys will get wide open shots. BJ hit some threes and Kaleb driving the lane broke it open. It’s unusual to get a 14 point win in this league. Our defense was much better. That’s the big key. They weren’t as big so we could get by on the boards, (and thus didn’t need Roberson so much), and they were going to leave BJ open. He made 4 of 12 threes. He’s capable of making maybe 6 of them.” Coaches are never satisfied…

Kevin beat me to it calling in first. (I was like one of those guys who make a run at the three point shooter but too late.) He had just finished JB’s book today. He wanted to know if Jim really remembered all those details or did he have to have someone do some research? “I remember facts but not dates so much. For example I remembered the fan who threw the orange at Patrick Ewing but I didn’t remember what the date was. “

I then got through with my first question. “The (home) crowd can keep you going when you get down. In close games they can unnerve the visiting team somewhat. Sometimes the refs can get caught up in it. But good players like to play in noisy places. There were more Syracuse fans in Boston than Boston College fans. They only had about 5,500 fans. They’re not following basketball up there.”

Jim is very proud of that 45 year streak, “easily the longest in the country”. (Matt mentioned Louisville has 13 such seasons but I don’t know if that’s 2nd – it seems a low number.) He said he was glad to get that 16th win. He’s not thinking in terms of losing all the rest of the games but it will be a very difficult schedule the rest of the way so he was happy to clinch a continuation of the record. “You never know what’s going to happen”. I told him that UCLA held the record with 54 straight and suggested that was in sight. He was excited about that possibility. (The subject of who would be coaching at that point - we’d break the record in 2024-25- didn’t come up.) Matt also noted Jim’s record for 20 win seasons. That’s still possible but will be harder goal to attain.

Matt suggested “We can hang with anybody”. JB: “Sometimes you play a team you can’t beat. Overall we’ve played well. We played about as well as we can against North Carolina and played close to that against Pittsburgh.“ They noted that Sheldon Jeter, who averaged 3 points a game and scored 18 against us, scored 2 points in his next game.

They got to talking about the Duke game and the series that has started. “Last year’s Duke games set the bar very high. We won’t play them twice again for a while. It’s hard to keep a rivalry going when you play them only once. There’s a lot of difference. There’s no building anywhere like the Dome when 35,000 people are there.” Matt noted that there were 27,000 less at Cameron. JB: “It’s like Fenway Park in Boston. Traditionalists like that kind of place. I wish they’d fix the locker rooms, though.” Matt Mentions Georgia Tech put $50 million into their new facility “and the locker rooms are in Alabama”. JB: “It was along walk. At least Clemson had an elevator. “

Duke has “three of the top five freshmen in the country” In center Jahlil Okafor, point guard Tyus Jones and guard Grayson Allen. Quinn Cook is also very good.

Tom in Mohawk wondered if “it would be illegal to create a slush fund to make sure that Kaleb Joseph’s family and friends can attend any game””. Matt suggested that any question about the legality of a slush fund kind of answers itself. JB laughed. “We’d have been struggling if Kaleb got his normal 2 points and BJ doesn’t make those threes. A couple guys step up and it makes a world of difference.” Matt said that Jim had been urging Kaleb to “not go sideways-get to the rim or get the pull-up.” Jim said “You can’t always get to the rim but you can pull up. He not only was really good on offense but also better on defense. Sometimes when you score you play better defense. It’s just human nature.”

Later I called in my second comment. JB: “Sometimes people think I pressure players but if you can’t handle the pressure, you can’t play. If you can’t handle me, you can’t handle 35,000 people and you can’t handle playing at Duke.” He talked about players who weren’t much at the beginning but became good or great players. “I can name 10-15 guys who didn’t play as freshmen or sometimes even as sophomores. Mike Gbinije wasn’t this kind of player by any stretch of the imagination last year. Nobody gets all the recruits right, unless you have 5 McDonald’s All-Americans. Even then, half the McDonalds players don’t become stars. There was one NBA All-Star game with no McDonald’s All-Americans in it. Guys who aren’t rated highly turn out to be good. Jerami Grant didn’t even make all city in a bad year. David Robinson was 6-6 in high school. Rick Barry’s son Jon was 5-11. Both grew 6-7 inches in college.” I added that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team. JB: “Everybody loves that story. ”Matt asked what Steph Curry was like in high school. “The only thing we were worried about was that he was thin. But he was such a great shooter. If you can shoot like that and handle the ball, you’ll have a good career. “

Trevor Cooney again his hit first shot but had trouble finding the range after that. “He didn’t get the same looks after the first one. Then he missed a couple he usually makes. He opens things up for the other guys. He played a solid game.”

Mike Gbinije is “playing great. He had a couple of strips on defense. He’s pushing the ball upcourt. He got to the basket when nobody stopped him. He’s hitting from outside. He’s probably playing as well as anybody in the league. He’s a better driver. He can cause a lot of problems in the lane.” Matt noted that his shooting percentages in league play are all in the 40’s, (not quite: .492 overall, .490 from the arc and .511 from the line), and found that “hard to fathom”. JB on his new free throw style: “He’s trying something new now and I think it will work.”

“Rak couldn’t get a good shot but he got good shots for his teammates.” “It’s crazy that Rakeem is a finalist for the Wooden award. There’s only a couple of guys in the country playing as well.” The player of the game was Kaleb Joseph. “Mike’s won it a lot. I have to go with Kaleb.” Gomez was surprised that he “took it to the rim”. JB: “He can dunk. The last one was with two hands.”

In the first BC game “Hanlan didn’t score in the first half. If he’d had a normal game, we would have bene tied. A guy like that isn’t going to go scoreless.” Matt said that until he hit those first two shots, BJ had missed 20 of his previous 22 shots: that’s 9%. JB: When he missed those first two I had a feeling he was going to hit 3-4 of them. If he gets 10 attempts, he’ll hit for of them. He could hit 6. Of course the good defensive teams won’t let him get that many shots…it gives them someone else to pay attention to. Coaches don’t like to give up 3’s. Strong teams won’t give up an open shot. ”

Pat in Syracuse, who I think wants to succeed Jim as the SU coach, sent via twitter four screen shots of a
play Duke likes to use against SU, which prompted a technical discussion of strategy that wasn’t easy to follow if you didn’t have his screen shots, (and maybe if you did). It had to do with an “overload to force the center to guard Parker or Plumlee. JB replied that “the center takes Parker and the forward takes the far guy. The opposite guard covers the wing pass and the other guard gets between their two guards while we try to trap the guy in the short corner. He might be open until we send a 6-10 guy and a 6-9 guy to trap him.” Pat said “That’s why you recruit long players.” Frankly, I’m not too worried about covering Parker, who is in the NBA and has a torn ACL.

Pat asked if Duke would double Christmas. “I don’t know. We’ll have to prepare for it but they don’t’ do that as a rule. We practice against double-teams all the time…it will be be Rak vs. Okafor in certain situations.”

I'm up for that.

When Gomez showed up, he made it “in the nick of time” due to all the traffic problems with the snow. He wondered if there had been an over/under on his arrival time. Jim said there had not been but if he was late, he wasn’t getting any food. At one point, per Jim, the “Peanut Gallery” walked in. It was Julie and the kids. They joked with the coach and he ‘ordered’ the maître de to “put them in another room- as far away as possible”.

Both Matt Park and Gomez asked Jim about his impressions of and experiences with Dean Smith and Jerry Tarkanian, two fellow Hall of Fame coaches who have passed on since the last show. “Smith and Tarkanian were very different coaches but among the very greatest.“

Dean Smith “was a program builder who built an incredible program. They’ve bene in the top ten more than anybody in history. He was beloved by his players and was a great teacher and developer of players, a great innovator with the four corners and changing defenses. He had very detailed practice schedules. He ran the most structured practices I’ve seen with every single minute planned. He was the most organized coach in basketball history.”

A fan called in and asked what Jim’s most memorable moments competing against Smith had been. The fan, (didn’t catch the name), had been at the 1987 NCAA game. But he also recalls the 1975 game when Jim was an assistant. The fan recalled that UNC had 7 future NBA guys on that roster and listed them. He also recalled the inbounds play Smith tried to use to get a cheap foul after Jimmy Lee’s shot. Jims aid that he got that from Wake Forest, who had successfully used it on him. The fan later met Walter Davis in an elevator, (so I guess he was also at the ’75 game) and, upon seeing the fan in his SU outfit, said “You guys kicked our butts”. A key moment was when the Heels had built up an 8 point lead with Smith’s “White Team”, he sent in the “Blue Team” and we got a bunch of turnovers and got it to 2 by halftime. “He had us on the ropes. It made a big, big difference.” So maybe “platooning” isn’t such a good idea, after all. The fan remembers Smith hiding out under the stands to smoke a cigarette at halftime. JB: “He smoked but he tried to hide it.”

He called that “probably the greatest victory we’ve ever had”, altho9ugh he noted we had to beat Kansas State in overtime the next day to get to the Final Four. He remembered coming back to Hancock Field to a mass of humanity, (I was one of them), with cars parked along the road for a half mile all the way out to the main road, (South Bay). “You couldn’t walk. That was the first time I realized how big going to the Final Four was. But when he became a head coach “people in North Syracuse didn’t know who I was.” (I knew who he was!)Then came the carrier Dome, the Big East and ESPN. Even Dave Gavitt, in his wildest dreams, never imagined 35,000 people watching a game like this in the Dome.“ He also wondered why we can’t sell one more ticket to set the record again.

Matt noted that Smith was the first coach to stress ‘offensive efficiency’ long before Pomeroy. Coach acknowledged that and he understands the stat but “I don’t need stats to tell me that Kentucky or Virginia are strong defensive teams. I didn’t need them to know that Georgetown made it tough for you to do anything. I’m not saying that stats aren’t relevant but they aren’t as relevant as people make them. Some of the stuff you don’t need to see. 20 turnovers is bad. Taking 30 shots to score 20 points is bad.” Hey, coach, those are stats! “Sometimes you can’t stop people just because they’re good.”

Jerry Tarkanian “was one of the best man-to-man pressure defense coaches ever and his players always played very hard. Jerry was a humble, nice guy and a great, great coach. He was one of the few guys to get a gold card in Las Vegas- he could go anywhere without having to pay for anything. If he wanted a new wide screen TV or his daughter needed a new car, it would be delivered the next day. One time we were at the best restaurant in Vegas. There was a parking garage 20 feet from the restaurant door but they parked Tark’s car right out front. This was 25 years ago. Everybody’s meal was at least $1000, plus drinks. It must have come to $2-3000. Tark asked me “Jim- is $5 enough for the tip?” He had no idea how much to tip. I told him I’d take care of it. When the attendant got his car, all he did was shake his hand. He had 200 tickets for every home game. 200 season tickets. One time he sold them to a guy who sold them for $5,000 each. “

Coaches were making $50,000 when I started. I was making $25,000, which seemed like a lot after making $10,000 as an assistant. By 1990, salaries were up to $125-150,000. Now some coaches are making $4-5 million. Sneaker money started coming in in about 1978. I was with Pony for two eyars before switching to Nike. George Blaney made $100,000 from his summer camps and they became big. You made more money from a summer camp than you did from your salary.”

Around college basketball: Connecticut “will have to fight to get into the tournament, even though they won the title last year.” Too many teams all look the same. They were watching the Mississippi Florida game, which the Rebels won on a long buzzer shot. “The Gators can’t get a break this year.” That Greek kid who played for Wake Forest, (Konstantinos Mitoglou), made hit his first 5 shots- all threes- vs. Miami, (he was 6 of 7 from the arc) and scored 21 points in a 72-70 win. “The way they played that night against us, that was a good win. The way Virginia Tech shot in the second half down there, that was a good win.

They discussed calling time outs when things were going poorly. John Calipari refused to call one, saying he wanted his team to play through the adversity. “Wooden never called time outs. Smith would call them for strategy but not because things were going bad. I call more timeouts than I used to. It helps a young tea. It can settle them down. I can give them a play.”

Carmelo Anthony has announced he will shut it down after the All-Star game, (which will be played at the Garden. “if his knee is bothering him, he should get it fixed. I don’t think it’s a bad knee injury. They’ll clean it out. He’ll be running in 2-3 months and then be ready to go full-speed next year. “

Phil Jackson’s triangle offense “has been a disaster in New York. It’s a specific offense for a great player. You need another really good player for all the isolations. The Knicks need to set screens. Tex Winter started the triangle at Kansas State when he had three 6-10 guys and wanted a triple post offense. It’s only worked when Jackson had Michael and Scottie or Shaq and Kobe. They thought they’d get LeBron, Paul or Durant. They’ve got no young guys. Atlanta built a nice team by developing young players. The Celtics are trying to do the same thing.”

Karl Malone has revealed he almost had a fight with Kobe Bryant after Karl hit on Kobe’s wife. JB: “That would have been a one-sided fight. Karl is 6-9 and 280.. Kobe’s around 200.”

Ralph in Richfield, Connecticut wants something I want. A team inbounding in their own offensive end should not be able to throw the ball into the backcourt . That should be an “over and back”. Jim recalled that we once lost an NCAA game when the refs called an over and back in an inbounds form the sideline, (actually Scoop Jardine thought it was going to be an over and back and traveled trying to avoid it). But he wasn’t “that concerned. Let them inbounds it. I want a 30 second clock.”

ESPN did a poll of coaches and 59% of them want a 30 second clock. Another 10% want a 24 second clock. And 10% want a 45 second clock. “I asked Tony Bennett, who objects to it, who long it takes his team to get a shot off. It’s about 15-16 seconds. Everybody gets off a shot in 30. Pitt attacks. Duke attacks. It actually hurts tams to hold the ball until the end. They get a bad shot. Coaches who aren’t very good think they are going to win by holding the ball.“ Still, it kills me when we give up threes at the buzzer. We never get them, Of course, because we don’t wait that long, although Cooney did get one vs. BC. They will be trying a 30 second clock I the NIT. “It’s a serious discussion. It won’t speed the game up a lot but it will help somewhat.

Jim was asked about weight training. “Weight training is essential in college athletics. It makes you a better player. Off season we do it 2-3 days a week. In season we do it to maintain. Our strength and conditioning people run a test on each player and design a program for him. We’ve had players who came in under 200 pounds get up to 240 or 250.” (Who?) A 10-15-20 even 30 pound change happens quite often. Eating right is important as well. Strength is Kaleb Joseph’s problem. He’s not strong enough yet.”

Coach “most likely” will be at the lacrosse game on Sunday against Cornell. “It’s a great sport to watch”. He’s excited we’d finally got a guy who can get us our share of the face offs, “They could win the national championship. They’ve come close hardly getting any face-offs as well.” But he doesn’t think much of the face-off itself. “It’s the dumbest thing ever. Basketball got rid of it, (the center jump after every basket) with the peach basket. But the traditionalists like it.”

Duane wanted to know how many autographs Jim had signed and what was the strangest thing he’d been asked to sign. “I don’t think I can say. I signed 10,000 basketballs after we won. I’ve signed 5,000 things in one day. In a normal year I probably sign 4-5,000 things. I’m just glad people want my autograph. If they don’t, that’s when you’re in trouble.” Last week someone had him sign a program from his first game as coach. “That was really cool.”
Ralph in Richfield, Connecticut wants something I want. A team inbounding in their own offensive end should not be able to throw the ball into the backcourt . That should be an “over and back”. Jim recalled that we once lost an NCAA game when the refs called an over and back in an inbounds form the sideline, (actually Scoop Jardine thought it was going to be an over and back and traveled trying to avoid it). But he wasn’t “that concerned. Let them inbounds it. I want a 30 second clock.”


It's a rare occurrence, but Boeheim got this right. No travel. It was called an over-and-back and it was the wrong call.

Jim was asked about weight training. “Weight training is essential in college athletics. It makes you a better player. Off season we do it 2-3 days a week. In season we do it to maintain. Our strength and conditioning people run a test on each player and design a program for him. We’ve had players who came in under 200 pounds get up to 240 or 250.” (Who?) ...

"He remembered coming back to Hancock Field to a mass of humanity, (I was one of them)"

I was there also.
He is I
and I am him!
Are you reeeeeeally? Cos Pat calls into radio shows a lot, but you have only 120 messages on this board. Hmmmm. (fingers drumming)
Also I had to re sign in with new user not to long ago

I started on this board when leaking Carmelo test scores

What were you before?

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