The Upside |

The Upside


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- First Quarter: Holy !. Second Quarter: Ugh!. Third Quarter: Meh. Fourth Quarter: Wow! I guess we shouldn’t give up on these guys. (I apologize to SU students if we interrupted their academic activities in the fourth quarter.)

- A huge adjustment was having Ryan Nassib roll out rather than keeping him in the pocket, where we couldn’t protect him. At first I didn’t think he could throw well on the run- he seemed just to focus on tossing the ball to a tight end five yards in front of him. But once he got the hang of it, he made some incredible throws- and his receivers some incredible catches and they brought us back into it and finally won it.

- I got the impression that Antwon Bailey really, really, really wanted to score a touchdown after his fumble that allowed them to go from 12 up to 15 up. Before that run, it was 40,000 people examining their stamp collections. After than it was bedlam.

I was all worried about Shane Raupers and his punting. He was terrific, averaging 44.0 per kick and getting the ball off consistently against a heavy rush.

- I spent a couple of possessions looking at nothing but Mackey MacPherson. He looked fine. The problems seemed to be elsewhere.

- The official stats credit Van Chew with 2 catches for 40 yards and no scores but he caught the two point conversion that tied it up and the game winner in OT, both great catches.

- Alec Lemon quietly had a strong game with 7 catches for 52 yards that allowed up to maintain possession at key times in the comeback.

- There are always unsung heroes. Keon Lyn saved the day on one play when the defense was in total confusion because of an inability to get the right “package” in. it was a battle to make sure we had 11 guys on the field and everybody as looking at each, perhaps counting head. Wake snapped the ball and Lyn smelled the play out, split two blockers and dumped the receiver for a two yard loss.

- Nick Provo made up for an early drop with a difficult catch and determined run to get us on the board.

- Josh Harris, who got 241 yards rushing against Va Tech last year, running behind a 320 pound per man line, got 64 yards in 21 carries and no scores.

- The paraphrase Gertrude Stein: A win is a win is a win is a win. An a win over a BCS team at home or an ACC team anywhere is a really good win.

1-0 and 11+ to go

Most positive for me was a clear advantage in conditioning. It impacted both lines (Nassib having more time, Ant having more room and finally a bit of pressure on their QB) and was a huge part of our being able to "play fast" during the last 10 minutes, just as Wake was gassed. A big home field advantage in the warm Dome i can't recall us having for years. First 50 minutes, eh. Incredible bonehead plays: Dorian, What on the punt coverage? And the secondary having to make an alarming number of stops, or whiffs. Your mind was racing ahead to USC, as in: what might the score of that game be? But it's something to build on ...
Who made the hit at the 15 after the kickoff when the game was tied at 29? He gets my SmilinBob hard stick of the game!
SWC - great write up.

A couple other notables:

- Great student section in the first half. That has to make the players feel great when they see support from their fellow peers.

- Kobena looked great returning kicks. Looking forward to him taking one to the house before long now that his feet are wet.

- Dan Conley was walking around the parking lots saying hello to the fans who were tailgating in Fine and Stadium. Really cool, never seen a coach do that before.

- Beer lines at the Dome were pretty short. Always a plus.

- Dyshawn Davis and Spruill played with alot of intensity I thought. As they continue to develop, I think they are going to be fun to watch. Lots of speed.

- Conditioning really showed off at the end of that game. How the offensive line held together and weren't completely gassed is a complete kudos to the S & C coaches.

- Play calling was way better in the 4th quarter.

See you next week!!!
Who made the hit at the 15 after the kickoff when the game was tied at 29? He gets my SmilinBob hard stick of the game!
I believe that was Jeremi Wilkes. Definitely a nice hit!

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