This statement sums up all that's wrong with college basketball |

This statement sums up all that's wrong with college basketball


Scout Team
Aug 26, 2011
They just said that Rick Pitino admitted that they foul guys in the open floor when they are bringing the ball up but count on the fact that the refs won't call every foul.
Not surprised at all. It was painfully obvious in their last game at the dome. You could actually see the surprise on the defenders face when he wasn't being called.
Referees see this quote. They know this. And they choose not to enforce the rules while collecting a big paycheck.

The whole thing is a sham.
who wants to watch a game where the refs call every foul ? it'd take 4 hours! walkons might like it.
who wants to watch a game where the refs call every foul ? it'd take 4 hours! and the walkons would finish.
that is shortsighted. If they call the fouls, the players will stop fouling on purpose and the game would resemble the fast paced, fluid and graceful game that it was intended to be.
well they were certainly calling fouls on rakim today and he never stopped fouling.
What if both teams get one or two players(no more) of their choosing who are allowed a 6th foul.

We come to watch players play not sit. I remember back to Okafor in the final four against Duke.
that is shortsighted. If they call the fouls, the players will stop fouling on purpose and the game would resemble the fast paced, fluid and graceful game that it was intended to be.

Instead of the rock fights most college basketball games are now? I'm with Jay Bilas - the college game is broken and its up to the refs to fix it.
Instead of the rock fights most college basketball games are now? I'm with Jay Bilas - the college game is broken and its up to the refs to fix it.
Absolutely agree, there is nothing better than a free flowing game where these tremendous athletes are aloud to display their talents, and I don't mean in an Ashton Broyld kind of way.
They just said that Rick Pitino admitted that they foul guys in the open floor when they are bringing the ball up but count on the fact that the refs won't call every foul.

The refs don't need to call every foul, but when one/two/three of a teams best players have three in the 1st half consistently, that crap would stop pretty quickly.
who wants to watch a game where the refs call every foul ? it'd take 4 hours! walkons might like it.

"if we call the fouls, players will stop fouling, if we don't call the fouls, players will foul more" - Jay Bilas

and I couldn't agree more
if the refs refs want to call it tight fine. loose even better cuz i hate constant whistles and play stoppages.
as long as the game is called consistently for both teams is all that really matters. but let the play decide it.
We need consistency, so expectations are set.

Just as big a problem is moving screens... Like why does Pitt get away with no-calls on moving screens year after year, yet we pull one in the same game vs. them yesterday and get called for it immediately?

Because the refs accept it as part of Pitt's play and don't with other teams.

Total BS...
if the refs refs want to call it tight fine. loose even better cuz i hate constant whistles and play stoppages.
as long as the game is called consistently for both teams is all that really matters. but let the play decide it.

So you're fine with the constant grabbing, hacking, downright mugging that has produced these wonderful 45-41 games as long as it's called evenly both ways? Why? It's such a product to watch and borderline boring. There were several cuse games I watched this year where I literally found myself bored, and they were one or two point games.
if the refs refs want to call it tight fine. loose even better cuz i hate constant whistles and play stoppages.
as long as the game is called consistently for both teams is all that really matters. but let the play decide it.
The whole damn point is that if they actually called it tight, the BS fouls would STOP
at no point did i find myself bored fact i absolutely enjoyed every minute of that "sh#t product". the people here (and jay bilas) calling for a return to the "pure" peach basket form of basketball
are merely speculating that the whistle every time down the court will cease. there is no evidence to back that up. i'll estimate i currently see probably 3 easy fouls every possession. do i want them all called? NO.
Not surprised at all. It was painfully obvious in their last game at the dome. You could actually see the surprise on the defenders face when he wasn't being called.
Its more of the surprised look on their faces when they DO get called for a foul in the open court. It's like "you let me do it all the other times, why not now?"
allow for more contact around the rim, don't allow handchecking of guards, and screeners have to be set. I'd be happy if this is how the game were officiated. I'm completely fine with guys punching each other (figuratively) in the paint; after all, that's what literally happened in the'glory days' of bball, but I hate the crap away from the basket that slows the quick guys down. Allow the defenders to make slight body contact, but penalize them if they're playing D with their hands rather than their feet.

I've given up on the charge/block call, btw. That's broken at both levels and seems to be almost solely driven by momentum and whether or not the ref is a d*ckhead.
They just said that Rick Pitino admitted that they foul guys in the open floor when they are bringing the ball up but count on the fact that the refs won't call every foul.

Well that, and recruiting violations, and coaches and schools not held accountable for violations, and non-student athletes, and player criminal activity, and one and dones, and SU being snubbed in 2007, and Miami, Ohio St, USC, and Kentucky.
They just said that Rick Pitino admitted that they foul guys in the open floor when they are bringing the ball up but count on the fact that the refs won't call every foul.

Not sure that style will fly in the ACC. Their first game at cameron or the dean dome they'll have 35 fouls called on them and have to adapt moving forward.

I will miss the Big East but everytime I watch ACC games it looks like their is so much more room on the floor due to players being able to move without being hacked down and held at every turn.

I'd also like to see more shooting fouls called on follow throughs. Specifically in the prior Gtown games, and what we'll see again tonight, are guys closing out on shooters and wiping them out and not being called. Gtown closes out hard on our shooters and I've watched triche and cooney get undercut in the corners as well as Southerland from 25 feet out in our games this year.
"I've given up on the charge/block call, btw. That's broken at both levels and seems to be almost solely driven by momentum and whether or not the ref is a d*ckhead."

i'll agree here. the charge call is way to frivolous for my taste. i always thought the standard was feet set and not moving. evidently that's not the case . james southerlan was set and his man had not yet launched into him. clear charge no call. yet the other night we see a man clearly side sidling in someone's path and it's a charge. as for hand checking it works both ways. michael carter williams would be on the bench 5 minutes into every game if they called the constant pushing on his off hand every time . pick your poison.
"I've given up on the charge/block call, btw. That's broken at both levels and seems to be almost solely driven by momentum and whether or not the ref is a d*ckhead."

i'll agree here. the charge call is way to frivolous for my taste. i always thought the standard was feet set and not moving. evidently that's not the case . james southerlan was set and his man had not yet launched into him. clear charge no call. yet the other night we see a man clearly side sidling in someone's path and it's a charge. as for hand checking it works both ways. michael carter williams would be on the bench 5 minutes into every game if they called the constant pushing on his off hand every time . pick your poison.

Bit of a chicken vs egg scenario there. If he didn't have a defender draped on him would he need to clear said defender with his off hand all the time?
at no point did i find myself bored fact i absolutely enjoyed every minute of that "sh#t product". the people here (and jay bilas) calling for a return to the "pure" peach basket form of basketball
are merely speculating that the whistle every time down the court will cease. there is no evidence to back that up. i'll estimate i currently see probably 3 easy fouls every possession. do i want them all called? NO.

Wouldn't the evidence be the NBA, where they went out of their way to clean up the game, and it worked?
can't say. sorry but i stopped watching the nba years ago when they stopped playing defense.

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