The team has arrived in Atlanta |

The team has arrived in Atlanta


2017 ESPN College Bowl Pick’em Winner
Aug 20, 2011
Here are some of the pictures that I took. Not all were great.
I took many with my camera high over head... many of those were blurry.
I did not upload any that featured coaches' family members.

Hopefully this will give you a taste of what things were like.
Part II follows below.

The band is ready to welcome the team.

The local fans await the arrival of the team at the top of the stairs.

It's a bit of a climb for the members of the team.

BMK is in the house!

Coach Autry arrives at the hotel.

<note: the system only allows 5 pictures per post... more below>
Are all the players accounted for and safely there? Rumors are obviously flyin again.
Are all the players accounted for and safely there? Rumors are obviously flyin again.

Cmon. Seriously?
Rumors? Care to elaborate?

As you all know Xmas and MCW hate each other. JB made them sit next to each other on the plane in order to bond, but they fought over the armrest sending a bag of peanuts sailing through the air. CJ, BT, and Southerland all alergic. They had to strap parachutes to Southy and CJ and send them overboard but Brandon was afraid to jump. So they had to transfer him to a Steven Segal piloted special forces stealth fighter in-flight. It was too risky and the transfer tunnel broke apart half way through the procedure. The good news is, Brandon made it to the stealth and is now fine, bad news is Segal didn't make it. Brandon decided not to play in honor of the heroic efforts of SS. Everyone got calmed down until, Autry was heard from the airplane's lavatory yelling, "Get these mother******* snakes off my mother******* plane!!!"

Well, I'm sure you can all guess what happened next.
This team just can't catch a break.
As you all know Xmas and MCW hate each other. JB made them sit next to each other on the plane in order to bond, but they fought over the armrest sending a bag of peanuts sailing through the air. CJ, BT, and Southerland all alergic. They had to strap parachutes to Southy and CJ and send them overboard but Brandon was afraid to jump. So they had to transfer him to a Steven Segal piloted special forces stealth fighter in-flight. It was too risky and the transfer tunnel broke apart half way through the procedure. The good news is, Brandon made it to the stealth and is now fine, bad news is Segal didn't make it. Brandon decided not to play in honor of the heroic efforts of SS. Everyone got calmed down until, Autry was heard from the airplane's lavatory yelling, "Get these mother******* snakes off my mother******* plane!!!"

Well, I'm sure you can all guess what happened next.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, Mylanta, that was awesome!
Rumors are true. Southerland crop dusted the entire east coast. Half the team did pass out on the flight as a result, but everyone is fine.

I just read "rumors are true" and had a heart attack.
As you all know Xmas and MCW hate each other. JB made them sit next to each other on the plane in order to bond, but they fought over the armrest sending a bag of peanuts sailing through the air. CJ, BT, and Southerland all alergic. They had to strap parachutes to Southy and CJ and send them overboard but Brandon was afraid to jump. So they had to transfer him to a Steven Segal piloted special forces stealth fighter in-flight. It was too risky and the transfer tunnel broke apart half way through the procedure. The good news is, Brandon made it to the stealth and is now fine, bad news is Segal didn't make it. Brandon decided not to play in honor of the heroic efforts of SS. Everyone got calmed down until, Autry was heard from the airplane's lavatory yelling, "Get these mother******* snakes off my mother******* plane!!!"

Well, I'm sure you can all guess what happened next.

SS... Scott Shafer? hard nosed pilot
As you all know Xmas and MCW hate each other. JB made them sit next to each other on the plane in order to bond, but they fought over the armrest sending a bag of peanuts sailing through the air. CJ, BT, and Southerland all alergic. They had to strap parachutes to Southy and CJ and send them overboard but Brandon was afraid to jump. So they had to transfer him to a Steven Segal piloted special forces stealth fighter in-flight. It was too risky and the transfer tunnel broke apart half way through the procedure. The good news is, Brandon made it to the stealth and is now fine, bad news is Segal didn't make it. Brandon decided not to play in honor of the heroic efforts of SS. Everyone got calmed down until, Autry was heard from the airplane's lavatory yelling, "Get these mother******* snakes off my mother******* plane!!!"

Well, I'm sure you can all guess what happened next.
I believed the bolded part.
Then, felt really dumb.
someone posted a facebook rumor on monday, it was an april fools day joke, unreal
All the players are there.

They made the players walk up a long set of stairs to get to the main lobby on their way to the elevators. All patrons normally climb those stairs as well. The players received their gift bags at the bottom of the stairs. It was at the top of the stairs where they were greeted by 50+ Orange well-wishers.

The only people that were "missing" we're Juli and GMac & family. JAB was very relaxed and shook some hands on the way to the elevator.

It was great to see that the assistant coaches took their entire families with them. The wives and kids made the trek up the stairs with their luggage (the kids any way) as well.

When the players and some staffers came back down, they first went back down the stairs to thank a local high school band that played when they arrived.

This was followed by a brief meet & greet session. It was made clear why GMac was originally missing as he appeared, pushing a stroller.

Lots of pictures were taken with the players. I was surprised to see how comfortable James was with the whole scene. He really enjoyed it and would probably still be there if it was up to him. Rakeem and Baye were also into it. MCW and CJ spent some time there as well. Some of the other guys were not as thrilled to be there... probably tired and eager to get some dinner.

I'll try to get some pictures up a bit later.
Basketball team hotel arrival pictures - part II
See the first set of pictures in the first post in this thread.

The team gets ready to meet the fans.

MCW signs some autographs.

Jerami poses with some fans.

James with one of the taller fans.

Matt Park trying to change locations of the radio show.
Rumors are true. Southerland crop dusted the entire east coast. Half the team did pass out on the flight as a result, but everyone is fine.


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